
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
133 Chs

Choices of Survival

Yhwach observed the unfolding events with a calm demeanor, his piercing gaze taking in the complexities of human interactions in this harsh world. As Kenny and Rebecca grappled with the news about the medicine, Yhwach approached them with a measured expression.

Yhwach: The challenges we face are numerous, and decisions made in the heat of the moment may not always align with our principles. It is a testament to the struggle for survival.

Rebecca looked at Yhwach, her face a mix of pain and worry.

Rebecca: Lee did what he could. We're all trying to survive in our own way.

Kenny, though visibly angered, took a deep breath and nodded in agreement.

Kenny: Yeah, yeah, you're right. We can't dwell on this right now. Rebecca, how are you feeling?

Rebecca winced, clutching her stomach.

Rebecca: Contractions are getting stronger. We need to get to that observation deck soon.

Kenny turned to Yhwach with a nod.

Kenny: We ain't seen Mike, Clem, Sarah, or Bonnie in a while. And im not saying I don't trust 'em. But I'd appreciate it if you went and checked up on them.

Rebecca: Go on, I'll be fine.

Rebecca said through deep breaths as she leaned over on the brick arch again.

We nodded and made our way down the path to the museum. Dead walkers littered a grave yard directly in front of the museum. As we got closer, the sound of Clementine's screams filled the once quiet air. 

Without hesitation, Lee took off inside just in time to see Mike kicking a door to a back office opened as Clementine was being pulled through a partially opened shutter. 

Yhwach rushed into the museum, his keen senses immediately assessing the tense situation unfolding before him. Mike, with a determined look on his face, continued to kick at the door while Clementine struggled against the grasping hands of a walker on the other side.

Yhwach: (calmly) Stand back, let me handle this.

As the others backed away, Yhwach approached the door. With a swift motion, he gripped the handle, his spiritual pressure resonating with a subtle intensity. The door yielded to his touch, swinging open, and Yhwach faced the walker on the other side.

In a seamless motion, he drew a blade from his cloak, swiftly dispatching the threat. The walker crumpled to the ground, and Yhwach turned his attention to Clementine, who had stumbled back, visibly shaken.

Clementine: (breathing heavily) Thanks... I thought...

Yhwach: (nodding) No need to thank me. We're in this together.

Mike, who had been watching the scene unfold, let out a relieved sigh.

Mike: Damn, that was close. Thanks, Yhwach.

Yhwach: (smirking) It's all part of the journey. Now, let's regroup and check on the others.

Lee Pov

Bonnie: Clem, I'm so sorry . We should have been more careful. I guess that makes one more thing I gotta make up for.

Bonnie apologized causing Lee to frown. 

Lee: You made her go in there? How many times do I have to say this? Clementine isn't your dog! Stop making her put herself in danger to help you!

Lee snapped at Bonnie before turning to look at Clem. 

Lee: You okay sweet pea?

Lee asked looking her over

Clementine: I'm okay, Lee.

Mike: At least now we've got something to bring back.

Mike pointed out the two huge bottled waters sitting in the corner. 

Bonnie: I'll keep checkin the other room.

Bonnie said keeping her head down as she passed Lee. 

Mike: Come on, let's get this water.

Mike said waving me over. 

He handed one of them to me, helping me hoist it up onto my shoulders. Clem and Sarah stuck close to Lee as we left the museum. Sam came running out of the woods dropping something at Clems feet as we stepped out onto the graveyard. 

Clem bent down picking it up and looking at it. 

Clementine: It's a switchblade knife... Where'd you find this boy?

Clem asked as she scratched at his ears.

Lee: Keep it, it could come in handy. Good boy Sam.

I said as we made our way into the woods. Sam ran ahead of us as usual. We let Sam roam around on his own because no matter what, he always seemed to find his way back to Clem. 

Rebecca's screams in pain, could be heard as we got closer. We rushed over to see her sitting down, hunched over, holding her stomach. 

Kenny: Breathe like I told you 

Kenny instructed as he crouched down in front of her.

She tried to do as Kenny said but the pain proved to be too much. Walkers began to emerge from the woods at the sound of Rebecca's painful cries. 

Mike: Shit! How'd they get that close without anyone seeing em? Where the hells Luke and Nick?

Mike explained.

Lee: We need to get Rebecca to the observation deck now! Mike get the waters! Clem, You Sarah and Bonnie, help Rebecca to the observation deck, take the medicine with you.

I said grabbing the Medicine bag and handing it to Clem. 

Everyone ran off doing what they were told as Kenny and I stayed behind fighting off the walkers. I looked back seeing Clem the last one to enter the area where the observation deck was. 

Yhwach watched as the chaos unfolded, his sharp gaze assessing the urgency of the situation. Lee and Kenny fought fiercely against the encroaching walkers, but Yhwach could sense the strain in their efforts.

Yhwach: (firmly) Lee, Kenny, we need to join the others at the observation deck. I'll handle this here.

Lee shot Yhwach a skeptical look, torn between protecting Rebecca and following Yhwach's lead. Kenny, on the other hand, seemed to appreciate the reinforcement.

Kenny: You sure about this?

Yhwach: (nodding) Trust me. Go. I'll ensure nothing gets in our way.

With a reluctant nod, Lee and Kenny sprinted towards the observation deck, leaving Yhwach alone in the graveyard teeming with walkers. Yhwach's eyes glinted with determination as he drew his blade, his movements fluid and precise.

The first walker lunged at him, but Yhwach effortlessly sidestepped the attack, delivering a swift counterstrike. One by one, walkers fell to his blade, their moans silenced by the efficiency of Yhwach's movements. His spiritual pressure resonated, creating an almost palpable force that pushed back the approaching threats.

As the area cleared, Yhwach glanced towards the observation deck. Lee and Kenny were helping Rebecca while the others stood guard. Yhwach moved towards them, his presence a reassuring force.

Yhwach: (calmly) We must proceed carefully. The world may be harsh, but our survival hinges on unity.

Kenny nodded in agreement, and Lee acknowledged Yhwach's role in securing their path.

Lee: (grateful) Thanks for holding them off. We need to get Rebecca inside.

Yhwach: (nodding) Let's not waste time then. We've overcome this challenge, but more lie ahead.

Lee Pov: 

Kenny kicked one of the walkers back as I told him to come on. And we ran over to Clem. Bonnie helped Rebecca up the steps to the observation deck. I ran up ahead of everyone seeing the gift shop door was open.

I walked towards the entrance to see Luke and Jane laying on the ground while Nick is Asleep.

Luke: That's about as human as I've felt in a long time... I almost forgot what- Lee!

Luke turned noticing me standing there. 

Lee: What the fuck is going on? Get the hell up! Walkers are on the way and Rebecca's about to have her baby! And instead of watching out you two are up here doing this...

I paused trying to contain myself. 

Bonnie and Rebecca pushed past me with Kenny behind him. 

Kenny: What the fuck are you two doing up here?

Kenny snapped seeing Jane and Luke sitting on the floor while Nick is still asleep.

They both jumped up. 

Luke: Kenny, look. It's not like that.

Luke tried to explain.

Kenny: Oh yeah? Cause it looks like you two were up here fondling each other instead of watching out for walkers. 

