
Novas - The World 3023

Aric, an 18-year-old from the Valen Family, had some pretty big shoes to fill: + His grandpa, Agustin, is one of the seven strongest humans on Earth, known as Paragon Nova, with super strength. + His dad, David, is the smartest man on Earth, rocking a superpower of super intelligence. + His brother, Ryan, is tipped to be the next Paragon Nova with the same super strength as Grandpa Agustin. Now, imagine how much it sucked for Aric being the only one in the family without any powers, getting mocked and ridiculed for it! But then, everything flipped upside down when he met a life form from outer space named C99. C99 hooked Aric up with something called the Novas System, unlocking a crazy unique power: Mimicrion. And that’s just the start. The Novas System gave Aric all sorts of other perks to help him rocket up the Novas ranks. Of course, nothing comes for free. Aric’s world got turned on its head when he realized he’s now the main player in a massive disaster headed for Earth.

NoahCaelum · Action
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14 Chs

Chapter 13 - First Battle

"I lent you my eye," said C99.

"Your eye? Why?"

"There are many powers in this eye. But for now, you can only use one of its powers," explained C99.

"Whatever the power is, explain it quickly, C99. I don't know where else to run and hide," said Aric, who had already started running away from all the Therians present.

As he ran, his eyes scanned every corner, counting the number of enemies. There were about twenty Therians in the main area.

"Lesson one for you today: first identify who your enemies are, their levels, and their weaknesses."

"How? Isn't all that determined by the aura their bodies emit? You know I just discovered my powers today. How am I supposed to sense auras?" Aric began to grumble at C99. 

He was frustrated because it seemed like C99 wanted him to do many things he didn't know.

C99 sighed. "Lesson two: listen to everything I have to say before arguing."

"Now, focus on one of the enemies and try saying 'scan' in your mind. Don't shout," C99 continued. She didn't want Aric to interrupt again with complaints.

Without wasting time, Aric did as instructed by C99. "Scan!"

A light like an aura forming a soft, translucent flame appeared in Aric's right eye. It was green.

He just followed along. "Scan!" Immediately, the green light like a soft flame appeared in Aric's eye.

"Now, look at the enemy." As soon as Aric looked at one of the raging Therians, a Terralion, a type of mutant lion, all the information about the monster was immediately displayed in his mind, including its level, powers, power grade, and weakness.


[Species] Lion

[Power] Geokinesis

[Grade] E

[Level] 10

[HP] 500/500

[EP] 100/100

[Attributes] Strength - 40, Endurance - 40, Agility - 10, Vitality - 10, Intelligence - 2

[Weakness] The Terralion's body is very strong. However, there is a soft spot on the top of its head. Target that area.

"Due to your current low level, you can't get much information from your target. But for now, I think this is more than enough to help you," explained C99.

Aric nodded. He was now in a corner of the main area, trying to stay calm and use the Aerokinesis power he copied from Elis.

Fortunately for the wielder of Mimicrion, Aric also copied their memory and experience in using their powers. So, everything felt natural for Aric at the moment.

However, there were some constraints, such as the type of movements or the level of power produced might not match what Elis could do. This was because Aric's physical attributes were not on par with those of the original power owner.

"Are you ready?"

Aric nodded. "I'm ready."

As soon as the words were spoken, Aric sprinted towards the northern part of the main area. Those hiding in the safety sections began to see Aric moving incredibly fast.

"Eh? Who's that? Is there a Nova in this place?"

"Who cares. The most important thing now is that we all stay safe."

Some cheered, some scoffed, and some said that Aric would be beaten by the Therians in less than a minute. Even if Aric heard all that, he would still eliminate all the Therians present.

This was because he had received a secret mission and there was a reward waiting. He wanted to know what form the reward would take.

"I'm still nervous, C99," said Aric.

"Don't worry. Try fighting one of the Therians first." C99 seemed increasingly adept at reading Aric's situation and emotions. She managed to provide the most helpful advice at the moment.


Aric approached a Terralion. As he ran towards it, he scanned his enemy. "Level 10 and the weakness is the same. On the top of the head."

Seeing Aric approaching, the Terralion immediately turned to face him before charging at Aric. Its hands had large, sharp claws. They swung fiercely towards Aric.

Aric dodged to the side. Fortunately, after copying Elis's attributes, he had incredible speed. However, he still wasn't entirely accustomed to these attributes. He stumbled while dodging.

Seeing the attributes of the Terralion and knowing that his mother had only one percent of her full strength, Aric was confident that the Therians present could be easily defeated by her.

"Good. This will help you gain real combat experience faster," said C99.

"Good? I could die at any moment," replied Aric.

"Don't worry. I'll help you." True to her word, C99 acted like a coach for Aric. She gave directions on what to do, when to dodge, when to attack, and more until Aric could adjust.

"It turns out monsters aren't that scary," said Aric.

"If mythical monsters are just pets for galaxies much stronger than this, what do you think is the level of this Terralion you're facing? It's like dust."

"You're so arrogant, C99."

Aric tried to end his first battle quickly. This was because the longer it went on, the more people died, and surely all the Therians would start attacking Aric in groups afterward. 

Fortunately, all the Therians would first enjoy the human flesh they killed before moving on to other humans. The other Therians had not yet noticed Aric's presence.

Gradually, Aric became more adept at using the Aerokinesis power he copied. He jumped high into the air before diving down at incredible speed. His target? The top of the Terralion's head.

"Hiarghh!" yelled Aric. He chose to stomp with his foot instead of smashing the weak spot using his hands. He was still not used to it and felt a bit squeamish if his enemy's blood suddenly splattered on his clothes.

The Terralion screamed in pain. The difference in strength between them was also very apparent. Aric had far greater power. The top of the Terralion's head shattered before it died instantly.

