
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
133 Chs

Admiral Akainu and Ace's Death: The Chaotic Battlefield

Scene Break - Location: Remote Island, Restroom.

Third King: Ah, I love cold showers! So refreshing!

Enel, glancing skeptically at the fogged-up mirror outside the restroom, couldn't help but comment.

Enel: If you love cold showers, how did the mirror fog up like that?

Before the Third King could respond, the First King interjected with a smirk.

First King: He said he loves cold showers, not that he took one. If he had taken a cold shower, he would have said so.

Second King then chimed in, shaking his head slightly.

Second King: Even if he enjoys cold showers, isn't it contradictory? Like me saying I love mustard and then showing a bottle of ketchup.

Third King and Enel both turned to look at First King, who seemed unfazed by the critique.

First King: That's an unrelated hypothetical to the dilemma at hand. Engaging with it would be to engage with a fallacy.

At that moment, the Fourth King returned and overheard the conversation. With a thoughtful expression, he decided to weigh in.

Fourth King: You can't object on the grounds of relevancy here. The principle of both situations is the same. He's just illustrating the situation to prove that it's deceptive.

First King narrowed his eyes slightly, maintaining a calm tone.

First King: Are you suggesting that my client is a liar?

Fourth King: I'm not calling him a liar. What I'm saying is that the situation you're describing is misleading. Just because someone expresses a preference for something doesn't mean they consistently act on it. And for the record, it was you who introduced the term "liar."

A regular dude, who had been using the bathroom next door, stepped out and overheard the conversation. He opened his mouth to comment but was quickly silenced by the intensity of the debate. First King, unperturbed by the interruption, continued with an air of authority.

First King: My client has already stated that he bathed in hot water first, and THEN bathed in cold water. You failed to consider that both could be the case.

The regular dude blinked, his expression showing clear confusion as he decided it was best to stay quiet. Fourth King, however, remained focused on the argument.

Fourth King: At no point did he imply that he bathed in hot water. his statement only implies that his water transitioned from hot to cold i must say no shower control system I've ever encountered starts on hot and moves to cold.

First King: You fail to consider the possibility that he took a hot shower, disliked it, and THEN took a cold shower to make up for it, thus, only enjoying the cold shower.

Fourth King, his expression thoughtful, rubbed his beak as he mulled over First King's explanation.

Fourth King: If he knows that he loves cold showers, why on earth would he start with a hot shower? There's no way he'd wait the time required for the water to heat up if he knew he disliked hot showers!

First King: Where is it stated that he knew he disliked hot showers? Not only is that information trivial, but it's also ignoring the possibility that he wanted to try out a hot shower to see if he still disliked it.

Suddenly, the regular dude standing next to Enel spoke up hesitantly.

Regular Dude: If it was hot then cold, wouldn't the cold water have unfogged the mirror?

First King turned to the dude, his demeanor condescending.

First King: That's... not how it works.

Regular Dude: Y-yes it is! T-the cold would... U-unevaporate it!

Suddenly, the Second King slammed a hammer on the ground with authority.

Second King: Order, order! That is enough. The prosecution has a point, but neither side has enough evidence to support their claims. This trial shall be postponed until sufficient evidence has been gathered. Adjourned.

As the Second King's declaration settled in, the tension in the room began to dissipate. Enel, however, seemed less than satisfied with the resolution. He tilted his head, his trademark smirk forming on his lips as he folded his arms.

Enel: How amusing. All this fuss over something so trivial. Yet, you all miss the point entirely.

The kings turned to look at Enel, curiosity piqued.

First King: And what point is that, Enel?

Enel: Whether the shower was hot or cold is irrelevant. The real issue is why we're wasting our time on such a mundane matter. Shouldn't we be focusing on more pressing concerns?

Third King: Such as?

Enel chuckled, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Enel: Such as finding the quickest way off this island and finding you're friend Yhwach. Debating the intricacies of a shower's temperature isn't going to help us in the long run.

Second King: He has a point. We need to keep our priorities straight.

First King: Agreed. This discussion is pointless without substantial evidence. Let's move on.

Fourth King: Very well. Let's focus on our main objective.

Enel's smirk widened as he watched the group shift their attention to more critical matters. He couldn't resist a final, sarcastic remark.

Enel: And remember, next time you argue about shower preferences, make sure you have a thermometer handy.

