
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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141 Chs

The Celestial Dragon and Yhwach's Decision

Author: The readers have made their voices heard, and the decision has been made.

Still, I haven't decided on the timeline some of you suggested after the timeskip while some decided on a different timeline so this will be the final time you can vote for the timeline in this arc

My dear readers, there are still three Schrifts left to be decided by all of you.

The remaining Schrifts (Not including The Royal guards and Uryu, Jugram)

J: The Jail, G: The Glutton, L: The Love, S: The Superstars, R: The Roar, O: The Overkill, P: The Power, Y: The Yourselfs, Z: The Zombie

There are 2 other Schrifts but they currently don't have a name for example 

The Schrift K is Owned by BG9( For those who don't know it's the robot who fought Captain Soi-Fon )

And the other Schrift N is owned by Robert Accutrone ( Again for those who don't know him, he's the guy who confronted Captain Kyoraku Shunsei )

You're free to decide what possibly the Schrift K and N are, some say the Schrift K is for the knowledge


Just before you jump to conclusions about Yhwach's actions in this situation, I'll address all concerns at the end of the chapter.


Yhwach's gaze hardened further as he made his decision. The suffering of one child was too high a price to pay for the safety of the entire island. he shook off the old man's hand and stepped forward, his voice firm with resolve.

Yhwach: I won't stand by and watch while innocent lives are destroyed. If it means risking everything to protect this child, then so be it.

Without waiting for a response from the old man, Yhwach strode purposefully towards the celestial dragon and his guards, Ignoring the murmurs of disbelief from the onlookers, he focused solely on his goal: to save the trembling boy from further harm.

As Yhwach approached the celestial dragon and his guards, his presence drew the attention of the entire crowd. Whispers spread like wildfire, mingling with the panicked cries of the townsfolk as they watched in horror at the impending confrontation.

The celestial dragon's cold gaze flickered with amusement as he caught sight of Yhwach, a cruel smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

Celestial Dragon: What's this? Another fool daring to challenge me?

Yhwach examined the celestial dragon closely, noting his peculiar appearance. The dragon resembled a man in his fifties, clad in a full-body suit with a pyramid-shaped helmet. What caught Yhwach's attention was the unusual hairstyle, which rose up like a tower before dividing into three small curls just below the helmet's tip.

The celestial dragon's smirk widened as he noticed Yhwach's scrutinizing gaze, his amusement evident in his tone.

Celestial Dragon: Ah, I see you've taken an interest in my esteemed beauty. Quite understandable, no one can resist my beautiful face.

As Yhwach continued to assess the celestial dragon with a stoic expression, Zaegar and Ginjo couldn't contain their amusement in Yhwach's mind.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Oh, come on now. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I think we can all agree that his ego is larger than his... 'beauty'.

Zaegar's voice chimed in from within Yhwach's mind, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Zaegar: (Mental link) Beauty? That fat bitch? What kind of world are we in where people actually think that's beautiful?

Yhwach's jaw clenched in frustration as both Ginjo and Zaegar continued to mock the celestial dragon. With a stern glare, he silenced them both, his voice laced with irritation.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Enough. This is serious. We need to focus.

Ginjo and Zaegar fell silent at Yhwach's reprimand, their laughter fading as they refocused their attention on the task at hand.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Sorry about that, Yhwach. Couldn't resist a little humor in the face of such arrogance.

Zaegar: (Mental link) Yeah, yeah. Yhwach. Won't happen again. although no promises

Yhwach nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze fixed on the celestial dragon as he prepared to confront him. With a deep breath, he pushed aside his frustration and steeled himself for the coming battle.

Yhwach took another step forward, closing the distance between them. His voice cut through the tension like a blade.

Yhwach: Release the boy. Now.

The celestial dragon's smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a sneer of contempt as he regarded Yhwach with disdain.

Celestial Dragon: You dare to give me orders, peasant? Guards, dispose of this insolent fool!

Without hesitation, the celestial dragon gestured to his guards, who moved to carry out his command. With blinding speed, they lunged at Yhwach, their swords raised in readiness to strike.

Yhwach's expression remained impassive as he effortlessly dodged their attacks, his movements fluid and precise. With calculated strikes, he incapacitated each guard in quick succession, leaving them unconscious on the ground.

