
Chapter 21

Originally posted on 2/12/2018.  

It was late-afternoon, and a meeting between the Twelve Olympians, the main twelve Gods of the Greek Pantheon, was currently in session. Despite the fact that there were only ten of the said twelve Gods in their respective seats in the conference room (a room that lay directly below Zeus' domain, which was at the summit of the tallest mountain in the human world (though most of the general populous of Earth were none the wiser of this): Aphrodite, Apollon, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hera and Hermes. 

Apollon had short, black curly hair and orange eyes, and wore a shirt for the Greek band Xylina Spathia. 

Ares was a muscular and good-looking man with white hair that seemed to flicker around his head the same way that fire does, and brown eyes. He wore a brown, sleeveless tunic, shoulder-pieces with wolf-faces built into them, and he had bracers and boots (that went up to his knees) with chains on them. 

Artemis looked very similar to her twin brother Apollon, but her black hair was tied up in a ponytail that went down to her back, and she wore a chiton that went down to her ankles. 

Athena was a tall and slim woman with pale-grey eyes, and golden hair. She wore a white dress lightly covered with armour. 

Demeter was a very beautiful woman with long, blonde hair and brown eyes. She wore a bright green dress with a dark cape. 

Dionysus was a slightly chubby man, with blue eyes that were slightly bloodshot, and curly hair that was a dark purple. 

Hephaestus was a large man who was very muscular, yet very lame and ugly to look at. His shoulders were at different heights, and a huge, bulging, misshapen head. He had brown hair and matching eyes and beard, and wore an apron that was so dirty that it would be impossible to tell what colour it originally was. 

All of them were listening, in some form or another (with the exception of Aphrodite, who was looking as bored as could be, while (most likely) daydreaming about the naked body of a certain Nephalem), to Hera, who was talking about how Roxas and Palutena need to be 'shown their place' by them going down to his villa and probably-literally booting him off Greek soil. 

"Lord Poseidon was right, Lady Hera." Hermes, who was sat next to Hephaestus, spoke, as Hera took a breath. "You really are overreacting to this. Neither Roxas, Palutena or anyone associated with them who've moved into Roxas' residence since I last observed them have done anything that could be taken as a threat to Olympus. By any sane person, at least." He spoke that last sentence under his breath. 

"But they could be planning it behind closed doors!" Hera shouted back at Hermes. "You don't know for sure that they aren't plotting a hostile takeover of Olympus!" 

"Honestly, Hera, I think you're more of a war-hungry opportunist than Ares is." Aphrodite remarked, snapping out of her daydream at the sound of Hera's shout. "I've done my fair share of observing Roxas myself, Hermes. And I can say with conviction that Roxas isn't planning anything at all. In fact, he's an all-round good person." The blonde Goddess of Love ignored Hera's call of "LADY Hera to you.", as she had long-since lost the respect of the Queen of the Greek Pantheon that would have caused her to address her by her proper title. 

"Hey Athena." Aphrodite added. "Won't you back me up on this? Haven't you met Roxas?" 

"Only once." Athena replied. "When Roxas came to me asking if I knew the location of Medea's Golden Fleece." She regarded Hera with calm eyes. "And I can say for myself, Lady Hera, that when Roxas talked with me, he showed no disrespect. In fact, both he and his wife were very respectful of me, and I was happy to help them." 

"Yeah, but that was decades ago, Athena!" Hera cried. "Roxas could've changed by now!" 

"I literally just told you that he was fine!" Aphrodite replied, sounding legitimately exasperated, before facepalming. "So did Hermes!" 

"The fact remains, wife." Ares spoke up, his voice naturally sounding over everyone else's. "That Roxas and his followers have taken residence on Greek soil, and are thus under our jurisdiction. If Moth-" 

"AHEM." Hera cleared her throat loudly, and glared pointedly at Ares, who stiffened up and gulped. 

"If Lady Hera," Ares corrected himself. "Wishes for them to leave, then they should do so." 

"Oh, go shove a stick up your ass to replace the strap-on I used to like using." Aphrodite muttered, too quietly for anyone else but herself to hear. "It'd do you some good." 

"I agree." Demeter spoke, for the first time this meeting. "In Lord Zeus' absence, Lady Hera's word is the law, which should be followed." 

"You're such a stickler for rules, Demeter." Aphrodite muttered, as Apollon spoke up. 

"That's true, Demeter. However, as Hermes and Aphrodite both said, Roxas and Palutena aren't doing anything to try and harm the Greek Pantheon. Therefore, I don't think we should go and try and forcefully evict them from their home. Maybe we could opt for a more diplomatic approach?" 

