
Chapter 20

Originally posted on 8/11/2018.  

"Uhh..." Roxas said, not exactly sure what to do. "Thanks for killing Kokabiel. I was kinda having a hard time against him." 

"No problem." Esdeath replied, smiling at Roxas as she landed on the ground and stepped towards him. "It's only the least I can do for you, my beloved." 

"What's this about 'beloved', Esdeath?" Serafall stepped forward so she was beside Roxas. 

"I'd like to know that, myself." Grayfia replied, also stepping forward, while looking suspiciously at the blue-haired woman who was eyeing up her oldest son like a piece of meat. It was only because she knew full-well that Roxas could protect himself without her help that she didn't do anything else. 

"I've had my eye on Roxas for a while, Leviathan." Esdeath explained, her eyes flicking from Serafall's blue ones to Roxas' red ones. "Ever since the party celebrating the Gremory Heiress' victory over Riser Phenex, I was interested in him, but in his Rating Game between him, the Bael Heir and the Belial Heiress, when I saw his Power of Twilight..." 

Roxas, Serafall and Grayfia all noticed Esdeath rubbing her legs together. 

"Okay…" Roxas replied. "Why're you telling me this?" 

"That's easy." Esdeath replied, stepping forward and resting a hand on the handle of a long rapier, which was resting in a scabbard on her hip. "Ever since that moment, I've wanted to test myself against someone as strong as that, against a power as… incredible, as that." she pulled her rapier out of the scabbard, making everyone in Kuoh Academy's courtyard, except Griselda and Xenovia (the former seemed to be trying to shake the latter out of some daze she had fallen into), tense up. 

"So... you want to fight me." Roxas surmised, calmly. Esdeath's smile became slightly more demonic as she got into a battle-stance. 

"That's right, my love." she replied, simply. 

Grayfia and Serafall immediately tried to step forward, to stop Esdeath from even trying to lay a finger on the silver-haired Nephalem, but they froze when they saw said silver-haired Nephalem stepping forward. 

"Fair enough." Roxas replied. "I'll fight you. I mean, I'm not exactly going to be in a better condition to fight than right after taking some Phenex Tears." he held up the vial of Phenex Tears he had just drank from, before placing it in his pocket. Esdeath watched his every mode, rapier in hand and a grin on her face, as Roxas looked back at her, and spoke the final words before the fight began, while a single bird, unbeknownst to Roxas, Esdeath and the beings, landed on the roof of Kuoh Academy, and seemed to watch. 

"After you." 

Music: Pleather for Breakfast - No More Heroes  

Esdeath immediately dashed at Roxas, swinging her sword and attempting to cut Roxas, but Roxas leant back, dodging her swing, and punched her in the gut. As Esdeath stumbled back, Roxas immediately went on the offensive. 

Two quick uppercuts to her face and a kick squarely to her stomach sent Esdeath sliding backwards. However, a sheet of ice appeared behind and under Roxas' blue-haired opponent, as she slid backwards and composed herself. When she'd slid backwards to the point that she was close to the wall of Kuoh Academy, she created a magic-circle on that wall, jumped back and rested her feet on it, and jumped off that circle, flying at Roxas even faster than she did initially, her rapier in one hand and a lance made of ice forming in the other. 

Using demonic energy to propel it faster than she was moving, Esdeath threw the lance at Roxas, who jumped into the air and out of harm's way, leaving an Amalgamation hole to receive the ice-lance. 

As another Amalgamation-hole appeared, a hole that housed Roxas' Primordial Power of Darkness, Serafall made the decision to teleport herself, her peerage (after the barrier around Kuoh Academy broke, Glynda, Kazane, Silver and Sona's peerage had entered the courtyard), Rias, her peerage, Kuroka, Sona, her peerage, Griselda, Xenovia and Grayfia away from the fight between Roxas and Esdeath, and cast a barrier around the twenty-three of them. 

When Roxas landed on the ground, both of his Amalgamation-holes combined into one, and a lance of black ice shot out at Esdeath, and actually caught her on the arm, instantly freezing the wound black as it went past. 

Esdeath hissed in pain from having suffered a hit, but rushed forward nonetheless. Her non-slashed arm shot out and punched Roxas, who was running towards her as well, in the face, stopping him squarely in his tracks and making him fall to the floor. 

However, Roxas caught himself on his hands before the back of his head hit the hard concrete. While in the position he was, he kicked out at Esdeath, but missed, although Esdeath had to lean back, giving Roxas the chance to propel himself upwards and land on his feet. The second he landed, Esdeath made to stab him with her sword, but Roxas ducked, and sweep-kicked Esdeath, sending her over as she created a dagger of ice in her free hand and tried to slash at Roxas with it. 

Though her aim was skewed by the fact that she had been sweep-kicked and was falling to the floor, that didn't change the fact that her dagger still caught Roxas on his right cheek, making him bleed. 

As Esdeath hit the floor, Roxas stood upright and kicked her while she was down, sending her rolling away from him until she hit the wall of Kuoh Academy. However, that didn't stop her as she went straight through it and out of sight. 

Roxas remained on guard until Esdeath, after several seconds of silence, flew out of the hole she went through, with several cuts and bruises on her body, rapier out and pointed at Roxas. She swung her rapier at him, trying to score a hit, but missed again, though she swung out and managed to score a punch on Roxas' chest. 

