

Nitro dreamed of becoming a magic knight her whole life. She studied diligently at one of Brittania's finest magical academies, encouraged by her loving family to make those dreams real. Her world brimmed with joy and possibility. But one fateful day, a sinister warlord of terrifying power invaded her school and massacred countless innocents. Nitro watched helplessly as her dearest friends perished in the flames. When even her own sister and father fell trying to stop the carnage, her world shattered. Consumed by grief and rage, Nitro vowed revenge against the perpetrator of this tragedy - a powerful demonic entity. To gain the strength she needs to enact justice, she is forced to strike an uneasy alliance with her adversary and undergo harrowing trials. Nitro is determined to avenge those she lost and confront the philosophical darkness that destroyed her dreams. But the true scope of her destiny and her enemy's is far greater than she could imagine...

LightYAMA · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 7: 'The System...'

Previously, Nitro had conquered the harrowing 10th dungeon, defeating the deadly Imp King through her unrelenting assaults. This marked an unprecedented feat - she was the first challenger to ever vanquish this boss. In the aftermath, the intrigued Demon King directed Nitro's attention to peculiar items left behind by the Imp King. Among them was a scroll which Nitro signed in blood to activate, and a rune stone that imbued her with new power. When asked by Nitro about the nature of these strange artefacts, the Demon King gave a cryptic response - he spoke of "the system" and its mechanisms. Though confused initially, Nitro would soon come to understand the meaning behind those words. For unbeknownst to the young warrior, she had merely scratched the surface of the intricacies at play in this dimensional realm. The scope of her trials and abilities would expand enormously, thanks to a grand framework underpinning her challenges. In this next chapter, the full extent of "the system" governing the dungeons will be unveiled. Nitro's destined path forward will be forever changed, as reality itself shapeshifts before her very eyes...

Nitro: The wha-?

DK: The system.

Nitro: *visibly puzzled* And...? The fuck is that?

DK: Allow me to illuminate what this "system" represents. It is an arcane magical framework that governs the very nature of these challenges. An intricate web of quantitative rules and dynamics that empower and track each challenger.

Think of it as numeric representations of your capabilities - strength, speed, magical energy and so on. These attributes increase through defeating enemies and conquering dungeons. Your experience earns you points to grow stronger.

The system categorizes abilities into skills and spells that you unlock. It contains an inventory for your acquired items and equipment. Visual interfaces can manifest to provide insight.

All of this ultimately serves to quantify and optimize the challenge posed to you. The system channels energy from this realm to dynamically match and enhance your capabilities as needed against greater threats. Do you understand?

Nitro: visibly confused  Uhhh...you lost me there. Systems? Skills? Interfaces? I have no clue what you just said, Demon King.

DK: chuckles  Ah I see, perhaps a relatable analogy will clarify things. Tell me Nitro, are you familiar with the concept of video games? Particularly roleplaying adventures?

Nitro: Video games? Can't say I've heard of those before...

DK: They are simulations where players like yourself defeat enemies, gain experience points to level up stats, acquire skills, manage inventory, and progressively overcome harder challenges. The system here operates by similar principles, fueled by magic. Does this help explain it?

Nitro: eyes light up Ohhh yeah, I think I'm starting to get it now! So it's like I'm inside a magical video game dungeon crawler? That's crazy! But also kinda badass. (Come to think of it, my sister would use to play these kinda games all the time! That lazy bastard, I miss her so much 🥲)

DK: Precisely. Your adventures will continuously optimize and respond thanks to the system's arcane energy. And this is only the beginning...

Nitro: The beginning of what...? The story ain't ending here, mate.

DK: *laughs* Shut up, I'm trying to break the 4th wall, rare specimen.

Don't worry Nitro, me as the narrator and the readers are also confused by the Demon King's antics. There's no need for extreme exposition here. But alas, towards such peculiar behaviour, Nitro couldn't help but ask. 

Nitro: What...the fuck? Are you off your meds, mate?

DK: *scoffs* Meds...me?! Do you honestly believe someone of my prestige and calibre requires medication?!

Nitro: *smirks* Heh, apparently.

DK: *laughs* Your hilarity never fails to fulfil its requirements! Well...its *requirement*, singular - is to make me laugh!

Nitro: *laughs in canon* Really?

DK: Absolutely!

The two both continue laughing, sharing their slight light-heartedness, until suddenly...a pause. A death-piercing silence breaks the hilarious mood, followed by Nitro giving the Demon King a death stare that sends slight shivers of excitement down his spine.

Nitro: *says powerfully, whilst not yelling* Let me, the fuck out.

DK: *chuckles* Oh? I forgot you always had that irritating, but somewhat exciting confidence about you! *internal monologue* (Hell, no one stronger than you ever dared challenged me the way you do, rare specimen)

Nitro: *bluntly* Now. I'm well aware that both of us have been quite friendly with each other these past couple of weeks. I kill monsters, clear dungeons, you give me food, we both drink together, all that crap... Let's be clear.

DK: *raises an eyebrow* Aye? And of what...?

Nitro then walks up towards the Demon King, the air and space warping around her as her magical aura swells and distorts with a beautiful clear colour. She then, semi-angrily exclaims.

Nitro: I would like, to meet my aunt and mother, and see how they are. You, will not keep me fucking trapped here. 