"What's this about a diplomatic approach?" a loud, booming voice sounded, and all ten deities looked up to the entrance of the conference room, which Zeus was walking through, Poseidon by his side. 

All ten deities, as one, stood up and stopped talking as the King of the Greek Pantheon and his brother walked to their respective seats. Zeus sat down first, and motioned for the rest of the gods to sit down, which they silently did. 

"Well?" Zeus spoke up, looking from deity to deity. All of whom remained silent until Hephaestus spoke up. 

"My apologies, Lord Zeus. While you were away at the Temple of Amun, Lady Hera thought it best to call a meeting between us Gods to decide upon the issue regarding Hera's daughter and her husband." 

Zeus sighed. 

"Hera, how many times have I said this? You REALLY need to stop worrying about Roxas and Palutena. They aren't doing anything to threaten our Pantheon, so in turn, no action will be taken against them." 

"What about when they-?" Hera tried to answer back, but Zeus cut across her. 

"IF they do anything that can be taken as an act against us, then we will react accordingly." he replied, a small section of his divine aura seeping out of his body from the annoyance he felt towards his wife. 

Zeus still didn't know why he was still married to her. 

"We will NOT overreact like you have a habit of doing." Zeus spoke firmly to Hera, before looking up at all the Gods in the room. "This meeting is dismissed." 

Hera immediately got up from her seat and stormed out of the room, a sour look on her face. 

Line Break  


It was night-time in the Branwen Clan's territory of the Underworld, and several thousand Devils, most of whom were of the higher echelons of society, who tended to enjoy the nicer aspects of life, were sat in seats and looking down at the main portion of the arena, where two young Devils, whom Raven Branwen had taken under her wing as her apprentices (a highly coveted position, as Raven was one of the most talented Devils, in terms of battle, that the supernatural world had ever known), would be doing battle as a show of their respective strengths.  

In a portion of the arena that seemed to be sectioned off, there sat Raven Branwen, with her husband Fafnir, one of the Five Great Dragon Kings, next to her, Zeoticus and Venelana Gremory, Sirzechs Lucifer, Grayfia, Serafall, Ajuka, Fianna, and Willow Schnee, the Head of the Schnee Clan, an Extra Demon Clan that served the Satan Beelzebub in the past, and her husband, Jacques.  

Fafnir was a very muscular-looking man in his mid-to-late twenties, with short, golden-blonde hair. His eyes were a soul-sucking shade of purple, and he wore a black and gold trench coat, along with grey pants.  

Willow Schnee was a very attractive, tall young woman, with a fair complexion, white hair and slate-blue eyes. Her hair was tied up in a bun at the back of her head, and her bangs were swept to the left side of her face. Small curled locks of hair reached below her ears. She wore an extravagant blue dress.  

Jacques Schnee had grey-white hair and a pale complexation. He had a large grey moustache, and his eyes were a cold blue colour. He wore a pure-white double-breasted jacket with a red handkerchief in the breast pocket, underneath which he wore a blue shirt and vest, and a grey-white tie. He also had a silver-coloured ring on his right hand.  

Willow looked up when she felt someone lightly tapping her on the shoulder, and saw Zeoticus reaching his hand out.  

May the best Clan Heir win." he said. Willow gave a smile, and clasped Zeoticus' hand, shaking it.  

Yes." she replied. "May the best Clan Heir win."  

Jacques scoffed at the interaction between his wife and the Gremory Clan's Heir, while turning to the center of the arena, where two individuals were walking out: his own daughter, Winter Schnee, and the grandson of Zeoticus and Venelana, the son of Sirzechs and Grayfia: Roxas Gremory.  

Winter was, in all honesty, a younger copy of her mother, aside from a few small differences. She was slightly shorter than her mother, her bangs were swept to the right side of her face instead of the left (with her bangs slightly covering her right eye) and there was only one curl of hair going down past her left ear instead of two going down, one on either side.  

Her attire was navy-blue, white and grey coloured. It consisted of a white coat with red brooch, exposed upper arms, and black gloves, along with a blue undershirt. Her pants had garters incorporated into them.  

Roxas looked to be around 19 years old. His hair was a bright, shining silver, a trademark of those who were directly descended from Lucifer, the Father of All Devils, and his eyes were as crimson-red as the hair the Gremory Clan was most famous for. His hair was short, and spiked backwards in a windswept way.  

