
Chapter 4


This is probably going to be the longest entry ever Ok... this is a lot to take in but ok. Hmm, where was I? Ah-ha! Yes, yesterday I was at the café with pitch (apparently that's his name). Then he took me to his car and out of the city and to the countryside, we drove for an hour of complete pin drop silence. Soon we reached a huge mansion within the middle of nowhere, by now I was starting to get a really bad feeling about this, as we got out I nervously told pitch "um hey... look pitch I'm sorry but- you see I have some important business to attend to so I gotta go."

I was about to step back into the car when he grabbed my upper arm and spoke in a hoarse sound " you aren't going anywhere"

I got chills down my spine, but I knew he wasn't in the mood to play around so I obediently followed him. He rapped on the wooden door thrice and it opened from within, and we came face to face with one of the most stunning faces ever, is this person a vampire? If so, does beauty come with being one? I was driven out of my trance when the man spoke in the same hoarse, mesmerizing voice.

" business?" pitch exclaimed some mumbo jumbo and the man let us in.

Once inside it took me a while to adjust to the darkness. Once I adapted to the dark I could make out tons of dark shadows bouncing off the wall at an inhuman speed. Once more I felt a strong grip on my arm and was guided through the dark up the stairs and into a room. Once inside someone turned the lights on, blinding me. Again I looked up to see a group of men and women sitting a circle as if performing some type of ritual. They looked at me then at pitch, again the latter said some mumbo jumbo and the group nodded. A few people moved around to make room for us to sit.

After everyone had settled down an old man got up and squatted in front of me he had midnight black eyes which bore into my hazel ones. He glanced at pitch then back at me and spoke in a raspy voice surprisingly it was quite demanding for an old man.

" is he-?"

"Yes, found him at in the city"

"Ohk," he got up and stretched " pitch come with me, I need to talk, Penelope answer his questions" he carelessly gestured towards a girl not much younger than me sitting in the corner, I might have missed her when I came in. she nodded. Pitch and the old man went out the door and soon one by one the men and women. As soon as the last person went out we heard the bolt click, we were locked in. I looked towards Penelope waiting for her to talk, she looked at me then back at the door.

finally, she spoke. " Do you know who you are?"

" yes- I guess so... a vampire?" I'm still not sure about this.

" yes, do you have any questions?"

"Yes! Who are you guys? and who was that old man? Where am I? Why am I here? Are you guys a vampire too? Is this all a joke? Are you trying to kidnap? me because I have nothing!" she starts laughing

"What!?" I wait for her to stop feeling highly offended

"L-look, we are a coven or to be precise 'your coven', that old man was the coven head, you're at your lair, you're here because your one of us, yes most of us are vampire's, no this isn't a joke and no we not trying to kidnap you," she claimed in one breath. I was left speechless.

"What do you want from me?!"

"Me? Nothing, them something, oh I don't know exactly but they were talking about some type of-"

The door slammed open and came in pitch. He grasped my hand and took me to the door.

"Penny they need you downstairs" and we left. He took me up the stairs into an office where the old man was sitting behind the desk. He turned around and beckoned me to join him, I sat and waited for him to declare my fate.

" you'll be staying here"

"Huh me?"

"Yep your room is in the basement downstairs" he turns around again, his back facing me.


He looks back at me and smirks "you aren't scared of them are you?"


"Good pitch show him to his room"

"W-wait what about my family and stuff?!"

"Oh! Hmmm they can wait, pitch you know where he lives?" the one asked nods

"Ok after sending him to his room go to his parents and ask them for his clothes and tell them he's staying at a friends house for a few days-"

"But what if they say no?" there is no way my parents would agree for this

"Force. Breakthrough force." pitch nods again.

He signals me to follow him then he leads the way to my room. It is a dark room with slimy walls with stains all over them, the air was humid, a single lamp hung from the ceiling illuminating the middle. There was a bed in the middle, the sheets were stained red, presumably blood. Down here it has an eerie silence you can't hear anything that's going upstairs. Pitch dropped me here and left in a hurry.

The rest of my day was very "fascinating." notice the sarcasm there. Anyways I just sat there and waited and waited it was way past 9 and still I had nothing to eat. I was practically starving. The only thing I had today was breakfast, nevertheless, I fell asleep.