The kings chuckled, the tension easing further as they exited the restroom. Enel lingered for a moment, his mind already strategizing their next move. He glanced at the regular dude, who was still standing there, bewildered.

Enel: You might want to find a less chaotic place to clean up next time.

Scene break - Location: Marineford, Marine headquarters

As Yhwach descended upon the chaotic battlefield of Marineford, his gaze swept across the chaotic battlefield below. his presence sent shockwaves through the air, causing even the most battle-hardened warriors to pause in awe and apprehension. The soldiers and combatants on both sides turned their attention to the approaching figure, their expressions a mix of fear and uncertainty.

Soldier #1: What... What is that?!

Soldier #2: It's... It's him! The Dragon Slayer!

Soldier #3: The worst sinner in history... What's he doing here?

As Yhwach made his way toward the center of the battlefield, Mihawk's gaze narrowed in recognition. He knew Yhwach, having encountered him before in the past. His thoughts raced as he observed the Quincy king's approach, wondering what could have brought him to Marineford of all places.

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Mihawk: (In thought) What is he doing here? Did he get lost again?

Mihawk's expression remained impassive, but inwardly, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity about Yhwach's motives. Their previous encounters had been brief but memorable, leaving Mihawk with a lingering sense of intrigue about the Quincy king.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed as they settled on Whitebeard, He could feel the power in this man, the shivers running down his spine. This was the real deal. This man was powerful. This man existed on the highest tier, this man before him was a monster. Just like him. Yhwach's pulse increased, and he felt a smile tugging at his lips. This Whitebeard, though different, was a being just like him and Yamamoto, a powerhouse and a true warrior.

Yhwach: So, you're the legendary Whitebeard... Impressive.

Whitebeard looked at the man before him, and his posture clearly showed that he was prepared to attack or defend in an instant. He opened his mouth.

Whitebeard: Well now, who might you be?

Yhwach's lips curved into a faint smile, his gaze never leaving Whitebeard's imposing figure.

Yhwach: They call me many things, but you may call me Yhwach, The Dragon Slayer.

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The mention of his title sent a ripple of shock through the crowd, whispers spreading like wildfire as everyone recognized the name. Dragon Slayer.

Whitebeard's expression remained stoic, but there was a flicker of recognition in his eyes as he processed the name.

Whitebeard: Dragon Slayer... I've heard of you. They call you The World Government's worst nightmare.

Yhwach's smile widened slightly at Whitebeard's acknowledgment, his gaze never wavering.

Yhwach: Indeed, I've earned quite the reputation. But enough pleasantries. I've come to Marineford for a reason, and it seems our paths have crossed at a most opportune moment.

Whitebeard's eyes narrowed as he studied Yhwach, a sense of familiarity washing over him. There was something about the Quincy king's presence that reminded him of another legendary figure, someone he had encountered in the past.

Whitebeard: When I look at you're face it reminds me of someone I once knew.

Yhwach's smile didn't waver, but his eyes gleamed with interest as he met Whitebeard's gaze.

Yhwach: Oh? And who might that be?

Whitebeard's gaze turned inward for a moment, memories of his encounters with Gol D. Roger flooding back to him. He remembered the Pirate King's aura, his indomitable spirit, and the way he had challenged the world itself.

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Whitebeard: Gol D. Roger... You bear a striking resemblance to him.

The mention of the Pirate King's name sent a ripple of surprise through the battlefield, whispers spreading like wildfire as everyone processed the comparison. Gol D. Roger, the man who had once ruled the seas.

Yhwach's expression remained unchanged as he listened to Whitebeard's comparison. His mind briefly flashed back to his conversation with Mihawk about Gol D. Roger, but he pushed those thoughts aside for now. Yhwach's gaze softened slightly as he looked down, a thoughtful expression crossing his face.

Yhwach: Ah yes, Gol D. Roger. I've heard of him. A man who defied the world and left an indelible mark on history. But make no mistake, I am not here to follow his path or emulate his deeds. My goals are my own, and they will be achieved on my terms.

He looked up, his eyes locking onto Whitebeard's with an intensity that left no room for doubt. The battlefield around them seemed to hold its breath, the air thick with anticipation.

Whitebeard: (In thought) So, he knows of Roger... But he's different. His presence, his aura... it's unique.