As the celestial dragon watched his guards fall one by one, panic flashed across his face. With a shrill cry, he turned and fled, shouting for help as he disappeared into the crowd.

Yhwach's gaze followed the fleeing celestial dragon for a moment before he felt a presence behind him. Slowly, he turned to face the newcomers, his senses on high alert as he assessed the situation.

A group of agents clad in sleek white suits stood before him, their expressions unreadable behind featureless masks. At their forefront stood a figure dressed in a matching white suit, his attire completed by a distinctive white hat and a clown-like mask.

The agent stepped forward, his voice muffled by the mask as he addressed Yhwach with a tone of admiration.

???: Well, well, well. Quite the spectacle we have here. Confronting a celestial dragon takes guts, but to go even further and attack him? That's impressive, even for a fool like you.

Yhwach regarded the agent with a cold gaze, his curiosity piqued by the newcomer's boldness.

Yhwach: And who, exactly, are you supposed to be?

The Agent's lips curved into a smile beneath his mask as he introduced himself with a flourish.

Agent Astra: I am a Cipher Pol and I go by the codename 'Astra'. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, despite the circumstances.

Without a word in response, Yhwach drew a blade from his cloak the blade still coated in Sukuna's blood, his actions speaking louder than words.

Agent Astra's eyes narrowed behind his mask as he noticed the bloodied sword in Yhwach's hand and the torn, blood-stained attire he wore. A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he spoke, his voice dripping with amusement.

Agent Astra: My, my, my. What do we have here? You look like you've just come out of a war zone. Quite the sight to behold, I must say.

Yhwach remained silent, his expression unreadable as he stared down the agent before him. With a flicker of movement, he vanished from his position, using Hirenkyaku to reappear behind the group of agents in the blink of an eye.

Before the agents could react, Yhwach's blade sliced through the air with deadly precision, cutting down two of them in a single fluid motion. The agents fell to the ground with a thud, their bodies limp and lifeless as they crumpled to the ground.

Agent Astra's smirk faltered for a moment as he witnessed the display of Yhwach's speed and skill. With a click of his tongue, he regained his composure, his gaze narrowing as he assessed the situation.

Agent Astra: Impressive. But you'll find that dealing with me won't be so easy.

Yhwach's eyes then widened as two fists were placed on his back. Then, he heard Agent Astra say.

Agent Astra: Rokugan: Golden Roar.

Rokuogan, enhanced with the flowing, advanced use of Armament Haki: Internal Destruction, blasted through Yhwach's body at a point-blank range. 

From Yhwach's agape jaw, the blood spilled out. Yhwach's eyes hollowed out, and he began to fall to the side powerlessly. However, 

A few drops of blood landed on the ground, Yhwach, gritting his bloody teeth and mustering all his strength to his legs, prevented himself from falling down. His body trembled as he struggled against the gravity that was pulling him down. 

Agent Astra: ...Oh?

Agent Astra muttered in amazement.

Agent Astra: ...for someone like you, who isn't even known, to survive my attack is quite a remarkable feat.

Yhwach managing to stand back up, dashed toward the agent with a hazy mind. He instinctively unsheathed the blade he was just carrying and swung it with all his might. 

With a swift sidestep, Agent Astra narrowly avoided Yhwach's strike, the blade slicing through the air with a deadly whistle. Behind him, the other agents were caught off guard by the sudden assault, their reactions too slow to intervene.

Yhwach's slash cleaved through the air with such force that it tore through the mountain behind the agents, sending rocks and debris flying in all directions. The sheer power of the blow caused the ground to tremble beneath their feet, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

The crowd erupted into chaos, screams filling the air as people fled in terror from the scene of destruction. The old man who had initially pleaded with Yhwach now stared in awe and disbelief at the stranger's incredible display of power.

Old Man: Who... just who is this stranger?

His voice was lost amidst the cacophony of panic and fear as the townsfolk scattered in all directions, desperate to escape the chaos unfolding before them. Yhwach, his mind clouded with determination, paid no heed to the chaos around him as he focused solely on his opponent.

