
getting to know you

We were standing in front of a cafe that was bright and inviting. We went in to order and get a table. Sitting down with our food and coffee we eat in a comfortable silence. When we were done with our food we started small talk and drinking our coffee.

"So, how have you been?" I asked.

" fine." he responded with a laugh.

" What is funny?"

" Nothing" he responded with still a hint of a smirk playing on his lips still.

"No, really what?"

"Well it's just we talk like we are old friends catching up but we don't really know each other. We are just small talking, when I would like to know you. The real you."

Wow he's right, I guess it's like easier to talk with him like I know him. "I guess I just feel comfortable with you." I blush realizing how little time we have known each other but I have told him something so deep about my parents.

" Can we get to know each other? I feel like I would really like to." He said

I smiled " yah so would I." I told him. " I didn't think I would be so comfortable getting to know someone after my ex left me." I whispered not looking at him. I felt really vulnerable but safe. I became a bit self-conscious after he didn't say anything for a minute. then I looked up at him to see if I scared him with to much info. I looked up and his expression was completely open but worried, he was running his hand through his hair, he looked like he was thinking about something but couldn't find the words to say.

"I ... I'm ... I'm sorry." I stammered out. when I said that he looked hurt. I felt like I could cry and I felt dumb why did I share so much it's like I want to get myself hurt again. He just sat there staring. I took a deep breath and got up to leave before I could feel any worst. I had to walk past him to get out and as I did he grabbed my hand so I stopped and looked at him at that moment he looked scared.

" My dad left when I was young and sense then it seems like no one stays for long." Now I didn't know what to say, I sat back down and we just sat together drinking coffee. After a few minutes in silence we started talking about where we grew up. I told like about Texas and he told me he was born in Romania but moved to New York when he was 8. We talked about college, he studied acting but never graduate. I told him I got a business degree.

" Is that your dream job? To be a business manager?" he asked with a hint of a laugh. " It doesn't seem like you."

"No, not my dream job. It's what helped run a bar though."

"What is the dream job then?"


"That's a tasty dream." he said and I laughed at that bad joke. "Why is it just a dream why not make it real?"

"It never was a sustainable option financially."

"It's never to late to give it a go."

We talked and laughed a little while longer but then we needed to get back to our day. He went off to whatever it is he had planned and I had to get back to my place. Before we parted ways he had me give him my phone number.

Right before I got back home my phone buzzed

*Hey doll, I love talking to you, need to plan another run in with you.*

*Oh I'm doll now? and you can't plan a run in with someone that's just called hanging out.*

*Yes you are, why do you not like it?you can call it whatever you want*

* No I like it *

I got to my. house still smiling. today was good.