

Nitro dreamed of becoming a magic knight her whole life. She studied diligently at one of Brittania's finest magical academies, encouraged by her loving family to make those dreams real. Her world brimmed with joy and possibility. But one fateful day, a sinister warlord of terrifying power invaded her school and massacred countless innocents. Nitro watched helplessly as her dearest friends perished in the flames. When even her own sister and father fell trying to stop the carnage, her world shattered. Consumed by grief and rage, Nitro vowed revenge against the perpetrator of this tragedy - a powerful demonic entity. To gain the strength she needs to enact justice, she is forced to strike an uneasy alliance with her adversary and undergo harrowing trials. Nitro is determined to avenge those she lost and confront the philosophical darkness that destroyed her dreams. But the true scope of her destiny and her enemy's is far greater than she could imagine...

LightYAMA · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 6: 'There's more than meets the eye...'

Previously Nitro had cleared the first dungeon of 500 - and it proved to be quite a trivial task as if she had garnered years of experience. It was as though she was a battle-hungry fiend, for as each time she killed, she became sharper - and more ruthless with her methods. Such tenacious mannerisms carried onwards as she ventured and conquered 8 dungeons more. As of this moment in time, Nitro came across various different enemies outside of the Demonic Imps, those of which being: Turned Orcs, Fallen Griffins, Zombified Demons, Acid Spitters, and others - all of which were stronger than the former Demonic Imps, and she faced them relentlessly at an inconceivable magnitude (I mean, we're talking thousands!!! Most challengers would've died at the stage she had just reached). At this current stage, Nitro is now preparing to enter her 10th dungeon. Who knows what will come in store for our young heroin under these given circumstances?

Location: Challenger's Lobby (a rather barren and disturbingly otherworldy enclosure dedicated for the purpose of allowing challengers of Hell's Dungeons to rest before they proceed on challenging again).

Nitro can be seen here stuffing her face in with the food provided by the Demon King's universal classed chefs, replenishing her stamina after roughly 10 days of dungeon crawling

Nitro: *belches, then feels a sense of relief* Aahhh-, I'm spent...!

*a chef appears in Nitro's stead*

Chef: Would you like another serving?

Nitro: *giggles* No, I'm fine - you needn't worry yourself. But, I did spend 10 days here after all. A little rest wouldn't hurt I suppose :) - Now run along, you are dismissed.

Chef: Affirmative *proceeds to leave with the leftovers*. 

Nitro: *sighs* (I wonder how Mother and Aunty Vermillion are doing. 10 days is a little long, many things could have happened during that time along the way).

*The Demon King makes his abrupt appearance*

(Note "DK", will now be used to refer to the Demon King, as that takes far less time to write, and may also be easily identifiable later on)

DK: Don't worry, I assure you that the remaining members of your family are alive and well. 

Nitro: *looks with concern* Heh? And how sure are you of that? (and how the hell could he tell that's what I was worrying about anyway?!). 

DK: I send one of my subordinates, every so often to check up on them - and they report back any findings of their status. However, they serve no purpose to protect your family, their role is status control in a sense. 

Nitro: ...Right.

DK: And to answer your second question, I can read the hearts of those I form a metaphysical contract with.

Nitro: *shocked* (The fuck. Did he just read my mind - again?!) 

DK: Yup.

Nitro: (HUH?!)

DK: *laughs* We could do this all day, young one! Surprisingly, I've got time.

Nitro: *giggles* Heh, well that explains how uh, that's happening. 

DK: Oh actually, allow me to let you in on some insight regarding this ability. 

Nitro: *intrigued* Go on...

DK: This ability is really only limited to targets who appear to be in an emotional state. Under feelings of happiness, sadness, loneliness, fear, contempt - and whatnot, one's heart could be read rather easily. 

*Nitro appears to bear a good enough understanding, as she nods to demonstrate such appreciation. However, Nitro cannot help but wonder though...*

Nitro: Uhm, why is it that you choose to tell me this - at all? 

DK: *sharply* Don't be so bewildered by my decision! I never usually provide such classified information of yours truly to anybody, let alone a Challenger. But you, amongst all the sea of wasted potential shine in bright luminescence. You're a rare specimen!

Nitro: *pouts* Well, since this is coming from you - I'm not necessarily proud of that (¬_¬"). 

DK: *laughs hysterically* Well, I for one didn't ask you to be proud anyhow! 

Nitro: *flustered* Oh shush, demon bastard, hmph! (*  ̄︿ ̄)

DK: Alright, you need to rest up - the next dungeon will be a difficult one to conquer.

Nitro: *confused* Hm? And why's that, eh?

DK: *smirk* It's better, that you witness this for yourself, no? 

Nitro: *gets up enthusiastically* Uh, nah I think I'm ready now!

DK: *astonished* Oh?