Whitebeard's grip on his bisento tightened slightly, his eyes never leaving Yhwach.

Whitebeard: Very well, Yhwach. What brings you to Marineford? I doubt it's a coincidence.

Yhwach's eyes momentarily drifted away from Whitebeard, drawn towards a distant figure causing chaos amidst the battlefield. Zaegar, the chaotic one, was wreaking havoc in his own peculiar way. With an air of nonchalance, Zaegar picked his nose and released a thunderous fart, sending both marine soldiers and pirates alike crumbling to the ground, overwhelmed by the noxious gas.

Yhwach: (In thought) Zaegar... Always the unpredictable one.

Whitebeard followed Yhwach's gaze and saw the bizarre scene. His brows furrowed, a mixture of confusion and irritation flickering across his features.

Yhwach's gaze returned to Whitebeard, his expression calm and collected despite the chaos unfolding around them.

Yhwach: I am here for Zaegar, not to aid you or anyone else. My allegiance lies solely with myself and my goals.

Whitebeard regarded Yhwach with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity, his brows furrowing slightly as he processed the Quincy king's words.

Whitebeard: Zaegar, you say? What interest could you possibly have in that chaotic brat?

Yhwach's gaze shifted from Zaegar to Whitebeard, his expression unreadable.

Yhwach: That, Whitebeard, is Zaegar. He's a... unique companion of mine. His methods may be unconventional, but his loyalty and power are unquestionable.

 Ginjo, who had been observing silently from Within Yhwach's mind, couldn't resist chiming in with his own brand of commentary.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, well, well... Looks like the Quincy King's got his sights set on our favorite chaotic dragon. This should be interesting.

Yhwach couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at Ginjo's comment, his amusement was evident in his eyes.

Yhwach: (Mental link) You know me well, Ginjo. But enough talk. It's time to deal with Zaegar once and for all.

Sengoku, observing the chaos from his vantage point near the execution platform, barked out orders to the remaining Marines. The presence of Dragon Slayer, Zaegar, and the arrival of Luffy and the Impel Down escapees had turned the already chaotic battlefield into a powder keg on the brink of explosion.

Sengoku: All units, focus on the enemy! Do not let them disrupt the execution! We must maintain order!

As Yhwach walked towards Zaegar, his gaze briefly flickered towards Mihawk, the world's greatest swordsman, who stood with his characteristic calm demeanor amidst the chaos of battle. Yhwach's mind briefly pondered Mihawk's presence here, knowing that as one of the Warlords of the Sea, he likely had his own motivations for joining the fray. However, before Yhwach could delve further into his thoughts, he sensed a sudden surge of intense heat behind him.

Yhwach's gaze shifted from Mihawk to the source of the intense heat behind him. As he turned, his eyes met those of Admiral Akainu, the magma man himself. Despite never having met Akainu face-to-face before, Yhwach could feel the overwhelming power radiating from the Admiral.

Yhwach: (In thought) So, this is the infamous Admiral Akainu... His presence is as formidable as I expected.

The tension in the air grew palpable as Yhwach and Akainu locked eyes, each sizing up the other with a silent intensity. Yhwach's expression remained composed, his Reiatsu emanating power and authority, while Akainu's gaze burned with an intense determination.

Akainu: So, the infamous "Dragon Slayer" graces us with his presence. Your crimes against the World Government will not go unpunished, Criminal.

Akainu's voice was like a rumble of volcanic eruptions, carrying with it the weight of his authority as one of the three Admirals of the Marines. His eyes narrowed slightly as he studied Yhwach, his stance tense and ready for action.

As Yhwach faced Akainu's intense gaze, his own eyes glinted with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. He observed Akainu with a keen interest, his gaze flickering briefly to the magma swirling around the Admiral's body., but it only served to fuel his own interest in the situation.

Yhwach: Crimes, you say? How amusing. The World Government and its Admirals, always so eager to label those who challenge their fragile order. I am here for Zaegar, and your so-called justice is of no consequence to me.

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He took a step forward, his Reiatsu surging with an almost palpable authority.

Yhwach: Your bluster does not impress me, Admiral. Stand aside, or learn the true meaning of fear. Choose your next move wisely, for it may be your last.

Akainu's expression hardened, his gaze narrowing further as he regarded Yhwach with contempt.