Kenny spat. 

Lee: Luke! Just shut the fuck up. Wake up Nick and Go help hold those walkers off and make yourself useful for once.

I snapped, glaring at him. 

Yhwach entered the observation deck, his gaze immediately catching the tense atmosphere. Lee's stern words echoed in the room, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. Luke and Jane stood awkwardly, guilt evident on their faces, while Nick remained oblivious to the unfolding drama, still deep in slumber.

Yhwach: (calmly) There is no time for distractions. We must focus on what truly matters.

Kenny shot Yhwach a brief nod of agreement, appreciating the reinforcement of his sentiment. Yhwach approached the group, his presence commanding attention.

Yhwach: (directly addressing Luke and Jane) The world outside these walls is unforgiving. We cannot afford to let personal matters cloud our judgment. Now, wake Nick and join the defense against the walkers. Rebecca is in labor, and her safety, along with the child's, depends on our unity.

Without waiting for a response, Yhwach moved past them, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of immediate danger. The gravity of the situation hung in the air, and Yhwach's composed demeanor served as a counterbalance to the tension.

As Nick stirred awake, Yhwach turned to face him.

Yhwach: (firmly) Nick, we need your help. Walkers are approaching, and we cannot afford to be divided. Get up, and let's defend this place together.

Nick, still groggy, rubbed his eyes and struggled to comprehend the urgency of the situation. Yhwach's unwavering gaze conveyed the severity of the moment, prompting Nick to shake off his drowsiness.

Nick: (muttering) Yeah, yeah, I got it.

Yhwach nodded in approval as Nick joined the group.

Sarah stood off to the side looking scared.

Lee: Clem. 

I called pointing to Sarah. Clementine nodded and walked over to Her. She said something to her that made her nod and take a deep breath as Clementine handed her a small gun. 

She looked at it as Clementine explained what to do. Rebecca screamed in pain again doubling over almost falling to the floor. Bonnie helped her sit down while Kenny went to be by her side. 

Clem and Sarah ran out onto the deck to help keep the walkers back. I went through the medicine bag pulling out some oxy and holding it out.

Lee: I got some Oxy. You're already giving birth, what harm can it do?

I said. 

Rebecca: I want em.

Rebecca said quickly.

I took a pill out and handed it to her. She took it quickly and closed he eyes as she swallowed it. 

Rebecca: I.. I think he's coming!

Rebecca screamed as she leaned back into Kenny.

Lee: Breathe Rebecca. You have to breath, you don't breathe, your baby doesn't breathe..

I said as she cried out in pain. Not long into us helping Rebecca I suddenly heard a crash as everyone jumped back. 

The cannon has fell through the deck causing part of it to crumble. Rebecca screamed bringing my attention back to her as I reached out letting her hold my hand. 

I remember, Christa said holding Omid's hand made her feel a little better when she was giving birth. I know I'm not Alvin, but I wanted to help Rebecca as much as I could. 

She groaned with tears streaming down her face as she squeezed my hand. Rebecca let out another scream as I began to see lots and lots of blood pooling out of her. 

Another crash sounded off and the baby was here before we knew it. But it wasn't moving and it's skin was pale. Kenny picked the baby up, holding it in his hands as everyone filed inside. 

Bonnie: Oh no.

Bonnie whispered. 

Clementine: No... It can't be.

Clem mumbled covering her mouth. Suddenly the baby began to cough as it's color returned and it started crying. Rebecca had a seemingly healthy baby boy. 

Yhwach observed the intense scene unfolding, his gaze shifting from the chaos outside to the delicate moment of life inside the observation deck. The cries of the newborn echoed, cutting through the tension that had gripped the group.

Yhwach: (softly) Life prevails, even in the harshest of circumstances.

The relief in the room was palpable, and Yhwach, though usually reserved, couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment in witnessing the birth of new hope. He nodded approvingly as the group rallied around the newborn, their expressions transitioning from fear to awe.

Lee, still standing by Rebecca, let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. Kenny, holding the newborn, looked at Yhwach with a mixture of gratitude and amazement.

Kenny: (smiling) Yhwach, you brought us luck.

Yhwach: (nodding) Life's resilience often defies the odds. Cherish this moment, for it is a testament to the strength within us.

As the group embraced the joyous occasion, Yhwach stepped back, his stoic demeanor returning. The world outside may have been unforgiving, but in the warmth of this small victory, a flicker of hope illuminated the darkness.

Soon it started getting dark and everyone decided to get some rest.

An hour later 

Clementine Pov

I woke up on the floor of the gift shop to the sound of the baby whining. Rebecca shushed the baby as she bounced him lightly in her arms.

She noticed me looking and smiled. 

Rebecca: Hey Clementine.

Clementine: Hey.. How's he doing?

I questioned as I got up glancing over to see Lee and Sam sleeping behind me. 

Rebecca: He's perfect, who's a perfect little man? Who's the most perfect little man in the whole world? You are! That's right. You are.

Rebecca cooed at the baby. 

Clementine: What do we do now? We cant stay here, can we?

I asked. 

Rebecca: I've got to rest.

Rebecca sighed. 

Clementine: It's getting colder. Staying here isn't good for you or the baby.

I explained. 

Clementine: By the time you guys decide to come up with something... It just might be too late.

I sighed.

Rebecca started coughing causing me to give her a concerned look.

Rebecca: Im fine ,I'm fine.. just wish I could get warm.

She explained. 

Mike sat up and looked back at me. 

Mike: Clem why don't you give Rebecca the coat we found.... Sorry ya know... About the color.

He mumbled laying back down as I handed the coat to her.

Rebecca: You really think I care about that?? 

Rebecca snapped looking at the back of Mikes head with irritation. She looked up at me and smiled weakly.

Rebecca: Do you...wanna hold him?

She questioned. 

Clementine: Can I?

I asked excitedly. 

She nodded with a smile. 

Rebecca: Ofcourse Clem. You're family. Here.

She handed the baby to me. I smiled down at him when he suddenly started to cry. 

I bounced him lightly comforting him.

Clementine: There there. It's okay.

I whispered to him causing him to stop crying. 

Rebecca: Your a natural.

Rebecca smiled watching me hold the baby. Kenny walked into the gift shop and smiled. 

Kenny: Well look at you, like a big sister. 

He chuckled looking down at me and the baby.

Kenny: Here let me take him. You both should rest. Especially you. 

He said taking the baby looking at Rebecca. 

Rebecca: When's the last time you slept, Kenny?

Rebecca asked.

Kenny: About two years ago. I'm fine. Plus somebody's gotta watch you while mama gets her beauty sleep.

Kenny cooed at the baby with a smile. 

He pulled the baby to his face pressing his nose to the babys and breathing in.

Kenny: You never forget that smell.

He smiled walking away. 

I turned around just in time to see Jane walking away. Standing up I went after her because I needed to know why she would risk our lives like that. 

Walking out onto what's left of the deck, I found Jane peeking through the other gate to the other stairs. 

She turned noticing me there and cursed under her breath.

Clementine: What are you doing?

I asked looking her over. 

Jane sighed. 

Jane: Listen, I'm sorry. I've gotta go.

