
Very Busy in the Morning

บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

The Black Widow was a little ashamed now. She did not have a good impression of Wesley, but he had indeed been saved today. She did not expect that it would be easy to enter the other party's vault but difficult to come out. This made her grit her teeth in hatred.

She had taken the initiative to get into Wesley's car, wanting to thank him. "Thank you for saving me today," she said long after she got in.

Wesley heard her words and then responded, "It doesn't matter. After all, we accepted the mission together. I am also responsible for your accident." He was indeed responsible, because he did mean to let the other party take the lead. Although the two of them don't have a good relationship, they are colleagues after all. Wesley was a little inappropriate to sit like this.

"Can I stay at your place today? I didn't get my clothes back."

"Sure, no problem. I can buy you some clothes tomorrow morning." Wesley nodded and agreed. The car drove all the way back to the house. Fortunately, it was late at night and the underground parking lot was very quiet. They got out of the car and took the elevator all the way to the top floor.

The barefoot Black Widow rubbed her hands over her body from time to time. It wasn't cold. It was still summer vacation. She was just a little shy and subconsciously wanted to cover it up. Wesley didn't have the awareness to take off his jacket and put it on her, which embarrassed a lady.

On the top floor, Wesley took her into the next room. This was where weapons and steel armor were stored. The original Blackadder was now stored here. Wesley had left it with Carlos in case he needed it.

"There's a room here. The other rooms have a security system. Don't move around. Go take a shower first. I'll find you some clothes." Wesley entered the room and looked around. There were no clothes here for the time being, only daily necessities. These were placed here by Hannah. Wesley took the largest bath towel and threw it to Black Widow, then went back to his room next door. The family was asleep. Only Annabelle heard the door open and trotted to meet Wesley.

Wesley picked it up and gently touched it. "Okay, little girl, you have to go to bed early, okay? Go back to sleep now, but you are a little fat now. Do you want me to help you lose weight?" After putting Annabelle back on the ground, Wesley went into his bedroom, took a shirt, and then sent it to Black Widow as pajamas.

"Wear this first. I'll buy it for you tomorrow. Then you can write the size for me."

Natasha Romanov took the shirt, then looked at Wesley and said, "Do you really think I'm not beautiful?"

Anyone who didn't know her well would have been easily tempted, but not Wesley. He knew very well that this person was old enough to be his grandmother, and from Wesley's aesthetic point of view, her nose was the biggest failure. If she had been younger, Wesley might have accepted her.

"Personal aesthetics are different. Doesn't Tony think you're beautiful?"

"You have a good relationship with Maria Hill. Do you like her type?"

"Oh, it seems that everyone knows about our relationship. Don't I work at S.H.I.E.L.D.? Why doesn't anyone have a sense of confidentiality? Or have you been a spy for too long and like to pry into other people's affairs?" Wesley is now not at all at ease with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s confidentiality system.

"Well, you can go back to sleep now, but if you want, you can take a bath with me. I don't mind." With that, he turned to the bathroom and took off his bra as he walked. Wesley rolled his eyes and then turned to leave. He didn't want to spend the night in desire. Out of sight, out of mind.

The next morning, Wesley got up on time, and Mindy got up early. She never stayed in bed because she had training in the morning. She deliberately came to Wesley's room. "Brother, when did you come back yesterday?"

"Oh, I'm back late. Come on, let's go train." Wesley and Carlos took Mindy to the next room, where the wide living room became a place for practice. The three of them began to warm up. The three treadmills were very loud together, and Black Widow, who looked sleepy, opened the bedroom door without opening her eyes.

Carlos looked at her in surprise. Mindy forgot to run with her mouth open and was thrown off the treadmill. Wesley said unhurriedly, "This is Agent Natasha Romanov. She went on a mission with me yesterday and slept here at night. Mindy, get up and continue running." Wesley did not stop and continued running on the treadmill. Mindy hurriedly got up and continued running, but she looked back from time to time.

The Black Widow was too embarrassed to go back to sleep, so she went into the bathroom to wash up. Then she wore Wesley's shirt to the living room. "When are you going to buy clothes for me? You have to buy underwear too." Her words were ambiguous, but Wesley did not panic. "There's no hurry. I'll go after breakfast. Also, write your size."

The Black Widow leaned against Wesley's treadmill and said in an extremely flirtatious tone, "Can't you tell my size?"

Mindy opened her mouth again, slowed down, and was thrown off. Wesley looked at her helplessly. "Mindy, why are you so easily distracted? And Agent Natasha Romanov, please watch your behavior. Mindy is only twelve. I hope you can be a good role model."

It was only then that Black Widow realized that she had gone too far. Wesley's little sister was still too young. "Oh, sorry." She hurried to be dignified, but she was wearing only a shirt, although Wesley had taken a dark one.

Wesley could only say, "Hannah should be preparing breakfast. She doesn't know you're here yet. Go next door and tell her and give her a hand."

"Okay." Black Widow put on her slippers and hurried next door.

"Brother, is she your girlfriend?" Mindy asked after climbing on the treadmill again.

"No, just a colleague. There were some small problems with the operation last night. She lost all her clothes and shoes. Mindy, a lady should be dignified, okay? Don't learn from her."

"Yes, Mindy knows, but she's very beautiful."

"Not as pretty as our Mindy. Mindy must be prettier than her when she grows up."

After the three of them finished running, they began to hit the sandbags, one for each of them. Mindy's was a smaller one. Wesley and Mindy then practiced with each other while Carlos guided Mindy. After the morning exercise, the three of them went back to wash up.

Hannah's eyes swept around the table, between Wesley and Black Widow. Wesley wanted to tell Hannah that she was getting on in years and not to let her imagination run wild.