His attire consisted of a faded black, ¾-length, hooded leather jacket with red interior linings and the design of a crimson-coloured rose on the back of the jacket, a grey tank top, black fingerless gloves, black faded jeans and black military-like boots.  

Neither Roxas or Winter spoke as Raven stood up, triggering most of the Devils in the audience to stop talking, as they quivered with anticipation. There was a soft murmer among the audience as Raven walked to the edge of the balcony where she, Fafnir, Zeoticus, Venelana, Grayfia, the four Satans, Willow and Jacques were sat, and called out one word.  


Music: A Stranger I Remain – Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance 

Winter made the first move, drawing an Italian duelling sabre from a magic-circle that she opened with a flick of her hand, and dashing towards Roxas, who drew a simple-looking longsword out of a magic-circle just in time to parry Winter's blow and clash with her for a couple of seconds, before Roxas pushed Winter away with brute strength.  

Roxas rushed forward and swung his sword at Winter's chest, though Winter was quick to parry Roxas' attack, as well as the next attack that involved a diagonal swing coming from above. A quick flick of her hand was enough to send Roxas' arm flying away from her, leaving the Gremory Heir open to a fast punch to the stomach from Winter, which left him further open to more attacks, which Winter proceeded to rain down, thick and fast, on her silver-haired opponent.  

A few of these attacks made contact, leaving gashes on Roxas' clothes and person, but none, out of the three that hit Roxas, as he was able to start blocking the attacks that came after the first three, did any severe damage.  

When Roxas blocked another of Winter's attacks, and held the block in place, he pushed back against Winter, eventually breaking her guard down. Now it was Winter's turn to go on the defensive, as Roxas kept the heat on her. Winter was forced to keep backing up until she and Roxas reached the barrier shielding the spectators of the battle from any attacks that might go astray.  

Ready to give up?" Roxas asked, as Winter had her back against the barrier, valiantly parrying all the blows she could.  

You wish." Winter replied to her friend and rival, quickly punching Roxas in the face, forcing him to stagger back. Winter followed up the punch by sweep-kicking Roxas' feet out from under him, punching him in the back of the head, and delivering a low kick to his body as he went down. Winter's foot impacted Roxas' chest, knocking the wind out of him and sending him flying backwards. He landed on the ground and rolled for a bit before coming to a stop and jumping back to his feet, where he saw Winter preparing to run at him.  

You wanna play dirty?" Roxas asked, pulling a scabbard out of a magic-circle, magically attatching it to his side, and sheathing his sword into it. "Fine. I can play dirty too."  

A red and black aura gathered around Roxas' hands as he held them close to his chest, and as he flung them out towards Winter (or, more specifically, the ground that Winter was running on), the red and black aura flew out and impacted the ground between Winter and Roxas, blowing a huge hole in it in a single hit and kicking up a large cloud of dust.  

The audience applauded wildly at Roxas' use of the Power of Destruction, a power that he had inherited from his father, Sirzechs Lucifer, who was applauding himself, along with Zeoticus and Venelana.  

Oh, what the fu-" Roxas heard Winter's voice, before a soft 'thump' as she fell into the pit that he'd created from his Power of Destruction. Unsheathing his sword, Roxas dashed towards the pit, which the dust was settling around, and jumped into the air, spreading his six Devil wings.  

'Damn.' Roxas thought, as he flew into the hole that Winter had fallen into, and clashed with his opponent. 'This is a way bigger hole than I wanted to make. Oh well.'  

Retracting his wings, Roxas landed on the ground, clashed with Winter once again, swung around her and kicked her in the back, sending her stumbling forward. When Winter turned around and swung at Roxas, he pulled a quick move with his sword that sent Winter's sabre spinning out of her hand and up into the air.  

As Roxas smirked, quite sure that victory was his, Winter lashed out with a very hard punch to Roxas' stomach, which made him double over in pain. Winter then took the opportunity by jumping up, landing on Roxas himself, and using him as a springboard to jump up (while he was forced to the ground by how hard Winter jumped), grab her sword and land on the ground outside the pit Roxas had created with his Power of Destruction.  

The crowd were applauding wildly as Roxas jumped out of the pit and landed in front of Winter, sword in hand. His nose looked to be broken as he pointed his sword at Winter.  

Let's finish this."  

Yes." Winter replied, spinning her sword around and planting it into the ground, where a large white magic-circle appeared around her, with the centre of it being where Winter had stabbed the ground. The Schnee Heiress jumped away just in time for a ten-feet-tall winged lion to appear out of Winter's magic-circle, look down at Roxas, and roar with enough volume to make his ears ring.  