Roxas jumped over Esdeath and landed on the ground, briefly considering drawing Excalibur Galatine, but he was caught off-guard by a heavy kick to his back, sending him stumbling forward into an uppercut from Esdeath. As he flew upward from the force of the uppercut, Esdeath jumped into the air, flipped over and axe-kicked him, where Roxas found himself flying into the ground, face-first. 

Spitting blood out of his mouth, as Roxas felt at least three of his teeth coming loost, the silver-haired Nephalem got to his feet and saw... two Esdeaths standing in front of him? The hair and eye colour of one of the Esdeaths was a slightly darker shade of blue than the Esdeath that Roxas had been fighting up until now. 

"Suprised?" the light-blue-haired Esdeath smirked, as she stepped forward. "You like this little trick of mine, my love?" 

"Not exactly when it was presumably used to catch me off-guard a few seconds ago." Roxas replied, taking a few breaths and wiping sweat and blood from his face. "But I am pretty curious as to what it is." 

"It's just a little clone-technique I devised." Esdeath replied. "With the combination of some Youjutsu and my demonic energy, and... well." she patted the clone of herself on its behind. "Here's the result. A clone of me that runs on my own demonic energy. And under my command." 

"Sounds cool." Roxas replied. "How did you learn it? I thought Youjutsu was exclusive to Youkai." 

"It's exclusivly natural to Youkai." Esdeath remarked. "Important distinction. I learnt it from one of the two Nekomata leaders in Kyoto in exchange for training her daughter in sword-combat." 

"Fair enough." Roxas replied. "So this is you getting serious." 

"You could say." Esdeath replied, as the temperature of the general vicinity dropped by a couple of degrees. "Now. How about you get serious, and use your Angelic side? That Holy Sword of yours?" Esdeath licked her lips. "That Power of Twilight?" 

"If you insist." Roxas replied, pulling his headband out of his hair and transforming it into Excalibur Galatine. Faster than Esdeath could even blink, he'd dashed towards her and the clone of her, and swung at her. Esdeath jumped back and waved her hand in a large arc along the ground, creating a large wave of ice. 

From that wave of ice emerged several centaurs, made entirely out of ice. Each of them carried either a spear, and each of them had two Devil wings emerging from their backs. 

The clone of Esdeath jumped over the ice-centaurs and landed in front of Roxas, unsheathing its own rapier to attack him with. Roxas, however, clashed with the Esdeath clone with Excalibur Galatine, and overpowered it. 

Grabbing it by its neck and throwing it aside, he ran forward and swung Excalibur Galatine, releasing a large wave of destructive Holy energy that destroyed all the ice-centaurs with one go. But before Roxas could reach Esdeath, she waved her hand and sent the shards of ice, that the previously-destroyed ice-centaurs had now become, flying at Roxas, who was forced to take a defensive stance and spin his blade around to stop the shards from hitting him. 

However, he heard movement behind him, and swung around to clash with the Esdeath-clone, who'd gotten up and attacked him again from behind. 

Roxas growled, and punched the Esdeath-clone so hard in the face that it flew backwards and crashed against the barrier that Serafall had still kept up for all this time. He then dashed towards the real Esdeath, who had pulled out her rapier again, and clashed with her. 

"That's more like it!" Esdeath grinned, as she pushed against Roxas. "I can feel the Holy waves from that sword! They're powerful... and intoxicating!" 

"I am seriously beginning to question your mental state." Roxas deadpanned, as he pushed against Esdeath, until he managed to overpower her and break through her guard. 

He kicked the undefended Esdeath in the stomach, sending her sliding backwards, dashed towards her and uppercutted her, sending her into the air, before jumping up into the air and slashing at her with Excalibur Galatine, but barriers, constructed entirely of ice by Esdeath, got in the way before Holy Sword could meet Devil/Human flesh. Esdeath landed on the ground and pointed at Roxas, before snapping her fingers, which created a large spike of ice to shoot out of the ground and travel towards where he was. 

Seeing this coming just in time, Roxas slashed through the spike and landed on the even surface it created, and then jumped off it and landed on the slope of another spike that Esdeath created where he would have landed. He slid down the slope of the spike on his feet and ran towards his opponent, with very clear intent to end the fight. 

Esdeath grinned sadistically, and created a second sword in her other hand, made out of ice, and dashed towards Roxas. 

Excalibur Galatine clashed with the ice-sword while Esdeath tried to stab Roxas with her rapier, but Roxas jumped out of the way while still clashing with her, took one hand off Excalibur Galatine and used that hand to bend, and eventually break, Esdeath's rapier. 

Dropping the part of Esdeath's rapier he held in his hand, Roxas conjured a sword out of the Power of Twilight, and after jumping away from Esdeath trying to stab Roxas with her now-broken rapier (and taking a second to internally chuckle at the look on her face at realising that her weapon was broken), Roxas dashed towards Esdeath and slashed at her with his Twilight-sword. 

Esdeath held up both her rapier and her ice-sword in an attempt to block Roxas, but the power of Roxas' Twilight-sword was such that it cut through her rapier and her ice-sword like they weren't even there, and cut the lower-left part of her abdomen as well. 

The pain that shot through Esdeath's body as a result of Roxas cutting her in such a place with his Twilight-sword was such that she couldn't hold back a shriek of pain. She dropped her broken weapons and dropped to the ground, clutching her side as it bled. 

