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"It's useless. No matter how strong you are, you can't break through the life barrier of millions of people," The Corpse Demon roared.


In response to him, Long Chen's Star Fist struck, tearing through the sky and countless paths. The bloody shield in front of Long Chen's fist was as fragile as paper, offering little resistance.


The punch pierced through the blood shield, not directly hitting Corpse Plague. The stars on Long Chen's fist shook The Corpse demon's body into pieces, scattering it in the heavens and earth.


The punch was extraordinary. It pierced the void, shattered barriers, and created a massive black hole. Inside the black hole, cracks resembling spiderwebs appeared.

As if the space barrier within the black hole was also affected by the power of this punch, the appearance of the spiderweb-like cracks released a pure aura, permeating the heavens and earth.

The aura carried a primal essence, capable of purifying spirits and nourishing bodies. As the aura gushed out, Long Chen's exhausted soul and body were revitalized.

The aura was not forceful, like a gentle breeze sweeping across the sky and earth. However, as the aura traveled, the shattered laws of space were instantly restored, and the countless wounds on the earth slowly began to heal.

The aura resembled a pair of hands possessing supreme magical power, capable of soothing even the wounds of heaven and earth. This breath was the oldest and most primal force in the heavens and earth.

"The breath of chaos?"

At that moment, Long Chen was startled, and the divine ring behind him underwent rapid changes, avidly absorbing the breath.

Xia Chen, Guo Ran, and Yue Xiaoqian, who were behind Long Chen, also sensed the difference. Without Long Chen needing to say anything, they began greedily absorbing the chaotic Qi.

In the distance, the Blood Killing Hall, the Nine Underwold Hall, the Sacred Pill Hall, and other powerful individuals also looked on with envy.

Chaos Qi, that was what everyone desired when the Three Thousand Worlds opened. By absorbing the Chaos Qi, they would have a great chance of directly condensing a Heavenly Dao Crown.

Condensing the Heavenly Dao Crown meant obtaining the recognition of the heavens and earth, acquiring a token. Wherever the Heavenly Dao Crown appeared, the laws of heaven would obey, making it the dream of every Immortal King.

Unfortunately, the spiderweb cracks soon healed, and the chaos dissipated. The black hole in front of them quickly sealed up, as if nothing had happened.

"What a pity. I only sensed a bit of it. Why did it disappear?" Guo Ran lamented in frustration.

Xia Chen and Yue Xiaoqian glanced at Guo Ran, their expressions filled with shock. They exclaimed simultaneously. Behind Guo Ran's head, a faint halo appeared. Though not particularly distinct, it was real.

"The Heavenly Dao Crown? Oh my, how did I..."

Xia Chen stared at the halo behind Guo Ran's head, his eyes wide with astonishment. How could this fellow possess such dumb luck?

After all, they only absorbed a small amount of the chaos. Xia Chen and Yue Xiaoqian felt their bodies and souls cleansed, and they sensed a strange power within them.

But besides that was all, they didn't experience much besides that. Yet, Guo Ran had a halo behind his head. Although it was dim, it was the legendary Heavenly Dao Crown. How was this fellow incredibly lucky?

"Long Chen..."

Suddenly, Yue Xiaoqian exclaimed, her figure flickering as she approached Long Chen. At that moment, Long Chen's face was as pale as paper, blood seeping from his ears, nose, and eyes, a horrifying sight.

Yue Xiaoqian held Long Chen and pressed her jade hand against his back, intending to use her spiritual energy to heal him.

"No, call for Mo Nian. We need to leave. Hurry..."

At this moment, Long Chen was in excruciating pain, and he was already experiencing dizziness. He struggled to maintain a trace of consciousness to convey his message to Yue Xiaoqian.


At that moment, Mo Nian flew back. His breath was also somewhat weakened, a clear sign of his fierce battle with Yin Changsheng.

"Mo Nian, your belt..." Guo Ran's sharp eyes suddenly noticed the jade belt around Mo Nian's waist, finding it somewhat familiar.

"Xia Chen there's no time. Let's go quickly. Many experts are coming. What happened to Long Chen?" When Mo Nian saw Long Chen, he was shocked, thinking that he was seriously injured.


Immediately, the formation disk activated under Xia Chen's control, and the five of them disappeared in an instant.


With a loud bang, a long flaming spear pierced through the space where Long Chen and the others were, and Yin Changsheng appeared.

His body was surrounded by flames, and his eyes radiated a fierce killing intent. Yin Changsheng's breath was as weak as Mo Nian's.

The disciples of the Sacred Pill Hall exclaimed upon seeing Yin Changsheng. They noticed that the jade belt on Yin Changsheng's waist was missing. They suddenly recalled that Mo Nian was not wearing a belt and had taken Yin Changsheng's.


Yin Changsheng was filled with anger. He thrust his spear into the void, his violent power causing the space to tremble. However, Long Chen, Mo Nian, and the others had already escaped, leaving him helpless.


At that moment, a flaming Qilin appeared beside Yin Changsheng and let out a roar.

Yin Changsheng said furiously, "He's no match for me at all. Otherwise, how could he escape? If we join forces, even if we can kill him, it would still be a great shame."

He had engaged in a fierce battle with Mo Nian before, but he hadn't called upon the flaming Qilin for assistance. Yin Changsheng was also a proud individual. After suffering a great loss at Long Chen's hands previously, he was determined to defeat Mo Nian with his own strength this time.

However, he never expected Mo Nian to be more formidable than he imagined. Not only could he flee for his life, but he was also incredibly strong. They fought fiercely for a long time, and the outcome remained undecided.

What angered him most was that Mo Nian had snatched his magic jade belt right at the beginning. Apart from the belt's value, it was an indescribable humiliation.

Furthermore, what he detested the most was Mo Nian's insolence. He was both beaten and scolded by him. This infuriated Yin Changsheng, causing him to lose his temper and suffer an almost humiliating defeat at Mo Nian's hands.


At this time, numerous powerful individuals arrived from all directions, drawn by the commotion. However, they arrived too late, and everything had already concluded.

"Long Chen, Mo Nian, I, Yin Changsheng, swear I won't rest until I tear you apart!" Yin Changsheng looked up at the sky, roaring with unyielding killing intent in his voice. These were the two individuals he hated the most in his life.


The void trembled, and the figures of Long Chen and the others reappeared.

"Long Chen, how are you?" Yue Xiaoqian held Long Chen, her pretty face filled with concern.

"I'm fine. I injured my meridians with my own power. Help me protect me. I'll use the chaotic Qi I just absorbed to heal the wounds." Long Chen smiled and reassured her. With that, he crossed his legs and sat on the ground, placing his hands together. The chaotic energy within his body began to circulate, treating his injuries.

Again, I'm not a pro. If you see any error or mistake pls comment on the paragraph to make everyone's reading experience enjoyable

Translation_Mastercreators' thoughts