Oh, well." Roxas sighed, as he jumped out of the way of the large lion as it attempted to pounce on him. Spreading his six wings, he flew out of the reach of the lion's jaws, and fired a large blast of his Power of Destruction at the beast. It scored a direct hit on its back, blowing off a large portion of it. The winged lion gave a roar of pain, turned around, and pounced at Roxas, flapping its wings in order to gain the momentum needed to try and keep up with Roxas.  

However, it couldn't. Roxas flew under the lion as it pounced at him, causing it to crash, head-first right into the arena's barriers, and then land on the ground, extremely dazed. He flew up high, then flew down, swinging his sword into the lion's neck with enough force to cleave its head right off its body, and seconds later, the beast had faded away into nothingness.  

Roxas then turned around to face Winter, who was looking slightly worried, as that Winged Lion had been her best summon. And Roxas, whom she could hear the crowd cheering for louder than they were for her (possibly helped along by the fact that Serafall had changed into a skimpy yellow and white cheerleader outfit and had conjured an ice-statue of Roxas next to her) had just killed it.  

Speaking of Roxas, he rushed forward and ducked under Winter's sword-swing, and kicked her in the knee, breaking it, causing Winter to scream in agony and fall... right into an uppercut to the face from Roxas that sent her upwards of ten feet into the air, before she came crashing down onto the ground, knocked out.  

Music end 

And that's it!" Raven called, standing up as the crowd cheered. Zeoticus, Venelana, Sirzechs, Grayfia and Fianna were applauding, Ajuka was smiling in appreciation of his godson's victory, and Willow was joining in the applause politely. Even if she had been rooting for her daughter to win, she had to admit that Roxas outfought her.  

Jacques was clutching the arms of his chair, clenching his teeth and looking livid that his daughter and Heiress had lost a fight to a Gremory.  

Roxas Gremory-" Raven called out, before she felt Serafall barrelling past her. "Serafall, what are you doing?"  

Roxas barely had any time to sheath his sword and take in the cheers of the appreciative crowd before Serafall, still dressed in her cheerleader outfit, had jumped down into the main portion of the arena, and ran towards Roxas. When she got close enough, she dived into her godson with such force that they both landed on the ground together.  

I'm so proud of you~!" Serafall squealed, peppering her godson with kisses all over his face and neck as she cuddled with him. "My darling godson~!"  

My fucking back..." Roxas wheezed.  

Flashback end  

Roxas' eyes fluttered for a few seconds before they opened fully. The mixed smells of his sweat, Serafall's sweat, their love juices and Serafall's perfume tickled his nostrils as he sat up in Serafall's bed, which had broken under the force of their numerous lovemaking sessions over the past three days. 

Roxas felt something heavy sliding off his body and landing on the matress beside him. As he looked down, he saw Serafall, absolutely conked out (evidently, she had been asleep on his chest before Roxas woke up), her body half-covered by her bed-covers, and she was mumbling something in her sleep. 

"Hmm..." Serafall murmured. "Let's go and consummate our marriage, Roxas~ I'll do whatever you want me to do... at least I got you before that stuck-up blondie Gabriel... would love to see her tied up and forced to watch us fuck, hehehe..." 

Roxas sighed, shook his head, and sniffed himself. Almost immediately, he screwed up his nose. 

"Uugh..." he groaned. "I need a shower." 

Roxas wriggled himself out of bed and stumbled slightly (his hips were aching slightly from Serafall bouncing on them so hard and so much) as he walked over to an en-suite shower-room that Serafall had. 

As in an entire room full of shower-heads. You could stand in any place in the room and be hit by at least one stream of water coming from the ceiling. 

Grabbing a bottle of shampoo, Roxas squirted some of it into his hand, and lathered it into his hair, while also rinsing it out using one of the water streams. Turning around, Roxas grabbed some soap and rubbed it all over his body, making sure to rub every square inch of it. 

When he was just about to do his back, he felt someone coming up behind him, lightly taking the soap from him and, after a moment or two, rubbing a pair of large, soft objects into his back. 

"Morning, you." Roxas greeted Serafall as she continued to rub her breasts (which were covered in soap) into his back. 

"Morning~" Serafall greeted Roxas, as she reached around to his chest so she could pull him closer to her. "Why did you leave me alone in bed? I got so lonely~" 

"I barely left you alone for more than a minute." Roxas deadpanned, as Serafall finished washing his back and began to work on washing herself. 

