
the second encounter

Who those drinks must be stronger then I thought. I was happy to get out of there before I said something else dumb. I can't believe I told him that he was a complete stranger. Well I did recognize him, he was one of those actors in some of the superhero movies that have been coming out the last few years. I was so embarrassed. I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to Jazz

* I'm heading home to sleep, see you in the morning.*

Just so she wouldn't worry. I walked home, it was a nice warm night with a light spring breeze. I was relieved to get home, I was so exhausted so I went straight to bed.

* * * *

I spent the next few days getting settled in. My bed and all my other stuff arrived so I was busy unpacking and setting everything up. I started going jogging every morning in different parts of the city to get to know the area better. A week after I first got here I went on a jog in central park, I've been bringing my camera with me cuz taking pictures has become a hobby of mine, this city is beautiful. I stopped to take a picture of the sky line over trees and I wasn't paying attention behind me when I took a step back and stepped in to someone, I stumbled and almost fell but the person I hit cought me.

" Thank you, I'm so sorry for stepping in to you." I said a little flustered and embarrassed.

" It's fine." he said and I looked up at the voice knowing it and was even more embarrassed to see Sebastian looking at me. " Hi Rosa, I was hoping to see you again. I was worried about you the other night." He said with a smile and a little concern. I looked away shile not wanting him to see the smile that spread across my face.

" No one calls me Rosa, and thanks again for that night." I said. I would never would let him know but had thought about him a few times. I had just met him that night but he was so nice and helpful with my panic attack and seemed to understand. the way he looked at me made me want to talk to him more, it made me feel comfortable and like he didn't think I was broken like the people back home did.

" New city new name." he said " I always felt if you want to make a new start and not feel like the same person you were a name can be helpful." he told me with a knowing smile. I couldn't help but to look at him and smile. He has a magnetic personality. Looking at him I noticed he was wearing exercises clothes.

" Have I interrupted your morning run?" I asked

" Yes" he replied, " but I don't mind, because it looks like I found a jogging partner." he said noticing my jogging clothes. " What do you say partner?" He asked.

" Sure might as well." I responded and we started off together. It was kinda peaceful in the park running in the morning before all the people got there and it was nice having company. we didn't talk while we were jogging, we both had one headphone in listening to music. I'm not vary fast so I felt like I was slowing him down but he didn't seem to mind he just kept pace with me for the most part. when we got twords the end he was in front of me a bit and the sun was coming through the buildings over the trees and we were the only ones right there at that moment so I stopped and took a picture of it with his back to me, it was a fantastic photo. Right after I took it and was looking at it I guess Sebastian realized I wasn't right behind him cuz he stopped to wait for me. I jogged up to him and we were at the end of the park.

" Well I guess we are done with the jog." I said smiling at him, and just then my stomach growled really loud.

" Sounds like you need breakfast. I am going to go get some food, you should join me." he said

I felt sweaty and gross and I probably look gross too. " Ummm, I think I'll get food at home, I need I shower I think I terrible right now." I don't know why I keep rambling to him.

He laughed " Nonsense you look great. plus how mush have you gotten out since you got here?"

" Not much." I had to say " other then jogging I've stayed in."

" Now you can't say no you are coming with me." he said and linked his arm with mine and led me down the road.

W didn't talk when we were walking but it was a comfortable silence. for some reason I didn't feel awkward around him it felt nice. He kept are arms linked while we walked so we were very close and I couldn't help but notice he smelled good, like citrus and soap. Also without my heels on he was really tall. I found myself looking up at him he had shaved since last I saw home he looked younger now. I didn't realize I was staring at him till he looked down at me " like what you." he said and smirked at me

" what um yes wait what" I stammered blinking away.

He Laughed " it's ok we are here."