The Demon visibly intrigued by Nitro's boisterous behaviour, responds with a chilling retort, his aura also swelling and distorting reality. 

DK: *slightly irritated but amused* And if I don't...?

Nitro: *angrily but calmly* I will fucking kill you if it's the last thing I'll do.

The Demon King tilts his head demonstrating his subtle acknowledgement of Nitro's conviction. As the tension ceases, he then smirks. Reality reverts to default, and thus the Demon King responds.

DK: *claps* Brilliant, then that settles it!

The Demon King snaps his fingers, and thus a rift opens behind Nitro which leads to Vermillion's house. Her home is situated on a small uninhabited Island, with a small cottage, with coconut palm trees residing near it. 

DK: Off you go, Nitro! Stay safe!

Nitro: *scoffs then laughs* I don't need your pleasantries. You should opt to use those words for yourself, demon bastard.

DK: *smirks* Don't forget, little honoured one. You are bound by me. By my curse. Don't go quitting on me now.

Nitro: *she nods, confirming her understanding and recognition of the curse placed upon her, then flips the Demon King off* See ya 🖕.

Passing through the portal felt like plunging into an icy lake. The oppressive heat of the demon realm vanished, replaced by an enveloping chill. Gooseflesh rippled across Nitro's skin as she emerged on the other side. The salty ocean breeze filled her lungs, so unlike the scorched sulfuric air she had grown accustomed to. The sun dazzled her eyes, its warmth a soothing contrast to the cold she had just escaped. Nitro breathed it all in, savoring this fleeting moment of tranquility before her relentless trials continued. She instantaneously feels at peace upon arrival. 

She's greeted by Sophia Pendragon, Nitro's mother. She is a short beautiful woman of fair skin, blonde and blue eyes, in traditional clothing. Sophia races towards Nitro, with tears of joy and relief comically spilling out of her sockets, and braces her courageous daughter for a hug. As Nitro embraced her tearful mother, an unexpected wave of relief washed over her. She hadn't realized how heavily the hefty burden of her quest had weighed until it was lifted, if only for a moment. Her mother's familiar warmth stirred memories of happier times, before vengeance and fury became Nitro's closest companions. She felt the beginnings of a smile creep onto her face. Perhaps she had missed this place - missed her family - more than she cared to admit aloud.

Beside Sophia, is a taller, more stern looking woman, with ginger hair, peircing silver eyes, knarly scars from head to toe signifying her battle experience, and an incredible physique - impossible for the average person to achieve. Her name is, Solena Vermillion, Sophia's sister, albeit not by blood, however, their bond goes beyond simple frienship. Her enemies call her "Roundhouse". Considering it was sunny out, she's seen wearing a pink flourescent bikini, accompanied approiately by a brown beach hat.  She stands there sternly, with a calm, relieved, but serious and unsurprised look on her face - crossing her arms whilst observing Nitro and her sister's reunion. 

Sophia: *tearing up* Darling! Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! *she hugs Nitro, squeezing her affectionately* I've missed you so much 🥹!

Nitro: *giggles* My lord, look who missed me. I've only gone for about two weeks, mother.

Vermillion: *smirks* The brat's got a point, sis. 

Nitro, a bit annoyed about Vermillion's insult, returns with a cheeky retort.

Nitro: *scoffs* Trust me, auntie, you don't want me behaving like one 😒.

Vermillion: *chuckles* What? I'm agreeing with you, brat. Your mother's like a puppy who missed their owner!

Sophia: *snorts, due to tearing up* Can't a mother just, love her daughter 🥺?

Vermillion: *snarky* Sharrap sister, nobody said that!

Sophia: ...Okay 🥲.

Vermillion: *turns towards Nitro* Anywho. Head inside, kiddo. We got some shit to talk about. 

Sophia: *leans foward towards Vermillion in disapproval* Do you mind not cursing so much in front of my daughter, sis?

Vermillion: *laughs* Alright, sorry! *turns to Nitro* C'mon in, kiddo!

Nitro: *nods* Kay! 

Vermillion: *internal monologue* (After all, she still requires, technical refinements. What she has learnt thus far, is far from enough to overcome the rest of the dungeons, let alone HIM *vivid, chilling images of the Demon King slaughtering Vermillion's comrades appear*) 

Behind Vermillion's stony expression, visions of fire and ruin still haunted her. She could vividly recall the screams of her dying comrades as the Demon King remorselessly cut them down, his blazing aura engulfing their flesh. His gleeful laughter as their blood soaked the earth. When she closed her eyes, the nightmarish memories lost none of their potency. 

Nitro, visibly concerned about Vermillion's emotional wellbeing, cannot help but to enquire.

Nitro: *pats on Vermillion's thigh* Are you alright, aunt?

Vermillion: *pulls herself together then smirks* Of course! *tilts her head towards the door* C'mon!

Nitro nods, showing her understanding, and heads inside. As Nitro walked inside, Vermillion studied her, a worried frown creasing her weathered face. Much lay ahead for Nitro, more than the child could possibly grasp. And Vermillion wondered  - was she right to put such expectations upon one so young? Their hope rested on Nitro's small shoulders. Should she tell the girl just how dire their plight had become? The full extent of what the Demon King's resurgence meant?

To be continued...