"Yeah, but after three days of having nothing but you for company, just a minute becomes unbearable for me~" Serafall pouted as she began washing herself in a very erotic way in front of her godson. "And speaking of those three days~" she moaned as she rubbed at her pussy. "I've lost count how many times you shot a huge load inside me~ I might get pregnant." 

"In which case." Roxas replied, his voice still a deadpan. "As soon as she found out, and she definitely would, Palutena would proceed to kidnap me, tie me down to the nearest bed and fuck me until she got pregnant herself." 

"Would she?" Serafall tilted her head, as she licked her lips. "Good idea." she muttered. "I should do that." 

"Ugh..." Roxas facepalmed, shaking his head. He silently got out of the shower, dried himself off and got dressed, with Serafall (who fixed the broken bed with a wave of her hand) doing the same soon after. The two beings lay together in silence for a few minutes until Serafall spoke up. 

"Hey, Roxas?" 


"Would you mind accompanying me as I go to a meeting?" the current Leviathan asked. "I just remembered that I have one today, and I don't want to have to wake Glynda to have her accompany me." 

"Sure." Roxas replied. "Who's the meeting with?" 

"Lilith." Serafall replied. "You know her. 

"Yeah." Roxas replied, blinking. "I do." 

Lilith was Roxas' grandmother, and the Queen of the Sex Demons. A woman approximately 15 times older than Roxas, she was famous around the supernatural world for being one of the most gorgeous women that had ever existed, past and present (and most likely future, too). Most men would pay as much money Roxas had in his pocket, at the very least, to even have the chance for one night with his grandmother. 

It helped, too, that she was, by and far, the richest person in the Underworld, with approximately a trillion Souls to her name. 

When Serafall mentioned Lilith's name, Roxas was uncomfortably reminded that he hadn't spoken to his grandmother since the celebration of his five hundredth birthday. 

"When's the meeting supposed to be at?" Roxas asked. 

"Uhh..." Serafall thought for a moment, trying to remember. "It's in about half an hour. So we can have some breakfast before we go?" 

"Sure." Roxas replied. "I'm fucking starving." 

Line Break  

About twenty-five minutes later, Serafall and Roxas, who were both now thoroughly breakfasted, appeared through a magic-circle outside Lilith's castle. Originally built in the 1st century BC, it was an enormous piece of Underworld architecture, appearing to be about the same size as Windsor Castle in the UK. The front doors of the castle were guarded by six Incubi, all of whom wielded tridents and had tails (with arrows on the ends of said tails), three or four apiece, coming out of their backs. 

They all turned at the sight of Serafall and Roxas leaving their magic-circle, but as soon as they recognised them as who they are, one of them (a tall, four-tailed Incubus with green hair and black eyes, who seemed to be the leader), snapped his fingers, which caused the large doors of the castle to open. 

"Thank you~!" Serafall winked at the Incubus, and walked into the castle. Roxas followed alongside her into an enormous hall, which had several doors leading off into (Roxas presumed) other rooms in the castle. 

Roxas could actually hear Serafall humming the 'Inside the Castle Walls' theme from Super Mario 64 as the two of them walked towards the door directly in front of them. 

Before Serafall could knock, the door was opened, and someone stood in front of them. Someone who Roxas immediately recognised as Naamah, one of the four Sex Demon Queens. 

Naamah, like most female Sex Demons, was a beautiful woman, and as one of the oldest Succubi still alive today, she appeared to be in her early-to-mid-thirties. She had red hair (at least Roxas considered it to be red. However, it wouldn't exactly be inaccurate to call Naamah's hair dark pink) done into a pixie-cut, and green eyes. She wore a black, full-length trench coat that went down to her ankles, covering whatever she may or may not have been wearing underneath, and high-heels. 

Behind Naamah, there stood a woman with just as much jaw-dropping beauty as Naamah, maybe even more so. This woman... was Lilith. 

Lilith appeared to be physically older than Naamah, looking to be around her late-thirties, or even her early-forties. She had long, silky black hair that went down to her waist, calm-looking crimson eyes, and possibly the most voluptuous figure that Roxas had ever seen on a woman. Her attire consisted of a black bodysuit that was zipped up to her breasts, giving anyone who glanced in that direction a wonderful view of her mind-bogglingly huge breasts, and matching black dethatched sleeves (that were held in place by red straps), and black high-heels. 

"Oh, hey Serafall." Lilith greeted Serafall, inclining her head to her, before she turned her head towards Roxas. "And... hello to you too, Roxas." She smiled at her favourite grandson. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" 

"Yeah... it sure has." Roxas replied. "I'm here with Serafall." 