[Host received 40 EXP]

[Level up to Level 1]

[Received 5 Free Attribute Points]

[All attributes +5]

[Level up to Level 2]

[Received 5 Free Attribute Points]

[All attributes +5]

[First battle reward: All attributes +20]

Aric immediately checked his Novas System panel.


[Name] Aric Valen

[Species] Human

[Power] Mimicrion (Aerokinesis)

[Grade] S* (S)

[Level] 2 + 9 (11)

[HP] 1750/1750 (5500/5500)

[EP] 1750/1750 (6000/6000)

[Attributes] Strength - 35 (105), Endurance - 35 (105), Agility - 35 (125), Vitality - 35 (110), Intelligence - 35 (120)

[Free Attribute Points] 30

[Cumulative EXP] 40

"Err… C99."

"What is it?"

"Don't you think I'm a bit overpowered right now?"

C99 almost laughed at Aric's words. "That's because you copied Elis's powers. You haven't even seen your status after copying Agustin's powers."

Aric fell silent. C99's words reminded him of something. He needed to be the strongest on Earth and surpass his grandfather, Agustin. 'Maybe if I get the chance, I should copy Grandpa's power. Then I'll know how far I have to go.'

"Enough. Focus on the situation now. The other Therians have noticed you, Aric."

It was true. They were quickly closing in on Aric. Earlier, he had been somewhat scared to face the monsters, but now his fear had diminished.

"With this power, I will help as many people as possible," Aric vowed.

Three Steel Bulls charged at Aric, their punches coming simultaneously. Their strength, in terms of levels and attributes, matched that of the Terralion from before.

Seeing the attack coming, Aric jumped high into the air to dodge. His leap was supported by the wind he controlled. He performed several backflips in the air before landing not far from the three Steel Bulls.

However, Aric's landing was a bit clumsy. He stumbled to the ground. "Ouch! That hurts," Aric yelled.

"Hahaha! Don't get too cocky. Saying that you're going to save humanity and all," C99 laughed heartily.

She wasn't too worried about the current situation because Aric's strength far surpassed his enemies. Even if they managed to hit Aric, they wouldn't be able to injure him.

"You have to understand, even though you have the memory to control the copied power, you lack the experience to do so. That's why you can't rush things," advised C99.

The spectators were also shocked by what they were witnessing. "Is he a low-rank Nova?"

"I don't know. I think he's really going to die this time."

"He's no different from us ordinary humans if he can't control his power."

"Stop talking. Didn't you see him take down a lion earlier? He's our only hope right now."

Aric, rubbing his sore face, looked around, at the enemies he was facing. They were bulls with metal-controlling powers.

Their bodies were silver, covered in metal. Their lower body parts were covered in a battle suit. Due to their numbers, they would be a big challenge for Aric.

Aric was only one level higher than them. One-on-one, it would be easy for him. But three against one? He wasn't sure he would win easily.

"Do you remember where their weak spots are?" asked C99.

Aric nodded.

"Good. Now, focus your attacks on their weak spots. Remember, you also need to manage the amount of energy (EP) you use."

At this moment, C99 really seemed like a coach to a fighter. Reminding and advising Aric.


The roar from his enemies wasn't like the sound of bulls we hear today. Everything had changed, especially for species that had undergone mutation and evolution.

The Steel Bulls Aric faced stood like humans on two legs. One of them ran quickly towards Aric before swinging its massive arm. Aric easily ducked to avoid the attack.

"Oops! You missed, buddy," teased Aric. He flashed a sweet smile at his enemy. Aric's action made the other bulls lose their patience and attack him simultaneously.

One of the Steel Bulls then ran like a regular bull and rammed into Aric. Aric was thrown several meters away. "That hurts!" Aric yelled.

"I thought with powers, I'd be invincible."

"Your body isn't used to it yet, Aric. That's why you feel so much pain right now. You need more combat experience."

'Father was right. Power isn't everything. Wisdom is still needed in battle.'

The first attack he received was a wake-up call for Aric. Even though he could copy powers, it didn't mean he could take things lightly and underestimate his enemies.

He still had a lot to learn. C99, who could read Aric's thoughts, seemed to be smiling, satisfied with Aric's change in attitude.

Using Aerokinesis, Aric chose to make his movements light but fast. He now moved like a feather in the wind.

Aric's movements were graceful. The three bulls once again punched towards Aric simultaneously. Their hands collided but failed to touch Aric.

Aric lightly jumped into the air before landing on the combined fists of the three bulls. He seized this opportunity to launch a large-scale attack. "Cyclone Blades!"

A strong wind that transformed into a sudden tornado emerged from Aric's body before swiftly engulfing his three enemies. Thousands of sharp wind blades, shaped like daggers, flew, slicing through his enemies.

Even though the attack seemed random, Aric was actually trying to concentrate the density of the wind blade attacks on his enemies' weak spots.

These weak spots were easily injured compared to other parts of the body. This relentless attack eventually brought down his enemies. Aric received several notifications from the system.

He knew what he received: reward and level-up notifications. Finally, Aric's three enemies fell. Nothing remained after the attack.

His smile widened. "That's one of Mom's techniques."

He clenched his hand and looked at it. A sense of pride rose within him. "It seems I've also stepped into the real world of Novas."

Suddenly, C99's voice interrupted and became a joy killer, "Actually, you didn't need to use your powers so much. Your physical strength alone is more than enough to defeat them. Like you said, you're too overpowered."

Aric's smile stiffened. He had scanned but hadn't thought of it that way. "That's why you need to rely more on intellect," teased C99.

Aric ignored C99's taunt. He wasn't satisfied yet. He wanted to eliminate all the Therians still wreaking havoc in the main area!