She said opening the gate. 

Clementine: Go? Go where? If you knew you were gonna leave, maybe you should have done it before you decided to risk our lives to do things with Luke. 

I crossed my arms.

Jane: Just... Away. Okay? And that was a mistake. I wasn't thinking clearly and... Clem you're a kid. You wouldn't understand.

She shook her head. 

Clementine: I'm a kid only when you guys want me to be one. Because I'm not too much of a kid for you all to keep putting me in dangerous situations because you aren't small enough to do it yourselves.

I rolled my eyes. 

Jane: Clem.. don't make this harder than it has to be. With everything that's happened.. my sister Jamie... And now your trying to save Sarah... Rebecca with the baby.. I won't stick around to watch you guys die too

she sighed.

Clementine: You said you believed in me.. now you think I'm not capable of protecting myself?

I crossed my arms looking up at her with disappointment. 

Jane: I do, Clem. I believe in you, I believe you can protect yourself. But sticking around this group, will get Yhwach, Kenny, you and Lee killed eventually. Give it enough time and everyone's luck runs out.

She shrugged.

I shook my head. 

Clementine: That sounds like an excuse. Just go, do whatever you want Jane. We don't need you.

I said looking away from her.

Jane sighed sadly and turned walking towards the stairs. She paused for a second before turning to look at me once more. 

Jane: Listen... When the shit hits the fan, ' cause it always does, remember, you and Lee can make it on your own. It's not an option for everyone... If things started heading south, don't let them drag you two down with them. You guys don't owe them anything.

She stated. 

Yhwach Pov:

Yhwach observed the events unfolding from a distance, his keen senses picking up on the subtle tensions within the group. As Jane walked away, he decided to check on Nick, who had been through a tumultuous journey.

Yhwach approached Nick, who sat alone, deep in thought. Nick glanced up, his eyes reflecting a mixture of frustration and sorrow.

Yhwach: (calmly) You seem burdened, young man. Would you care to share your thoughts?

Nick sighed heavily, running his hands through his hair.

Nick: I just... I can't shake the feeling that I'm not strong enough. When Uncle Pete died, I... I almost broke. Just like when I saw my mom die. And now, with Luke and all... I'm afraid I'll get him killed too.

Yhwach sat down next to Nick, his expression understanding.

Yhwach: Loss is a heavy burden, Nick. It shapes us, molds us. But it doesn't define our strength. Your resilience in the face of tragedy is a testament to your character.

Nick: (frustrated) But I keep messing up. I'm not like you or Lee or Kenny. I can't protect anyone.

Yhwach: Strength comes in many forms. It's not always about physical prowess. Your heart carries a weight that few can bear. The fact that you persist, that you continue to fight, speaks volumes about your strength.

Nick: (voice breaking) I just... I don't want to let everyone down.

Yhwach: (placing a hand on Nick's shoulder) You're not alone, Nick. None of us can shoulder the burden alone. We stand together, support one another. Your struggles are shared, and your victories, when they come, will be celebrated by all.

As Yhwach offered his words of comfort, the distant voices of Jane and Clementine caught their attention. They listened in on the conversation, learning about Jane's decision to leave and Clementine's assertion that they didn't need her.

Jane: Clem, don't make this harder than it has to be. With everything that's happened...

Clementine: You said you believed in me... now you think I'm not capable of protecting myself?

Jane: I do, Clem. I believe in you, I believe you can protect yourself.

Yhwach and Nick exchanged glances, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. As Jane continued to express her reasons, Yhwach could sense Nick's internal struggle.

Nick: (muttering) Maybe she's right. Maybe we're all just dragging each other down.

Yhwach: (firmly) We shape our destiny, Nick. It's not about dragging others down but lifting each other up. Strength is found in unity, and together, we overcome the challenges this world throws at us.

Nick nodded, absorbing Yhwach's words, and together, they decided to join the conversation, their presence a silent assurance to Clementine and a reminder that, no matter the difficulties, they faced them as a united front.

Yhwach and Nick approached Clementine and Jane as their conversation unfolded. Jane, caught off guard by their presence, looked at them with a mix of surprise and resignation.

Clementine: (glancing at Yhwach and Nick) We were just talking, figuring out what to do next.

Yhwach: (nodding) We understand. It's only natural to discuss the path forward.

Nick, still grappling with his inner turmoil, spoke up.

Nick: (hesitant) Jane, I get why you're leaving, but... is it really the right time?

Jane sighed, realizing the weight of her decision on those around her.

Jane: Nick, sometimes you need to cut ties to survive. It's not about abandoning you guys. It's about making choices that give you the best chance.

Clementine: (defiant) So, what, you're just gonna leave us?

Jane: Clem, I...

Yhwach: (calmly) It's a difficult decision, but we must respect each other's choices. However, we can't deny the impact our actions have on those around us.

Nick, his frustration bubbling to the surface, spoke his mind.

Nick: (angry) You're always talking about survival, but what about the people you leave behind? What about the bonds we form in this messed-up world? I've lost enough people. I don't want to lose more.

Jane: You guys don't get it.

Yhwach: Strength is not just in avoiding challenges but confronting them united. You've made your decision, Jane, but the path forward is still uncertain for all of us.

As the group stood in contemplative silence, the cries of the baby from inside the gift shop served as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life in this world. Yhwach glanced at Nick, silently acknowledging the internal struggles that everyone faced.

Jane sighed staring for a second before she finally left. 

Not long after, Luke walked over to where We were and leaned against the railing.

Luke: Hey, thought yall'd be asleep by now. You okay clem?

He asked.

Clementine: No... I'm not.

Luke: I guess we all got stuff on our minds. Temperature's dropping l, we're low on food, I think we've gotta stay put a while, you know. For Rebecca and the baby. So I'm thinking as soon as it gets light, Jane and I should go explore, see if we can find some place to scavenge.

Clementine: You and Jane going out alone is just about as bad as leaving the baby alone with walkers. Besides... Jane is gone. She left not long before you came

Luke: Are you serious? She didn't say anything about leaving to me. What the fuck?! 

 Luke yelled Pacing over towards the wall. He stood thinking for a second before slamming his fist into the trashcan behind him.

Clementine: You need to be quiet. You're acting like a child.

Suddenly, Lee and Kenny stepped around the corner, with Kenny carrying the baby.

Kenny: Hey! Keep it down!

Kenny fussed causing the baby to whine. 

Luke: Sorry.. I.. sorry... Just.... Jane's gone.

Luke sighed. 

Lee: You can't be serious.

Lee shook his head looking at Luke with disappointment. 

Kenny: Really?! Luke? Of all the childish bullshit.

Kenny grumbled as Luke walked passed him onto what was left of the deck. 

Luke: Childish? God dammit, Kenny, you know what? Just...lay off.

Luke argued. 

Kenny: No. You put our lives, this BABY'S life at risk, so you two can roll around like fuckin' teenagers.

Kenny snapped angrily. 

Luke: Look, I made a mistake, all right? 

Luke tried to explain, but Lee shook his head in disagreement. 

Lee: No, you made a huge mistake. We could have died because of you two. You put mine and Clems life at risk.

He spoke up causing Luke to sigh. 

