

[DROPPED] His past life was a misery that he wanted to escape with all means... But now things were different, he vowed to rectify his past mistakes and become a better man capable of protecting his loved ones at all costs. With the gift of harbouring two mana cores in his body... Only sole human capable of wielding 'Aether'.... Great Family that supported him throughout his growth from learning magic to swordsmanship... And being able to traverse a pocket dimension to his will known as 'Vanta Black.' Life seemed rather nice for him, until he learned that the very Deities this world worshipped and looked up to weren't as he thought they were. ●DISCORD SERVER LINK IN BIO N/B: The Cover and Character arts are mine

HeavenlyMike · แฟนตาซี
107 Chs













"What!....Did I just....DIE!?"

Most importantly who or what was that figure at the building?

So now what….I'm I going to be received in heaven or face the harsh realm of Hell?

I'm thinking Purgatory will suit me.

Wait, how come I can feel my body? The moment I looked across I let out a loud yelp…

"AAAAAHHHHH!.....what the…who's that naked dude?"

"OH, it's me.....[NERVOUS LAUGH]...

"Crap!...even my own appearance scares the hell out of me."

I couldn't tell how long I was there but I spent the entire time trying to figure out the mystery before me….It was like a double of me that I could see right across the dark Void of nothing but emptiness.

When I moved right…it moved right too and was staring back at me.

I must have over thought it, could be just my own reflection.

"UGH…."I let out a groan to signify how bored I was. After walking around for ages with no leads to escaping the supposed matrix I decided to just lay down. The moment I laid down my reflection did the same….and we just stayed there staring at each other.

The place was pitch black but I could tell that what was supposedly the floor was indeed in liquid form but I could walk on it.

Guess even the gods couldn't care less about a crappy nobody like me...that explains why I'm still…who knows the hell where I am.

I got up and looked straight at my reflection, at that moment my heart thumped hard, it was like a surge of electricity. That was when I noticed my reflection beginning to wither and fade like ash being blown away by a gentle but hefty breeze. And sure enough the same thing was happening to my body.

My life flashed before my eyes as regret surged through me as if taunting me of the horrible decision I had made.

"No…anything but this, I regret my decision of wanting to end my life but here it is being handed to me on a silver platter…mom…dad…I'm sorry…I know you would have wanted me to stay strong and be a better version of myself.

[SOB]...Wherever you are...make room for me cause I'll be joining you. Hope you'll receive me with open arms…..but knowing you mom...you'll probably scold me while holding my ear..[CHUCKLES]...up to this point I regret every single decision I've made in my life."

And with that as my last words a teardrop rolled down my cheeks making a splash sound and my body faded completely...….

************************************ *******************************************

"Look honey, he has your snow white hair."

"And he has your skin tone and complexion, and those eyes undoubtedly yours of course."

"Ehhhhh….what are you going on about….wait I can open my eyes."

My sight wasn't clear, it was blurry but I was able to make out what was unfolding before my eyes.

My body felt warm only to realize that the warmth was from me being held in the arms of the woman who was staring right down at me.

It couldn't be mistaken but the smile she gave out was that of a loving and caring mother.

"Honey…..come look, our baby son is here!"

"Baby!?.....I'm not a ba…"

"Oh wow, he's as handsome as his dad….yes you are…oh, yes you are." The large man said before picking me up like a feather with zero effort applied.

"I demand you put me down at once!" I said with charisma but all that came out was the unintelligent mumble of a baby.

"What…the…ARRGGGH…my arms!"

My arms were so small…..and that was when it dawned on me.

I underwent a Transmigration, in other words..... I got REINCARNATED.

***{1 MONTH LATER}***

I thought this only existed in the anime world and fiction stories that I used to read and not to mention…..I never died in a way to get Isekaied…..c'mon everyone knows that the only way to get Isekaied is by getting run over by the master criminal behind most protagonists death before transferring to another world…..TRUCK-KUN.

If I remember clearly, I never encountered Truck-Kun before dying. But it couldn't be doubted at all cause the facts were right in front of me.

The place was furnished with wood and lamps lighting from each corner of the room. A fireplace lay at the very end giving off light and warmth.

Before I finished analyzing the room someone picked me up.

The woman holding me is my supposed mother. Her fair skin tone glowed with beauty, her red hair was glossy and glimmered in the light. And by my calculation she had the perfect, sculpted body of a nineteen year old lady.Crystal…..Crystal Ayden was her name.

Michael Ayden who was the man of the house and my father for that matter had white messy hair, a physique that stood out like a sore thumb, he was well built and also looked like he was in his twenties.

So to be clear we are practically in the same age frame, considering in my past life I was eighteen before dying.

Wow, I'm surprised at the fact that people in this world are allowed to procreate at this early age.

Most of the time I spent in my cradle staring at the ceiling, my mom often coming in to check on me, Michael would occasionally come in make silly faces at me before proceeding to persuade me to try and say "Dada" while all I did was stare blankly at him with cold-filled eyes.

This was what I was given as a Father figure...he is supposed to be my dad?....He's just a goof ball, a man-child for that matter…..see this is the exact reason why I refer to him as Michael, I refuse to call him father.

I wonder what mom saw in him.

And before you ask…..No..I was not born into a noble family, rather my mom and dad are farmers….yeah….,this might not suit you but I'm okay with it.

***{1 YEAR LATER}***

Today, I did the most intelligible thing a kid like me would ever imagine. I have to say it was the most proud and exciting moment of my life as my parents cheered me on.

"YES!....I can crawl."

After a couple of weeks my parents regretted me learning to crawl.

"Jay!....Jayyyy….c'mon sweety it's not funny anymore, come out."

Oh…and I go by the name Jay….Jay Ayden.

It was like a goose chase and a game of hide and seek everyday in that house. My crawling speed was like that of a god….and I bet no other baby has ever managed to surpass or reach it.

I was hiding and whenever my parents caught me, I would run like the wind. It was fun for me but definitely tiring for my parents.

While my parents were looking for me all around the house I managed to complete my mission of climbing the kitchen window. Since it was the only reachable window in the entire house, not to mention, I was aided by a foot stool.

What I saw beyond that window was certainly jaw-dropping. Mountains could be seen, trees were in all shapes and sizes forming a complete forest. It was all green and the best part is the fresh air….air that is not polluted by technology or running industries.

Right after that a bird landed on the window. When I tried to touch it, it let off its wings ,the bird startled me considering it had two pairs of wings.

"What the..."

A loud thud could be heard from the kitchen followed by the cry of a baby in pain.

"JAY!....Oh my god, are you okay sweetie." Mom came rushing to the kitchen and held me in her hands before placing me on the kitchen table.

"Is he okay?" Michael asked.

And yes, I still refer to him as Michael…..until he earns my respect.

"Of course he's not, didn't you hear the loud thud….don't worry Jay, mummy will fix you up right away with an incantation spell.

"A ….S-P-E-L-L?" I thought.


'Hail Uriel, Guardian of the North...…"

"Pfft….Yeah right like that's gonna work…"

'' Let your spirit inform this circle, add your will to mine. For those who have fallen, restore the gift of....HEALING!"

I watched in awe as the scar on my arm reinstated back to normal.


Edited by: JJ

Trust me,this story takes a completely different and unexpected turn.........

HeavenlyMikecreators' thoughts