
Noir In One Piece

I'm dropping this fic and will write a new one

noir_kubes017 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Ch. 2[GACHA]


After thoroughly testing all the abilities I had gained from Sho Kusakabe, it was time to check out my gacha system. With a deep breath, I called out to the system, eager to see what kind of items and abilities it could offer me.

"System explain your features " I said, my voice echoing through the empty room.


•It is posible to gain character, item, and power in all fiction/myhts

•There are also 1 time consumable items to increase power, change appearance, ticket to other world, and change other summon personalities or background

•You can earn 1 gacha point a day

•You need 05 gacha point per 1 roll

•You can do 10 roll in gacha for 50 gacha point and it increase the chance of getting better reward

•You can pay double if you want to roll in a spicific world or spicific category like item/character/power

•You can assimilate the character you get in the gacha or summon them, assimilating character can take more time if the character is powerful or have special physic/bloodline

•Your summon can't hurt you and do harm to you but can influence your judgement, you can also make your summon absolutely loyal to you but they will become a puppet that only takes order and loose their personality

•You can see your own interface and your summon

•You can only put item/character/power that you summon in the gacha inventory

•You can also assimilate character in your summon or someone and give them power you get in the gacha

"So, I can also assimilate the characters I get in gacha, just like how I was assimilated with Sho Kusakabe in the wheel of reincarnation," I mused, feeling a sense of wonder at the possibilities. "And I can also make my summons or subordinates more powerful by giving them abilities or assimilating them with characters I get in gacha."

The potential for endless combinations and strategies filled me with excitement and anticipation. With the gacha system and my pyrokinetic abilities, I knew that I had the power to change the course of history and make a difference in this world.

"But I also knew that I had to be careful," I reminded myself, fully aware of the dangers of the gacha system. "The power it holds is immense, and it could easily corrupt me if I become addicted to rolling pulls."

I knew that the temptation to keep rolling for better and better characters could be overwhelming, but I also knew that it was important to exercise restraint and responsibility. The gacha system was a tool, and like any tool, it could be useful or harmful depending on how it was used.

[By the way, host, you can earn gacha points by completing achievements] the system informed me.

[You can view your incomplete achievements in the archives. Additionally, you can earn even more points by completing quests or world quests]

I nodded, taking note of the system's advice. It made sense that there would be other ways to earn gacha points besides exchanging berries, and I was eager to explore these options further.

With that in mind, I accessed the archives and browsed through my incomplete achievements. The tasks ranged from defeating powerful pirate/marine to mastering new haki, banging boa hanckock dafuq.

each one offered a tantalizing reward in the form of gacha points.

"By the way, system, do I have a newbie gift like other transmigrators get?" I asked, curious about any potential rewards that I might have missed.

[Yes, host. You have a newbie gift waiting for you it's 100 gacha points for you first 20 pulls] The system replied.q

I smiled, feeling grateful for the system's generosity. It was clear that the gacha system was designed to help transmigrators like me succeed, and I was eager to make the most of its offerings.

"Also," I continued, "can I name you? It feels strange to keep calling you 'system' when we're talking."

[Of course, host. You may give me any name you like] The system replied.

After a brief moment of thought, I decided on a name. "How about 'Piatos'?" I suggested.

[Piatos. I like it. From now on, you may call me Piatos]

"You can also just call by my name"

[Okay Noir *blush*]


With that settled, I felt a sense of camaraderie with Aria, knowing that we were in this together and that we could accomplish great things if we worked together.

With my thoughts in order, I called out to the gacha system once more. "Piatos, show me my interface," I said,

[Okay Noir]


RACE: [Human]

ABILITIES: [Adolla Burst(Pyrokinesys)]






Excited to see what kind of characters and items I could obtain, I called out to the system. "Piatos, spend 50GP to draw 10 rolls in the Omniverse gacha," I said, eagerly anticipating the results.

In response, the system replied, "OK, Noir," and began to spin the wheel. I closed my eyes and focused on my intentions, hoping to obtain powerful characters and useful items that could aid me on my journey.

As the wheel spun, I felt a sense of anticipation and excitement building within me. I knew that the gacha system was unpredictable, but I also knew that it held the potential for incredible rewards.

Finally, the wheel stopped, and I opened my eyes to see the results.