Agent Astra, casually reappeared in front of Yhwach, then turned his body around and kicked Yhwach's sword-holding arm. Yhwach, focusing all his attention on keeping himself awake, couldn't prevent himself from losing the grip on his sword.

Then, the agent with his left hand having casually taken over Yhwach's sword, pointed his right index finger at Yhwach's bloody apart attire.

Agent Astra: Shigan: Ryuotachi.

A potent attack struck through Yhwach's chest, effectively knocking The Quincy king out. 

Yhwach collapsed to the ground with a resounding thud.

Scene Break - Close to the forest

The Four Kings watched the entire battle unfold with shock and disbelief, their feathers ruffled with concern as they witnessed Yhwach's defeat. As Yhwach collapsed to the ground, defeated by the mysterious agent known as Astra, the First King turned to Zaegar with a mixture of frustration and confusion.

First King: Zaegar, why didn't you help Yhwach? You could have made a difference in the battle.

Zaegar shrugged nonchalantly in response to the First King's question.

Zaegar: Eh, I didn't feel like it.

The other Three Kings stared at Zaegar in disbelief, their expressions a mixture of incredulity and exasperation.

Second King: Didn't feel like it? This was our chance to prove ourselves and help Yhwach, and you just sat there and did nothing?

Third King: You're unbelievable, Zaegar. We could have made a difference, but you chose to do nothing instead.

Fourth King: Yeah, way to be a team player, Zaegar.

Zaegar rolled his eyes at the Four Kings' scolding, his tone dismissive as he defended his decision.

Zaegar: Hey, it's not my fault Yhwach got himself into this mess. Besides, he's a tough guy, he can handle himself.

The First King shook his head in frustration, his feathers bristling with indignation at Zaegar's lack of concern.

First King: It's not about whether Yhwach can handle himself or not. It's about standing by our comrade in his time of need. That's what true loyalty is all about.

Scene Break - Night Time The Celestial dragon's ship - Location: Cages

As Yhwach slowly regained consciousness, he heard Ginjo's voice calling out to him from nearby. Blinking his eyes open, he found himself in a dimly lit cage, the cold metal bars surrounding him. Nearby, the beaten-up 12-year-old boy lay unconscious, a bruise forming on his cheek from where he had been struck.

Yhwach groaned softly as he tried to sit up, feeling the lingering ache in his body from the intense battle he had just endured. He turned towards Ginjo within his mind, his voice hoarse as he spoke.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Ginjo... What happened? Where are we?

Ginjo's voice came from the adjacent cage, his tone filled with resignation.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) We're on the celestial dragon's ship. That agent Astra handed you over to them. The celestial dragon said he was going to make an example out of you to the others probably the rest of the celestial dragons.

Ginjo said informing Yhwach about what had happened while he was unconscious.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Ginjo, do you know where they're taking us now?

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, filled with a sense of apprehension.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Remember what that old man said? They're likely heading to Mary Geoise, the home of the celestial dragons.

Yhwach grimaced as he attempted to stand up, his muscles protesting against the effort after the brutal encounter with Agent Astra. With a frustrated sigh, he slumped back against the cold metal bars of the cage, his mind racing with thoughts of their next move.

Scene Break - Skies

The Four Kings soared through the night sky, their feathers glinting in the moonlight as they scanned the horizon for any sign of Yhwach or the celestial dragon's ship. Suddenly, the Third King spotted a dark silhouette on the horizon, his sharp eyesight piercing through the darkness.

Third King: There! I see something!

The First King turned his gaze towards the direction indicated by the Third King, his expression tense with anticipation.

First King: What is it, Third King?

Third King: It looks like a ship, First King. A large one.

The First King's eyes narrowed as he processed the information, his mind racing with possibilities.

First King: Second King, Analysis.

The Second King nodded in response to the First King's command, his keen intellect already at work.

Second King: Based on the size and silhouette of the ship, it's likely the celestial dragon's vessel, First King. If Yhwach is in trouble, that's where he'll be.

The First King's feathers bristled with determination as he turned to address the rest of the Four Kings.

First King: Then let's move, Kings. Our new comrade needs us.

Scene Break

Yhwach's gaze shifted to the 12-year-old boy lying unconscious nearby, the sight of the child's broken body. caused Him to clench his fists in frustration, feeling a surge of anger welling up within him as he silently cursed his own failure to protect the innocent.