Yhwach observed the growing tension within the group, recognizing the need to intervene. He approached the scene, his calm demeanor contrasting the escalating emotions.

Yhwach: (calmly) Emotions run high, and blame won't solve our problems. Let's focus on finding a solution.

Nick, having found some clarity from their earlier conversation, stepped forward.

Nick: Y'all need to calm down. We're all stressed, and pointing fingers won't help anyone.

Yhwach nodded in agreement, supporting Nick's attempt to diffuse the situation.

Yhwach: He speaks truth. We've faced numerous challenges together, and now, more than ever, we need to stand united.

Kenny shot a frustrated look at Luke, who, in turn, avoided eye contact.

Kenny: We can't change what's already done. All we can do now is find a way forward.

Lee, still visibly upset, glanced at Yhwach, looking for guidance.

Yhwach: (addressing the group) We are a family, bound not just by circumstance but by the choices we make. Mistakes happen, but it's how we respond to them that defines us.

Luke, feeling the weight of the situation, sighed.

Luke: What do we do now?

Yhwach: First, we gather ourselves. Rebecca and the baby need our support. Then, when the morning comes, we can assess our options and decide our next steps. We're stronger together.

The group, though still tense, began to relent under Yhwach's calming influence. As they redirected their attention to the well-being of Rebecca and the baby, Yhwach exchanged a knowing look with Nick. Together, they had provided a steadying influence on a group teetering on the edge.

The night passed, and with the first light of dawn, the group gathered in the gift shop. Rebecca, with the baby cradled in her arms, sat with a tired but grateful smile. Yhwach stood alongside the others, ready to face the challenges that awaited them in this unforgiving world. 

The next morning

Clementine Pov

I shivered as Lee, I and the group walked walked through the cold snow trying to find a better place to sleep.

Rebecca, suddenly dropped to the ground groaning weakly. Bonnie held her arms so she wouldn't drop the baby trying to help her back onto her feet. 

Luke: She's exhausted. We all are.

Luke growled looking back at Kenny who stood with his arms crossed. 

Rebecca struggled, but managed to push herself onto her feet.

Rebecca: I can keep going.

She sighed with a weak voice walking past us with Bonnie at her side. 

Sarah looked at me with concern as she gripped Sam's Collar in her hand.

Clementine: Come on.

I urged motioning for Sarah to follow me as we continued to walk.

Luke kept glancing over angrily at Kenny and Lee as we continued to walk, untill he finally decided to speak.

Luke: We shoulda stayed put. We shoulda stayed put untill she was in better shape.

He shook his head. 

Lee: She wasn't gonna get any better back there, Luke. You need to stop this denial of the truth. Rebecca would have still been sick no matter what we did.

Lee argued. 

Kenny: We gotta get her some food, and get her someplace warm.

Kenny added. 

Luke: This look like someplace warm to you? We could still turn back.

Luke snapped. 

Lee: Get your head out of your ass Luke! That place was no safer than where we are now. Now shut up and walk.

Lee glared at Luke daring him to say another word. 

Yhwach observed the group's strained dynamics as they trudged through the cold snow. Rebecca's weakened state added to the urgency of finding a suitable place for shelter. Luke's frustration and Lee's stern rebuttal hung in the air, creating an atmosphere of tension.

Yhwach: (calmly) Emotions run high in times of hardship. But dwelling on past decisions won't change our current situation. We must focus on what lies ahead.

Nick, who had been walking quietly, suddenly spoke up.

Nick: Yhwach's right. We can't change what's already done. We need to figure out the best way forward, for everyone.

Yhwach nodded in approval of Nick's sensible perspective.

Kenny, keeping a watchful eye on Rebecca, chimed in.

Kenny: We find a place to rest, get some food, and keep moving. Rebecca and the baby need it.

Luke, still visibly upset, mumbled his agreement, albeit reluctantly.

Luke: Yeah, yeah, I know.

As the group continued their journey, Yhwach noticed Clementine and Sarah walking together, seemingly deep in conversation. He decided to approach them, his presence offering a momentary respite from the challenges they faced.

Yhwach: (softly) How are you holding up, Clementine?

Clementine glanced up at Yhwach, a mix of exhaustion and determination in her eyes.

Clementine: I'm okay. Just worried about Rebecca and the baby.

Yhwach: It's understandable. We're all in this together, and we'll find a way to ensure their safety.

Sarah, who had been listening, looked up at Yhwach with a hint of uncertainty.

Sarah: Do you really think so?

Yhwach: (nodding) I do. In times of adversity, unity becomes our greatest strength. We'll face the challenges as a group, and together, we'll find a solution.

Clementine gave Yhwach a small nod, appreciating his words of reassurance.

As they continued their journey through the harsh winter landscape, Yhwach remained vigilant, ready to lend his support to the group in whatever way necessary. The cold wind howled around them, but the warmth of camaraderie and determination kept them moving forward.

Mike: Over here, there's a place to sit.

Mike said pointing to an area for Rebecca to rest. Bonnie helped Rebecca up and began moving her to the spot that Mike found.

Kenny: Rebecca, let me take the baby.

 Kenny suggested causing Rebecca to shake her head.

Rebecca: He's okay, I got him.

She sighed.

Kenny stepped forward in protest.

Kenny: No, You rest for a minute. I'll watch him.

He offered again. 

Luke: Back off Kenny! She said she doesn't want you to take the baby. Don't be weird about it. Okay? 

Luke chimed in causing Lee to push him. 

Lee: Don't you fuckin start. Kenny's just trying to help and you know that.

Clementine: Yeah, calm down Luke. Kenny knows what he's doing. He's been a dad before. 

Yhwach observed the escalating tension among the group as they grappled with concerns for Rebecca and the baby. The biting cold seemed to intensify the underlying emotions, creating an atmosphere fraught with palpable unease.

Yhwach: (composed) It's only natural for emotions to surge during moments of hardship. However, in times like these, we must keep our focus on what serves the greater good.

Rebecca, her voice weakened by exhaustion, attempted to diffuse the situation.

Rebecca: Kenny, it's alright. I can manage holding him for now.

Kenny hesitated, caught between his protective instincts and the need to respect Rebecca's wishes. Luke's intervention further fueled the simmering conflict.

Kenny: (gruffly) I just want to help. I've been through this before.

Yhwach approached the group, sensing the need for a calming influence.

Yhwach: Kenny, your wealth of experience can indeed be valuable. However, we must respect Rebecca's wishes. She knows best for herself and the child.

Kenny sighed, his frustration and concern etched across his face.

Kenny: Fine. But I'll be right here, keeping watch.

Rebecca nodded, acknowledging Kenny's compromise. Bonnie and Mike hastily arranged a makeshift resting spot for Rebecca, attempting to ensure her comfort given the harsh circumstances.

Clementine, discerning the palpable tension, spoke up.

Clementine: We're all on edge, but we need to stay united. We're a group, a family. Let's channel our focus into finding a secure place for Rebecca and the baby.

Lee nodded in agreement, recognizing the significance of their unity in navigating the formidable challenges of this harsh world.

Rebecca: (softly) Thank you, Clementine. You're right.

Arvo: Hello??