1. AK47(Unlimited bullets)

I guess i will give the marine a taste of freedom🦅


•___• i already got my dinner tonight

3.T-800(Arnold Schwarzenegger)

I already know who's gonna use the freedom47

4.Annihilation Palm Technique



6.Plasma Shotgun(it's need a 10 sec charge to shoot)

7.Ability Upgrade Card(Can make one of your abilities to break through another level)

8.Vibramium Shield

9.Bone Chilling Flame(Rank 11 Heavenly fire, btth)

HOLY SH-"#:'!?$@=/&%, Finally something i can use for my growth

10.Item Enchantment Chard(Can upgrade or add new abilities in your item)

I will check what i have obtain later i will spend my last 5p first "Piatos draw another 10 pulls"

1.Phoenix Bloodline(ATG)

If i put this into that chicken will he become a Phoenix or will still be a chicken but with Phoenix abilities?

2.Foundation Building Liquid

3.Senzu Beans X06

4.Scorching Blade(Shakugan no Shana)

With this i don't have to worry about having no weapon and it's perfect with my Adolla Burst, i can also make it powerful as named sword if i suply it with enough haki

5.Clone Troopers X1000(Army Package)

Great now I don't have to worry about the lack of people when the Marines attack the island

6.World Cube(Pocket World or dimension)

Now that I have this, I can make the residents of the island go to my pocket world after the Marines attack the island

I knew that it might be difficult to convince the residents of the impending attack, and I didn't want to risk their safety by leaving them on the island. With my pocket world, I could provide them with a safe haven and protect them from harm.

As for how to inform them of the attack, I wasn't sure. It might be best to speak to Dr. Clover and see if he had any ideas. Alternatively, I could try to approach the residents directly and convince them of the danger they faced.

7.Primodial Dragon Bloodline

8.Katsuki Bakugo

9.Tai ji Golden Barrier Formation(can withstand 2 strike nuclear bomb)

10.Great Absorbtion Manual


"Piatos open the system inventory," I said, eager to see the new items and characters that I had obtained from my gacha pulls.

In response, a holographic display appeared before me, showing a list of my recent acquisitions. [Here Noir]



•T-800(Arnold Schwarzenegger)


•Katsuki Bakugo


•Ability Upgrade Card (01)

•Item Enchantment Card (01)



•annihilation Palm Technique


•Plasma Gun

•Vibramium Shield

•Bone Chilling Flame

•Pheonix Bloodline

•Foundation Building Liquid

•Senzu Beans

•Scorching Blade

•Clone Troopers Army Card

•World Cube

•Primodial Dragon Bloodline

•Taiji Golden Barier Card

•Great Absorbtion Manual

"Piatos assimilate Katsuki Bakugo, then equip Scorching Blade and World Cube," I commanded, eager to see how the explosive hero's abilities would augment my own.

As I commanded Piato to assimilate Katsuki Bakugo's abilities, a panel appeared in front of me, asking if I wanted to assimilate his character card.

Without hesitation, I selected "Yes," eager to add the explosive hero's card to my collection. the system began to assimilate Katsuki Bakugo, integrating his explosive powers and combat skills into my own.


[Katsuki Bakugo %24]Estimated time of completion 2 weeks

[By the way, Noir, you can fasten the assimilation process by practicing the character's abilities,] Piato informed me, offering a helpful suggestion.

I nodded, realizing that Piato was right. By practicing Katsuki Bakugo's explosive powers and combat skills, I could become even more proficient in using them, allowing me to assimilate them more quickly and effectively.

Next, I equipped the Scorching Blade and the World Cube, two powerful artifacts that I had obtained from my gacha pulls. The Scorching Blade was a fiery sword that could cut through even the toughest of materials, while the World Cube was a powerful artifact that could manipulate space and time and have own dimension.

"Piatos, if I equip the bone chilling fire, will it be painful like how the MC in BTTH did?" I asked, hesitant about the potential consequences.

[Yes, Noir, it will be painful like a bitch since it will integrate with your soul] Piato replied honestly.

[I suggest integrating with the Primordial Dragon Bloodline first, as it will lessen the pain. Integrating with a bloodline is still painful, but it is more worth it to integrate with the Dragon Bloodline first since it will reduce the pain and allow you to obtain the full benefits of the Bone Chilling Fire]

I nodded, taking Piatos advice to heart. I knew that acquiring the Bone Chilling Fire would be a powerful asset, but I also didn't want to risk harming myself in the process. Integrating with the Dragon Bloodline first seemed like the logical choice, allowing me to reduce the pain and make the integration process smoother.