Before he could dwell too long on his thoughts, Yhwach heard a voice coming from one of the chained windows of the cage. Turning his head, he saw the First King peering through the bars, concern etched on his avian features.

First King: Yhwach, are you alright?

Yhwach's gaze sharpened as he turned to the First King, weariness and irritation etched into his features.

Yhwach: Do I appear to be fine to you?

The Fourth King chimed in from beside the First King, his tone somber as he assessed Yhwach's condition.

Fourth King: He's got a point. Just look at him, all bloodied and beaten.

As Yhwach's reikaku picked up the faint sound of approaching footsteps, he quickly turned his attention to the Four Kings perched outside the cage.

Yhwach: Quietly, fly away and hide. Don't let them see you.

The Four Kings nodded in understanding, their feathers rustling as they took flight, disappearing into the darkness of the night sky.

Meanwhile, the door to the cage creaked open, revealing a few guards entering the room. One of them noticed Yhwach awake and quickly called over Agent Astra.

Guard: Sir, the prisoner is awake!

Agent Astra's gaze lingered on Yhwach for a moment, his expression a mixture of disbelief and admiration.

Agent Astra: Remarkable... Truly remarkable.

Yhwach regarded Agent Astra with a stoic expression, his mind calculating the best course of action in this precarious situation. He remained silent, observing the agent's movements with keen interest.

Agent Astra walked up to the cage, his steps deliberate and measured, stopping just before Yhwach. He looked at the Quincy king with a mixture of curiosity and admiration, his eyes scanning Yhwach's form with a keen gaze.

Agent Astra: It's a shame, really. A shame you're not a Cipher Pol agent. You would have made a fine addition to the World Government.

Yhwach remained silent, his expression impassive as he met Agent Astra's gaze. His mind churned with thoughts, considering the agent's words and the implications they held.

Agent Astra sighed softly, a hint of regret tingeing his voice as he crouched down to Yhwach's eye level.

Agent Astra: This might be the last time we ever meet, you and I. Soon, you'll be marked as a slave to the celestial dragon, just like the kid.

He gestured towards the unconscious boy lying nearby, his expression somber as he spoke.

Agent Astra: It's a cruel fate, but unfortunately, that's the way of the world. The strong prey on the weak and those who dare to defy the celestial dragons are swiftly dealt with.

Yhwach's jaw clenched at Agent Astra's words, his resolve hardening as he listened to the agent's cold assessment of their situation. Despite the odds stacked against them, he remained determined to find a way out of this predicament and protect the innocent.

Yhwach: We'll see about that.

Agent Astra's gaze softened slightly at Yhwach's defiant response, a hint of respect shining in his eyes.

Agent Astra: You've got spirit, I'll give you that. But remember, sometimes it's better to accept your fate than to fight against the inevitable.

As Agent Astra walked away, his footsteps echoing faintly in the dimly lit room, he paused at the entrance of the cage. Turning back, he gestured to the guards with a flick of his hand.

Agent Astra: Give him water and food. He may need his strength.

One of the guards hesitated for a moment before speaking up, his voice hesitant.

Guard: What about the kid, sir?

Agent Astra glanced back at the unconscious boy lying nearby, his expression indifferent.

Agent Astra: Forget about him. He's of no use to us, and he'll likely die before we reach the island. It would be a waste of food.

Yhwach's frown deepened at Agent Astra's callous disregard for the boy's life. Despite his own precarious situation, he couldn't ignore the injustice of leaving the child to suffer.

Yhwach: Give him the food.

Agent Astra's gaze shifted back to Yhwach, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

Agent Astra: Oh? Feeling generous, are we?

Yhwach's expression remained stoic as he met Agent Astra's gaze head-on.

Yhwach: Just do it.

With a small chuckle, Agent Astra nodded in acknowledgment, his smile returning.

Agent Astra: Very well. Consider it done.

He gestured to the guards, who quickly obeyed his orders, bringing the food and water to the unconscious boy's cage. As they did, Yhwach watched silently, a sense of satisfaction washing over him as he saw the boy receive the much-needed nourishment.

With that, Agent Astra turned and walked away, the guards following closely behind him as they left the room. Yhwach watched them go, his mind already turning towards the next steps in his plan to escape.