*The Demon King smiles in relief, knowing that there are still warriors like Nitro who hate to back down on any challenge presented before them* 

 DK: I admire your enthusiasm, Nitoria. 

Nitro: *giggles* Screw your enthusiasm, and open the gate to the dungeon already! 

DK: Hmph, watch your tone madam. Allow me to do the honours.

*A surge of demonic lightning emits mid-air at a concentrated point, which then slowly expands to reveal an entrance to the dungeon*

Nitro: *filled with determination* Alright, let's go. 

Nitro proceeded to enter the gate valiantly - and like merely walking from the entrance of one room to another, she arrived at the 10th dungeon.  Strangely enough, this dungeon appeared empty - unlike the previous ones (apart from the occasional corpse of a fallen enemy here and there). It truly instilled some sense of peculiar bareness and ominous ambience, Nitro couldn't help but wonder just exactly what she was supposed to fight, and here questions followed suit.

Nitro: Oi, demon bastard? I know you're watching me - there's no real use keepin' quiet mate. 

DK: *speaks telepathically* Hm, what is it - do you require any assistance? 

Nitro: Hmm

DK: Verbal, however, because obviously I cannot provide you any assistance with combat *laughs*. 

Nitro: *scoffs* Ah, shut up! I know that much (¬_¬). 

DK: Then what is it?! 

Nitro: What the fuck, am I supposed to fight here?!

DK: *puzzled* (Really, that's what she's concerned about, after all her fights?) Nitro, allow me to tell you something interesting. 

Nitro: Wha-? Well if it will answer my question, so be it - speak! 

DK: This will be vital to your understanding of what you need t-

Nitro: *visibly annoyed* Just say it already, mate.

DK: *shocked* (Rude). It is true that some challengers couldn't make it past the first dungeon. However, practically all participants (except for maybe one) couldn't make it past the 10th dungeon. 

Nitro: Wait, all?

DK: Mhm, all of them. 

Nitro: Okay, that's cool. 

DK: *confused* What - you're not the slightest bit scared at all.

Nitro: *stretches* You telling me that, only makes me want to fight whatever comes next even more, idiot. 

DK: *smiles* Alright, just wait a little bit, he wished to fight you. 

Nitro: *confused* He? (so he's just one du-)

*Sounds of rubble falling can be heard*

Nitro: (What?!)

Nitro then notices the ceiling of the dungeon has a gaping hole, and hopping out of it was a mysterious individual. This being resembled that of the imps - but was different in terms of other physical characteristics. For instance, he appeared much taller (about 7ft tall) and more muscular than the contrary (it was a physique impossible for any human to achieve). He also sported a cape and crown engraved with precious stones.

Nitro: ...And, what are you supposed to be? 

The King of Imps: *seems pretty eager to answer* Well, I a-

Nitro: Oh well, not that it matters... 

Nitro subsequently dashes at the being with no hesitation, readying in for her first strike. She goes for it - then moments later, an explosive force omitting from her punch followed, creating a cloud of dust surrounding she and her opponent.

DK: Ah, so it begins.

*The dust clears away, in order to reveal that Nitro's blow barely laid a scratch on the being., as it proceeds to smirk confidently*

Nitro: *backs away a little* 

The King of Imps: Heh, you're a fool to even think that a measly punch would even bring about any physical damage to yours truly?! I bear the greatest physical endurance of all living creatures! 

Nitro: *unbothered*...Sir, I don't think I... give a shit. (¬_¬") 

TKI (yeah, I'm making his name an acronym as well): *annoyed* Hoo? Well, you better start givin' 10 of em'!

The Imp King proceeds to throw a rapid flurry of punches at Nitro, however - the latter kept dodging nonchalantly as if she was already tired of the battle before it even began. The IK, visibly annoyed, decided to keep things up a notch - as Nitro attempted to make her second hit, she notices that her attack didn't connect, to which that is followed by the IK descending to go for a devastating knee attack - which connects, resulting in a cataclysmic explosion in the dungeon, of unseen proportions. The beast then stands directly above Nitro, looking down on her buried body. However, he appears to be puzzled about her inability to move, which made him beg the question.

TKI: Why is it that you're not moving? *smirks* Did I hit you hard enough to rid any confidence you may have had towards me?

Nitro: ...

TKI: With the strike I had just delivered, your abdominal organs must have been crushed completely - that is probably why you cannot speak right now!

Nitro: *slowly blinking*

TKI: Any, last words - Challenge-

Nitro: *yawns* Shit, it's god awfully cozy under here. I think I should've had a nice little nap before I came here. Could you like, buzz off - thanks.

TKI: *puzzled* What. WHAT?! YOU DARE BE THIS NAIVE IN FRONT OF A MONARCH HUH?! *puts his foot near her face* I, will kick your head clean off like a soccer ball - if you wish to display such arrogance again.

Nitro: *puzzled, whilst yawning again* How the fuck do you even know what that is?

*Nitro then proceeds to walk out of the crater easily, which came about as a surprise for her opponent*

TKI: *visibly confused* (HUH?! She just! SHE JUST! WALKED OUT OF THEEEEERE?!!!)

Nitro: Oi, imp bastard. 

TKI: *trembles* H-huh...?

Nitro: *clenches her fist and utters in a serious tone* Prepare yourself, for a normal beating...

TKI: *hesitantly pulls a potion of healing seemingly out of nowhere* (A normal wh-?)

Before the Imp King was given any moment to think, Nitro had already appeared before him. He goes for a strike, but at a moment's notice - she phases through his attack - as if the strike he tried to deliver didn't connect. Following after which, Nitro delivers an endless flurry of punches stronger and faster than those of which the Imp King delivered, the latter can't help but stay in the defence

TKI: *worried* (SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT! Even as I'm defending, she is still delivering blows targeting my defense! And what is this - am I getting HURT through my defenses?! Oh shit, she is getting stronger by every blow she delivers, and faster! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!) ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHH!

Nitro: ...

*Nitro continues to deliver ruthless blows to the Imp King, so much so - he says) 

TKI: This...this can't be - I who possesses power and speed surpassing that of most beings in this realm. I who is said to be the next ruler of Hell - cannot withstand blows being delivered by a mere demi-human?! Impossible, I am the king of demonic imps...it is SIMPLY IMPOSSIB-!!

Nitro: Shush, aren't you done talking already (¬_¬")? It's over. 

*Nitro utilizes a refined magic breathing technique, whilst concentrating her fire attribute magic with her fist - and in that instant launches it*


To which that then resulted in a devastating explosion packing 3 gigatons of explosive power, destroying the Imp King and the entire dungeon in its process. And as that happened, Nitro valiantly declares the move.

Nitro:  That, was Crimson Fist. *she says, as smoke emits off of her fist.* (and that knee to the gut hurt, god damnit).

*Flames engulfed the entire dungeon, and moreover - the flames of her punch made sure to completely incinerate any traces left of the Imp King. As the Demon King watched the climax of the battle telegraphically, he showed astonishment towards the end result, as no one before Nitro had ever beaten the first boss. Nitro decides to rest for a bit before calling the Demon King*

Nitro: Hey - you bastard, I've won!

DK: Heh, well I can see that - you don't need to tell me. What a splendid battle!

Nitro: Well, I guess...it was? Anyway, I wanna get outta here. 

DK: Sure, but before that - you may want to pay some attention to your surroundings. 

Nitro: *confused* Huh? Oh, he dropped some items. 

*She proceeds to examine them*

Nitro: ...However, they seem to appear differently compared to the other items I've collected. (Alright, the first one's some kind of scroll. Let's see what it says, "Scroll of Inventory-ation" - what? The fuck does that mean? Anyhow, it requires me to sign it, with...a blood-bound signature for instant use) ....Oh well, whatever happens - happens.

Nitro then pricks her finger and proceeds to stamp her blood signature, which then is followed by a beam of white luminescence covering her. The light then fades, and Nitro appears puzzled considering the fact that no physical change came about, so she shrugs it off and picks up the final items

Nitro: A rune stone huh, *picks it up* ("Muscle Up"...?) I wonder what skill is inside it. *cracks it open, and following that - a cloud of purple basks her aura, and gets absorbed into her* Alright, I'm done - now get me out of here!

DK: Heh, with pleasure. 

*few minutes pass by and Nitro returns back to the lobby*

Nitro: *sighs* (I've returned, I guess...)

*The Demon King then enters, again congratulating Nitro for undoubtedly her most crucial victory so far*

DK: Hm, well that makes you the first. 

Nitro: *puzzled* The first...what? 

DK: *smirks* To clear this dungeon. 

Nitro: *reassured* Oh - alright then (that bastard seemed relieved about that for some reason though...strange).

DK: But never mind my muttering - manifest your items' potential - and quite literally understand how they function.

Nitro: Hm? Why, that seems simple enough - right?

DK: *chuckles* Don't get it twisted, for the realm of this concept which I'll tell you - is beyond anything you could've been taught, or have experienced prior to now. 

Nitro: *intrigued*...And what may you be referring to?

DK: *smiles* The system, and its inherent mechanisms!

*And with that, a rush of shock and astonishment hastily filled the atmosphere - as a result of the Demon King's profoundly strange answer he delivered*

Nitro: ...(The wha-?!)

to be continued

Sidenote: A "gigaton" is a unit of explosive energy equal to one billion tons of TNT. It is used to measure the power of nuclear weapons. For example, the Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear bomb ever detonated, had an estimated explosive yield of about 50 megatons, or 0.05 gigatons.