"I can see that." Lilith replied, her smile still on her lips as she turned to Naamah. "See you later, sis." 

"Later, Lil." Naamah replied, nodding to her, then to Roxas, before she left the castle, leaving Roxas, Serafall and Lilith alone together. 

"Well." Lilith spoke, looking at Roxas and Serafall. "Follow me, you two." Roxas and Serafall did so, and they were led into an extremely luxurious-looking living room that was equipped with exceptionally comfortable chairs, sofas, a large TV (that Roxas recognised, like Alice, that it was one produced by his own tech company), several video game consoles, et cetera. 

"I got your call about this meeting, Serafall." Lilith remarked, as she sat herself down on one of the chairs. Serafall and Roxas perched on one of the sofas facing her, with the former producing a few papers from a pocket-dimension. 

"Good." Serafall replied, sounding rather more serious than she usually did. "Then you'll understand what this report procured by one of Sirzechs' former peerage members is about." 

She handed the papers to Lilith, who looked them over. Her brow furrowed as she looked through them. After she fully looked through them, she placed the papers on a table (that she had just levitated over to sit between her, Roxas and Serafall), and sighed. 

"Damn." she spoke. "I had my suspicions that some of my subjects were defecting to the Old Satan Faction, but this confirms it." She sat back in her chair. "How disappointing." 

"I can imagine." Serafall replied. "Which is why myself, Sirzechs, Ajuka and Fianna had the idea of you, Naamah, Eisheth and Agrat working together with us in order to help bring down the Old Satan Faction." 

"Hm?" Lilith looked up. "Oh yeah. Great idea. Consider it done. I'll run it by the other three as soon as I see them again." 

"Great~!" Serafall smiled. "Then I think we're done. Damn, I thought this'd take longer." she muttered the last part under her breath. Lilith raised an eyebrow. 

"What was that?" 

"Nothing!" Serafall squeaked, and shut up. Lilith chuckled. 

"Anyway, yeah, I guess we are done here." she spoke. "Formally, at least. Though why don't you two stay here for a bit? We could definitely use the opportunity to-" her eyes flicked to Roxas. "Catch up." 

"Sure." Serafall replied. Smiling, Lilith snapped her fingers, conjuring up a selection of drinks and snacks, and sending them all onto the table with a flick of her hand. 


After a few minutes that generally involved Roxas explaining to Lilith what he had been doing since they last spoke to each other (as Lilith had curiously asked him such a question), Lilith took a sip of her drink and laid the cup on the table. 

"Well, that's certainly an interesting story." Lilith remarked. "You've certainly encountered a lot of interesting stuff, from what you've told me, Roxas. I mean not everyone can claim to have fought the Old Satan Faction, the God of the Quran and the Avengers in the same lifetime." 

"Hehe. Yeah." Roxas replied. "I'm not exactly sure how that all happened in one single lifetime, let alone all the stuff I've done beyond that, like marrying Palutena, starting up and running a multitude of successful businesses, and gaining a peerage." 

"Well, you could've done the third of those three things any time you wanted after turning 13." Lilith pointed out. "But yes, Roxas, you've had an eventful couple of centuries. Which climax in you sitting before me-" she gave a chuckle. "With your godmother clinging to you like a loving girlfriend." 

"That's because I AM his loving girlfriend~!" Serafall replied, pouting at Lilith. "Well, one of them anyway." 

Lilith's chuckle elevated to a laugh. 

"I can imagine." She winked at Roxas. "I wonder if you'd have time to go a few rounds with me, since you seem to be having fun with those you're closely related to, both directly and indirectly." 

"What do you mean?" Roxas asked, after magically fending off a nosebleed as Lilith leaned over the table to stare into his crimson eyes with her own crimson ones. 

"I mean, Penemue told me about Rias, I see Serafall in front of you, and even if you tried to wash it off, I can still smell the sex all over you, and your mother told me about you giving her what basically amounted to an eight-hour long sex tape of your wedding night with Palutena. And I understand Venelana saw it too." 

"Wait, she did?" Roxas blinked. 

"She did." Lilith replied, smirking. "And she loved it~" 

"I bet she would." Roxas muttered, as Lilith seemed to float over to the sofa that Roxas and Serafall were sat on, and sit beside her grandson. 

