
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

A Swordsman's Counsel: The Strongest Rowboat

Author Note: After completing the chapter, many readers will have decisions to make down below.

( Yhwach's reluctance to learn Haki doesn't necessarily mean he won't have to. For instance, if he were to face an admiral, the necessity of mastering Haki would become apparent. So, while he may choose not to pursue it initially, circumstances could dictate otherwise. In other words, there is still a chance for Yhwach to learn haki )


Yhwach watched as Mihawk sheathed his legendary blade, his expression thoughtful as he considered the concept of Haki. Despite Mihawk's explanation and the parallels drawn between Haki and the spiritual abilities he was familiar with, Yhwach couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within him.

Yhwach: (In thought) Haki may be similar to Reiatsu and Reikaku in some respects, but there's something fundamentally different about it. The energy it utilizes feels... foreign to me, almost as if it exists on a different plane altogether.

As Yhwach mulled over his thoughts, he came to a realization. While Haki held great potential as a formidable combat technique, it diverged too significantly from the spiritual energy he had mastered throughout his life. Attempting to learn Haki could potentially disrupt his connection to his own powers, jeopardizing the balance he had spent centuries honing.

Yhwach: (In thought) No, I cannot risk compromising my own abilities in pursuit of something unfamiliar. My powers are my greatest strength, and I must remain true to them.

With a decisive nod, Yhwach made up his mind. He would not pursue the study of Haki, choosing instead to focus on mastering his own unique abilities and unlocking their full potential.

Just as Yhwach came to this resolution, Ginjo's voice echoed within his mind, drawing his attention away from his thoughts.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Hey, Yhwach, you might wanna turn around. Looks like Mihawk's decided to take his leave.

Yhwach blinked in surprise at Ginjo's words, his curiosity piqued as he turned to look in the direction indicated.

Sure enough, Mihawk was nowhere to be seen, his figure disappearing into the distance with the same effortless grace that characterized his every movement.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Thank you, Ginjo. It seems our duel with Mihawk has come to an end, for now at least.

His mental response carried a note of resignation, tinged with a hint of disappointment at the abrupt conclusion of their fight.

Yhwach's steps were deliberate as he made his way back to Mihawk's castle, his mind still preoccupied with thoughts of the duel and his decision regarding Haki. Despite his initial disappointment at not learning the new technique, he remained resolute in his conviction to stay true to his own powers.

As he walked, Yhwach couldn't help but wonder about Zaegar, his inner hollow, and the mischief he might be getting into. It had been a while since he last heard from Zaegar, and the absence of his inner voice left Yhwach with a sense of unease.

Yhwach: (In thought) Where has Zaegar gone off to now? Knowing him, he's probably causing chaos somewhere.

Scene Break

In the clearing, Zaegar could be seen surrounded by four kings, each perched atop a branch and glaring down at him with a mixture of annoyance and exasperation.

Zaegar, his tiny dragon form bristling with indignation, glared back at the birds with equal ferocity, his voice ringing out in protest.

Zaegar: Where the fuck is the alcohol I requested? I fucking told you to specifically get me a barrel of their finest brew, and yet here I am, empty-handed and surrounded by a bunch of feathered imbeciles

His words were punctuated by an emphatic stomp of his tiny foot, his frustration evident in every gesture.

The first king stepped forward with an air of authority, his beak pointed in a no-nonsense manner as he addressed Zaegar.

First king: Now hold on there, pint-sized troublemaker. You may be a feisty little dragon, but you can't go around throwing tantrums like this. We're doing our best to procure your precious alcohol, but these things take time, you know.

Zaegar scoffed at the First king's words, his tiny claws clenching and unclenching in frustration.

Zaegar: Time? I don't have time to wait around for you featherbrains to get your act together! I demand satisfaction, and I won't rest until I get it!

the Second king, chimed in with his signature analytical tone, attempting to reason with Zaegar using logic and reason.

Second king: Zaegar, perhaps if you were to approach this situation with a bit more patience and understanding, we could work together to find a solution. Cooperation is key, after all.

But Zaegar was having none of it, as he continued to berate the Four Kings.

Zaegar: Cooperation? Ha! What does a bunch of birds know about cooperation? You're all just a bunch of glorified messengers with wings!