Music end  

"Looks like you won, Roxas." Esdeath panted, as she looked down at her wound. "You're stronger than me." 

"Hey. You're pretty strong yourself." Roxas replied, as he bent down to Esdeath's level, before turning around. "Is anyone here good with healing magic?" 

"I am~!" Serafall jumped forward immediately. Roxas nodded. 

"Thanks." he replied. "Can you heal that wound of Esdeath's?" As Serafall got straight to it, Esdeath looked up at Roxas. Before she could open her mouth to ask a question, Roxas answered it for her. 

"I wanted to beat you, Esdeath. Not kill you." he explained, simply. "I'm not those fucks from the Old Satan Faction that just kill anyone who crosses their path and happens to disagree with their way of doing things." 

"Oh..." Esdeath replied, looking down at the ground, and then standing up as Serafall finished healing her. "Well." she then walked over to Roxas, who looked suspiciously at her for a moment, before... she knelt down on one knee before the silver-haired Nephalem. 

"Uh... what are you doing?" Roxas blinked. 

"I'm at your command now, Roxas." Esdeath explained, looking up. "You beat me, now I serve you." 

"I-" Roxas made to speak, but Serafall spoke. 

"It's a tradition of the Partas Clan to declare themselves as the subordinate of anyone who bested them in battle." The black-haired Leviathan explained. "I remember Fianna beating Ludovic Partas, Esdeath's father, during a battle in the Devils Civil War, and he submitted to her command until the day he died." 

"Oh." Roxas replied, looking down at Esdeath and getting an idea. Opening a magic-circle on his hand, he summoned his box of Evil Pieces, and opened it. He regarded his remaining Pieces (one Rook, one Bishop, two Knights and four Pawns) for a moment, before he pulled out one of the Pieces: the Rook. 

"If you want to serve under my command, Esdeath," Roxas spoke, as he knelt down to Esdeath's position. "Then how about you do it as a member of my peerage? You'd certainly be a kick-ass addition." 

"Really?" Esdeath looked down at the piece in Roxas' hand, and then up at Roxas. "Okay." 

Esdeath took the piece, and after looking at Roxas one more time, held the piece to her chest and let it slide inside her. Eight Nephalem wings popped out of her back as she stood up, and Roxas grinned. 

"And... that's that. You're a member of my peerage now, Esdeath." 

The bird that had been watching the fight (and the subsequent addition to Roxas' peerage that came with it) gave a loud cry, and took off into the air. Roxas' head twisted around as the bird changed course and flew downwards, past Roxas and behind a tree that Rias and her peerage had been standing close to. 

Roxas gave a chuckle as out from behind the tree, instead of the bird that had flown in behind it, came Raven Branwen, and she smirked at Roxas while folding her arms. 

"Well." she remarked. "That was certainly an entertaining fight." 

Roxas gave a chuckle as he stepped towards Raven. 

"You were watching, Raven?" he asked. The Branwen Clan's Head and Roxas' former sword-master shrugged her shoulders. 

"Naturally." she replied. "I felt you were in danger a few minutes ago, and I arrived to try and help, but when I did, Esdeath seemed to have it covered." her red eyes looked past Roxas', and took in the sight of Kokabiel, whose remains had thawed out. Blood was oozing all over the courtyard. 

Paying it no mind, Raven looked back at Roxas. 

"Anyway, I watched the rest of what happened, and, well. I'm here." she shrugged. "Good to know my lessons weren't lost on you." Raven then turned around and unsheathed her sword, swinging it to open a portal. As she sheathed her sword, Raven turned back to Roxas. 

"I look forward to our future Rating Game, Roxas." she spoke, before turning around and leaving through the portal, which closed behind her. 

There was silence for a moment before Roxas walked over to where the broken remains of the Fused Excalibur lay, and gathered them up. He then walked over to Griselda, and offered them to her. 

"Here." he said. "You can take these remains of that broken piece of shit Holy Sword Kokabiel made back to the Vatican. They can do whatever the fuck they want with it, I don't care." 

"Thank you." Griselda replied, opening a pocket-dimension and placing the shards of Kokabiel's former sword into it, before turning to Rias. "We'll be out of Kuoh by tomorrow, Rias." 

Rias smiled and nodded, before calling to her peerage and walking out of the courtyard, while Sona and her peerage walked towards the hole that Esdeath had gone through during her fight with Roxas, with clear intent to fix it. 

"Well, time to go, everyone~!" Serafall winked towards her peerage, and made to walk away, before turning to Roxas. "And Roxas, about that date-" 

"I'll call you and let you know when I'm available for any potential dates, Sera." Roxas replied. "Let me sleep for at least one night before you come put your hands all over me." 

"Aww~" Serafall pouted. "Okay." she walked out of the courtyard with her peerage (Behemoth and Ziz had reverted back to their human forms), and disappeared with them through a transportation-circle. 

"Well, then." Roxas remarked to Kuroka, who had walked over to his side after Rias left with her peerage, and Esdeath. "Come on." 

The three beings entered a transportation-circle of Roxas' own creation, and left, leaving Griselda, Xenovia, Pit and Dark Pit alone in the courtyard. 

"You know," Pit began as he walked towards his doppelganger. "We could make a pretty good team." 

"Maybe." Dark Pit replied, without looking at Pit. "There's just one problem." 