Someone called as they approached us. We all turned to look squinting through the fog of the snow.

Mike: Who is this?

Mike questioned with confusion. 

Lee looked up and his eyes widened.

Lee: Arvo...

He mumbled causing everyone to look at him. 

Kenny: Arvo? Who the hell is Arvo?

Kenny questioned.

Lee: The guy Jane and I met on the observation deck yesterday.

Lee replied. 

Nick: Shit. You think he's come back for his stuff?

Nick asked looking over at Lee. 

Yhwach: Stay alert.

Yhwach instructed as we all started walking towards Arvo. 

Arvo: Hello, You are Lee, right?

Arvo said looking directly at Lee. 

Kenny: What's going on here friend? You got people with you? Where are they?

Kenny questioned causing Arvo to look at him.

Luke: You're not out here on your own are you?

Luke asked. Just before people began to emerge from the woods joining Arvos side with guns aimed at us. 

Arvo: These are my friends. We stay hidden for safety. But you we know you. You're Lee.

He explained.

The lady next to him said something in another language and he replied with a nod causing all the others to laugh talking amongst themselves. 

Lee: Look, we don't want any trouble.

Lee said holding his hand up.

Arvo: I told them you are the one who robbed me. They think it's funny that I got robbed by a man with one arm. And they want you and your friends to put down the guns so we can take your things.

Arvo translated. 

Kenny: Hey, Lee didn't do anything. This was all Jane... But she's gone now

Kenny argued.

Arvo: Jane... Where is the other woman? 

Arvo questioned as he looked around. His friend stared talking in their language again causing Sam to growl. 

I looked down at him and grabbed his collar from Sarah. His eyes darted to each of Arvos friends as they spoke, his ears lifting when they spoke. 

Arvo: I do not see the woman that was with you? Where is she?

Arvo asked after talking to his friends. 

Lee: We already told you, She left. We don't know where she is.

Lee said truthfully. 

Arvo: It's a trap! I know it!

Arvo yelled before speaking in his language. Both groups held up their guns aiming them at each other. Sam's growls got louder as Arvo and his group argued with each other and our group. 

Kenny: I will not let them touch that baby.

Kenny yelled. 

Arvo looked surprised as he looked passed us over to Rebecca.

Arvo: You have a baby with you?

He questioned before saying something to his friends. 

Everyone went into Chaos as they yelled over one another. The baby's cries grew louder catching my attention and I turned around to see Rebecca slumped over.

Clementine: Sarah, take out your gun.

I instructed as I stared at Rebecca's lifeless body. 

Sarah: Oh..okay. 

she stammered pulling her gun out looking over where I was looking.

Sarah: Oh no...

She mumbled. 

Clementine: Just do what I say, And you'll be fine. Aim the gun.

I told her 

She did as told.

Clementine: Bend your elbows just a little, don't stiffen your arms. Aim the little piece at the top on your target... And shoot. When I say go.

I instructed.

Sarah breathed heavily as she nodded. I watched quietly as everyone yelled at each other until I saw Rebecca twitch and sit up slightly growling. 

Clementine: Now

I yelled and Sarah pulled the trigger sending a bullet through Rebecca's head. This caused everyone else to start shooting, suddenly my body hit the ground and everything went black.

Lee Pov:

I watched as Clem fell, her head hitting the ground hard. I expected her to get up but she didn't move. I ran over to her, ignoring the gunshots around me grabbing her pulling her behind a rock wall and laying her down.

As I looked up to see Sarah grab the baby from the snow before making her way towards me as fast as she could. 

Sarah: Is.. is Clem alright??

She asked out of breath.

I was silent for a second as I examined Clem before nodding. 

Lee: She just hit her head thank God.

I said touching her face , tapping her cheek softly.

Lee: Clem? Clem wake up!

I called causing her eyes to slowly open. She sat up holding her head. 

Clementine: Ow.. what happened.

She asked rubbing the back of her head. 

Lee: You just stay here with Sarah and the baby, we will handle this.

I instructed pulling my gun out and running over to the end of the wall, an opening separating it from another wall where Luke and Nick were hiding.

Yhwach Pov:

The chaos erupted around us as Arvo's group and ours exchanged gunfire. Amidst the cacophony of bullets and shouted commands, my attention was drawn to Clementine's sudden collapse. The impact of a gunshot echoed in my ears, but it was the sight of her falling that stoked an unfamiliar emotion within me — anger.

For the first time in a while, a surge of protective rage welled up. I had grown fond of this resilient girl, her spirit a testament to the strength of the human will. Seeing her crumple to the ground stirred a deep-seated wrath, a desire to shield her from harm.

Without hesitation, I moved toward the commotion, my eyes fixed on Clementine's fallen form. Lee was already by her side, offering reassurance, but my focus remained unyielding. Anger coursed through me, not at Arvo or his group, but at the relentless cruelty of this world.

Clementine stirred, and as she rubbed the back of her head, my anger transformed into a resolute determination. I couldn't allow harm to befall this young survivor who had weathered so much. It was a reminder that even in a world fraught with danger, there were bonds worth protecting.

Yhwach: (firmly) Stay vigilant, Lee. I'll ensure Clementine's safety.

I moved forward, positioning myself between Clementine and the ongoing firefight. The anger fueled my focus, honing my senses on the immediate threat. I surveyed the situation, keenly aware that our survival depended on swift and decisive action.

Arvo's group pressed forward, their aggression apparent. Lee, Sarah, and Kenny fought valiantly, but the odds seemed overwhelming. The snow-laden landscape became a battlefield, and I couldn't allow harm to befall those under my protection.

Yhwach: (calmly) We need a strategic retreat. Fall back and regroup. We cannot let them overpower us here.

My words cut through the chaos, a directive to guide our actions. Together, we began a strategic withdrawal, ensuring Clementine, Sarah, and the baby were shielded from the crossfire. The anger that initially flared within me transformed into a steely resolve — a commitment to safeguarding those who had become an unexpected but cherished part of this harsh journey.

As we retreated, my gaze remained fixed on Clementine, a silent promise echoing within — a vow to shield her from the relentless storms this world hurled our way. The anger subsided, replaced by a focused determination to navigate the challenges ahead with unwavering unity.

Yhwach moved with purpose, his steps guided by a calculated resolve. As he reached the forefront of our group, where Kenny, Luke, Nick, and Mike were entrenched in a fierce firefight with Arvo's group, he unleashed a surge of Blut Vene, coating his skin with an invisible layer of spiritual pressure. The bullets that once posed a threat now harmlessly ricocheted off his enhanced defenses.

Kenny, Nick, and Luke glanced at Yhwach in astonishment as he joined the fray, his movements precise and methodical. With a gesture, he signaled the others to fall back, providing cover as they retreated to a more defensible position.

Arvo's group, emboldened by their numerical advantage, pressed forward. Yet, they were unaware that they faced a force beyond the limitations of the mundane world. Yhwach's Blut Vene not only protected him but also turned the tide of battle.

One by one, Arvo's comrades fell, their attempts to overwhelm Yhwach proving futile. The precision of his strikes was unmatched, exploiting the vulnerabilities of his adversaries. His movements were a dance of calculated grace, a deadly waltz that dismantled the opposition.

As the last of Arvo's group crumpled to the ground, only Arvo himself remained standing. Fear etched across his face, he stumbled backward, realizing the perilous situation he now faced. Yhwach advanced, his gaze unwavering.

Yhwach: (calmly) Your companions were misguided. I suggest you consider your next actions carefully.

Arvo, trembling, clutched his weapon. Yhwach's presence was an insurmountable force, and the futility of resistance settled upon the lone survivor. Despite the tension in the air, Yhwach maintained a calm demeanor, a stark contrast to the chaos that had unfolded moments ago.

Arvo: (stammering) I... I didn't want this.

Yhwach: (steadily) Choices have consequences. Now, decide wisely.

The standoff lingered for a moment, the weight of Yhwach's words hanging in the air. The others, having regrouped, watched in awe and trepidation as the outcome rested on Arvo's response.

Arvo, defeated and bereft of allies, lowered his weapon. The threat of violence subsided, replaced by a tense calm. Yhwach's intervention had not only secured our safety but had showcased a power that transcended the mundane struggles of this desolate world.

Arvo glared up at me with tears streaming down his face. Arvos friend stood up from behind a tree, aiming his gun at Kenny as he lay on the ground. 

Before anyone could react, the man froze choking on his blood turning around to reveal a knife in his neck and Jane standing behind him, a stunned look on her face.

Kenny walked up shooting the man in the head before putting his gun away. 

Kenny: It's safe to come out.

He called out turning his back on Jane. 

Luke groaned as he pulled himself onto his feet.

Luke: I'm okay, Just gotta be careful.

Lee Pov

Jane still stood in the woods as if she were in shock, slowly putting her knife back into the strap around her leg. 

I walked over to her while Clem stayed with Sarah comforting her. She was still in shock from having to kill Rebecca. But this was something she was going to have to get use to. 

Luke: Jesus Christ. That was intense.

Nick: No kidding.

Luke sighed through deep breaths. They continued talking to each other while I approached Jane, as she stared down at the man's body who she had just killed. 

Lee: You alright?

I asked. She stared down sadly at the body before responding.

Jane: I..I think so. It's just... I didn't know this man. I've never killed someone that didn't wrong me in some way. that didn't deserve it. Tried to pretend he was a walker... But... It's different.

She explained. 

Lee: Jane.. that man and his friends were trying to kill us. I wouldn't say he didn't deserve it. Maybe he didn't do anything to you, but he put the baby and Clems life in harms way.

I reassured her. 

Jane: Yeah... That's why I did it... But it felt wrong.

She sighed. 

Lee: Maybe because he was Arvo's friend. I didn't want to take his medicine to begin with. But you didn't listen, you robbed him and used the group as an excuse.... You... You weren't thinking about what's right and what's wrong.. you were thinking about taking that medicine no matter how it hurt someone else.

I shook my head.

Jane didn't respond as she stared down knowing what she did was wrong. I looked back at the group and sighed.

Lee: Just come on.

She nodded following me over to the group. They were all looking down at Rebecca's body as she sat slumped over in her same spot.

Jane's eyes widened as her and Luke made eye contact he shook his head closing his eyes.

Nick: How did this happen?

Nick questioned sadly. 

Clementine: She just..turned... Sarah did what she had to do to save the baby.

Clem responded

Clementine: she saved the baby's life.

 Lee: We should probably get going.

I suggested.

Bonnie looked down at Rebecca's body sadly.

Bonnie: Don't worry, Rebecca.... We'll take care of your boy. You rest easy.

She sighed as Kenny balled his fist turning to Arvo as he kneeled on the ground next to the girl I killed. 

He walked up to Arvo snatching him up by his jacket and began beating him. Bonnie called for him to stop as Mike and Luke rushed to intervene. 

Mike grabbed him pushing him away demanding for him to stop.

Kenny: Get off me!

Kenny screamed as he stumbled back. 

Mike: It's over, man. He ain't a threat to us.

Mike stated as he and Luke stood between Kenny and Arvo keeping Kenny away. 

Kenny: How can you say that? Ofcourse he is!

Kenny argued. 

Kenny: Get out of the way! 

He demanded aiming his gun at Mike and Luke.

Mike: Whoa, what're you doing? 

Mike exclaimed. 

Lee: Kenny, come on man. He already lost everything. His sister's dead. You don't have to do this.

I said walking over to him. He glanced over at me and then back at Arvo. 

Arvo: There is house, food... Please. Please. I can take you.

Arvo pleaded as I placed my hand on Kenny's shoulder causing him to lower the gun. 

Lee: Are you telling the truth?

I questioned side eyeing him. 

Yhwach: Hes telling the truth.

Yhwach Said

Arvo: Yes, Yes. It is not far.

He nodded.

Lee: You can move now. He's fine. 

I looked between Mike and Luke. They both glanced at Kenny with unsure expressions but moved out of the way.

Kenny: Why would you want to help us? After you tried to rob US for what SHE did.

Kenny questioned motioning towards Jane as he glared at Arvo. 

Arvo: I.. I not want to see more people dead.

He replied with a slight quiver in his voice. 

Bonnie: If he's telling the truth, It could save all of us. 

Lee: Alright. You show us the way, and I'll make sure Kenny doesn't hurt you. And you better not be leading us into another trap, I'll kill you myself 

I warned causing him to nod quickly.

Jane: It's worth the risk to check this place out. Trust him, don't trust him, it doesn't matter. We should go anyway. We just need to be careful. It can't be far from here.

Jane stated causing Kenny to glare at her. 

Kenny: You stay outta this! You're the reason these fuckers came after us in the first place!

He snapped.

Jane looked away unable to argue because she knew it was the truth.

Lee: Kenny, I think we should check it out Like Yhwach said hes telling the truth. If he tries anything, I won't stop you from kicking his ass. But it's a good idea. 

He sighed and nodded.

Kenny: Alright, Pal. If you think it's a good idea, I'll go along.

I turned motioning for Arvo to lead the way. He slowly began limping ahead of us. Kenny held his gun ready to shoot if he had to.

Kenny: Don't try nothin' stupid, I'll put a bullet in the back of your head before you can get far.

He said as we followed Arvo. 

Jane stepped next to Clem and sighed.

Jane: Look... I know you're probably pissed about me leaving... When I heard the gunshots I...I knew it was a mistake. If it helps, the thing I'd normally do is walk away for good... But I didn't.

She stated causing Clem to scoff. I looked down at her watching as she shook her head. 

Clementine: So what? You want a cookie? You left us. Because you'd rather be alone than with people who can help keep you safe. Don't try to make it seem like you did this for anyone else but your self.

Clem rolled her eyes walking ahead of us. 

I chuckled and Yhwach Looks Amused causing Jane to look at us with a disapproving look.

Lee: Don't look at us like that, she's right. She's not some naive little girl. She can tell when someone's not being honest with her.

I shook my head. 

Clem and Sarah followed Sam as he snatched away from Sarah running towards a tree. 

Jane: Believe it or not, I wanna try to make this work-

she started lying once again. 

Lee: Make it work with who? The group? Or Just Luke? Because it seems like you came back because you caught feelings. You heard the gunshots and took that chance to run back to him.

I said causing her to look at Luke. 

Mike: You don't gotta point the gun at him the whole time.

Mike snapped staring at Kenny as Kenny kept his gun trained at Arvos back.

Kenny: You forget what we just went through?

Kenny questioned glancing back at them. 

Bonnie: He ain't goin anywhere, Kenny. No need to get your arm all sore.

Bonnie replied. 

Lee: You two should have acted like this towards Carver. You both stood back and watched the things he did yet you jump at any chance to go against Kenny. If he takes us to actual food, then we can say he was trustworthy, but if he fucks us over in any way, Kenny will be on him in second. Everyone just shut up and-

I started yelling before Luke dropped to the ground in pain.

Bonnie: Wait up! Wait, we need to stop.

Bonnie called as she turned around looking at Luke with concern. 

Luke: No! No, I'm fine, okay? I just need a second. Sorry, I just... I just put more weight on it than should've.

Luke protested as Nick helped him onto his feet. 

Kenny turned to us and nodded before looking back over at Arvo.

Kenny: Alright wait there.

He demanded but Arvo kept walking. 

Kenny: Hey! What'd I say? When I tell you something, you fuckin' listen, You understand??

Kenny snapped grabbing Arvo by the back of the neck and pushing him to the ground. 

Mike: Kenny come on! There's no need for that. 

Mike called as Nick helped Luke sit down against a tree.

Kenny: He's getting what he deserves.

Kenny argued.

Clementine: He deserves it. He knew it wasn't all of us that stole his things but he still brought his friends to attack us.

Clem sided with Kenny.

Mike: He deserves to be treated like a human being. That's all im saying, Yhwach please say something man.

Yhwach observed the situation with a discerning gaze. Kenny's rage was palpable, fueled by a history of betrayal and the harsh reality of this world. Mike, on the other hand, advocated for compassion, urging a more humane approach.

Yhwach: (calmly) Kenny, vengeance can consume a person, cloud their judgment. We must tread carefully. The boy has already suffered losses.

Kenny glanced at Yhwach, a mixture of anger and frustration in his eyes. However, he loosened his grip on Arvo's neck, allowing him to get up.

Arvo, still on the ground, looked up at Yhwach with a glimmer of hope, recognizing that Yhwach's presence carried a certain authority.

Yhwach: (addressing the group) We need information and cooperation. Let's focus on securing our immediate safety first. Kenny, we can address this later, in a manner that befits our group.

Kenny begrudgingly stepped back, his anger simmering beneath the surface. Arvo, looking relieved, got back on his feet, adjusting his jacket.

Clementine: (directed at Jane) And you, if you're here to make amends, actions speak louder than words. Watch your step.

Sam growled lowering his head causing Clem to grab onto his collar.

Bonnie: He lost all his people in one fell swoop. Ain't much we could do to him that'd be worse than that. Kenny, just ease up on em.

Bonnie spoke up shaking her head. 

Lee: Oh yeah? We lost people when Carver practically kidnapped us. You stood by his side and helped him round us up at gun point, and for what? You watched him hurt our people, you watched him do that to innocent people who just didn't want to be under his control anymore. Everything that happened was your fault since you lead him to us, right. Both of you have done worse than anything Kenny has done

I argued. 

Bonnie opened her mouth to speak but immediately shut it when Clem glared at her. She knew it was the truth. 

Kenny: Just fuckin' stay put.

Kenny demanded before walking away leaving Arvo on the ground. 

Mike: I'm gonna have a word with Kenny. He's out of control.

Mike sighed. 

Clementine: So was Carver and I never seen any of you go against anything he said like you do Kenny. 

Clem looked over at Sarah rolling her eyes causing Sarah to chuckle.

Bonnie: Go on and talk to him. Here take the baby.

Bonnie said handing the baby to him. 

Mike: Uh... ookay?

He said confused taking the baby and walking away. I walked over crouching down next to Luke looking at his leg. 

Bonnie: What is it with you guys?

Bonnie asked as she joined me next to Luke. 

Luke: What do you mean?

Luke questioned.

Bonnie: Every man I've known is always tryin' to let each other know how tough they are. Put 'em in their place. Bunch of dominant, alpha male horse shit. And all ends the same way. 

She scoffed.

Lee: No one in this group is trying to one up each other. And if you're trying to aim that at Kenny, he's doing what's right to protect YOU and that baby. All of us. 

I interjected. Bonnie sighed shaking her head. 

Clementine: They're not all like that. There are good men, too. Like Lee.. he's a good man. He took me in and raised me to be who I am today. He could have left me and saved his self, but he didn't.

Clem added. 

Yhwach sat beside Nick and Luke, his expression unreadable yet observant. The conversation around him continued, each word carrying the weight of the group's shared experiences.

Yhwach: (calmly) In times like these, the essence of one's character becomes apparent. It's not just about survival; it's about the choices we make, the bonds we forge, and the impact we have on each other.

Clementine's words, though directed at Bonnie, held a broader message. Yhwach recognized the complexities of the human experience, the struggle for dominance, the quest for survival, and the capacity for compassion. As they moved forward, these dynamics would play a pivotal role in their collective survival.

Luke winced as Bonnie tended to his injured leg, her earlier skepticism perhaps softened by the genuine concern now evident in her actions. Yhwach maintained his position, an observer with a unique perspective on the intricacies of human nature.

Luke: Well I'm glad I got the chance to meet you yall.

Luke smiled up at Clem. 

Clementine: Me too. I thought I was going to lose Lee back when Yhwach cut his arm off. When he told me he was bitten,But he survived the night. I'm glad he's here with me.

Clem nodded looking over at me. 

Yhwach observed the interactions, noting the bonds that had formed among the group. Luke's genuine gratitude and Clementine's expression of relief highlighted the shared experiences that had shaped their relationships.

Yhwach: (softly) Life has a way of forging connections in the most unexpected circumstances. The resilience of the human spirit, the capacity for compassion, and the strength found in unity become apparent when faced with adversity.

As Luke expressed his appreciation, Yhwach acknowledged the significance of their survival, not just physically but also emotionally. The scars of their past experiences were woven into the fabric of their relationships, creating a tapestry of shared pain and triumph.

Clementine's glance towards Lee carried unspoken gratitude, a recognition of the mentorship and care that had defined their journey. Yhwach, seated beside Nick and Luke, remained a silent presence, understanding the intricate dynamics at play.

Luke: You're a good bunch. I hope you know that.

Luke's smile radiated warmth, a moment of solace in the midst of their turbulent reality.

Yhwach: (nodding) Our strength lies not just in surviving but in supporting each other through the trials that lie ahead. Each member of this group contributes to the collective strength we possess.

Luke looked over towards Kenny and smirked.

Luke: Guess it took a woman to talk some sense into em. Looks like Jane broke it up.

I turned seeing Jane talking to Mike and Kenny who sat down holding the baby. 

Bonnie: Keep pressure on it. Okay? I'm gonna go fetch some bandages.

Bonnie said before standing up to walk away.

Luke: Hey Bonnie?

Luke called out causing Bonnie to stop turning to him.

Bonnie: Yeah?