The third king, took a more diplomatic approach, his voice gentle and conciliatory as he tried to defuse the situation.

Third king: Now, now, there's no need for name-calling, Zaegar. We're all just trying to help here. If you could just calm down and explain exactly what you need, we might be able to assist you more effectively.

But Zaegar was beyond reason, his frustration reaching a boiling point as he unleashed a torrent of insults and demands.

Zaegar: I don't need your help, and I certainly don't need your pity! I need my alcohol, and I need it now! If you can't get it for me, then I'll find someone who can!

The Fourth king, remained silent throughout the exchange, his expression unreadable as he watched the drama unfold. With a simple gesture, he reached into his feathers and pulled out a small flask, offering it to Zaegar with a knowing glint in his eye.

Fourth king: Here, take this. It's not the barrel you wanted, but it'll tide you over until we can get the real thing.

Zaegar's eyes lit up at the sight of the flask, his anger melting away as he eagerly accepted the offering.

Zaegar: Finally, some progress! I knew I could count on you, Fourth. You're the only one around here with any sense.

The Fourth king gave a modest shrug, a small smirk playing on his beak as he replied.

Fourth king: Glad I could be of assistance. Just remember to savor it; good things come to those who wait.

Zaegar nodded appreciatively, taking a swig from the flask and savoring the taste of the liquid within. before throwing up and throwing the flask into space while glaring at the fourth king.

Meanwhile, the Third king, his feathers ruffled but his demeanor calm, turned his attention to more pressing matters.

Third king: Speaking of which, any leads on Yhwach? It's been quite a while since we last heard from him. After he broke out of Mary Geoise, he seemed to disappear without a trace.

The First king scratched his head in thought, his brow furrowed with concern as he mulled over the question.

First king: I'm afraid I don't have any information on Yhwach's whereabouts. He's always been one to keep his own counsel, even when it comes to us. But perhaps our resident strategist might have some insight.

Turning to the Second king, he posed a question of his own, hoping to glean some insight into their elusive companion's potential whereabouts.

First king: Second, what's the most common place a criminal would go when they have a bounty on their head? We might be able to narrow down our search if we think like our target.

The second king, adopting his usual analytical stance, tapped a wing against his beak in contemplation before responding.

Second king: Well, statistically speaking, fugitives often seek refuge in areas where the authorities have less jurisdiction or where they can easily blend in with the local population. In our world, that would likely mean the Grand Line, particularly in the less monitored regions like the Florian Triangle or the lawless territories of the New World.

The First King nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful as he considered the Second King's analysis.

First king: That makes sense. If Yhwach is indeed on the run, those would be the most logical places for him to hide out. Looks like we've got our work cut out for us if we want to track him down.

Scene Break - Location: Kuraigana Island - Mihawk's Castle

As Yhwach entered the living room of Mihawk's castle, he found the swordsman lounging in a comfortable chair, clad in his casual attire. Mihawk held a glass of wine in one hand, swirling its contents idly as he regarded Yhwach with a knowing expression.

Mihawk: Ah, Yhwach. Finally done with your inner monologuing, I see?

His voice carried a hint of amusement, tinged with the dry sarcasm that was characteristic of him. Yhwach couldn't help but smirk at the remark, appreciating Mihawk's straightforwardness even in casual conversation.

Yhwach: You could say that. Sometimes one's thoughts are harder to sheathe than a blade.

Mihawk chuckled softly, raising an eyebrow in amusement as he took a sip of his wine.

Mihawk: Wise words, indeed. But enough about inner reflections and philosophical musings. Care to join me for a glass? It seems our duel has left us both in need of some relaxation.

Yhwach shook his head slightly, declining Mihawk's offer as he walked further into the room. He settled into the chair opposite Mihawk, his posture relaxed yet purposeful as he turned his attention to the swordsman.

Yhwach: Thank you, but I'll pass on the wine for now. I have matters to attend to, and I'll be heading out soon.

Mihawk nodded in understanding, setting down his glass as he regarded Yhwach with a hint of curiosity.

Mihawk: Heading out, you say? Is there any particular destination in mind?

Yhwach hesitated for a moment, considering Mihawk's question. He was still relatively new to the world outside of Mary Geoise, unfamiliar with its geography and the various islands that dotted the seas.