"What's that?" Pit tilted his head in confusion. 

"I don't work with fakers." Dark Pit replied, before turning around and punching Pit square in the face, breaking his nose and sending him to the ground. "That's for ripping off my look!" 

"Wh-what?" Pit looked up, clutching his nose. "I'm the original here!" 

Dark Pit ignored him, and ran towards the end of the courtyard, dodging a light-spear thrown by Griselda. Spreading his eight black wings, he jumped into the air, and flew off. 

"Seeya!" he called, as he went out of sight, leaving Griselda to rush over to Pit and start healing his broken nose, while thinking of the report she needed to file to the higher-ups of the Church as soon as possible. 

Line Break  

It was an hour later, and after receiving a call from Griselda asking him to come over to their apartment, Roxas appeared through a transportation-cricle in the lounge of the apartment that Griselda, Pit, Irina and Xenovia had been staying in. 

As he looked around, Roxas sat Pit sitting in a chair playing on a Nintendo Switch, and Griselda and Xenovia sat on a sofa. From a glance, Roxas could tell that the former was comforting the latter, who seemed to be out of her shock. However, Xenovia still seemed to look very upset. 

After Roxas silently looked over at Pit to see what game he was playing (it was Sonic Mania), he walked over to Griselda and Xenovia. 

"What's up?" he asked. Griselda looked down at Xenovia for a moment, and after asking Pit to watch her for a moment, she led Roxas into the kitchen area of the apartment, where neither Xenovia nor Pit could hear them. 

"Xenovia took it upon herself to call the higher-ups at the Church, in order to inform them that the mission to retrieve the missing Excalibur swords had been completed." Griselda explained. "But, as far as I understand it, she either let it slip, or they inferred it through the tone she used, I don't know, I wasn't there to hear her, whoever she was talking to figured out that she had found out that God was dead." 

"Ahh." Roxas replied, nodding. "So, they-" 

"Excommunicated her?" Griselda replied. "Yes. They did." She looked into the living room, where Pit had moved over to sit next to Xenovia. "She's devestated." 

"I can imagine." Roxas replied. "Stubborn as Xenovia is, I have to respect her for her unshakable faith in my deceased step-father." 

Griselda actually let out a small chuckle at that remark. 

"I agree completely." she replied. "Unfortunately, being excommunicated also disqualifies her from candidacy to become an Angel under one of the Seraph." she sat down on a chair and looked at Roxas. "That was her dream, you know. So she could become closer to God, was her reason for it." 

"I see." Roxas replied. "So... why did you ask me here?" 

"Well." Griselda replied. "I thought about it for a while, and I had an idea of how to help fulfil Xenovia's dream. To the best that it can be, given the circumstances. And that idea involves you." 

"Oh?" Roxas replied. "I'm listening. And can I grab something to drink real quick?" 

"Go for it." Griselda replied. Roxas grabbed a glass from a nearby shelf, went over to the tap and filled the glass up with water, while Griselda continued talking. 

"I was thinking that, since you're a Nephalem, a Hybrid of a Devil and an Angel, and Xenovia wants nothing more than to be an Angel, I was thinking you could offer for her to become one of your Evil Pieces." 

"Ahh." Roxas took a drink from his water and nodded, catching on to what Griselda was saying. "I get it. You want me to take Xenovia under my wing. Or wings, so to say." he spread his ten Nephalem wings, and then retracted them. "And since Palutena is the daughter of God, and the only being with His bloodline inside her..." 

"Then she'd naturally attach herself to her." Griselda replied. "Hopefully. Since this is, honestly, the only idea I've got." 

"I understand." Roxas replied, as he thought for a moment. "Though won't the Church come after Excalibur Destruction and take it back to the Vatican, thereby making Xenovia kinda useless as a peerage piece on her own?" 

"No." Griselda replied, patiently. "You see, Roxas, though Excalibur Destruction was gifted to Xenovia by the Church, and is the property of the Church, that's not her only weapon. You see, she's the chosen host of the legendary Holy Sword Durandal." 

There was silence between Griselda and Roxas for a moment, before Roxas spoke again. 

"Fucking hell. That's certainly something." 

"Sure is." Griselda replied, smiling. "And when it comes to legendary Holy Swords like Durandal, Excalibur, et cetera, they choose their wielders, and they stay with their wielders, as said wielder's personal property, until... well, they find a new one, the Exorcist wielding it retires or dies, you get the picture." 

Roxas took another drink from his water as Griselda kept talking. 

"In Xenovia's case, Vasco retired around 30 years before Durandal chose Xenovia as its new wielder." 

"I see." Roxas replied. "So the Church won't be able to do anything against Xenovia if I were to make her a member of my peerage." 

"That's right." Griselda replied. "I hope you'll consider her as a peerage member of yours, Roxas." 

"Only if she wants it." Roxas replied. "Have you told her any of this?" 

"No." Griselda said, firmly. "I wanted you to hear it before I went to her about it. Let's go tell her." 

"No better time than now." Roxas muttered, as he drunk down the rest of his water before following Griselda out of the kitchen. 

To make a long story short, after hearing what Griselda and Roxas had to say, Xenovia was EXTREMELY for the idea of becoming a Nephalem under Roxas, and not a minute later… Roxas had his first Knight. 

"I'll be back to help you move into my place tomorrow, okay?" Roxas asked, as he opened a transportation-circle for himself. As Xenovia nodded, he nodded back, and winked, before disappearing. 