"Then let's integrate the Dragon Bloodline now, Piatos," I said, steeling myself for the inevitable pain.

[Okay, Noir, be ready to bear the pain] Piatos warned, his voice filled with concern.

I nodded, taking a deep breath as I prepared myself for what was to come. I knew that the integration process would be painful, but I also knew that it was necessary if I wanted to unlock the full potential of the Bone Chilling Fire.

With Piatos guidance, I began the integration process, feeling a searing pain as the Dragon Bloodline merged with my own. It felt like fire coursing through my veins, and I gritted my teeth as I endured the intense agony.

The integration process was intense, and it took a full 30 minutes before the pain finally began to subside. I gritted my teeth and endured the agony, knowing that it was necessary if I wanted to unlock the full potential of the Bone Chilling Fire.

As the pain slowly faded away, I felt a surge of power and energy coursing through my veins. The Dragon Bloodline was now a part of me, and I could feel its incredible strength and resilience pulsing within me.

With the integration process complete, I knew that I was now ready to intirigrate the 'Bone Chilling Fire' "Now that I have integrated the Dragon Bloodline, I am ready to integrate the Bone Chilling Fire," I said to Piatos, feeling confident in my ability to handle the process now that I had the Dragon Bloodline's resilience and strength.

[Very well, Noir. Proceeding with the integration process,] Piato replied, his holographic display lighting up in response to my command.

As before, I felt a searing pain as the Bone Chilling Fire began to integrate with my soul. But this time, the pain was less intense than before, thanks to the Dragon Bloodline's protective influence. I gritted my teeth and focused on enduring the pain, knowing that the rewards would be worth it.

As the integration process completed, I felt the cold energy of the Bone Chilling Fire coursing through me. It was a strange sensation, but also exhilarating, as if I had unlocked a whole new level of power and potential.

After finishing the integration process with my new powers, I decided to test them out tomorrow. It was getting late and I was tired from the intense experience, so I knew that I needed to rest.

But before I could settle in for the night, there was a knock on my door. "Come in," I called out, curious to see who it was.

The door opened, and in walked Robin. Earlier, when I was testing my abilities that I had obtained from Sho Kuasake, she had walked out of the room, saying she was going to help Doctor Clover.

"Hey, Noir," Robin said, his voice filled with concern. "I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing."

I could sense the worry in his tone and wondered what had happened while I was testing my new abilities. "I'm doing okay, Robin," I replied, trying to sound reassuring. "What are doing here it's already late why are you still awake?"

"What are you doing here? It's already late. Why are you still awake?" I asked Robin, surprised by his presence in my room.

"I just can't sleep," he replied, his voice filled with worry. "I can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday. I thought you were going to die."

I nodded, understanding his concern. But I didn't want Robin to worry unnecessarily. "I'm fine, Robin. You don't have to worry about me."

Robin sighed. "I know, but I just can't shake the feeling. That's why I'm here."

I frowned, unsure of what to say. It was unusual for Robin to be so vulnerable, and I could sense his fear and anxiety. "What do you want me to do?"

"I just want to sleep with you," Robin admitted, his voice soft and hesitant. "I'm scared to be alone in my own bed."

I hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Okay, Robin. You can sleep here if it makes you feel better."

As Robin settled in beside me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of discomfort. Even though I was in the body of a child, it still felt strange to share a bed with a 7-year-old girl.

I shifted slightly, trying to find a comfortable position without touching Robin. It wasn't that I didn't trust him or appreciate his need for comfort, but the situation was awkward and unfamiliar.

As I lay there, I couldn't help but think about the challenges that lay ahead. The world was full of danger and uncertainty, and I knew that we would need to rely on each other to survive.

But as I looked over at Robin, his face peaceful in sleep, I felt a sense of gratitude and respect. He was a true friend and companion.

As I drifted off to sleep, I knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but I was ready to face it head-on. With the power of the gacha system, I was confident that we could overcome anything that came our way.

[Congratulations You Achieve A New Achivement: Sleep With A Loli /10GP]



Hello im the author of the story, pls comment any suggestion you like in the story and if you want to suggest some character/item/power in other anime.

Also if you want to change the name of the system plss suggest some name, since im bad at naming things