Yhwach: My destination remains uncertain for now. I'm still exploring this world and discovering its many facets. But rest assured, I will find my way.

Mihawk nodded, understanding Yhwach's cryptic response. He leaned back in his chair, a knowing smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

Mihawk: Ah, yes. Even with a boat at your disposal, navigating these waters can be challenging. Speaking of which, what became of the rowboat you were aboard?

Yhwach's expression darkened momentarily as he recalled the events that led to the demise of his rowboat.

( Flashback)

As for that old man, Yhwach found himself careening into jagged rocks, the rowboat now taking on water and rapidly sinking.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, urgency laced in his tone.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Yhwach, we need to remove more water from the boat! It's sinking faster than you can row!

Yhwach, his focus divided between trying to bail out water and navigating the sinking rowboat, gritted his teeth in frustration.

Yhwach: (Mental link) I'm aware of that, Ginjo. Do you think I'm blind?

Ginjo's voice held a note of exasperation as he responded.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, pardon me for stating the obvious, but it seems like you need a reminder considering the boat is about to go under any minute now!

Yhwach's patience wore thin as he continued to scoop water out of the boat, his movements becoming more frantic with each passing moment.

Yhwach: (Mental link) I said I know, Ginjo! Now shut up and let me concentrate!

Ginjo fell silent, recognizing that Yhwach needed to focus on the task at hand. The urgency of their situation weighed heavily on his mind as Yhwach worked frantically to prevent the rowboat from sinking.

Suddenly, with a loud creaking noise, the rowboat lurched violently to one side, sending Yhwach sprawling onto the deck.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Ginjo, we're going down!

Ginjo's response was swift, his voice filled with alarm.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Abandon ship, Yhwach! You need to get out of here before you go down with it!

Yhwach let out a frustrated sigh as he felt the rowboat sinking beneath him. With no time to spare, he focused his Quincy abilities, tapping into a different version of Hirenkyaku, one that allowed him to manipulate Reishi to create platforms beneath his feet.

( End of Flashback)

As Yhwach's mind replayed the tumultuous events of his rowboat's demise, Ginjo's laughter echoed within his thoughts, breaking through the tension with its irreverent tone.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Ha! Remember that time you nearly drowned because you couldn't navigate a rowboat to save your life? Good times, good times.

Yhwach's expression darkened at Ginjo's jest, his pride stung by the reminder of his momentary vulnerability.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Enough, Ginjo. There's no need to dwell on past failures. What's done is done, and I've learned from that experience. Now, if you have nothing constructive to contribute, I suggest you remain silent.

Ginjo's laughter subsided at Yhwach's stern admonishment, replaced by a grudging acknowledgment of his host's authority. 

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Fine, fine. No need to get your Quincy panties in a twist. Just thought I'd lighten the mood a bit. Sheesh.

Mihawk, who had been observing Yhwach with mild interest, couldn't help but sigh as he noticed the Quincy king deep in thought once again.

Mihawk: (Under his breath) Here we go again, another one of Yhwach's inner monologues. I swear, talking to him is like trying to have a conversation with a philosopher.

His words were spoken in jest, tinged with a hint of exasperation as he watched Yhwach's contemplative demeanor. Despite his outward nonchalance, Mihawk couldn't deny the intrigue sparked by Yhwach's enigmatic nature.

Clearing his throat, Mihawk shifted in his seat, breaking the silence that had settled between them. As Yhwach's thoughts drifted back to the present.

Mihawk: So, Yhwach, have you come to any conclusions regarding your next course of action? Or shall we expect another round of introspection?

His tone was light, tinged with a hint of teasing as he regarded Yhwach with a knowing gaze. He was genuinely interested in hearing Yhwach's plans.

Yhwach, sensing Mihawk's subtle reaction, glanced up from his thoughts, his expression a mix of mild annoyance and amusement.

Yhwach: (In thought) Does he ever miss anything?

Despite his inner musings, Yhwach couldn't help but appreciate Mihawk's ability to read him so effortlessly. It was a testament to the swordsman's keen observational skills and sharp wit, qualities that Yhwach found both intriguing and worthy of respect.

Yhwach: You seem to have a knack for noticing these things, Mihawk. Perhaps you've spent too much time alone with your swords.