Line Break  

"So, I guess that's that." Sirzechs Lucifer said. He was sat in his office, with Serafall, Ajuka and Fianna stood around him. Azazel, Shemhazai, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael were stood close by, and the ten of them were looking at Roxas, who had been called in to confirm the events of the Kokabiel incident which were covered in a report filed by Grayfia, who was stood off to the side. "I feel like I'm doing this a lot lately, but I have to thank you, Roxas." 

"Same here." Azazel stated. "And I'm sorry you had to clean up another of my messes, Roxas. I should have dealt with Kokabiel when I had the chance." 

"I'm also thankful that you were able to help deal with Kokabiel without causing another Great War, Roxas." Michael added. "Though it is slightly troubling, the fact that the individual known as Dark Pit is unaccounted for. According to the report filed by mine and Gabriel's Queens, he flew away." 

"Did he?" Sirzechs replied, looking at Michael. "Well that's something we can tackle when we've got more time to. As we have a Peace Treaty to sign." 

"That we do." Azazel nodded. "I bet Roxas'll be there to see it, given how he's there wherever the action seems to be going on." 

"He certainly does seem to be." Sirzechs chuckled. "Anyway, Roxas. Michael, Azazel and I have agreed to give you a reward for your efforts in helping to deal with Kokabiel. Choose anything you want." 

"Uh..." Roxas, slightly caught on the spot, replied. "I... don't have any ideas for a reward, Dad." 

"I've got an idea for a reward for you, Roxas." Fianna spoke up, stepping forward. She reached into a pocket dimension, and pulled out a sword that looked very similar to Excalibur Galatine, apart from the fact that it was red and silver instead of blue and silver, and the fact that there was a more pronounced handguard on the sword. 

"Is that...?" Serafall, looking at the sword, whispered. 

"The Demon Sword Clarent?" Gabriel spoke. She, Michael, Uriel and Raphael all took a small step back at the sight of the sword, something that didn't go unnoticed by Roxas. 

"Yeah." Fianna replied. "I received this sword as payment for putting a particularly arrogant descendent of Mordred in his place, and until now, I had no idea what the hell to do with it. Until now, that is." She lightly threw the sword to Roxas, who caught it neatly. 

"Hey. Thanks, Fianna." Roxas thanked the blonde Satan. "I'll make good use of it." 

"I really hope you do." Fianna replied, smiling at Roxas' gratitude. Sirzechs cleared his throat. 

"Ahem. Well, I think that puts an end to that issue, so Roxas, you can leave." 

"Seeya, Dad." Roxas replied, deciding to place Clarent into a pocket-dimension, before walking out of Sirzechs' office. He barely got three steps out of the room before the door opened again, and Serafall and Fianna came out, following Roxas. 

"Zechs just let everyone out." Fianna spoke to the silver-haired Nephalem, before stepping towards him. "And by the way, Roxas." 

"Yeah?" Roxas replied. 

"Serafall... told me about that kiss you gave her in order to give to me." Fianna remarked, her smile still on her face. 

Before Roxas could reply, Fianna closed the distance between her and Roxas within two strides, and before he could even react, grabbed Roxas' face and pulled him in for a searing kiss. 

Roxas could only be taken along for the ride as Fianna pushed her tongue into his mouth while kissing him, as one of her hands trailed down to her back, and the other trailed further downwards towards his ass. When her hand landed on Roxas' ass, she squeezed it, and Fianna gave a hum of appreciation. 

"Nice ass." she muttered, as she pulled back. "That." she took a breath. "Was me returning that kiss you gave to Sera to gave to me." 

"A bit disproportionate, don't you think?" Roxas, who was slightly short of breath from such a kiss, replied. 

"Meh." Fianna shrugged her shoulders. "Just know that if it weren't for the fact that you promised Serafall a date, and the fact that I know how excited she is for when that date happens, I'd insist on joining you on it, and what inevitably comes after." she winked at Roxas. "Just out of curiosity, when are you gonna have that date with Serafall?" 

"Hey. We'll have fun another day, Fianna." Roxas replied. "And... I was thinking right now." he replied. "I mean, I'm free right now-" 

"YAY~!" Serafall shouted, childishly jumping for joy in the air. She ran over to Roxas, physically pulled him away from Fianna, and disappeared with him through a transportation-circle to her manor. 

Fianna just shrugged, and left for her own residence through a transportation-circle. 

Line Break  

A few hours later, Roxas and Serafall, were sat together, both as naked as the days that they were born, in the latter's personal bathroom, with most of their bodies submerged in the hot water of the bath itself. Roxas had just gotten in a minute earlier (as he had been meditating in Serafall's bedroom for a quarter of an hour before) while Serafall 

It was an immensely luxurious-looking bathroom, with a wall-sized window that gave anyone who looked out of it a great view of the city of the Sitri territory, and the Underworld countryside beyond. The bath in question stretched over most of the floorspace that was the bathroom, and was built directly into the floor, like a small swimming pool. 

Serafall was sat in Roxas' lap, and she had her hand extended out towards Roxas' mouth, where she was re-growing the teeth that he had lost during his battle with Esdeath. 

"Did you even pick up those teeth you lost during that fight?" Serafall conversationally asked, as she finished her work on Roxas' teeth. 

