
New Beginning: Second Life

When Alex Summers is betrayed and murdered, he awakens in a medieval world under the name Marcos. Unknown and full of determination, Marcos embarks on a new beginning to discover the mystery of his reincarnation. In "New Beginning: Second Life", accompany him on a journey of self-discovery, full of dangers and surprises, where each choice can change his destiny forever.

TheDiego_Novel · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Awakening

Chapter 4: "The Awakening"

"Cough cough, oh yes, you can also awaken a gift in another way," said the mayor, somewhat embarrassed.

"Really, Mayor?" Marcos quickly asked the mayor. He had been somewhat disappointed before, but now his mood had lifted again.

"Yes, Marcos, there is another method to awaken, called the Artificial Awakening Ritual," the mayor looked at Marcos, and seeing that he had a face that was saying, how does that work? he began to explain.

"The Artificial Awakening Ritual is a carefully designed process to try to awaken a gift in those who have not naturally awakened one," Mayor Hugo looked at Marcos, and seeing him nod slightly, began to explain the process of how it worked.

"Marcos, the Artificial Awakening Ritual is our way of giving everyone who, like you, has not been fortunate enough to naturally awaken a gift, a chance. This ritual uses a machine called the Awakening Crystal."

The mayor pointed to a diagram on the wall that represented the machine and its components. "At the center of the machine is a large mana crystal, surrounded by several smaller crystals that help channel and purify the energy. When activated, the machine generates a controlled current of mana energy that flows through your body."

Hugo paused to make sure Marcos understood. "The key to the ritual is the quantity and quality of mana. The mana must be powerful enough to stimulate the body and soul, but also gentle enough not to cause harm. The machine is designed to balance these forces. During the ritual, you will sit in a circle of smaller crystals that will concentrate the energy in your body."

The mayor continued, "This process can be exhausting and sometimes painful, as the mana makes its way through your energy channels. But don't worry, there are always experts present to oversee the ritual and ensure everything goes well. If your body can adapt to the flow of mana, you might awaken a gift."

"And what happens if my body and soul do not adapt to the mana?" Marcos cautiously asked.

"Well, there are two options that can happen if you do not adapt to the mana," the mayor paused momentarily before continuing.

"Either you suffer a minor injury and simply do not awaken any gift," the mayor looked at Marcos with a serious face, "The other option would be that you suffer a serious injury and become immobilized."

Hearing the words that came from Mayor Hugo, Marcos turned a little pale, as he did not expect that he could suffer serious injuries when trying to awaken a gift.

"But don't worry, kid, the probability of injury is quite low," the mayor calmed Marcos a bit, and seeing him nod, the mayor said the following:

"Let's go to the Artificial Awakening Ritual, Marcos," said the mayor before getting up, telling Marcos to follow him. After leaving the mayor's house, the two went to the military camp, where the "Artificial Awakening Ritual" was located.

"Mayor, why is the Artificial Awakening Ritual at the military base?" Marcos asked with some curiosity.

"Well, because now our kingdom of Illas is at war with the kingdom of Aqualis, so the army is recruiting future soldiers in all the towns, the Artificial Awakening Ritual is only available to people who want to become soldiers and serve the kingdom," the mayor replied to Marcos in a somewhat tired tone, as it seemed this child never stopped asking questions.

"But it's not so strange, since education is only available to wealthy people, people from the lower neighborhoods like him, do not have access to so much information," thought the mayor as he headed to the entrance of the military base.

After greeting the soldier at the entrance, the mayor and Marcos headed to the Artificial Awakening Ritual.

"How incredible," exclaimed Marcos upon seeing the "Artificial Awakening Ritual."

The Artificial Awakening Ritual takes place in a stone chamber illuminated by mana crystals that emit a soft blue light. In the center of the room, a complex machine stands as an imposing structure, composed of metallic gears and tubes that seem to vibrate with arcane energy. A large pure mana crystal is at the heart of the machine, pulsing with a steady rhythm. Around the crystal, intricate arcane symbols are engraved on the floor, forming a circle that glows intensely when the ritual begins.

Marcos, seeing that people began to explain the process and where he had to place himself, became somewhat nervous, as he did not know if he was going to awaken a gift. After placing himself in the center of the circle, the employee began to press some buttons from the control room, the mayor was next to the employee.

"Are you ready, Marcos?" asked the employee.

"I'm rea- Aaaaahhhh."

Marcos began to scream in pain, feeling as if every part of his body was churning. He couldn't think of anything; he was just trying to endure as best he could. The mayor, seeing Marcos writhing and screaming in pain on the floor, felt a bit of pity for him, but he was used to it, having seen many people trying to awaken a gift.

"But still, it looks quite painful,"

Thought Hugo, the mayor, who fortunately did not have to go through that kind of pain, as he was never interested in awakening a gift, as he did not like pain.

After a few minutes, which for Marcos felt like hours, the process of the Artificial Awakening Ritual ended. Marcos, who was drenched in sweat, no longer felt any pain. Seeing this, the employee and the mayor approached Marcos.

"How do you feel?"

The mayor asked Marcos, who seemed somewhat dizzy from feeling so much pain.

"I think I feel a little different?"

Said Marcos, who felt as if shackles had been removed from his body.

"Good, that's a good sign," said the employee, before taking out the gift verifier, to check whether or not he had awakened a gift.

"Positive," shouted the employee excitedly, they had not had a person with a gift in this small town for a long time, so he was startled to see that they had one.


The mayor, who laughed heartily upon hearing the news, said:

"Well, we have someone with potential," said the mayor excitedly.

As for the person who awakened the gift, Marcos, he was ecstatic.

Marcos could not contain his excitement. It felt as if a new world had opened up before him.

"What kind of gift is it?" he asked eagerly, looking at Mayor Hugo with bright eyes. The mayor, still smiling, replied:

"We will find out soon, but for now, you must rest and recover. You've been through a lot today."

As they took him to a rest room, Marcos couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities that lay before him.