
3800 - Corpse Demon Clan

"I ran for my life? Yes, but I ran for the lives of others, not my own !

If you don't run for your life, you have to kill someone. And if you kill someone, you have to bury them. After burying them, you have to face the consequences. It's too troublesome.

But you're different. I've heard your name. It seems you're quite famous. Anyway, I haven't had a serious fight with anyone. Today, let's make this my first glorious battle in the Nine Heavens," Mo Nian said as his figure suddenly moved, disappearing completely.

"Challenging me? I'm afraid this will be the final battle for you in the Nine Heavens" Yin Changsheng sneered. Without turning back, he thrust his spear towards his back where Mo Nian suddenly appeared.


Just as the spear was about to pierce through, Mo Nian's figure reappeared to his left. Yin Changsheng, as if he had foreseen it, adjusted his attack and struck where Mo Nian appeared.

Guo Ran and Xia Chen exclaimed in surprise. In an instant, Mo Nian was stabbed by the long spear. However, Yin Changsheng's sneer vanished as his figure was suddenly struck by a shovel from an unexpected angle, sending him flying.

Mo Nian's figure appeared before the eyes of countless people. He laughed, saying, "What? I can pretend to be powerless, but you will be in danger."

After finishing his words, Mo Nian turned back to Long Chen and called out, "I'll handle this guy. The two-headed monster is yours."

With that, Mo Nian disappeared once again. When he reappeared, he had caught up with Yin Changsheng, who was flying backward. He raised the shovel high and delivered a powerful blow, sending him flying hundreds of thousands of miles away in an instant before following behind.

Meanwhile, the double-headed monster approached Long Chen. Long Chen gently caressed Yue Xiaoqian's cheek with his hand before pushing her gently towards Guo Ran and Xia Chen.

As Long Chen turned to face the double-headed monster, the smile on his face vanished in an instant, replaced by an overwhelming sense of killing intent. Black ripples appeared in his eyes, a sign that Long Chen's killing intent was on the verge of losing control.

Long Chen couldn't bear to see his woman hurt. Now, witnessing the double-headed monster, Long Chen's rage soared. His divine ring appeared behind him, the starry sky appeared, and a purple aura covered him.

"Lowly beings, without her mark, you're not even worthy to stand before me," the double-headed monster roared, its green hair becoming vibrant. At the same time, a dark world emerged behind it, as if countless fierce eyes were peering into the world.

Previously, the double-headed monster was hit by Long Chen due to his battle with Yue Xiaoqian. The demon suppression mark on Yue Xiaoqian greatly limited its cultivation. But now, as Yue Xiaoqian left, the monster's power surged forth, its aura no weaker than Yin Changsheng's. Moreover, it emitted a rotten aura capable of corroding the laws of heaven and earth.

With its full strength unleashed, the double-headed monster resembled an ancient corpse emerging from a tomb, exuding boundless resentment and the power of death.

"Long Chen, be careful. This guy isn't human at all. He's an ancient corpse, a practitioner of the Corpse Demon Path. He resides within this corpse," Mo Nian's voice echoed from a distance, reminding Long Chen.

Having spent years living in tombs, Mo Nian could discern the details of this creature at a glance. However, those unaware of its true nature looked on in shock. No wonder the stench emanating from the double-headed monster was so peculiar—it turned out to be a corpse.


Suddenly, thunder roared in the distance. The fierce battle between Yin Changsheng and Mo Nian finally erupted. Yin Changsheng summoned the Heaven Vision and ignited the power of faith, while Mo Nian summoned the Infinite Heavenly Palace Vision. The shovel was replaced by a longbow. With their full-powered attacks, the void was torn apart, and the two figures soared into the sky, taking the battle to the Ninth Heaven.

"Worry about yourself! Today, I won't let you escape," sneered Yin Changsheng's voice from the Ninth Heaven.

"What are you? Today, we'll dig a pit and bury you," Mo Nian responded coldly.

"Boom, boom..."

The two figures fiercely clashed above the Ninth Heaven. They were no longer visible, but the terrifying ripples continued to spread, causing the stars in the sky to tremble. It was a brutal battle between titans.


At this moment, enveloped by the deathly aura, the double-headed monster closed in on Long Chen. Its hands emitted a green light as it threw a punch at Long Chen.

"The Corpse Demon Clan was once a powerful clan during the ancient era, ranking among the top 100 among the Ten Thousand Clans. However, you dared to provoke the Tiantong Clan. Cursed by them, you've become a group of lowly reptiles. For billions of years, you could only hide humbly in the underground, struggling to survive.

And now, you dare to make a move again? It seems the curse has been lifted. But do you really think it's your time to rise? You're gravely mistaken. As long as I, Long San, am here, you demons will never rise again!"

With a roar, Long Chen's body was covered in golden scales with purple veins. The abundance of purple qi in his body further enhanced his dragon bloodline and physical strength.

"Boom!" Long Chen's fist collided with the double-headed monster's, producing a resounding noise that shook the heavens and earth. In the billowing shockwave, both figures were forced back simultaneously.

Their fists were as solid as iron and steel, creating the sound of metal clashing. This immense physical strength left countless onlookers astounded.

Before, the double-headed monster fought against a realm artifact barehanded, instilling fear in everyone's hearts. Its flesh seemed incomparably powerful, surpassing the mortal realm. And now, Long Chen, too, exchanged blows with it barehanded, indicating that his body had reached a similar level. The shock and awe were immeasurable.

After Mo Nian's reminder, people realized that the double-headed monster had taken control of the body of an ancient powerhouse. This being from the ancient era had preserved its corpse for an unimaginably long time, indicating the unimaginable terror its original owner possessed.

Yet, Long Chen could contend with this ancient corpse, resulting in a clash across eras. People saw a massive long knife strapped to his back, but he chose to fight the double-headed monster without resorting to weapons. Obviously, Long Chen had his pride and had no interest in using weapons to deal with it.

"You're nothing but ants. Even if your strength is increased tenfold, you still can't destroy this body. I'll show you just how terrifying the flesh of the ancient era can be."

After the fierce exchange with Long Chen, the double-headed monster sneered and stepped into the void, launching another attack against Long Chen. What shocked everyone was that a black halo enveloped its body, and its aura surged even more.

"Is that supposed to be a mere probing attack?" someone exclaimed.

"Fengfu Star, unleash your power!"

In the Starry Sea behind Long Chen, a star radiated a dazzling light like the sun. Long Chen's power surged like a tidal wave. With a single strike, Long Chen shattered the void and struck the double-headed monster.

Again, I'm not a pro. If you see any error or mistake pls comment on the paragraph to make everyone's reading experience enjoyable

Translation_Mastercreators' thoughts