
Nice To See You Again

Garen Rine made a lot of mistakes during his childhood which was brought by his prideful character of an Alpha born of high standing but, he never felt so much regret to any of this, that is until wronging this one certain Omega, Liliane Fray. The young girl in his childhood appeared on his life once more, now that they're older, the bond becomes even more obvious, pulling the Alpha to a strong desire for this omega. The problem is that, Liliane destest Garen to the core. He hurt her heart in the past, she has all the reason to hate him. Can Garen ever find a way to make Liliane forgive him and give him a chance to love her? Being tangled in desire, desperation, and longing. An alpha and omega gravenly hurt by trying to love innocently in the world of the Verse, their story unfolds along with regrets and things previously unknown. Their end, what will it be?

Lizzy_Rouge · ไซไฟ
28 Chs


Garen feels like dreaming. He was too much happy that he was barely able to control his pheromones. Garen could still smell the sweet scent of flowers and citrus in the air. Liliane's hair was down and loose, ends are softly fluttering from her movements.

Gazing upon Liliane, Garen couldn't help but notice how small and frail the girl have become. Garen has quite a good build and tall figure, taller than Liliane. The last time he remembers the two of them having almost the same height. Their eyes would always meet along with their smiles. Now, Garen stares at Liliane and would notice her lashes casting shadow upon her cheeks. She just seemed so precious for the boy and he can't help but, adore her every contour.

"What are you looking at?" Liliane glares at the boy but, he was never intimidated by it.

"Sorry... You were just so pretty." Garen says as he smiles from his sincere joy of the mere act of describing Liliane's image.

Liliane was red and seemed unpleasant.

"Jokes." She murmurs and speeds up with her steps.

The boy catched up just fine. The moment they arrived in n the cafeteria, it had quite a packed crowd.

"I would get us some meal, do you mind saving us some space?" Garen suggested when he noticed the long line and gradual decrease of free seats.

Liliane understood the practicality of the boy's suggestion and so, she nodded and went ahead to look for some space while Garen lines up for the food.

All meals were the same for each student. The menu for breakfast is Rice with some fried egg, fish, and vegetables.

The foods were ready to be collected so, the time he spent on the line wasn't that long.

Garen felt a sudden discomfort and hurried to search for Liliane among the crowd. He saw many eyes were directed to her. Liliane just stared at a space and her eyes seemed hollow and soulless that made Garen's chest tightening. The boy hurried to Liliane's side and greeted her as he places down the trays.

"Delivery~" Garen playfully said and smiled warmly at her.

The two used to joke with this as their greeting but now, coldness only wraps the air.

Liliane hurried to collect her composure. She never said anything and just proceeded to eat. She first took the greens and the egg then, topped it in her rice then eat.

The boy couldn't helped but let a soft chuckle escape from his smiles. He remembers how the girl used to show great resentment against fishes. Her nemesis in the table will forever be fish. It's wonderful to see how some things never changes even after a passage of time.

"Would you mind trading your fish for my veggies?" The boy asked.

He noticed the girl almost pouting but stopped that motion from ever happening. Garen knows well of Liliane's habits in all forms and ranges. How she would punch the wall or break her pens when she's pissed or like right now, How she would adorably pout if she's on a state of deep thinking. The boy could tell that Liliane is contemplating whether she should discard of the fish and engage with him more or, discard the trade and continue to act cold.

Garen never said anything and simply stopped from touching his own plate and stare at the girl, patiently waiting for a respond. Liliane's brows twitched as she slightly squinted her eyes, displaying a conflicted expression.

Garen couldn't help but deeply sigh within his mind. Having to sit and dine together with Liliane still feels like a dream. Every movement, every gestures, and every breathing that Liliane does is just very precious for this hopeless boy.

Not after long, Garen could faintly hear whispers. Noticing their surrounding landing gazes at their direction, Garen turned to his back and actually caught people on the action of whispering among themselves while looking at them.

It's the very same eyes that was staring at Liliane when he first arrived in the classroom. Those eyes filled with judgement and is looking down on Liliane who chose to wear a collar in stead of a bracelet.

Garen's eyes started to glow in a rich golden hue, making the other students intimidated the moment he glares at them. He was sure to be careful and not to release pheromones while he's near with Liliane. Knowing that there were alphas among the crowd and that, he was able to scare them off, shows just how High of an Alpha Garen is. He was also able to control his alpha abilities better than the crowd, truly showing his superiority against the others.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Liliane asked with her soft and lovable voice.

Too soft and sweet that it calms the boy. When he turned around, the girl seemed to be waiting for him. The smile returned in the boy and he seemed to knew at that point that Liliane was willing to trade side dishes with him. The boy switched his vegies for her fish and Liliane did not react but, the two simply continued to eat.

Time is passing by so quickly. They have classes at seven and it's already [6:34 AM], they still have to walk to their classroom. A person suddenly came behind Garen and it spoke to him with enmity.

"What are you doing with Liane?" It was Ziel, staring at Garen with detest.

"Ziel, I'm done. Let's go." Liliane says as she lefts her plate, only half eaten, carrying her tray as she stands up.

Liliane never bid Garen any goodbye. The two girls went away, leaving Garen unable to say anything, not that he could say anything in that sittuation.

Well, they shall meet again in the classroom...

Still, Garen can't help but let many thoughts run through his head once more. Maybe, Ziel have snapped Liliane back to reality and reminded her that the man eating with her was a scumbag. Also, reminding Garen of how unworthy he is to be in Liliane's presence.

It was a helplessly frustrating feeling when the one you longed for is already this near but, you have to hold back. The sweet feeling slowly turned sour, then extremely bitter. Garen was indeed sad mixed with a bit of childish disappointment. But, the boy decided to simply let go.

Garen watched the back of the two, getting far by every second, he lets time pass, enough to give a comforting distance for Liliane. He continued with his meal and reluctantly touched the food that was a trade or could he say the first interaction between the two.

"It will be fine. Just be patient. I have a long way. I should just use my lifetime if I have to." He thought.