Akainu: You dare to speak of fear to me, Dragon Slayer? You will learn soon enough that the Marines do not yield to threats, especially from criminals like you.

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With a swift motion, Akainu clenched his fist, magma surging around it as he prepared to engage Yhwach in battle.

Akainu: You may have slipped through the cracks before, but now you face the full might of the Marines! Justice will be served, and you'll feel its burning embrace!

As Akainu's magma surged around his clenched fist, he unleashed his devastating technique, "Inugami Guren," a wave of molten magma shaped like a fanged dog's head, hurtling towards Yhwach with incredible force.

However, just as the molten doghead was about to strike, Yhwach countered Akainu's attack with his own technique, Burner Finger 2. Concentrating the power of his flames into two fingers, Yhwach left a trail of fire behind in the air before swinging them at the incoming magma wave.

The collision between the two forces resulted in a massive explosion, engulfing the immediate area in a blaze of intense heat and light.

As the dust settled and the smoke cleared, the battlefield was left in shock. The newspapers had reported that Yhwach had consumed the Goro Goro no Mi, the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, leading many to believe that he possessed the powers of electricity. But now, they witnessed firsthand the true extent of Yhwach's abilities.

The onlookers, both Marines and pirates alike, stared in disbelief at the scene unfolding before them. It was clear that Yhwach was not to be underestimated, and the tide of battle had just taken a dramatic turn.

With a sudden burst of speed, Yhwach lunged forward, his hand reaching out to grasp Akainu's throat with supernatural swiftness. Akainu's eyes widened in shock as he found himself ensnared by Yhwach's grasp.

Yhwach's grip tightened around Akainu's throat, his Reiatsu pulsating with power as he activated Blut Vene, his voice cut through the air like a blade, dripping with contempt for the concept of justice as defined by the World Government.

Yhwach: "Justice," you call it? A mere facade, a feeble attempt to maintain control over the masses. Your so-called justice is nothing more than a tool wielded by those in power to suppress those who dare to defy them.

Akainu's eyes burned with fury at Yhwach's words, his defiance fueling the flames of his resolve.

Akainu: You speak of justice as if it were something to be scorned, Dragon Slayer. But absolute justice is not defined by the whims of tyrants like you. It is the duty of the Marines to uphold order and protect the innocent from the likes of criminals such as yourself.

Yhwach's grip tightened around Akainu's throat, his eyes flashing with disdain.

Yhwach: Order? Protection? Do not fool yourself, Admiral. Your precious Marines are nothing more than pawns of the world government, serving the corrupt desires of those who pull their strings.

As Yhwach's words echoed through the battlefield, Akainu's eyes blazed with fury as he retorted, his voice echoing with the conviction of absolute justice.

Akainu: You dare to lecture me on justice, criminal? You, who have left a trail of destruction and chaos in your wake? You are a menace upon this world, a stain that must be eradicated in the name of justice!

With a swift motion, Akainu transformed his hand into a searing mass of magma, his intent clear as he prepared to strike Yhwach down with the full force of his power.

Akainu: Meigo!

As Akainu's magma hand surged forward, Yhwach's grip tightened around his throat, but instead of crushing him further, Yhwach released his hold, allowing Akainu to stumble back. With a swift movement, Yhwach shifted his stance, raising his hand as he activated his Burner Finger 4 technique.

In an instant, a massive blade of fire erupted from Yhwach's hand, taking the form of a flaming sword with an elongated crossguard. The intense heat radiated from the blade as Yhwach swung it forward with incredible force, aiming directly at Akainu.

The blade of fire tore through the air with incredible speed, leaving a trail of scorching heat in its wake. As it connected with Akainu's magma-coated form, a deafening explosion engulfed the immediate area, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield.

As the flames and smoke cleared, Akainu emerged from the explosion, his magma-coated form reforming with a steely resolve. Despite the ferocity of Yhwach's attack, the Admiral's eyes burned with an intense determination to bring the Dragon Slayer to justice.

Akainu: Pathetic. Your flames flicker and fade before the might of my magma. Your power is nothing compared to mine. my power completely outclasses yours!!!

Yhwach's expression remained stoic as he observed Akainu's regeneration, his eyes narrowing slightly with renewed focus.

Meanwhile, within the depths of Yhwach's consciousness, