
Noah's Adventure Through One Piece

Lance, a normal teen transmigrates into one piece with two bonuses from god. Watch as he uses his wit and gifts from God to grow strong and at least not die by the hands of some filthy bandit. (I don't own the picture I got it off of Pinterest and it doesn't have anything to do with the story.)

Lanceboi · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Raid on Wolfwater [1]

(A/N 2091 words edited by HeliosTheDepressed)


"Slithering Kenny." He said with a low growl, Kenny smirked slightly giving off snake vibes. I can see why they call him 'Slithering' Kenny.

"Long time no see Jared," he said with a sly grin "I would love to catch up but first I have a proposition."

"Why the hell would I listen to you after what happened 5 years ago. Not to mention what you pulled tonight scumbag." Jared said in a wrathful tone. 'Of course they have some sort of bad history between them' I thought, this couldn't get any worse, why the hell did we even run out here.

"Because," suddenly 20 or so people with guns come out of the woods around us "You don't have a choice"

*Grrrr* Jared started growling like a wild animal. 'Fuck this is bad, if Jared tries to fight I'm gonna run away.' I hardened my resolve. These guys weren't my friends, only a stepping stone to get powerful. However that didn't happen, Jared wised up somewhat and finally said. "Fine. What the fuck do you want."

[45 minutes later]

Jared, Aiden, and Brian went into a makeshift war room with Kenny. I needed to chill for a while because I've been under constant stress for 3 or so hours. There was a lot of tension between our groups since a few hours earlier they stormed our base and cut a dude's dick off. I shudder when I remember that scene, ahh fuck it I'm gonna go to sleep.

[4 hours later]

"Everyone wake up!" Jared said, everyone groaned as they got up, last night was a long one. "I'm just gonna say it. We're creating an alliance." Everyone's mouths dropped, as far as I know, this has never happened in the history of this island.

"That's right," out of nowhere Kenny said. I'm beginning to think his face is naturally devious looking. "Today marks the day we create the most powerful bandit alliance! You guys start mingling and get used to each other's presence. We're very sorry for killing your friends earlier." He said rather unconvincingly.

A little bit later I got called into the war room by Aiden and sitting there were all the boys. The barbarian whose name turned out to be Barban. Who the hell would name a person Barban? There was also Kenny, Jared, Aiden, and Brian. Anyways I'm gonna spare you the details. Barban and Jared saw potential in me and that I was the stealthiest, quickest person they had. They want me to first scout out our alliance targets place then report back as one of the captains tries to make an agreement. Be ready to assassinate the leader of the bandit group just in case they pull something. We then absorb the group into our own and become stronger.

[A few months later]

It's the dead of night, maybe 2 am. I've done this a bunch of times, go in scout around and report back. It was dangerous the first few times but lately, it's getting easier, it's still exhilarating though and I don't have to kill anyone. I still feel a little queasy but in the heat of battle, that feeling is completely overpowered by bloodlust.

Circling the encampment I spotted a bunch of bandits, maybe 30 or 40 all I have to do is find who and where their leader is. After that just get a quick estimate of their numbers and a rough layout of the base. Simple after doing this for a few months, I finish up quickly and run back to our group.

I reached our base and looked around, a lot has changed in these few months. Our numbers have grown immensely from around 80 to 500. How did we grow this much in this little amount of time? They sent me and one of the captains, that's what we're calling people with more authority like Barban, Aiden, and Brian. We went with their squad and set up a small camp a few miles outside their base, I went and did my thing and reported back. Then the captain would move in from the front with a lot of troops and I would stay in the forest around the base with some troops and wait for things to get hot. For the most part, they decide to join the alliance but when things get heated I just shoot the leader from the trees and the lackeys are too afraid to fight and end up joining without a captain. Those guys are assigned evenly to each captain's squad.

That explanation was long as hell but that's basically how it works. Anyways I'm now heading back to Brian who has been getting less action recently. I reached our camp and went straight to Brian to give the detes.

"Noah, how did it go?"

"Same as always. Pretty normal group I drew a map of the camp, their numbers are pretty average, maybe 50 bandits or so. This guy isn't a big fish, his bounty is 3000 berries. A regular no name."

"Good. We will move in soon, get some sleep." I know this is anticlimactic, and that's because it is. I've been so bored these last few months I thought of leaving the island. However lately there's been a rumor back at base that we're gonna do something big soon. 550 troops is not a small number so I expect something soon.

[A little while later]

"Everyone gather around!" Jared yelled, everyone surrounded him as he started talking. Brian's team had long since come back with everyone intact including the bandit leader. "Were gonna raid a city!" I could feel bloodlust hang in the air as everyone around me started thinking about how much money they could make off just looting the houses alone. Not to mention slaves and the keep, Jared continued "Calm down everyone, I'm gonna tell you the plan." Everyone went silent as he explained exactly how we were gonna raid an entire Town.

I'm not gonna bore you with the details but basically, we're gonna focus our assault in the front and cut directly through the town square to the keep where we'll hang the governor. It's simple and has a lot of flaws, we're gonna brute force our way through the town. 'Hmm, Kenny would never approve of this plan." I need to take a walk before we do this.

I walked around our base looking for something to take my mind off things, I decided to go to my quarters which have been moved to the big boy's palace ever since I've had a more important role in growing our forces.

*drip* huh? What was that noise? The sound came from Kenny's room. 'This could be fun I thought, I've been so bored recently I need something to lighten the mood. I walked over slowly when suddenly I smelled iron. 'Oh. Oh shit!' I ran to his room and swung open the door as hard as I could but it hit something inside. I used my full weight to ram into the door and it finally swung open.

What I saw inside didn't surprise me because there was blood caked on the walls, dead bodies in the center of the room. I've seen plenty of that over these past months, what surprised me was that the bodies belonged to Kenny, Barban, and the other fodder captains. They were also gutted like fish, insides out. It looked like someone beat them to death with a meat cleaver. This was enough to make my lip quiver.

"Oh no no no no no."

Suddenly I heard a noise from behind me. I looked back and saw Jared, he was staring at me with a cold stone gaze.

"It wasn't me!" I swore in an attempt to keep my intestines in. "I just found the-"

"I know," Jared said.


"Because I killed them!"

"What the fuck!? WHY!"

"Shut up Noah, they would only get in the way. Plus Kenny is a piece of shit."

"Fine, then what about Aiden and Brian?"

"I trust them, they've been with me for a solid few years now, you on the other hand."

"Wait, you don't mean-"

"No, I don't think I'm gonna kill you. You've been loyal for a few months. But if you let me down expect a pole in your ass!" He smirked, then turned and walked away.


Back in my quarter's thoughts were rushing through my head a million miles per hour. Honestly, I'm just glad he decided to trust me rather than... I shudder thinking about it. I think the best way to survive is to not let him down. Jared is very strong, he might be the strongest on the island now that he's killed Kenny and the rest of the captains. He is now the most powerful bandit on this island in personal strength and army size. Tomorrow is the day we invade a town, I guess this is it then.

[The next day]

Gathered around the front of Wolfwater, the town we were going to raid, were 500 men with greedy looks in their eyes. I was one of them, I feel... pathetic. This is a second chance, I could do so much in this life but I'm here about to kill lots of women, children, everyone. I feel really tense, so tense. I've never felt this way before. Even after killing someone for the first time. Why do I feel like this now all of a sudden? God, damn it.

"FORWARD!" Jared screams leaving me no more time to think. Everyone rushes forward into the town staying somewhat close to each other. We're doing Jareds plan of rushing through Wolfwater. I'm somewhere in the middle and I hear screams coming from all around me. I don't know if it's from us, townspeople, or guards.

I keep moving forward with everyone else until I hear Jared yell "Spread out!" The people around me start to disperse and I finally see what's going on around me. Houses burning, corpses littering the streets. I can feel the gifts working to keep me calm, 'Fuck this shit' I realized that this is all bullshit. So I'm just gonna go wild.

I start by dashing to the nearest guard and stabbing his face, he goes down instantly. I use my momentum to go around slashing at random people, be it bandits, guards, or civilians. I cut them all. Soon enough I swung at an opponent I couldn't kill in one hit. A knight, he was heavily armored. I couldn't even see an opening in his armor, much less his defense.

He parried my attack with ease and went for an overhead strike. I guess he wants to chop my head into 2 pieces. I just barely dodged this in my hot-headed state. I tried to slash at him but his armor was impenetrable, at least for me.

He struck at me again with his sword so I dashed backward and pulled out my pistol. I shot him 2 times in the head and 3 times in the chest, this created weak spots in his armor so while he was still stumbling from the impact of the bullets I rushed towards him and stabbed through his chest armor straight into his heart.

I could see the guy's eyes through his helmet, I could see the light leave his eyes as he died. It was relatively quick and painless, considering bandits usually used other tactics to instill fear into others. I got off the dead soldier and saw that we were sprinting towards the keep's gate.

I rejoined formation leaving behind all of our allies that were dead or dying.

Most bandits banged against the doors like idiots. I looked up and around and found a place on the wall that I could climb. The only problem was there were guards shooting down on us from there. I got to the top of the wall and fought through a bunch of guards dodging, stabbing, and shooting until I found the mechanism that opens and closes the doors. I opened the doors and let everyone into the castle that was in the center of town.

We pushed up through the more elite guards than the regular town guards until we made it to where the governor was. He was sitting at a desk with lots of papers and was surrounded by what seemed to be the most elite guards they have. It's time for the final fight to begin!

This was hard to write pls read

Lanceboicreators' thoughts