"Oh, she did." Lilith replied, her hand landing on Roxas' chest and trailing down to close to his crotch. "And I'd enjoy it too, if you were to spend a night or two with me. I mean I know I've got enough cum stored from my now-deceased husband to keep myself alive for a few centuries at least, but it's just not the same as receiving it from a big..." Her hand landed on Roxas' crotch, and lightly trailed over the portion of his pants that contained his cock. "Strong..." Lilith leaned forward so her mouth was almost touching Roxas' ear, and licked her lips. "Cock..." 

Lilith lightly blew into Roxas' ear, and then gently bit his ear for a second, before pulling away and giggling at the sight of Roxas' face going red. 

"Hey!" Serafall pulled Roxas away from Lilith and stuck her tongue out at her. "Hands off Roxas, Lilith! Wait your turn!" Lilith smirked. 

"Whatever you say, Serafall." The former wife of Lucifer replied. "But Roxas. My time will come soon~" She licked her lips as Serafall pulled Roxas off the sofa, and opened a transportation-circle. "See you later." 

"Later, Lilith." Roxas replied, as the transportation-circle activated, and Roxas and Serafall disappeared. 

A few seconds later, Roxas and Serafall arrived back at Serafall's manor, and Serafall pouted as she stepped out of it. 

"Damn Lilith..." she muttered, before looking at Roxas. "Well, it's been fun, Roxas. These past few days." 

"Yeah." Roxas replied. "More in the orgasmic way." 

"Agreed." Serafall replied. "Please promise me we're gonna be able to do that again sometime." 

"We will." Roxas replied. "Maybe not to the extent of three days straight, but we'll definitely have fun with each other again." 

"Great~!" Serafall replied. "See you later, then!" She waved to Roxas as he opened a transportation-circle and left through it. 

"Hmm." Serafall hummed to herself, as she plopped down on a sofa, and allowed her hand to travel up her skirt and under her panties, so she could rub at her core. "Now how can I convince Sona to join Roxas and me next time?" 

Line Break  

The first thing Roxas noticed when he left his transportation-circle was that, unlike in the Sex Demons' territory of the Underworld, which was mid-to-late morning, it was late-afternoon when he appeared outside his Greek villa. 

"Hey, whoever's here, I'm back." he called, as he stepped into the house, and saw Asia, Xenovia, Rias and Palutena playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on Roxas' Nintendo Switch. As the race finished (which Palutena won), Roxas' wife looked over the edge of the sofa, and smirked. 

"Got a little carried away with Serafall, did we Roxas?" she asked. Roxas laughed, nervously. 

"Yeah, I kinda did." he replied. "I swear she's learned Sex Demon magic, to get me to fuck her for that long." 

"Meh, whatever." Palutena replied. "Asia and Xenovia had their first day at Kuoh Academy today, by the way." 

"Oh, yeah?" Roxas blinked, turning to his first Pawn and first Knight. "How was it?" 

"It was really good!" Asia replied. "Everyone there was so nice!" 

"Especially the males." Xenovia replied. "They were especially nice to us. Real welcoming." 

"Oh, I wonder why." Roxas muttered to himself under his breath, as his eyes scanned Asia's and Xenovia's bodies. Now that he thought about it, he could've sworn that Asia's breasts had gotten quite a bit larger since he'd pulled her out of the church, way back when. 

Roxas flopped down on the sofa next to Palutena as she, Rias, Xenovia and Asia continued playing their game until it finished (with Palutena coming out on top overall). 

"Well, that was a fun match." Palutena remarked, as she set her controller aside. "You wanna play something, Roxas?" 

"Nah, I'm good." Roxas replied. "I might play something later, though." 

"Hm." Palutena hummed as acknowledgement for what Roxas said, and turned the Switch off. She then walked out of the room with Asia and Xenovia following, talking about training the two former Church-goers in their light-powers for a few hours in the time chamber (Roxas had a feeling that she was talking about a few hours in outside-the-time-chamber-terms, which would amount to nearly a week inside the time chamber). 

"So how've you been, Rias?" Roxas asked, as Rias shifted herself so she was closer to him. "Since the Kokabiel incident, that is." 

"I've been okay." Rias replied, resting her head on Roxas' shoulder. "I mean every time something involving the supernatural happens around me that requires my attention for longer than a few days, it's kind of difficult to start getting back into general human-like life, you know?" 

"Hm." Roxas replied, as he shifted his position slightly on the sofa, and allowed Rias to wrap one arm around him. The two sat in silence for a moment or so, before Rias spoke up again. 

"Well, Roxas, there was... something else I wanted to ask you." 

