
3803 - Clash

The corpse demon was sent flying, and suddenly, a figure flashed in the sky. People were shocked to see Long Chen appearing in the void, standing atop the corpse demon.

"What incredible speed!" someone exclaimed.

"Boom!" Long Chen leaped into the air and kicked the corpse's abdomen. Initially, the monster's head was close to its heel, but Long Chen's kick caused his body to fold back, bringing his head closer to his leg, and he fell at a faster speed.

Long Chen flew down, a massive ripple appeared in the void tearing it apart with a sharp explosive sound, and appeared on top of the falling corpse.

"Bang!" The corpse's body was kicked into the earth by Long Chen, causing the entire world to tremble. Such power was terrifying.

Everyone stood in awe. How powerful was the corpse demon before? Yet, in the presence of Long Chen, it had become nothing more than a punching bag, unable to fight back.

"Boom!" The earth ruptured, and the corpse demon emerged from the ground once again. To everyone's surprise, despite suffering such a terrible blow, the corpse demon showed no damage to its body.

"Its body's unbelievably formidable, even tougher than a realm artifact."

"What about Long Chen ?! His power is so fierce that it can even terrify the most powerful individuals. A single punch from him could kill Supremes easily."

"It's horrifying, truly horrifying. The ancient demon corpse's reputation is well-deserved, and Long Chen's power is no less. Both of them are monsters!"

While people whispered among themselves, the corpse demon, with two heads and four eyes, stared at Long Chen. His eyes were filled with ferocity.

"I can't believe you actually have some skills, but so what? My body comes from ancient times and is nourished by chaotic Qi. It's immortal. What can you do to me?"

"Boom!" Long Chen struck the corpse's head just as it finished speaking, causing it to deform once again with tremendous force.

However, what frightened everyone was the corpse's peculiar body, its exceptional resistance to damage and combat abilities, and its incredible self-recovery capabilities.

"What can I do to you? Today, I will beat you into a pulp," snorted Long Chen, raising his fists. Like a rainstorm, his punches rained down on the corpse, covering the void.

"Boom, boom..." With each strike from Long Chen's fist, the power of millions of stars surged forth, pounding the corpse demon until it became malleable and constantly deformed.

But after each deformation, its body quickly recovered. Long Chen's power, capable of shattering the heavens and earth, couldn't harm its core.

"Is that all you have? You foolish humans!" The corpse was battered and sent flying, yet it continued to mock Long Chen.

"Long Chen, don't be deceived by him. If he can't defeat you, he will try to consume your physical strength by using his own body to fight. Be cautious," Yue Xiaoqian warned loudly.

Yue Xiaoqian's warning made countless people realize that the corpse demon couldn't withstand Long Chen and was attempting to exhaust his precious physical strength. Once Long Chen weakened, the corpse would seize the opportunity to strike back.

"Shut up, you bitch..." The corpse demon grew furious. Before he could finish his profanity, Long Chen struck him in the face, sending him flying with a loud crash.

However, this time, to everyone's astonishment, the blow caused the corpse to crumble, and blood slowly dripped from its nose.

"This... How could this insignificant blow cause him to bleed? Long Chen had delivered so many punches before without causing any substantial damage," people were stunned.

At that moment, several stars twinkled on Long Chen's fist, and their endless power converged.

This was the first time Long Chen had channeled the power of the stars into his fist. Previously, he had only dared to channel star power into his weapon.

Now, with his greatly enhanced body and full purple energy, he decided to give it a try.

This idea originated from the Nine Star Descendant's attack during the previous tribulation. The latter could condense the symbol of the Seven Star Battle Body onto his hands. Long Chen had attempted it before but didn't dare transfer the power of the seven stars to his hands. Instead, he directed the star power into his weapon.

Although Long Chen had just formed the Seven Star Battle Body, his body hadn't fully adapted to it yet. When he attacked, his strength would scatter, causing inefficiency and leakage. Despite its impressive appearance, he hadn't truly unleashed its full power.

But as Long Chen began to channel star power into his body, the strength gathered on his fist wouldn't dissipate. Concentrated together, it became an ordinary punch capable of destroying the corpse's body.

"Why you..." The corpse demon was terrified and enraged, fear evident in its eyes. By this point, Long Chen had already charged forward.


Long Chen's speed was as swift as lightning. Although the corpse demon evaded, Long Chen still struck its chin. Blood splattered as the corpse's chin shattered, flesh and blood flying.

The other mouth of the corpse emitted a shrill scream.


At the same time, the stars on Long Chen's left fist swirled, and with a loud bang, he obliterated the corpse demon's head with one blow, like a sledgehammer hitting a watermelon.

"Still feeling cocky?" Long Chen kicked the corpse demon's chest, and the sound of bones breaking made teeth ache. Its chest collapsed, protruding from its back. Long Chen's kick almost pierced through the corpse demon, causing blood to gush out. The impact dealt a severe blow to the corpse demon, making its breath rapidly decline. Clearly, the kick had inflicted significant damage.

"Ignite all the purple energy and focus it into one strike," the dragon expert's voice suddenly echoed in his mind.

"Senior, that won't work. I can't control the strength of the Seven Star Battle Body. It might injure me," Long Chen was startled. He was at the peak of his power, with his purple energy above 80%. Releasing the remaining purple energy might cost him his life.

"I don't have time to explain. If I say you can do it, you can. I won't harm you," the dragon race expert insisted.

Hearing the dragon expert's words, Long Chen decided to completely trust him. Although he knew that such an attack would surely injure him, he chose to believe in the dragon expert.

"Boom!" Long Chen's body exploded, and the purple energy all over him surged forth again, causing him to appear as though he was engulfed in flames.

Simultaneously, the meridians in Long Chen's body rapidly compressed due to the excessive amount of purple energy stored within him. To release it all at once, he had to withstand strong internal pressure.

As Long Chen squeezed the purple energy, a tremendous recoil force was generated, causing his meridians to even rupture.

Under normal circumstances, Long Chen would give up at this point. However, he could only grit his teeth and endure, trusting the powerful dragon expert.

Meanwhile, the corpse demon erupted in panic. It was shocked to find that it was locked in place by Long Chen's aura and unable to move. Its intuition told it that death was imminent.

"Blood Burial of All Living Beings, Corpse Demon Sacrifice!"

The corpse demon roared as it performed a sealing technique. Suddenly, the millions of demons present exploded one by one, transforming into endless blood mist. The corpse demon extracted the blood fog and formed a bloody shield in front of itself.

Using this forbidden technique, the corpse demon reaped millions of experts' lives and, with it, created a shield to protect itself.

"Hum!" At that moment, Long Chen let out a cry. 999 stars above his fist ignited, and he struck the corpse with a blow. All sound in the world vanished, and all anyone could hear was their own heartbeat.

Again, I'm not a pro. If you see any error or mistake pls comment on the paragraph to make everyone's reading experience enjoyable

Translation_Mastercreators' thoughts