Mihawk chuckled softly at Yhwach's jest, a faint glint of amusement in his eyes as he regarded the Quincy king with a knowing smile.

Mihawk: Perhaps. Or maybe I just have a talent for reading people. Either way, it seems we both have our own methods of introspection.

Yhwach nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging Mihawk's observation. He paused for a moment, considering his response carefully.

Yhwach: Indeed, Mihawk. While I appreciate the value of introspection, I must admit that my next course of action remains uncertain. Despite my desire to explore this world further, the fact remains that I still carry a bounty on my head. It would be unwise for me to venture into public places or draw unnecessary attention to myself.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, breaking through the ponderous silence with his characteristic irreverence.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Hey, Yhwach, why not ask Mihawk for some recommendations? The guy seems to know his way around this world pretty well. He might have some insights on where you could lay low for a while.

Yhwach considered Ginjo's suggestion, realizing the merit in seeking Mihawk's counsel. After all, the swordsman's vast knowledge and experience could prove invaluable in navigating the treacherous waters of the outside world.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) You make a valid point, Ginjo. Mihawk's understanding of this world surpasses my own, and he may possess knowledge of places where I could seek refuge.

 Yhwach turned his attention back to Mihawk, his gaze thoughtful.

Yhwach: Mihawk, if you don't mind, I could use some advice regarding potential destinations. Are there any places you would recommend for someone in my situation?

Mihawk leaned back in his chair, swirling the wine in his glass as he considered Yhwach's request. His gaze was focused yet distant as if he were sifting through a mental map of the world's various locales.

Mihawk: Indeed, there are a few places that come to mind. However, it ultimately depends on what you seek. If you're looking to lie low and avoid unwanted attention, then seeking refuge in secluded islands or remote territories might be your best option. Places like Kuraigana Island, where we currently reside, offer solitude and security away from prying eyes.

He paused, taking a sip of his wine before continuing.

Mihawk: If you seek refuge from the prying eyes of the World Government and its agents, I would recommend the more remote islands scattered throughout the Grand Line. Places like Banaro Island or Jaya, where the presence of the Marines is less pronounced.

Mihawk paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing.

Mihawk: Alternatively, if you prefer the safety of civilization without the risk of being recognized, there are certain port towns and settlements known for their neutrality and discretion. Places like Water 7 or Sabaody Archipelago come to mind. They cater to a diverse clientele, making it easier for individuals like yourself to blend in without attracting undue attention.

Yhwach listened intently as Mihawk outlined the various options available to him, considering each suggestion carefully. The swordsman's knowledge of the world was indeed impressive, and Yhwach couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for his willingness to offer assistance.

Yhwach: (In thought) Mihawk's recommendations are sound. Seeking refuge in secluded islands or neutral settlements seems like the most prudent course of action for now.

With a decisive nod, Yhwach turned his attention back to Mihawk.

Yhwach: Your advice is greatly appreciated, Mihawk. It seems I have much to consider in terms of my next destination. However, before I depart, there is one more matter I wish to address.

Mihawk raised an eyebrow inquisitively, his interest piqued by Yhwach's request. He leaned forward slightly, gesturing for Yhwach to continue.

Mihawk: Oh? And what might that be, Yhwach?

Yhwach's gaze met Mihawk's eyes as he asked his question.

Yhwach: Do you happen to have a boat that I could use for my journey? My previous mode of transportation met an unfortunate end, and I found myself in need of a new vessel.

Mihawk's lips curved into a faint smirk, his eyes twinkling with amusement at Yhwach's request.

Mihawk: Ah, so that confirms it. Your rowboat did indeed meet a watery demise.

Yhwach's expression remained stoic, betraying no hint of embarrassment at the reminder of his earlier mishap.

Yhwach: Indeed. It was a regrettable loss, but one that I have learned from nonetheless.

Mihawk nodded in acknowledgment, his smirk widening slightly as he regarded Yhwach with a knowing glint in his eyes.

Mihawk: As a matter of fact, I do have a boat that you can use for your journey.

Yhwach's interest was piqued, and he inclined his head slightly, prompting Mihawk to continue.

Mihawk: It's nothing extravagant, mind you. Just a simple rowboat, but it should serve your needs adequately.

Yhwach's expression remained composed, though a flicker of amusement danced in his eyes as he processed Mihawk's revelation.

Yhwach: A rowboat, you say? How... convenient.

Mihawk's smirk widened into a grin at Yhwach's dry remark, his amusement evident as he nodded in agreement.

Mihawk: Indeed. And considering your previous experience with rowboats, I trust you'll handle this one with a bit more finesse.

Yhwach's lips quirked into a small smile at Mihawk's jest, his demeanor relaxed as he contemplated the prospect of a new mode of transportation.

Yhwach: Rest assured, Mihawk. I will endeavor to avoid any further mishaps.

As Yhwach spoke, Ginjo's laughter echoed within his mind, breaking through the moment with its irreverent tone.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Ha! Famous last words, Yhwach. Just make sure you don't crash this one too, or we'll never hear the end of it.

Yhwach rolled his eyes at Ginjo's jest, though a faint chuckle escaped his lips at the familiar banter.

Yhwach: (Mental link) You worry too much, Ginjo. I'll make sure to keep our new rowboat afloat, rest assured.

Mihawk chuckled softly at Yhwach's response, his amusement evident as he leaned back in his chair, swirling the wine in his glass thoughtfully.

Mihawk: Well, in that case, I'll be sure to provide you with a map this time. Can't have you getting lost and stumbling onto Kuraigana Island again, now can we?

Yhwach's expression remained impassive, though a faint glimmer of amusement danced in his eyes at the reminder of his previous misadventures.

Yhwach: Indeed, a map would be most helpful. Though I must admit, my unintended visits to your island have provided their fair share of entertainment.

Mihawk chuckled softly, nodding in agreement as he set down his glass and rose from his chair.

Mihawk: That they have, Yhwach. That they have. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll fetch the map for you.

With a graceful stride, Mihawk made his way out of the living room, leaving Yhwach to ponder his next course of action.

As Yhwach waited for Mihawk to return, his thoughts drifted back to his previous encounters with the swordsman and the unexpected friendship that had blossomed between them.

Yhwach: (In thought) Despite our differences, Mihawk has proven to be a valuable ally. His knowledge of the world and his willingness to assist me are qualities I cannot afford to overlook.

Just then, Mihawk reentered the room, holding a rolled-up parchment in one hand. which he then tossed casually across the table to Yhwach.

Yhwach caught the parchment with ease, unrolling it to reveal a detailed map of the surrounding seas and islands. His eyes scanned the intricate lines and markings, taking note of the various landmarks and points of interest.

Yhwach: Thank you, Mihawk. Your guidance and hospitality have been invaluable to me. I am grateful for your assistance in this matter.

Mihawk waved off Yhwach's gratitude with a casual gesture, his demeanor relaxed yet sincere.

Mihawk: Think nothing of it, Yhwach. Consider it repayment for the entertainment you provided during our duel. Besides, it's not every day I get to host a Dragon Slayer in my humble abode.

Yhwach chuckled softly at Mihawk's jest, a sense of camaraderie forming between them despite their differences.

Yhwach: Well then, it seems we have reached an understanding. I shall make preparations to depart, armed with a map and a newfound appreciation for the art of rowing.

Mihawk nodded in agreement, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes as he sat on his chair.

Mihawk: Excellent. Should you require anything else, do not hesitate to ask. Until then, safe travels, Yhwach.

With a respectful nod, Yhwach rose from his seat as well, his gaze meeting Mihawk's with a sense of mutual respect.

Yhwach: And to you as well, Mihawk. Until we meet again.

Mihawk watched him go with a knowing smile, his gaze lingering on the Quincy king for a moment longer before returning to his wine.

Mihawk: Until we meet again, Yhwach. Safe travels.

And with that, Yhwach made his exit, the sound of his footsteps echoing through the halls of Mihawk's castle as he embarked on his next adventure.

Scene Break

Word had reached Doflamingo that one of the pirates under him had lost to a rookie that had just entered the Grand Line said rookie had a much smaller bounty than Bellamy.

He was making his way toward Jaya with a smile on his face. He just happened to be nearby when he received the message, so he decided to visit his subordinate. 

As Doflamingo made his way toward Jaya with a self-assured smile, he was oblivious to the comical yet unfortunate events unfolding high above him in the sky. Little did he know that the Four Kings and Zaegar, one of their own, were hovering above, observing the world below with keen interest.

As they watched Doflamingo approach, the Third King suddenly doubled over in discomfort, his wings flapping frantically as he struggled to maintain his balance. With a violent heave, he expelled the remnants of the spicy food he had consumed earlier, the vomit swirling through the air in a nauseating arc.

Zaegar, caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, let out a startled yelp as the foul mixture of spicy food and vomit descended from above. With a series of frantic wingbeats, he narrowly managed to avoid the impending disaster, soaring out of harm's way just in the nick of time.

Unfortunately for Doflamingo, he was not as fortunate. Oblivious to the airborne assault descending upon him, he continued on his merry way, his smile widening with each step.

However, his blissful ignorance was shattered in an instant as the vile concoction of vomit and spicy food plummeted from the sky, landing squarely on his head with a sickening splat.

Doflamingo froze in shock, his expression shifting from one of confidence to one of utter disbelief as he stared incredulously at the mess now adorning his once immaculate attire. His smile faltered, replaced by a look of pure disgust and outrage.

Doflamingo: What the...?!

He sputtered incoherently, his mind struggling to comprehend the sheer absurdity of the situation. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that he would be the victim of such a humiliating and utterly bizarre attack.

Meanwhile, high above, the Four Kings and Zaegar watched with amusement as their impromptu prank played out exactly as they had intended. The Third King, now relieved of his gastric distress, let out a hearty laugh, his feathers ruffling with mirth.

Zaegar, ever the sarcastic asshole he was, couldn't help but snicker at the situation, finding the whole ordeal highly amusing.

Zaegar: Looks like someone got a taste of the Four Kings' special sauce! Bet he didn't see that one coming!

The Four Kings and Zaegar couldn't help but find humor in the situation. It was just another day in the eventful lives of the avian quartet and their mischievous hollow companion.

As for Doflamingo, he stood below, seething with anger as he attempted to wipe away the spicy vomit from his clothes. His plans for revenge against the Four Kings and Zaegar were already taking shape in his mind, and he vowed to make them pay dearly for their impudence.

Doflamingo: Mark my words, you feathered pests! You'll regret ever crossing me!


Decision 1: Should Yhwach venture into the Grand Line, considering places like Banaro Island or Jaya, where the presence of the Marines is less pronounced?

Decision 2: Or should Yhwach opt for the safety of civilization without the risk of being recognized, exploring port towns and settlements like Water 7 or Sabaody Archipelago, known for their neutrality and discretion?

Decision 3: Would Yhwach prefer to seek refuge in secluded islands or remote territories, away from the hustle and bustle of civilization?

Decision 4: Should Yhwach perhaps explore other options not mentioned, relying on his own intuition and knowledge to determine his next destination?

Bonus Decision: What path should Yhwach choose for his future endeavors in the world of One Piece?

A) Pirate: Yhwach decides to embrace the life of a pirate, seeking adventure on the high seas and pursuing his own goals with freedom and autonomy. ( this means making a pirate crew and acquiring more bounty )

B) Revolutionary: Yhwach joins the ranks of the Revolutionary Army, fighting against injustice and oppression in the world and striving to bring about meaningful change. ( Teaming up with Dragon while also getting the chance of becoming the second in command of the revolutionary P.S Sabo can go cry in the corner )

C) Conqueror: Yhwach seeks to establish his own empire, wielding his powers to conquer lands and assert dominance over all who oppose him. ( Pretty self-explanatory)

D) Mercenary: Yhwach becomes a freelance mercenary, offering his skills and powers to the highest bidder and operating outside the confines of any particular organization. ( this has the chance to become a guild master take for example the Cross Guild )

E) Independent: Yhwach chooses to remain independent, forging his own path and alliances as he sees fit, free from the constraints of any established faction or group. ( In a sense Yhwach is independent as he is right now alone traveling to places which also means that Yhwach won't be getting into any groups or making any )

Extra Bonus Decision: Reader's Choice: You, the readers, get to decide any other path or destiny for Yhwach outside of the given options. Let your creativity flow and propose a unique direction for Yhwach's journey in one piece.

Donate more power stones and continue to motivate me more by commenting and sharing your ideas and theories.

MisunderstoodKingcreators' thoughts