

Nitro dreamed of becoming a magic knight her whole life. She studied diligently at one of Brittania's finest magical academies, encouraged by her loving family to make those dreams real. Her world brimmed with joy and possibility. But one fateful day, a sinister warlord of terrifying power invaded her school and massacred countless innocents. Nitro watched helplessly as her dearest friends perished in the flames. When even her own sister and father fell trying to stop the carnage, her world shattered. Consumed by grief and rage, Nitro vowed revenge against the perpetrator of this tragedy - a powerful demonic entity. To gain the strength she needs to enact justice, she is forced to strike an uneasy alliance with her adversary and undergo harrowing trials. Nitro is determined to avenge those she lost and confront the philosophical darkness that destroyed her dreams. But the true scope of her destiny and her enemy's is far greater than she could imagine...

LightYAMA · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 4: 'The Invitation'

As of right now in these current events, it has been 3 years ever since Nitro had last seen the Demon King slaughter hundreds of innocents who were caught up in the destruction and ever since her father, and sister were brutally murdered by the hands of that diabolical devil. Nitro, having grown a little, had gone through training with her aunt, Solena 'Roundhouse' Vermillion. Nitro made a promise previously to the Demon King that she would certainly meet him at the same spot where he mercilessly destroyed and brought to ruins. Nitro after endless preparation, without hesitation, on the same day and hour, she headed straight to the destination. However only just to be watched over, her mother was there with her. A few hours of waiting, HE had made his newest appearance...

Characters present in this chapter:

- Nitro Pendragon, 10 years old and is the current strongest demi-human (previous one was Nitra, who has died...)

- Demon King, Ares

- Sophia Pendragon, 49 years old (Nitro's mother)

Location: Ruins of the Saint Freya's Magic School.

*The Demon King flies down from the sky at mach 20 speed and crashed right into the ground creating a large crater that covers a 90m diameter. Miraculously, he was able to land on the ground on his feet like it was nothing!*

Nitro: *crossing her arms, giving the Demon King a menacing look* Hmph... so you have arrived, huh? You big sack of piss and whizz...

Demon King: *looks down at her* Eh..? That is no way to greet an elder now is it, human? Anyhow, I have indeed arrived...

Sophia: ....

Nitro's mother, in this given situation, is scared for her and as a result, she attempts to walk towards Nitro. The Demon King immediately notices her and 'gives' her an intimidating look. She responds very anxiously and horrified and therefore retreats, slowly walking back. Pray tell, the Demon King never intended to scare Sophia nor make her retreat in any circumstance...

Nitro: *pouts* Hm. Then what have you come here for? Because, if you have come here to kill me, then I was stupid enough to run into that...

Demon King: Heh! Well, you would've been dead *says menacingly* if I had the intent to kill...

Nitro: *surprised* Hoo? Oh, well if not, then what have you *really* come for...?

Demon King: Eh...?(Does she not really remember...?)

Nitro: *does the 'hand over ear' gesture* Hmmm..? Don't you have something to say?

Demon King: *scoffs* Do you remember the thing I said to you regarding an invitation, 3 years ago?

Nitro: Mhm...(Wait, do I recall that...? I do recall him talking about an 'invite' but never got the reason as to why he mentioned such an abrupt topic...)

Demon King: *says in a serious tone* I have come here to invite you, human.

Nitro: *conflicted* W-wait, but why?

Demon King: Oi! Don't go asking any questions yet! I haven't finished what I was about to say...

Nitro: E- okay.*intrigued*(Alright, what have you got to say...)

Demon King: I have come to invite you, to clear a set of 500 dungeons, the location being in Hell!! Oh and I promise, a warrior of your calibre would have plenty of *fun* there!

Nitro: Hmm...(Well, all he's saying is rather peculiar, however, I want to know what I will get in return.)

Sophia: *hesitant* N-nitro, dear wait! This is very risky! You could probably harm yoursel-

Nitro: *cuts in whilst turning her head towards her* Ay hold on mother! I know this could be dangerous, but, it could also provide some interest...

Sophia: *shocked* I-interest!? But, to what capacity!?

Nitro: I want to see, what he has in store for me when I participate...

*Nitro then turns back to the Demon King*

Nitro: So on the contrary, what will be in it for me?

Demon King: You'll find out as soon as we get there, human...

Nitro: Hm...*looks at him suspiciously*

Demon King: Hm...

*Sophia stands clueless at the immeasurable pressure emitting in front of her. She then stammers.*

Nitro: Aw man! Now I really want to know <(`^')> ! *starts pouting*

Demon King: *sighs, then opens the gate to Hell instantaneously* This way, madam.

Nitro: *surprised* Ho, acting fancy now are you? However, you do realize, I am a minor, right?

Demon King: *laughs* Get your mind out of the gutter!

*Nitro makes her way towards the portal but stops 3 quarters of the way, since Sophia was about to call her.*

Sophia: *tears trickle* Nitro!

Nitro: ...

Sophia: *cries* P-please, be alive when you get back... Dear, that is all I ask...

Nitro: *turns over to Sophia and in a somewhat serious tone she says* Mother, I know you'll worry about me throughout my journey, however, you have to understand that I trained and prepared for the worst of all things and of all premonitions... If fate has chosen me to walk this path, then I'll walk it... However, for you, I will break past fate and survive. *smiles with glee* So don't worry, mom! I promise that I'll come back to you..!

Sophia: *stops crying and wipes a tear* Oh well, goodbye Nitro, my sweet angel...

Nitro: Goodbye, mom, *waves*

Demon King: *smiles* (So sweet and loving... Maybe, I shouldn't have done what I did...)

As Nitro steps through the swirling portal, she finds herself in a dark, cavernous realm. Jagged cliffs of black rock stretch up ominously around her, disappearing into a hazy reddish sky. Strange cries echo through the stale, sulfurous air. The ground beneath her feet feels coarse, burned and ancient. In the distance, she can see fiery chasms glowing menacingly amidst the jutting rocks. The swirling portal closes behind Nitro with an eerie shriek, leaving her alone with the demon king in this nightmarish, alien world. She steels herself, ready to face whatever horrors await in this hellish domain, that is... the first dungeon of 500.

Nitro: So we are here, eh?

Demon King: Yes, indeed we are...

Nitro: Ah good! So what am I going to face or combat?

Demon King: Your first challenge will be a little harder than the others who had participated. Instead of 2-5 demon imps, you'll fight 150 right off the back!

Nitro: (Ah demonic imps? I have heard of them - learned about them through the topic of celestial mythology at magic school) Alright...

*Demon imp noises are then heard*

Nitro: (Tch, what on earth is that chittering. It's annoying...)

Demon King: Ay, look over... Here they come!

Nitro: Eh? *turns over to the direction in which he is looking* Woah, alright! 

150 imps start flying straight out of their chambers straight down to Nitro, screeching as they do so, feeling the desperate need to devour the organisms they first see. Nitro is ready to attack and stands waiting for them to get closer.

Nitro: *smiles with her head down* (Heh, let's begin...!)

to be continued