"Oh, shit. I don't remember doing so." Roxas replied, before chuckling. "I bet people'll be weirded out when they go to school there and see three human-looking teeth just lying around on the courtyard." Serafall giggled as well. 

"Yeah, I bet." the current Leviathan replied, as she slid off Roxas' lap so she could sit beside him. "Though Sona will deal with it, I'm sure." 

"Yeah." Roxas replied. The two beings sat together in silence for a moment, just enjoying each other's company (as they had been doing for the past few hours, while either watching a movie, eating, and just having a general catch-up about what they'd been doing after their time apart), before Serafall spoke again. 

"You know. When you were her age, you were honestly just like Sona, Roxas. You were always so serious in what you dedicated yourself to." she gave a cute pout. "So serious that you never made time to spend with me~" 

"Well, sorry if I fell for Zeoticus and Venelana feeding me propaganda about how I had to be the perfect Gremory Heir at all times in my early years, Serafall." Roxas lightly retorted. "Though later down the line, I ended up eventually red-pilling myself, and, well, look where we are now." 

"Yes, that's true." Serafall replied. "But what do you mean 'red-pilling'? You mean you found a pill that was red, and-" 

Serafall trailed off at the sight of the incredulous look on her godson's face. 

"You mean you haven't seen The Matrix?" 

"No..." Serafall replied. "I mean I've heard of it, but-" 

"Watch it." Roxas replied. "It's amazing. One of the best movies ever. But anyway, I really am sorry for, you know, being a bit of a dick. When I was younger." 

"Hey, it's fine." Serafall replied. "You said it yourself. Look where we are now. Just the two of us alone, in my personal manor," she looked over at Roxas, and smiled. "With the night to ourselves." 

"Yup." Roxas replied, as he and Serafall got out of the bath and stood up. As soon as they dried each other off, Serafall wrapped an arm around Roxas, and tilted her head backwards so she could press her lips against his. 

"Hmm~" Serafall moaned, as Roxas returned the kiss. "Roxas, I can't wait~ I need you, right now. I don't care how, I just need you..." 

"Alright, then." Roxas replied, as he felt Serafall's hand wrap around his length. He turned around while she did so, and backed against the counter. "If you want it, come and get it." 

Serafall wasted no time responding to Roxas' request, and immediately got down on her knees. Keeping a hold on Roxas' cock with one of her hands, she started sucking on the head of Roxas' dick, before beginning to bob her head up and down on her godson's cock. 

Roxas could only give a moan of satisfaction as Serafall began sucking him off, while also stroking the rest of his cock. Another groan escaped his lips as Serafall made a tight vacuum around Roxas' dick's head with her mouth while ferociously stroking the rest of his cock. 

"Fuck..." Roxas moaned, while Serafall took her head off his cock. 

"You like~?" Serafall asked, winking before diving back on his cock again, humming as she did so. 

"Holy- fuck, I do!" was the reply from her godson, who reflexively began thrusting his hips back and forth, just so he'd get to feel more of his cock inside Serafall's mouth. The current Leviathan moaned in satisfaction and closed her eyes, allowing Roxas to grab her head and hold it in place as he face-fucked her. 

As he kept thrusting, Roxas decided to thrust as far forward as he could go, keeping Serafall in place so he could forcibly deep-throat her. 

"HMMF~!" Serafall moaned loudly, before Roxas quickly pulled out of her mouth. "Roxas, you're really fucking good." 

"Well, no shit." Roxas replied. "I mean I do have eight insanely hot women as lovers of mine. Not to mention the women at my porn company that I occasionally have some fun with. And no, before they ask, they don't know. Well, most of them anyway." he answered Serafall's question before she could ask it. "Because let's face it, who'd believe me if I told them?" 

"Fair enough." Serafall replied as she spread her breasts apart, allowing Roxas to stick his dick in between them and begin thrusting between them. "Hmm~ you like fucking my tits?" 

"I love it." Roxas replied, simply, as he took hold of Serafall's breasts and held them around his cock, while he continued to quickly thrust his cock between them. "Such a good Satan. Be sure to take my cum when I shoot it all over you, got it?" 

Serafall could only nod as Roxas continued to fuck her breasts, the pace of which he did so increasing all the time. The black-haired Satan opened her mouth, and while thinking of how fantastic it'd be if she were able to do this with Sona (as well as Tsubaki, and possibly even Glynda) watching, or even joining, her, received Roxas' hot white load, all over her face. 

"Well, fuck." Roxas remarked, as he stopped leaning on Serafall's bathroom counter, and stood up. "You look fucking incredible with my cum all over your face." 

"I do?" Serafall asked, as she stood up and looked at the nearby mirror for a few seconds, while licking up some of the cum that was close to her mouth. "Holy shit, I do." 

"That you do." Roxas replied, walking around so he was behind the current Leviathan, and calmly groped her breasts. "Now. How about we head to your room for some real fun?" 

"Hmm~" Serafall moaned as a reply. "Yeah, let's go." 

Barely minutes later, Roxas and Serafall were in the latter's bedroom, and Serafall was getting herself into a comfortable position on her back, while Roxas stood before her, and prepared to enter her pussy for the first time. 

"Don't hold anything back, Roxas!" Serafall whispered. "I don't care if it hurts the first time we do it, you've gotta fuck me hard!" 