Yhwach's reikaku spiked up as he felt the familiar presence of the Four Kings returning, his gaze flickering towards the chained window. Through the bars, he saw the avian figures of the Four Kings perched outside, their feathers ruffled with urgency. The First King sighed softly as he locked eyes with Yhwach, a sense of determination burning in his avian gaze.

First King: Yhwach, remember how we told you how we got the title Four Kings?

Yhwach nodded silently, his attention fully focused on the First King's words.

First King: The rest of our flock is still caged where the celestial dragon's home is. Could you help them?

Yhwach's brow furrowed in thought as he considered the First King's request.

Yhwach: What makes you think I'll do that?

The Second King chimed in from beside the First King, his tone calm and reasoned.

Second King: When you stepped up to the celestial dragon to save the boy, you showed that you were against such injustice. Plus, there are other slaves there at the celestial dragon's home who need help.

Yhwach's jaw tightened as he absorbed the Second King's words, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts. On one hand, he knew the dangers that awaited them at the celestial dragon's home. On the other hand, he couldn't ignore the plight of the innocent slaves who were suffering under the celestial dragons' tyranny.

Yhwach: And what if I refuse?

The First King's expression hardened, his feathers bristling with frustration at Yhwach's reluctance.

First King: Then we'll have no choice but to leave you here and find another way to free our flock.

Yhwach's gaze flickered towards the unconscious boy lying nearby, a sense of determination burning in his chest as he made his decision.

Yhwach: Very well then. I'll help you.

The First King's feathers relaxed slightly at Yhwach's words, a hint of relief shining in his avian eyes.

First King: Thank you, Yhwach. We'll need all the help we can get.

Timeskip - A few hours later

The boy stirred awake, his eyes fluttering open as he glanced around the dimly lit cage. His gaze fell upon the plate of food placed before him, and hunger gnawed at his stomach. With cautious movements, he reached out and picked up a piece of bread, nibbling on it tentatively.

Yhwach watched the boy's actions silently, his gaze shifting between the food and the child. As the boy ate half of the meal, he turned towards Yhwach, offering the remaining portion with a small, hesitant smile.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his tone laced with concern as he observed the boy's behavior.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Poor kid looks like he's been through hell. Just look at those dead eyes. What happened to him?

Yhwach's jaw tightened as he regarded the boy, his mind racing with thoughts of how to handle the situation. With a resigned sigh, he shook his head slightly, his voice quiet as he spoke to Ginjo within his mind.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) He's been through a lot, Ginjo. Let him eat in peace.

Yhwach turned his attention back to the boy, silently refusing the offered food with a shake of his head. The boy frowned slightly, confusion evident in his eyes as he struggled to understand Yhwach's refusal.

Realizing that the boy might not be able to hear him, Yhwach shifted his approach. He began to communicate using sign language, a skill he had learned thanks to Ozpin's guidance during his time at Beacon Academy.

With careful movements, Yhwach signed to the boy, explaining that he wasn't hungry and encouraging him to finish the meal. The boy's eyes widened in surprise as he realized Yhwach was communicating with him, a flicker of understanding crossing his features.

Grateful for Ozpin's teachings, Yhwach continued to use sign language to converse with the boy, silently thanking the headmaster for his guidance in learning this invaluable skill.

Timeskip - Location: Mary Geoise The Capital of the World Government

As the guards opened the door to the cages, a shaft of light pierced through the dimness, illuminating Yhwach and the boy. The head guard stepped forward, his expression stern as he addressed them.

Head Guard: We've arrived at Mary Geoise. Saint Darius will be meeting with you shortly.

Yhwach's brow furrowed at the mention of Saint Darius, his mind recalling their previous encounter. He turned to the head guard, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Yhwach: Who is this Saint Darius?

The head guard's lips curled into a cold smile as he replied.

Head Guard: Saint Darius is the celestial dragon you attacked earlier. you are now a property of Saint Darius what you're wearing is a slave-collar they can detonate it whenever they want it so I suggest you better keep your head down and do what you're told.

Yhwach's gaze hardened as he listened to the head guard's words, Yhwach looked at the neck of the Head Guard and realized he was not wearing a collar.

