
To Dorne Part 2

The whole family was happy to leave Kings landing. The kids because we will let them have way more freedom than before, the girls because they were a hairs width away from the queen. As she kept looking down on us for being from the North, as it so happens Northern Trade have sidelined decided to by pass the entirety of the Westerlands now have made a direct lane to Dorne via the iron islands for supplies with canned goods.

We were on our way to Yornwood, as even though it does not have an amazing history we were stopping for Obyren had fostered their for some times. He wanted to visit the lord their as he saw him as a uncle figure.

Dorne is very hot even along the coast it has the same feeling as Arizona or the Middle East, the buildings here are amazing they are a mix of Middle Eastern style for the newer castles but the small folk the buildings look like Native American styles form area like Arizona where the my are carved into the mountain sides.

We also began trying to figure out a way of bringing water to the more isolated villages and towns.

We had short and long term solutions, short would continue the ice trade from the Areas beyond the wall, medium term would be developing aqueducts from the mountains, long would be if we can get a set in stone alliance to go independent with us and make a new "Kingdom" I.E we would be on equal standing in term of governmental power, once that happens we will have water collection runes to help make wells and better flow in the aqueducts. But that will be very far down the line.

The main purpose is to get trade here to Dorne and open the door to more in depth stuff once we are more "open" with one another like getting Court wizards and the revitalization of the Rhoynish Faith to over through the Seven here.


The arrival at Sunspear was way more relaxed than it was at Kings Landing. King Doran came and welcomed us to the castle as we docked on the long our cropping of the castle.

Doran-"Welcome to Sunspear Lord and Ladies Maelstrom, thank you for meeting me here to finish the meeting here about trade and a great thank you to helping me avenge my sister after so many years."

"It was my honor too that beast was a blight on the world."

We then were led to our chamber while we stayed, after some time I was invited to Doran's solar. where Doran and his brother had obviously been talking for some time for the atmosphere of the place it was very intense.

Obryen-"Thank you Hal for coming, now as I was explaining to my brother about some of the magic your people can do."

Doran-"Yes while I had been skeptical of what my brother said about your people during the war but seeing is believing as that Airship shows. He also mentioned that you have a way of healing my Gout, while the healing potions do help being able to move on my own two feet would be nice."

"Yes, I can heal you my friend it won't take but a moment and I'll explain as I go. First, this is a diagnostic charm used by our healers it will give me a complete map of your body *Corpus Nito as holographic image of Doran's whole body appears on the table* this is you body under the skin. Now see here on the toe, that is what causes your pain a build up of acid. For treatment is east I will purge you body of the acid and clean out your kidneys of all the other build up now you will throw up after you drink the potion."

Doran after 30 seconds pukes in a summoned bucket while Oberyn laughs at his brother misfortune.

"Now, to prevent gout of happening again you will need to change what you eat. So no shell fish, red meat, alcohol, and fruity drinks. That does not mean you have to cut all of it out just limit to once every 2 weeks. But do drink a lot of water and do some exercises I will write out for you. Oberyn this goes for you to your chance of getting gout is higher."

That stoped his laughter. He brother now having stoped throwing up and gaining his composure.

Doran-"That was awful, but the pain in my foot is gone and i will alert my cooks about the food changes. Now on to other topics you want to open more formal trade with Dorne."

"Yes, I am sure your brother has told you some of the technology break throughs like the our trains and ships, and Dorne has something that the North needs to further that development in directions that we want to follow. What we want is Oil or Naphtha that is quite abundant here Dorne. To get that oil we are going to trade you something Dorne needs water."

Doran-"Hmmm, I do know of the substance you speak of it can be found throughout Dorne quite easily at that. If you truly can bring ice this far down south for every gallon of oil you drill we want a gallon of water."

"Deal that can be easily done. Now we will have to iron out the details and drilling sites later I also have some other opportunities."


The rest of our 3 weeks in Dorne was great. We spent our days getting to know the rest of the Martell family. In the afternoons we would have formal meetings Ironing out where oil deposits are here in Dorne, where the water will be held, and if Doran will get a court wizard. Obryen had pushed for him to get one when I told him that I would active his daughters to use active magic, we also brought up wards for his castle which I totally was not going to add loyalty enforcement and spying to no way.

The evenings the adults would talk about light subjects or our the Maelstrom family would introduce board games that we would play with the kids. The Martells are way to fucking good at Clue and Secret Hitler, after we taught them how to play they constantly won the game. It was a lot of fun the Martells after getting their trust are a lot of fun to be around. Obryen had become a cool uncle to the kids, and would tell them stories about his adventures around Westeros.

The second hardest topic to talk about was the Seven as Doran after hearing the story about what my people went through he began to look into the old faith of Dorne that had a similar system to that of ancient Egypt mixed with Mesopotamia religion. The faith was like the old gods rooted in magic, their magic surrounded water and sand. Like water benders and earth benders, Doran and Obryen had even heard old bed time stories about the gods and people who could use magic like that.

It was interesting, Doran also began to track down some pockets of those who still worshiped these gods and found that nomads and some of his low level lords still worshiped these gods.

The most interesting topic was the Iron throne, after Doran had been affected by the ward long enough that he would not just rat me out I told him about the truth of all Roberts l


Unknown to all of use we then allowed another set of gods to take over a faith here in Planetos. Which follows the same course as it did in The North though this time it was more violent than the North. After we leave Dorne a surge in anti seven sentiment among the Dornish and will eventually cause all lord including Doran who will publicly change faith but this will not be for some time.


When we did get the details of the deal Ironed out and had the ward manager set up here in Sunspear. Doran had finally agreed to have wizard stationed here, we also have them a variety of gifts to say goodbye like Board game and each a token that when showed to a Captain of a Airship they will give them free passage North.

We were a little sad to leave Dorne as we had made great friends in the Martells, but we were ready to go home and get ready for the collapse of the seven kingdoms in 10 years time and get Rose ready for her prophecy that is still affecting her.