"Well, if that's what you want..." Roxas smirked in reply, as he guided his cock towards Serafall's pussy and teased the entrance with its head for a few seconds. "Then that what you get." Without any warning, Roxas pushed forward, straight through Serafall's hymen like it wasn't even there, until he was balls-deep inside her. 

"OHH, FUCK!" Serafall shouted, as Roxas began quickly thrusting in and out of her. "ROXAS~!" 

"This is what you wanted, right?" Roxas replied as Serafall began rocking her hips up and down in conjunction with Roxas going back and forth. With one hand on Serafall's large breast, he used two fingers of his other hand to scoop his cum off his godmother's face, then pushed the cum-covered digits into her mouth, making her drink his cum off his fingers. 

"Hmm~" Serafall moaned in satisfaction from Roxas' cum travelling down her throat. As Roxas took his fingers out of her mouth, she found herself reflexively clenching onto anything that she could reach for on her bed, just so she could keep herself grounded while Roxas' thrusts became so fast and forceful that she could hear the slapping noises of their bodies against each other. "Fuck yes, Roxas! Right there! HARDER!" 

Roxas silently obliged, noticeably increasing the speed of which he fucked Serafall. He grabbed onto one of her breasts with one hand and gave her nipple a slight twist, while slapping the other one with his other hand, making Serafall moan all the harder 

"Fuck~! So good~!" Serafall moaned, her moans and breaths increasing in pitch and p. "I feel like I'm gonna-!" 

Right at that moment, Serafall let out a loud shriek as an orgasm crashed over her. Her pussy clenched down over Roxas' cock (which shot out a huge load right inside her as soon as that happened), and the two immensely powerful beings moaned from each other's pleasure. 

"Damn..." Roxas groaned, as he collapsed onto Serafall's bed, and then rolled off the small Satan so he could lie beside her. "This was fucking hot." 

"Who said this was over, Roxas?" Serafall grinned in a sultry manor as she pushed Roxas up against the headboard of her bed (with such force that Roxas found himself in a sitting position before he knew it), before slowly crawling up to, and later straddling, him. 

"Well not me, that's for sure." Roxas replied as he and Serafall dove at each other's lips at the exact same time. While their lips locked again, Serafall reached down and guided Roxas' still-throbbing cock into her pussy (which was dripping from a mixture of her own juices and Roxas' cum), moaning loudly as she began to bounce herself on top of him. 

The bed that the two lovers lay on began to creak under the force of which Serafall bounced her hips on top of Roxas', while the makeout session between the pair of them got ever the more intense. Roxas' hands trailed all over Serafall's body, until he came down to her ass, which he delivered a hard slap to. 

Serafall moaned into Roxas' mouth in response to such a slap, and continued bouncing on top of him as Roxas' lips trailed from Serafall's own, down to her neck, and down to her breasts to suck on them. 

"Ohh, fuck~!" Serafall moaned loudly at Roxas doing the very thing she wished that her dear little sister would do with her during hypothetical future 'sister-love-time' sessions. "Keep going, Roxas~" 

"Oh, I will." Roxas replied, gently biting down on the nipple that was in his mouth and tugging on it with said mouth, while he began to thrust back up into his godmother's pussy, which only made her moan all the harder. 

"You fucking liking this, Sera?" Roxas muttered, after pulling away from Serafall's breast, before switching to the other one. 

"YES!" Serafall shrieked, throwing her head back and yelling from the pleasure of a second orgasm flying through her. "ROXAS~!" 

Right at that convenient moment, Roxas' own orgasm came over him as well, as he shot a second load of cum right inside Serafall's tight, waiting cunt. After receiving his load, Serafall moaned in satisfaction, and fell off Roxas' hips so she lay beside him. Almost instantly, she cuddled up next to Roxas as the same mixture of her sex-juices and Roxas' cum oozed from her pussy. 

"That was incredible, Roxas~" Serafall whispered, momentarily pressing her lips against Roxas'. "All that waiting was SO worth it." 

"I'm glad I met your sexual standards, Serafall." Roxas replied, pulling Serafall in closer to him with a smirk. "I mean. Ever since I showed myself again, I knew I was gonna end up fucking you, sooner or later." 

"Good thing it was sooner." Serafall replied. "I mean, how long was it since that night in Kuoh you resurfaced?" 

"Not exactly sure." Roxas replied. "A month? I think? 

"Around that." Serafall replied. "A drop in the bucket compared to the nearly-four-centuries you kept turning me down for~" She pouted, momentarily, before perking up. "But now, now that we've hooked up for the first time, we can keep having some fun godmother-and-godson-times together!" 

"Yeah." Roxas replied, lying back and allowing Serafall to do the same with him. After a moment of comfortable silence, Serafall reached over to a beside table, opened a drawer inside it with a flick of her hand, and pulled a picture-frame out of it. 

Inside the frame was a photo of Roxas and Serafall, but Roxas looked younger, around 12 or 13. He was lying in his bed, shirtless, while Serafall (who was also topless) had her arms lovingly wrapped around him. Both of them were smiling. 

"Oh, yeah. I remember when that was taken." Roxas remarked, as he looked at the picture. "It was before Mom started disapproving of you crawling into bed with me, and thought that you and me cuddling together was so cute that she'd take a picture." 

"Yup." Serafall replied, placing the picture on her bedside table. "I still remember that day fondly. Though I really think we should get this picture updated, don't you?" 

