
New Beginning: Second Life

When Alex Summers is betrayed and murdered, he awakens in a medieval world under the name Marcos. Unknown and full of determination, Marcos embarks on a new beginning to discover the mystery of his reincarnation. In "New Beginning: Second Life", accompany him on a journey of self-discovery, full of dangers and surprises, where each choice can change his destiny forever.

TheDiego_Novel · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Advice and Precautions

"What a comfortable bed!" exclaimed Marcos, who lay in bed in a somewhat luxurious room. He had had a very exhausting day.

"A lot happened,"

Marcos thought quickly as he quickly got up to look for something to eat.

The mayor had given him this room, and it had the basics like a bathroom and a well-arranged bed. It was somewhat large, large enough to take 15 steps from one corner to another.

Before letting an employee take Marcos to his room, the mayor had told him the following:

"Marcos, rest for now, because tomorrow we will register you in the army. A person like you, who has awakened a gift, will receive special treatment compared to people who have not."

Then, he whispered to Marcos.

"But don't be too confident, since you come from a small town like ours, there will be people of a higher social hierarchy than you, since they will gather all the people who have recently awakened gifts."

Then, Mayor Hugo said goodbye to Marcos and told him he would visit him someday.

"He's a good guy,"

Marcos thought as he ate a chicken leg. He had been very hungry since he came to this world, and even more so after awakening a gift.

"They told me I had to get up early in the morning to go to the capital, where I will be trained with other people with gifts."

Thinking about this made him somewhat nervous, as the people he would train with would be around his age. Marcos did not like interacting with people like that, as it made him nervous.

"Since they revealed that to me when I was Alex…"

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He should be glad since he reincarnated into a new world called Teria, where supernatural powers and more existed.

"But I shouldn't have that thought, since this is the real world, not like those fantasy novels where the reincarnated one has a lot of powers and a system to help them on their adventure."

Thinking about this, Marcos had an idea.

What if I also have a system?

If he had a system, he could be the strongest person in this world someday. After all, characters with a system always become the strongest. He wouldn't lose anything by trying.


Marcos shouted internally, and when nothing happened, he tried to say it out loud.


He was somewhat disappointed, but after thinking about it a bit, it was better this way.

"If I had a system, wouldn't there be an entity that controlled it? That would be quite problematic."

After finishing eating, he sat on his bed and began to review the memories he had of this body.

"This world is called Teria. I am currently in the kingdom of Illas, which is also at war with another kingdom called Aqualis. The inhabitants of the kingdom of Illas are mostly humans, while in the kingdom of Aqualis, they are a marine race called Aquamantes."

After assimilating this information in his mind, he thought again.

"I don't know very well how the conflict started, but from what I know, it was due to political, diplomatic problems, and past issues."

Marcos complained that he didn't have more information, but he, a poor person from the slums of a not-so-well-known town, found it impossible to know much information, and the worst part is that he can't read or write.

"I guess the original Marcos never went to school,"

He murmured in a somewhat sad tone, although he already knew this because he saw Marcos's memories, it still saddened him. Marcos fought very hard to survive in this world. He was born an orphan and had to take care of himself, barely able to eat once a week, which is why he was so malnourished.

After thinking a bit about the original life of Marcos, a knock was heard at the door.

"It's John."

Said the person behind the door. Hearing that name, Marcos remembered the person who had taken him to this room.

Marcos went to the door, and upon opening it, he found a middle-aged man, tall but thin, about 1.80 meters tall, with short black hair, the same color as his eyes. He was dressed in servant's clothes. John, seeing Marcos, smiled and said in a formal tone:

"I hope you have recovered from your awakening sequelae today, Marcos."

When Marcos heard what John said, he replied:

"Yes, Mr. John, I have largely recovered, and the fabulous food they left me in the room has also helped me recover."

Hearing Marcos's response, John smiled.

"I'm glad our food has helped your recovery."

Hearing this response, Marcos asked him.

"Is there something you need?" Marcos asked.

"Well, the truth is that I have been ordered to explain some things to you."

"What things?"

Marcos asked with some curiosity.

"It's the things you should and shouldn't do when you arrive at the military camp in the capital," John replied.

Loan understood Marcos's situation well. Marcos came from the slums of the town of Stalvar, but today, some noble trash went and ordered his guard to stab him just because, and then it turns out he awakened a natural gift, but they were wrong, and instead, he managed to awaken a gift with the artificial method. Now, he had to leave tomorrow morning to get to the capital, where he will join the ranks of the army.

"What a crazy day he's had."

John thought before giving his explanation.

"First, take everything the instructor says as if God said it, do not disobey anything he says."

"Second, keep your distance from people who are nobles, because if not, problems will occur, you already know that, don't you, Marcos?"

That question gave Marcos chills. Although he did not experience it in person and only knows of that experience through the memories he obtained when reincarnating, he still remembered that feeling of being stabbed.

"And I don't like it."

Marcos thought, then nodded his head to Loan's question. He was clear that if he messed with the nobles, because of his origins, he would most likely get into trouble.

"And third, good luck."

John concluded before saying goodbye to Marcos and returning the way he came.