Luke: I'm sorry.

Luke sighed.

Bonnie frowned.

Bonnie: For what?

She asked in confusion. Luke stared at her and she slightly looked away.

Bonnie: I'll be right back.

She said leaving us. 

Luke hissed holding his leg as the pain started getting worse. 

Luke: Shit.

 He cursed under his breath.

Nick: Luke you alright buddy?

Sarah: Luke? Are you going to be okay?

Luke: Yeah, Ofcourse Nick, Sarah. yall don't worry about me. I'll be okay?

He sighed looking down at his leg.

Clementine: How does it feel?

Clem examined him.

Luke: Hurts like hell. But I'll be okay, I promise.

Luke reassured her. 

Lee: Luke's going to be fine, girls. There's nothing to worry about.

I stated causing them to look at me and nod their heads. 

Luke looked around and shook his head.

Luke: How did we get here? Sittin' in the snow... leaning up against a tree... bullet in my leg... but alive. When so many of my friends...and family are dead...for no good reason... And I couldn't do anything to stop it. Everyone we set out with, just ..gone. Uncle Pete, Alvin and Becca.... Carlos...and for what? It don't make any sense

He vented, Nick looked away at the mention of Uncle Pete.

Sarah also looked away at the mention of her dad's name. 

Yhwach listened to Luke's words, his gaze steady and understanding. The weight of loss and the profound impact of the apocalypse lingered in Luke's voice. It was a sentiment shared by many in the group, each carrying the burden of the lives lost and the harsh realities they faced.

Yhwach: (softly) Life often unfolds in ways that defy our understanding. The pain of loss, the confusion of survival—it is a journey fraught with hardships. But in this very moment, amidst the snow and the cold, you are alive. That, in itself, is a testament to your resilience.

Yhwach's acknowledgment carried a mix of wisdom and empathy. He recognized the complexity of emotions that accompanied survival, the constant struggle to make sense of a world that had descended into chaos.

Luke nodded, absorbing Yhwach's words, finding solace in the acknowledgment of their shared struggle. The group, a diverse assembly of survivors, had become a makeshift family, bound by the common thread of survival.

Luke: Yeah... you're right.

He sighed, looking at the snow-covered landscape. The silence that followed was a moment of reflection, a pause in their journey where the weight of the past and the uncertainty of the future converged.

Bonnie approached us with a bandage wrap in her hand.

Bonnie: What'd I miss?

She questioned kneeling down next to us.

Luke: Hmm? Oh, nothin' much. You know ... Complain mostly.

Luke responded. 

Nick: It's just really cold. 

Nick spoke up causing Luke to give him a thankful smile. 

Bonnie: Yeah it is getting pretty cold. But we'll be at that place Arvo was talkin' about in no time I'm sure.

Bonnie smiled, Sarah and Clem nodded. 

Clem stood up wiping the snow off her pants before looking at us.

Clementine: I'm gonna go check on Kenny and the baby. He looks like he can use some comfort, you guys have been coming down hard on him when he's just trying to help and he's been through so much.

She sighed looking at Bonnie and Luke. 

Lee: That's a good idea, Clem. I'm sure he would appreciate that.

I smiled. 

Yhwach, observing the dynamics within the group, felt compelled to intervene. He disagreed with the notion of Clem being the one to comfort Kenny, given the recent tensions. Instead, he decided to take on the responsibility himself.

Yhwach: I'll go check on Kenny and the baby. Clementine, perhaps you could go and see how Jane is holding up. It's crucial to ensure everyone finds the support they need in these trying times.

Yhwach's calm and authoritative tone left little room for objection. Clem, sensing the sincerity in his words, nodded in agreement.

Clementine: Yeah, okay. I can do that.

She looked at Yhwach, appreciating his understanding, before turning to Bonnie and Luke.

Clementine: Take care of Luke, okay? I'll be back soon.

Clem walked away, leaving Yhwach to approach Kenny, who sat a little distance away, cradling the baby in his arms.

Yhwach: Kenny, may I have a word?

Kenny looked up, his expression a mix of weariness and frustration.

Kenny: What now?

Yhwach: I understand these are challenging times for everyone. Your dedication to the group's safety is commendable, but we must find a balance. Clem thought it best to check on Jane, and I volunteered to see how you're holding up.

Kenny sighed, his shoulders slumping.

Kenny: I just... I can't lose anyone else. Not again.

Yhwach: I empathize with your sentiment, Kenny. Let us work together to ensure the well-being of everyone in the group. Strength lies not just in physical endurance but also in the bonds we forge.

Kenny nodded, his grip on the baby relaxing slightly.

Yhwach: Now, tell me, how can we move forward without further discord?

Kenny hesitated before opening up about his concerns, and Yhwach listened with the patience of someone who understood the weight of responsibility in such dire circumstances.

Kenny: I was thinkin' we go with Alvin Jr. What do you think? Rebecca mentioned she'd like to name him Alvin if it was a boy. I mean, Rebecca was so out of it, she hadn't settled on a name. It seems fitting.

Yhwach listened to Kenny's words, recognizing the significance of naming the baby after Alvin as a tribute to Rebecca's wishes. The conversation shifted to Kenny's own well-being.

Yhwach: Alvin Jr. is a fitting name, a nod to the bonds that endure even in the face of adversity.

Kenny's attempt at a small smile revealed a mix of emotions.

Kenny: Yeah. Me too.

Kenny: Alvin Jr. it is. You like that? Well, I think AJ approves. What do you got there? 'Cause I think I'm alright. I mentioned it earlier. To Bonnie... I told her I'm fine.

Yhwach observed Kenny's struggle, both with the weight of loss and the challenges of parenthood in this apocalyptic world. He decided to offer some words of comfort and support.

Yhwach: Kenny, I understand the pain you carry. Loss is a burden that can be hard to bear, especially in a world that seems so unforgiving. Naming the baby Alvin Jr. is a beautiful gesture, a way to honor Rebecca's memory.

Kenny glanced at Yhwach, a mixture of gratitude and sadness in his eyes.

Kenny: You've seen your share of loss too, haven't you?

Yhwach nodded, acknowledging the shared experiences in their respective worlds.

Yhwach: Loss shapes us, molds us into who we become. But it doesn't define us. It's a part of the journey, not the destination.

Kenny sighed, his shoulders slumping under the weight of his emotions.

Kenny: I just... I miss them, you know? Katjaa, Duck, Sarita, and now Rebecca. It feels like I'm losing everyone I care about.

Yhwach placed a hand on Kenny's shoulder, offering a gesture of solace.

Yhwach: Grieve when you must, but don't let the pain consume you entirely. Alvin Jr. needs you. He needs someone to guide him through this world, to teach him what it means to survive.

Kenny nodded, a mix of gratitude and determination in his eyes.

Kenny: Yeah, you're right. I gotta be there for AJ. It's just... hard sometimes.

Yhwach: It's okay to struggle, Kenny. Strength lies not in avoiding pain but in enduring it. Lean on those around you, and remember, you're not alone in this journey.

Kenny gave a faint smile, appreciating Yhwach's words. They continued talking, Yhwach providing a supportive presence as they navigated the challenges of this harsh reality.