
Novas - The World 3023

Aric, an 18-year-old from the Valen Family, had some pretty big shoes to fill: + His grandpa, Agustin, is one of the seven strongest humans on Earth, known as Paragon Nova, with super strength. + His dad, David, is the smartest man on Earth, rocking a superpower of super intelligence. + His brother, Ryan, is tipped to be the next Paragon Nova with the same super strength as Grandpa Agustin. Now, imagine how much it sucked for Aric being the only one in the family without any powers, getting mocked and ridiculed for it! But then, everything flipped upside down when he met a life form from outer space named C99. C99 hooked Aric up with something called the Novas System, unlocking a crazy unique power: Mimicrion. And that’s just the start. The Novas System gave Aric all sorts of other perks to help him rocket up the Novas ranks. Of course, nothing comes for free. Aric’s world got turned on its head when he realized he’s now the main player in a massive disaster headed for Earth.

NoahCaelum · แอคชั่น
14 Chs

Chapter 12 - Secret Mission

"Don't be so sad. You still have many advantages that other Novas don't. First, for every power you copy, you also copy their understanding and mastery." 

This time, Aric paid full attention to C99's explanation. He wanted to master his power better. If what happened the other day repeated, at least he would be able to save himself.

"For example, the power of Aerokinesis. Even though Elis and Eliza have the same power, their understanding and mastery of it are different. These differences will give you the opportunity to form a better understanding and mastery."

"Second, you have missions. Try saying 'missions' when the panel is open," directed C99.

Aric followed all of C99's instructions. He really wanted to adapt as quickly as possible to his new system and powers.



Become the strongest Nova on Earth. The time frame is two years. Great rewards await. Failure will result in a very severe punishment.


Push-ups - 1000 timesSit-ups - 1000 timesWeightlifting - 1000 KGRunning - 50 KM (EXP reward - 100. Punishment will be given if failed)

"Damn! What kind of daily missions are these, C99?" Aric's mouth dropped open.

The first two might be achievable. The last two were incredibly difficult.

"Heh. Have you read the Main Mission yet?" teased C99.

Aric reread the Main Mission. This time he was even more shocked. Become the strongest on Earth within two years? "You're crazy, C99," Aric grumbled.

"Why? Scared? It should be very easy for you to become the strongest on Earth with your power. Even six months is enough. But maybe the system itself knows you're weak and soft, so it gives you more time," mocked C99.

C99's taunts slightly challenged Aric. "I'm not scared. But you know there aren't just humans on Earth, right?"

"Of course, I know. Why? Are you afraid of mythical monsters? Dragons? Griffins?"

Aric remained silent. He had read a book about Draconius, the Dragon Leader. Once upon a time, all seven Paragon Novas had to join forces to contain and force a peace treaty with Draconius.

Imagine that even Agustin, who is considered extremely powerful, had to get help from the other Paragon Novas. And that's not even mentioning the other species leaders that existed on the Earth.

He didn't know whether becoming the strongest meant defeating them or if the system had its own calculations to determine whether Aric's strength surpassed theirs.

"Huh. I feel like this power was mistakenly inherited by you. You're afraid of these mythical monsters on Earth. All of them are mere pets in other galaxies." There was some truth in her words but being pets was just exaggerating.

"Err… Sorry, C99. But you have to understand. I just got my powers today. Two years from now? That's impossible. My brother, Ryan, who has been training, fighting, and battling since childhood, is still far from reaching the level of Paragon Novas," replied Aric, being realistic.

"I don't care. I just need to make sure you succeed in our mission. If you fail, the punishment for the main mission... I can't even imagine it."

"Gulp. W-what do you mean?" Aric's hair stood on end hearing what C99 said.

He knew that if a power and system as incredible as C99 could be created to provide many advantages, the punishment he would receive would not be light. This was all to ensure that the rewards and punishments were proportional.

"I myself don't know how severe the punishment will be. That's why you can't fail, and I can't let you fail. For the punishment, we will be punished together. So, you have to listen to me." C99 seemed to enjoy this moment. She had found something to become more dominant over Aric.

"Alright. I'll leave everything to you, C99. You know more and are smarter. So, what about the daily missions?"

"Daily missions are tasks you have to do every day without fail. Besides the reward, you must have noticed that it will be beneficial for your physical strength. The stronger your physical strength, the more natural attribute increases you'll get," replied C99.

Thinking it over, Aric realized C99 had a point. "What you need to do in the daily missions can also change to help you become stronger. So, you need to check the mission panel regularly," C99 continued.

Aric nodded in understanding.

"Using these missions, you will be able to become stronger faster. Every time your level increases, you will be given 5 Free Attribute Points to use on any attributes," explained C99.

"Does that mean I can determine what kind of Nova I want to be?"

"Exactly! For HP and EP attributes, they will increase by 50 points for each level and each Free Attribute Point used. For other attributes, they will increase by 5." C99's explanation was lengthy.

Aric's face at that moment looked like a literature student forced to understand engineering theories and formulas.

"Ouch. I forgot. You're not that smart. I suggest you put all your attribute points into intelligence first. That will make it easier for me to communicate with you," C99 mocked.

Aric gave a crooked smile. 'She always has something to tease me about.' Aric was annoyed.

Aric wasn't unintelligent. During school, he was one of the brightest students in his class. However, his enthusiasm for learning waned as more and more of his peers began to manifest their powers.

There was no point in studying hard when they easily surpassed him with their powers or extraordinary intellect, even if their power grades were low.

He also wanted powers. Over time, more and more of his friends left school to join the Junior Novas Academy, specially for those under eighteen years of age. This somehow demotivated Aric from studying.


While chatting with C99, suddenly a loud explosion was heard in the main area of Disaster Shelter 05. The sound came from the opposite side of where Aric was resting.

The voices of city residents seeking shelter could be heard. They screamed and ran to save themselves from something.

"What's happening, C99?" asked Aric, a bit panicked. Despite being from the Valen Family, he had never been involved in such situations.

"The enemy has managed to breach Disaster Shelter 05. Be careful, Aric!" warned C99.

Aric's anxiety grew. This was because a critical issue was happening. There were no Novas on duty inside Disaster Shelter 05!

"How did they get in?"

"Hold on. I'm experiencing a power field interference. I can't pinpoint their entry location," replied C99.

Fortunately, David had provided safe sections in the main area. Most residents had managed to get inside. However, many were still falling victim.

Aric also tried to enter one of the sections. But those inside didn't want to open it. "Damn! Open it!"


A roar was clearly heard. Gauging from the sound, Aric was sure it wasn't just one monster that managed to break in. There were too many!

"You have no choice, Aric. You have to face them," said C99 firmly.

"Are you crazy?! I've never fought monsters before!" Aric's body trembled slightly. This was his first time facing such a situation.

Sure, he had seen monsters in the media. But the feeling was vastly different when facing them in person.

"Aric! Duck!" shouted C99.

Aric didn't think twice. He immediately ducked.


Aric lifted his head. Clearly visible now, the hand of a Steel Bull was just a few inches above his head. The hand was muscular and full of strength. It hammered the safe section's glass wall but could not make any impact on it. Those inside were confirmed to be safe from this calamity.

If Aric had acted a moment later, he would have lost his life. His legs shook as he looked back and saw the face of the Steel Bull.

Land monsters fell under the Therian category. This Steel Bull had the physique of a bull but walked like a human. It also wore clothing similar to a human battle suit but only on its lower body parts.

"Stay calm, Aric! Focus!" shouted C99 again. 

Since they shared a body and mind, C99 could feel what Aric was feeling. She didn't tease or look down on Aric because all of this was new to him.

Fortunately, C99's actions managed to wake Aric up a bit. "What should I do now?"

Those seeking shelter in the safety sections, which were vaults, looked at Aric with pity. They also saw Aric as if he had gone crazy because he was talking to himself.

"Fight. You have powers now."

"Fight?" Aric finally realized he wasn't the same person anymore. He had the Mimicrion power and had copied his mother's power.

[Host received a secret mission: Eliminate all Therians in Disaster Shelter 05]

"What's this, C99?"

"Later. You don't have time. Focus on your battle first!"

The Steel Bull looked at Aric as if looking at a meal ready to be devoured. Aric ran away from his enemy. At this moment, many unlucky residents had already lost their lives.

Aric couldn't let this continue. He had to do something. He was the only one with power in this place right now. Suddenly, C99's voice was heard, "Aric, I have something I can lend you. Hold on."

Without waiting for Aric's response, C99 immediately did what she wanted to do. "Arggghh!" Aric screamed loudly. His right eye felt very hot at that moment. He stopped running.

"What are you doing, C99?!" Aric held his right eye, which felt very hot and painful.

Aric didn't know what was happening to him at that moment. However, if anyone saw Aric now, something unique was happening. His right eye changed color to green. His other eye remained blue.

The combination of both colors and his somewhat handsome face made him even harder to ignore.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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