
3799 - Reunite once again


Guo Ran and Xia Chen exclaimed in surprise. Only Long Chen could possess the killing intent to cause the heavens and earth to tremble.


Long Chen's large hand slapped the double-headed monster's face with a loud bang. The double-headed monster flew out like a meteor and crashed into the ground, creating a massive pit. Waves of earth surged in all directions.

At this moment, Long Chen's eyes were filled with cold killing intent. His long hair fluttered in the wind, resembling a god of death ready to reap lives.

"Long Chen !"

As Yue Xiaoqian looked at Long Chen's back, her eyes instantly filled with tears. The figure she had yearned for day and night had finally reappeared.

Long Chen slowly turned around, his tear-filled eyes meeting Yue Xiaoqian's beautiful face. A pang of sorrow gripped Long Chen's heart.

"Xiaoqian, I apologize for the suffering you've endured." Long Chen wanted to console Xiaoqian, but his voice choked midway.

In the battle of the Martial Heaven Continent, they were separated by life and death. They finally meet again, reunited after being separated for a long time. They have met each other countless times in their dreams, only to be disappointed upon waking up. The pain of longing is beyond the comprehension of others.

Although Long Chen is an indomitable hero and a brave warrior, when it comes to his lovers, he is no different from an ordinary person.

Yue Xiaoqian shook her head vigorously. She wanted to say something but found herself unable to speak, her tears streaming down. It seemed that she could on express her emotions through her tears.

"Long Chen, I've been waiting for you for so long. Today, I'll see where you'll ru,."

Just then, Yin Changsheng, who had just stopped Guo Ran and Xia Chen, broke through and rushed forward with a long spear in hand.

Yin Changsheng's hatred for Long Chen had permeated his very marrow. By now, he had become an Immortal King, his confidence growing stronger and his aura more powerful than ever before, surpassing imagination.

As Yin Changsheng's aura erupted, the temperature in the air instantly rose, and space distorted. Endless flame runes swirled around him, seemingly worshipping his presence.

Guo Ran and Xia Chen were astonished. Though they knew Yin Changsheng was a formidable opponent, they hadn't anticipated his terrifying aura that repelled people from approaching him.


Just then, the earth shattered into pieces as the double-headed monster burst out from beneath the ground. To the shock of Xia Chen and Guo Ran, despite being struck hard by Long Chen, the monster didn't even bear a scar on its face, as if it were invincible.

Witnessing Long Chen about to face the combined assault of Yin Changsheng and the double-headed monster, Yue Xiaoqian's eyes filled with worry. Long Chen gently touched Yue Xiaoqian's radiant and clear cheek with his large hand. The tender touch melted Long Chen's heart.

"Don't be afraid, leave everything to me. Trust me!" Long Chen grinned, shining as bright as the sun, bringing warmth to those around him.

Yue Xiaoqian nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks. Yet, her eyes carried a smile, infected by Long Chen. She seemed to see the invincible Long Chen once again.

"Corpse Plague, get out of my way. This guy is mine!" Yin Changsheng shouted, evidently desiring to fight Long Chen one-on-one, to reclaim his lost honor.

"Who do you think you are? You dare order others around in the Holy Dan Temple? What kind of existence do you think you are? How dare you meddle in my battle!?" the double-headed monster sneered.

"Courting death!"

Yin Changsheng erupted in fury. As one of the most formidable experts of the younger generation and the future successor of the Sacred Pill Hall, his arrogance knew no bounds.

With an angry snort, his body suddenly accelerated as he aimed to kill Long Chen before dealing with the double-headed monster.

"You're just a piece of shit, going around searching for more shit. Are you in love with it?"

At that moment, a lazy voice sounded, and Yin Changsheng saw a humble shovel appear and smack him on the head.

"What are you? Get lost!"

Yin Changsheng grew furious and the runes on his spear lit up. The power of faith surged into the spear as he thrust it toward the shovel.


To everyone's surprise, the seemingly unremarkable shovel collided with the long spear, producing a tremendous noise and scattering sparks, blocking Yin Changsheng's attack.

In the void, ripples spread, revealing Mo Nian's figure. Mo Nian slung the shovel over his shoulder, pointed his left hand toward the sky, squinted at his opponent, his long hair flying, his robes billowing, exuding an air of charm and coquetry. He proudly declared:

"The limitless palace in front of the limitless mountain, the limitless trees before the limitless gate, the dreams of heavenly geniuses vanish without traces as soon as they encounter Mo Nian"

Guo Ran and Xia Chen could hardly believe their eyes upon seeing Mo Nian's appearance. When Mo Nian recited his poem, Guo Ran nearly knelt down, his eyes brimming with admiration.

"Look at that guy, the way he cultivates and pretends to be powerful keeps getting better every day. Even his poetry is completely different now, becoming even more enchanting. After hearing his poems, I feel the urge to kill him. This is the true art of pretending!"

"I've heard this poem before. Someone was reciting it outside the gate. Was it him?"

"He's Mo Nian, the one who has been pursued by numerous factions, yet always manages to escape."

"Is he the tomb raider who smokes with morality, does mischief, and never dies? How is he still alive?"

"Wow, it's a miracle that this guy has offended so many forces and is still alive to this day."

Many powerful individuals were present, including members of the Blood Killing Hall, Nine Underwold Hall, Sacred Pill Hall, and others. They had all heard of Mo Nian's name.

Mo Nian was an incredibly "diligent" individual. He had paid visits to the ancestral tombs of various clan forces. Mo Nian was like a street mouse, hunted and despised by everyone. Although he hadn't engaged in many remarkable battles, his reputation was not insignificant.

He was a typical figure who constantly courted trouble, never died, and possessed an unimaginably tenacious vitality.

Now that he had appeared here, blocking Yin Changsheng's path, was he about to unleash a shocking battle?

It should be noted that while Mo Nian had gained some fame, it was all due to his ill repute. It was said that his greatest skill was escaping, but no one had ever heard of him displaying any remarkable combat abilities. Therefore, when they witnessed Mo Nian exuding his aura, everyone was astonished.

Again, I'm not a pro. If you see any error or mistake pls comment on the paragraph to make everyone's reading experience enjoyable

Translation_Mastercreators' thoughts