"Yeah." Roxas replied. "But some other time, Sera." 

"Yeah~" Serafall smiled, lying down and placing her head on Roxas' chest, while Roxas himself shifted himself into a more comfortable position. 

And it was in that position that the two beings, the Nephalem and the Satan, fell asleep. 

Line Break  

"It's a shame that we lost all of the forces that we sent to Kuoh, Major." The Doctor said, as he read over the report that the Captain had filed upon his return to Millennium's secret base. "It was a colossal failure." 

"Oh, not at all, Doctor!" The Major replied, a smile on his face. " Überhaupt nicht.  We may have lost all of the Vampires, Fallen Angels, and Fallen Angel/Vampire Hybrids that we sent to Kuoh, but they can be easily replaced! What matters is what we have gained." 

The Major pointed to a particular portion of the report. 

"Our dear Captain took the time to detail the fighting styles of all our major opponents of the Battle of Kuoh Academy, Doctor." The Major explained. "Roxas Gremory, Grayfia Lucifuge and Serafall Leviathan. Three beings with vastly different styles of battle. Three beings with power levels equal, if not superior to, our one true nemesis: Alucard." The Major's smile widened. "Three beings whose styles that, once we have our soldiers learn them, we can exploit in order to wage a more destructive war against Britain, the Hellsings, and, thanks to the fact that thanks to Kokabiel's assistance, possibly the other two members of the former Grand Alliance as well!" 

"Speaking of Kokabiel, Major," The Doctor replied, as he picked up the report. "The Captain's report states that Kokabiel was killed during the Battle of Kuoh Academy. Wouldn't that be a blow?" 

"A minor one, ja." The Major replied. "However, we still have Kokabiel's lovely assistant, whom you tinkered with in a similar matter to the way you did me, in exchange for her swearing allegiance to us instead of Kokabiel, do we not?" 

"That we do." The Doctor admitted, nodding. "In fact, I remember calling her here before I gave you this report. Where is she?" 

The sound of heels clicking along the floor was the Doctor's answer. He turned around and looked to the door of the Major's office, which opened to reveal a woman standing in the doorway. 

This woman was buxom, much more buxom than Zorin was, and she long, navy-blue hair that obscured her right eye, which was brown. 

Her attire consisted of a black trenchcoat-like top with a wide collar and matching miniskirt, and black heeled shoes. The trenchcoat top (which was emblazoned with the familiar swastika on her right sleeve) was open at her chest, giving view to her large breasts and cleavage. She also wore a gold necklace around her neck. 

What was rather extraordinary was the fact that her right arm, left eye and bottom half of her left leg seemed to be robotic. Her arm and leg were very clearly metal, and also clearly expertly made, as the Fallen Angel's body seemed to gradate, in an almost natural way, from flesh to metal. Her left eye looked more normal than her arm and leg were, but the fact that it shone with a reddish-purple colour, rather than her natural, brown eye, gave it away. 

The Major's eyes lit up behind his glasses as he gazed upon Millennium's arguably-best creation since the very first artificially-created member of the Letzte Bataillon , as Kalawarner spread her eight Fallen Angel wings. 

Line Break  

It was two days after the Battle of Kuoh Academy, and a certain Rias Gremory was dressed in casual clothing and sipping from a cup of tea in a local café in town. 

Sona had managed to put together a convincing story that Kuoh Academy needed to be closed down for 'renovations', which meant that all the students currently attending the school could take the couple of days off. 

But in actuality, it was just an excuse to let Sona, her Peerage, Rias and her Peerage to recuperate from such an immense battle for their lives. But speaking of Rias, she was not only recuperating, she was also waiting for someone. 

Someone she'd had Mirajane place a call and ask to come to this very café she was sitting in right now, as she wished to talk with her about something important. 

Something extremely important. 

The person had agreed to arrive, and it was currently one minute until they had agreed to arrive. 

That minute came and went as Rias continued to drink from her cup of tea, while the same thoughts that had been running through her mind ran for the past... well, before Kokabiel had even attacked Kuoh, ran through her mind again. 

Did she really want to go through with what she was considering doing right now? 

'Yes.' Rias thought, defiantly. 'I want to do this. I, one hundred percent, without a shadow of a doubt, want to do this.' 

The thoughts of the crimson-haired Heiress were interrupted as the door of the café opened. As she looked up, Rias gave a sigh of relief. The individual in question that she had asked to come to this café at this specific time had arrived. 

The black hair, the trenchcoat, the tight halter top underneath said trenchcoat that exposed her toned abs… it was her, alright. 

"Hey, Rias." Imogen Belial greeted Rias as she walked over to the table that Rias was sat at, pulled up a chair and sat down upon it. Rias inclined her head to Imogen as she took another sip from her drink. 

"Hello, Imogen." she greeted the Belial Heiress. "Thanks for coming here, on such short notice." 

"Meh, it's no problem." Imogen replied, shedding her trenchcoat and hanging it on the back of the chair she was sat on. "I've honestly not had that much to do recently since the Rating Game with your nephew, apart from recovering, training, the shitshow that is going to college in the US, and turning down potential suitors." 

Rias smiled. 

"I can imagine." she replied, drinking the last bit of tea from her cup and setting it aside. "But anyway, shall we get started?" 

"Sure." Imogen replied. "I am pretty curious, Rias: What did you ask me to come here for?"