
Big News, For You

The next morning, the Dragon Plains forums were in chaos due to the appearance of a particular spell. People had already learned to coat their weapons with magic, to a bit of effect. But that was nothing in the face of what was seen overnight.

When Frame was in the testing grounds, a relatively popular pair of streamers were documenting their play through of the game. They caught the sight of the chaos blade and its dominating appearance on video, which was then posted as they asked about how to get the spell. With many other players clamoring for answers as well, the developers explained that someone managed to create their own magic, and were thus the only person who could teach it. And while others who managed to figure out the same combination would be able to get and teach the spell, the skill level would be capped at level 10 whereas the skill taught by the original creator could reach skill level 20.

With this news many E Sports teams and guilds started to search for this player, with the full intention of recruiting him. Not only was the skill visibly overpowering, it was known that that was still at skill level 1. Unaware of all this, Frame woke up with a yawn and did some stretches recommended by his father.

Feeling refreshed and ready for a new day, Frame walked out of the inn only to be swarmed by players. They didn't know his name, but Frame's appearance was still enough to go on. As people were begging for him to teach them his spell, Frame repeatedly told them that he didn't want to teach anyone for the time being. Some tried to bribe Frame with money, some players even offering their bodies as payment, all of them were refused and the man who offered his body was floored with a fist. After what felt like forever, the crowd finally dispersed.

Walking towards the West Forest that was mentioned the day before by a villager, Frame double checked and confirmed that his equipment was all in place. With everything prepared, he went into the forest.

After about an hour of hiking, Frame saw an orc. It stood at 6'7, with rugged grey skin and a large build. The orc had a large nose with an under bite on its jaw with a pair of fangs jutting out. As Frame was looking, a pair of beady red eyes focused on him. The tunic clad orc charged forward with a hatchet in hand, causing Frame to dodge to the right.

Before the orc could respond to the change in direction, a sword severed the tendons in its left leg behind the knee. Dropping into a kneeling position, the orc tried to lunge at Frame, only to be run through. Frame removed his sword from the corpse before putting the hatchet on his belt and began to search the orc.

Walking away 9 coppers richer, Frame continued to sneak deeper into the woods. He soon saw a group 6 orcs, 4 with the same tunic and hatchet as before, while the other two had leather chest and leg guards on paired with a short sword. This group was currently fighting a pack of wolves, seemingly about to win. As the last wolf fell dead, the orcs started to search the area. Knowing that he will respawn, Frame decided to take the risk.

As an orc neared the tree he stood behind, Frame went the opposite direction of the footsteps and went to one of the armored orcs. When he was finally behind it, Frame buried his new hatchet into the orc's head, killing it. Quickly scampering to hide, Frame saw another orc draw near. This one was unarmored, meaning that a surprise attack to the legs was viable. Slashing the knees like before, Frame then wrapped an arm around the orcs neck before doing a pirouette, letting his weight snap the orc's neck.

The orc, however, fell forward with Frame on top of it, making a loud thud. This drew the attention of the other orcs, who finally noticed their dead comrades. With a roar, the three tunic orcs charged, with the one in the middle catching a hatchet with his stomach. Ignoring their companion on the ground, the other two continued their charge. Frame stepped to the left at the last moment, causing the orc to his right to miss while he parried the strike from the left. Feeling the heavy blow, Frame estimated the tunic orc's strength stat to be around 1.75, a good deal higher than the newbie players, who unlike Frame, had all stats at 1.

Pulling his sword outward while still hooked by the hatchet, Frame slid the blade back and into the orc's throat before feeling pain in his right chest. Slashing to the side in retaliation, the orc responsible lost its hand and then its heart. Walking over to the wounded orc on the dirt, Frame stomped on its skull, crushing it.

Standing on the corpse of an orc with his ribs exposed on his ribs exposed just to the right of his sternum, blood covered sword and dark expression, the last surviving orc howled in fear and tried to flee. But how could Frame allow that?

Bloody and grey flames enveloped his sword as Frame sprinted after his prey, cutting down any foliage in his path. After some time, the orc was injured and exhausted, and unable to stop its execution. After the chase, Frame was quite glad he used {[] Chaos Blade []}, as he still had a burnt and torn path back to home.

{[] You have exerted your strength, dexterity, vigor, and intelligence. [] STR, DEX, VIT, INT +1.5 []}

{[] Name: Frame [] Race: Human [] Titles: Coremaster [] HP: 315/350 [] MP: 210/300 []}

{[] Stats [] STR: 4 [] DEX: 3.5 [] VIT: 3.5 [] PER: 1.5 [] INT: 3 [] CHA: 1.5 []}

{[] Active Skills [] Chaos Blade lvl 1: +60 Chaos ATK, -60MP, -5MP/min []}

{[] Passive Skills [] Above All Others lvl 1: Stat Growth x2 [] Limitless: Can Use Abilities Of Any Type []}

{[] Infinite Potential lvl 1: Proficiency Growth x2 [] Insurmontable lvl 1: 10% Resistance To All []}

{[] Feared By The Gods: Any Being With Divine Power Will Not Take Action Against You Willingly []}

{[] Blacksmith lvl 1: Can Smith Simple Weapons []}