Yhwach: Why am I wearing a collar and you're not?

Yhwach asked.

The Head Guard and boy gave him a deadpanned look.

Head Guard: Because you're new. Those collars are usually only around your neck when you leave the Holy Land of Mariejois, as in here, there is no chance to escape. The only ones who always wear one are the new slaves, whose hope of escape hasn't been crushed yet.

Yhwach's eyes shift toward the door before he poses his question.

Yhwach: Are all Celestial dragons like him?

A joyless snort from the head guard answered him. 

Head Guard: Honestly, Saint Darius is one of the better ones. He doesn't hurt us for entertainment and tries to avoid killing us, that's more than I can say for most others.

Ginjo's chuckle resonated within Yhwach's mind, his response cutting through the tension of the situation with sarcasm.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Sure, like he didn't hit a 12-year-old boy for no reason.

Yhwach replied to Ginjo with sarcasm as well, his tone dripping with irony.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Oh, of course, Ginjo. Because hitting a defenseless child is the epitome of kindness and mercy.

Ginjo chuckled within Yhwach's mind, his amusement evident in his voice.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Right? And here I thought we were dealing with a saint. Silly me.

Yhwach's lips twitched with a hint of a smirk as he continued to converse with Ginjo, their banter providing a small moment of levity in their dire situation.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Well, at least now we know what we're dealing with. Let's just hope we can find a way out of this mess before Saint Darius decides to get creative with his punishments.

Ginjo's laughter echoed within Yhwach's mind.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Agreed. But hey, at least we'll have a front-row seat to all the celestial dragon drama. Who needs reality TV when you've got this?

Yhwach's smile widened slightly at Ginjo's comment, his spirits lifting despite the grim circumstances.

Yhwach: (Mental link) True enough. Though I have to admit, I'd rather be watching from the sidelines than being part of the show.

As Yhwach and the boy stepped out onto the deck of the ship, Their mental exchange was interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching.

A maid approached Yhwach and the boy with an air of authority, her gaze assessing them with a cold detachment. She glanced at the boy for a moment before turning her attention to the guards.

Maid: Your duty is over. I'll take it from here.

The guards nodded in acknowledgment and swiftly departed, leaving Yhwach and the boy in the care of the maid. She gestured for them to follow as she led them through the bustling corridors of the ship.

As they walked, the maid's demeanor remained stern, her eyes forward as she focused on her task. Yhwach's curiosity got the better of him, and he spoke up.

Yhwach: Where are you leading us?

The maid remained silent for a moment, her steps steady as she continued to walk. Yhwach furrowed his brow, repeating his question with a touch of impatience in his voice.

Yhwach: I asked you a question, women. Where are you taking us?

Finally, the maid turned to face Yhwach, her expression cold and indifferent.

Maid: It depends on Saint Darius. He'll decide whether you live in a decent room or with the rest of the slaves in filth.

As the maid spoke, Yhwach's gaze narrowed slightly, his mind churning with thoughts of their precarious situation. Before he could respond, however, the maid's attention was drawn elsewhere as she spotted a group of servants passing by.

Maid: You there! Get a doctor for the boy. He needs medical attention.

The servants nodded in understanding, quickly hurrying off to fetch a doctor for the injured child. The boy followed them, his steps hesitant as he glanced back at Yhwach with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty.

The maid watched as the servants escorted the boy away, her gaze lingering on them for a moment before returning to Yhwach. She studied him with a calculating expression, her eyes narrowing slightly as she spoke.

Maid: You seem different from the usual slaves we receive here. What's your story?

Yhwach met the maid's gaze with a guarded expression, his mind racing as he considered his response. He knew he had to tread carefully, revealing too much could put him and the boy at risk. 

Yhwach: My story is of little consequence. I am merely a traveler who found himself in unfortunate circumstances. 

The maid arched an eyebrow at Yhwach's vague answer, her skepticism evident in her tone. 

Maid: Is that so? And what brings you to Mary Geoise, traveler? 

Yhwach's jaw tightened slightly as he formulated his response, choosing his words with care. 

Yhwach: I was brought here against my will, like many others. But unlike them, I do not intend to remain a slave. 

The maid regarded Yhwach with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, her eyes narrowing as she assessed him. 

Maid: Bold words for someone in your position. You do realize the consequences of defiance, don't you? 

Yhwach didn't respond but closely observed the maid's demeanor closely, noticing the subtle shift in her posture and the faint marks on her skin that hinted at mistreatment.

Yhwach: You've been hurt.

The maid's eyes widened slightly at Yhwach's observation, her guard momentarily slipping as she met his gaze.

Maid: It's nothing. Just part of the job.

Yhwach's brow furrowed in concern, his gaze unwavering as he spoke.

Yhwach: No one deserves to be treated like that. Least of all someone just trying to do their job.

The maid's expression softened at Yhwach's words, a hint of gratitude shining in her eyes.

Maid: Thank you. But enough about me. We should focus on getting you settled in.

With that, the maid led Yhwach towards the imposing mansion that loomed before them, its grandeur casting a shadow over the surrounding landscape. Yhwach's gaze swept over the ornate architecture, his mind racing with thoughts of what awaited them inside.

As they reached the entrance of the mansion, Yhwach moved to enter, but the maid's voice stopped him in his tracks.

Maid: Stop. Wait here.

Yhwach glanced at the maid, a hint of defiance in his eyes as he met her gaze.

Yhwach: Why should I?

The maid's expression softened slightly, a flicker of sympathy crossing her features.

Maid: Trust me, it's better if you wait. I'll be back to you shortly.

With that, the maid disappeared into the mansion, leaving Yhwach standing outside alone. He watched her go, his mind racing with thoughts of their next move.

After what felt like an eternity, the maid returned, her expression tense as she gestured for Yhwach to follow her inside. As they walked through the grand halls of the mansion, Yhwach couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach.

Something wasn't right.

Yhwach's gaze narrowed as he noticed a particularly fresh slap mark on the maid's cheek, the redness stark against her pale skin. His concern deepened, and he spoke up, his voice laced with urgency.

Yhwach: What happened to you? Who did this?

The maid's eyes widened in alarm, her hands trembling slightly as she raised them to cover the mark on her cheek. She hesitated for a moment before responding, her voice shaky with fear.

Maid: It's nothing, just... part of my duties.

Yhwach's frown deepened at the maid's evasive answer, his instincts screaming at him to dig deeper. Before he could press her further, however, the maid quickly averted her gaze and spoke in a shaky voice.

Maid: You... you can go see Master Darius now. He's waiting for you.

With that, the maid turned and hurried away, leaving Yhwach standing alone in the hallway. He watched her go, a sense of unease gnawing at him as he pondered the maid's cryptic behavior.

Within Yhwach's mind, Ginjo's voice chimed in with a note of skepticism.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, that was suspicious. What do you think she's hiding?

Yhwach's lips formed into a thin line as he pondered Ginjo's question, his mind racing with thoughts of the maid's strange behavior.

Yhwach: (Mental link) I'm not sure. But whatever it is, it can't be good. We need to be careful.

Ginjo chuckled within Yhwach's mind, his amusement evident in his voice.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Careful is my middle name. Well, not really, but you get the idea.

Yhwach rolled his eyes at Ginjo's jest, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips despite the seriousness of their situation.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Let's just focus on finding out what Saint Darius wants. Hopefully, he'll have some answers for us.

Scene Break - Saint Darius's Chambers

Saint Darius: Ah, you must be the new arrival.

He nodded in response, his voice steady as he addressed Saint Darius.

Yhwach: That's correct. And you must be Saint Darius.

Saint Darius chuckled softly at Yhwach's observation, his tone condescending as he leaned back in his chair.

Saint Darius: Indeed I am. And I must say, I'm quite impressed by your display of defiance earlier. Not many have the courage to stand up to a celestial dragon, let alone attack one.

Yhwach's gaze narrowed at Saint Darius's words, his suspicions growing stronger with each passing moment. He knew he had to tread carefully, especially now that he was in the presence of one of the most powerful figures in the World Government.

Yhwach: I only did what was necessary to protect the innocent. Something tells me you're not too fond of that idea.

Saint Darius's smile faltered for a moment, replaced by a glint of annoyance in his eyes. He leaned forward, his gaze piercing as he regarded Yhwach with a mixture of curiosity and disdain.

Saint Darius: You see, Slave, the celestial dragons have a long history of maintaining order and stability in the world. We cannot afford to let the actions of a few individuals jeopardize that stability.

Yhwach's jaw clenched at Saint Darius's words, his distrust of the celestial dragons growing stronger with each passing moment. He knew he had to find a way to expose their corruption and free the innocent slaves trapped under their tyranny.

Yhwach: And what about the innocent lives you destroy in the process? Do they not matter to you?

Saint Darius's smile widened slightly at Yhwach's question, his tone laced with amusement.

Saint Darius: Oh, they matter, Slave. They matter a great deal. But sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good.

Yhwach's fists clenched at his sides, his anger bubbling to the surface as he struggled to contain it. He knew he had to remain calm, especially now that he was in the presence of one of the celestial dragons.

Yhwach: Sacrifices? Is that what you call it? Killing innocent people to maintain your power and privilege?

Saint Darius's expression hardened at Yhwach's accusation, his gaze narrowing as he regarded the Quincy king with cold indifference.

Saint Darius: Mind your manners, slave. While you're under my roof, you'll show me the respect I deserve.

Saint Darius replied.

Yhwach: Respect is earned, not demanded. And until you learn to value the lives of those under your care, you'll receive none from me.

Saint Darius's disdainful sneer spoke volumes as he motioned to the guards, his patience wearing thin.

Saint Darius: Remove him. His presence grates on my nerves.

The guards moved forward to obey Saint Darius's orders, their expressions grim as they seized Yhwach by the arms and began to drag him away.

But for now, Yhwach knew he had to bide his time and wait for the right moment to strike.

Scene Break - The Slaves's Quarters

Thrown into the slave quarters with a forceful shove, Yhwach stumbled forward, his gaze sweeping over the dimly lit room. The air was thick with the stench of sweat and despair, and the sound of chains rattling echoed off the stone walls.

As he regained his footing, Yhwach's eyes narrowed in determination, his mind already devising a plan to escape this wretched place. Before he could take another step, however, he was greeted by a towering figure looming over him.

The large slave, with muscles like coiled steel and a gaze as sharp as a hawk's, extended a hand towards Yhwach with a grim smile.

Large Slave: Welcome to our humble abode, stranger. What you'll face here will be hell.

Yhwach returned the slave's smile with a smirk of his own, his confidence unwavering despite the grim surroundings.

Yhwach: A hell indeed, my friend. But certainly not for me.

The large slave's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Yhwach's response, his curiosity piqued by the newcomer's bold demeanor.

Large Slave: You've got some nerve, I'll give you that. But let's see if that confidence holds up once you've been here for a while.

Yhwach's smirk widened as he met the large slave's gaze head-on, his eyes shining with determination.

Yhwach: Oh, I have no doubt it will. After all, I'm not one to back down from a challenge.

With that, Yhwach turned and surveyed his new surroundings, his mind already working on a plan to rally the other slaves and stage a rebellion against their oppressors.

As he began to strategize, a voice echoed within his mind, Ginjo's tone laced with sarcasm.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, this is certainly cozy. Remind me to leave a bad review on Yelp.

Yhwach couldn't help but chuckle at Ginjo's jest, his spirits lifting slightly despite the dire situation they found themselves in.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Just wait until we turn the tables on these bastards. Then we'll see who gets the last laugh.

Ginjo's laughter echoed within Yhwach's mind, his amusement evident in his voice.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) I'll hold you to that, Yhwach. But for now, let's focus on getting out of here in one piece.


You might be wondering how Yhwach ended up getting knocked out during his fight with Agent Astra. Allow me to shed some light on the matter. Remember when Yhwach was stuck in Yama's realm for a whole 90 years? He endured unimaginable hardship without rest, food, or a break. After finally escaping, he faced off against Sukuna, Kenjaku, and a super persistent fangirl.

Now, you might be asking why Yhwach didn't use Blut Vene or his Iron Schrift. Well, it's simple. He was caught off guard and just plain exhausted. Fighting back wasn't so easy when he was running on empty.

Also Agent Astra is based off a certain reader

If you still have questions about this chapter or about the story let me know I'll happily answer them for you