"Go ahead." Roxas replied, not reacting as Rias pulled away from him. The Gremory Heiress looked slightly awkward for a moment, as she looked down at her knees, before looking at Roxas. 

"Would you..." Rias began to speak, before trailing off, as if she had temporarily lost the ability to form words. Roxas waited, patiently, as Rias tried to speak again, but this time, she couldn't get past the first word. 

"Rias?" Roxas asked. "You having a little trouble, there?" 

"Would... would you accept me as a member of your peerage?" Rias blurted out the words, not meeting Roxas' eyes, which were widened in surprise, before Roxas blinked twice. 


"I want to join your peerage." Rias spoke, taking a breath and sounding more calm. 

"Yeah, I gathered that." Roxas replied. "Why?" 

"Because I love you!" Rias sounded slightly less calm as she replied. "Everything you've done, all the time we've had together, it's just made me fall more and more in love with you." 

Roxas listened, regarding his aunt curiously. 

"Making me verbalise my own feelings for you," Rias began, "All the time we've spent together since the Rating Game between me and Riser, the dates you've taken me on, and most recently," Roxas noticed tears pricking up in her eyes. Rias wiped them away as she continued talking. "What you said after the Rating Game between you, Sairaorg and Imogen. I think that was the moment I realised..." she tried to wipe more tears away, but she couldn't stop them coming. Roxas instinctively shifted closer to her so he could wrap his arms around her and hug her. 

"I love you, Roxas." Rias whispered, as she cried on his shoulder. "I really love you, and I want to be with you for as long as I can." 

"And you will, Rias." Roxas replied. "I'm not going anywhere. One thing I'm curious about, though," he mused. "Is Kuoh. Who's gonna take over as governor if I make you a member of my peerage?" 

"I've already taken care of that." Rias replied. "You don't have to worry." 

"If you say so." Roxas replied. "What about the Gremory Clan? Have you told them you wanna join me?" 

"Yes." Rias replied, calming down as Roxas let her go. "They're... not exactly happy that I want to shed my title as the Gremory Heir and become a member of your peerage, but Father said that he won't stop me, if that's what I want to do." 

"That's a pretty big change of heart coming from the man who tried to force me into submitting to having my Angelic side ripped out of me." Roxas remarked. "But hey. He might have had a change of heart. Or Venelana seduced him into saying it. Either way, Millicas would make a good Heir to the Clan. Better than I could ever be." 

Rias gave a slightly watery giggle as Roxas summoned his box of Evil Pieces via magic, and opened them. There was one Bishop, one Knight, and four Pawns left in the box. 

"Hmm." Roxas hummed to himself, as he considered for a couple of seconds, before reaching into the box and pulling out a single piece. He held it in his hand for a moment before opening it so Rias could see what piece she was about to come. 

The Bishop. 

"I think this piece would fit you pretty well, don't you think?" Roxas asked, as he tossed the piece up into the air, and caught it, before handing it to Rias. "You know what to do. I mean you've done it eleven times before, right?" 

"Twelve." Rias muttered, under her breath, as she looked down at the silver chess piece, and took a deep breath. "Well, here goes nothing." She then pushed the Evil Piece into her chest, and as it slid into her body, her six Devil wings, of their own accord, unfurled themselves, then retracted. 

After a second, Devil wings re-emerged from Rias' back, but there were two major differences this time. First off, they were white, much like Roxas' own wings. 

And there were eight of them. 

"Welp." Roxas looked over Rias' Devil wings as they retracted. "That's that. Welcome to my peerage, Rias." 

"Thank you, Roxas." Rias smiled, as she retracted her eight Devil wings, and hugged Roxas, happier than she'd ever been in her life. "I love you." 

"I love you too, Rias." Roxas replied. "Shall we spend the rest of the day together?" 

"You already know how I'm gonna answer that question." Rias replied, allowing Roxas to pick her up, bridal-style, and carry her upstairs into Roxas' bedroom. As soon as Roxas shut the door on the pair of them, and sealed it shut with magic, he set Rias down on the ground and waved his hand, replacing her Kuoh Academy school uniform with the outfit of a sexy police officer. 

"Shh." he shushed Rias before she could speak. "Just go with it, Rias. Just lemme let out the boner I've built up from being around Lilith for so long~" 

Upon hearing the words from her new King's mouth, Rias allowed Roxas to push her against the wall of his bedroom, to grab both her hands in one of his own and to push them above her head, and to ferociously kiss her. 

Roxas and Rias would be doing a lot more than kissing that night...