
Never Regress

Kai Nicolas is an ordinary middle-school student. Who enjoys his life with those that are close to him. But suddenly, there was a day like any other that would change his life and many of those around him. The day the world had gone from ordinary to a complete game. [Would you like to see your skills?]

SHRN · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 2: The Day Pt.2

[Would you like to see your skills?]

Startled by the floating blue-like screen, I questioned what the hell was happening.

Skills? What are those? No, I need to find aunt Sui first.

Then two more blue screens popped up.

[Monsters will spawn in 1 hour!]

[Find an intermediate school and activate the barrier for protection!]

I was even more confused than last time.

Monsters? What the hell is this saying?!

I then shifted my gaze to the first message.

Skills. If this is what I think it is. Then...

I took a big gulf before saying.

"Open skills."

This time, a bigger screen than the others popped up.

[Kai Nicolas Male Age: 14

Hp: 100 Mp: 200 St: 100

Sm:100 Agi: 110

Titles: One that commits ■, Protagonist, Sword God, Child of Heaven and Hell, Regressor, Arch Mage

Skills: Blade Competence P.1, Mental Control P.1, 1000 Steps P.1, Fake Role P.1, Elemental Blade P.1, Holy Aura P.1, Pure Lighting P.1, Magic Perfection P.1, Self Heal P.1, Detection P.1, Battle Sense P.1, Hand-To-Hand Combat P.1

Special Skills: Ominous Voice, Ominous Touch, Authority, Eye that sees the Myth, Savior Wings, Shadow Wings, Angel Hand, Next Step, Myth Sword Aura, ■ Transformation

PP: 100000000]

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute! What kind of skills are these?!

I couldn't help but be shocked at what I was seeing.

Are everyone's skills the same as this? If not, then this is basically a cheat.

I read through all my titles, skills, and special skills and pointed out all that stood out the most.

One that commits ■, ■ Transformation, Protagonist, Sword God, Child of Heaven and Hell, Arch Mage, and Regressor.

Two of them had some censorship, as the other four sounded like abilities from a novel or comic.

At this point, I was pretty calm than earlier and thought about the situation.

This seems to be some supernatural event. First, aunt Sui disappeared, then the skills, and finally, the monsters.

After a moment of thinking, I thought of what might have been the reason aunt Sui disappeared like that.

And it all came from the last message I got.

[Find an intermediate school and activate the barrier for protection!]

Why an intermediate school? Why didn't I also disappear? What about my sister and friends back at school?

If my theory was correct...

... then I don't have any time to lose.

I left home and headed towards my school for the second time, only this time; I was sprinting.


At the school Kai currently attended, named Rose Middle School, screams were heard from every direction.


"Where are the adults?!"

"What's this floating thing?!"

Two students among them were trying to figure out what was happening.

"Hey, Haruto, what do you think is happening?"

"I don't know."

Lazaro and Haruto were in their last period, P.E., meaning they were outside when the event happened. Their P.E. teacher had also disappeared.

Just as they could question anymore, they got Kai's same screens.

[Would you like to see your skills?]

[Monsters will spawn in 1 hour!]

[Find an intermediate school and activate the barrier for protection!]

But the screens just made them question the situation even more.

"Skills? Monsters?! What does that mean?!"

Lazaro freaked out while Haruto had a troubled face as they read through the screen's messages.

Lazaro realized something and told Haruto.

"Wait! What about our parents?! A-And Kai! What if he also got this?!"

A few moments went by before Haruto answered back.

"If he is also experiencing this, then... I am sure that he will figure it out on his own."

Even with that answer, Lazaro still felt uneasy.

"Are you sure he will?"

"Are you doubting him?"

"Huh? Not at all! But I'm just saying."

"Yes. Probably. He's always had the plan to get himself and others out of a troubling situation before."

Lazaro's uneasy face turned into a serious look at Haruto's words.

"By 'always had a plan', do you mean during 'that'?"

Haruto didn't look at Lazaro and ignored Lazaro's remark.

"Let's find Demanda and Kai's sister."

Perhaps Lazaro expected the response and didn't ask any further.

The pair were about to do what Haruto suggested when a voice rang out near them on the field.

"Everyone who can hear me, please come to the field!"


"Yeah. It's Cain."

Both Haruto and Lazaro knew who the voice belonged to and looked at the source of it.

Cain Helfor. He has always been the most popular person in elementary and middle school. Of course, Haruto and Lazaro only knew that since he also was with them since elementary along with Kai. Although Kai never said it, Cain has always treated him differently than others in a wrong way.

Therefore, both of them didn't like Cain, but many others did.

Every student from the building and outside heard Cain's voice since he was using a megaphone, and so all the students came to the field. There were a lot of students ranging from sixth, seventh, and eighth grade that took up the area.

If Haruto was right, there were about 673 students that attended the school.

Cain spoke out.

"Alright, now that everyone's here, I wanted to."

Cain couldn't finish what he was saying due to many students cutting in.

"Um, do you know what's going on?"

"What are these monsters that this thing is talking about?"

"What kind of skills do you have?"

Then the entire crowd of students became so filled with many questions that it became hard to understand.

The only thing that stopped them was a roar near Cain.


It came from one of Cain's people that always hung around him. And due to his height and slightly bigger physique than everyone else, making him even more intimidating.

Once he was done roaring, all the students went quiet and focused their attention on Cain.

"Ahem, I do not know what's happening right now, but I know that something is coming. And what I mean from something, I mean monsters."

Everyone there, including Haruto and Lazaro, looked at two particular messages.

[Monsters will spawn in 1 hour!]

[Find an intermediate school and activate the barrier for protection!]

"It seems we must find the barrier somewhere in this school to protect ourselves from the monsters coming, and we must do it fast."

They then looked at the latest message.

[Time remaining: 51-24]

A countdown.

"He's right. We have to."

"The monsters will come if we don't."

Everyone then spoke to each other, creating inaudible voices once again.

It was not until an unfamiliar noise resounded out all around the school.

"What is that?!"

"Look over there!"

A student pointed out something glowing out of the floor of the school gates.

Then that glow of blue light shot up and began to create a dome of holographic light around the school, and once it was finished wrapping around the entire school, it shone brightly before becoming invisible.

Everyone was dead quiet when it happened.

[Barrier successfully activated!]

A voice from the school building broke that silence.

"Did it work?"

It was a familiar voice that many in the crowd knew.

"Ha, were you the one who did it? Kai."

Chapter 2: The Day-Pt.2-End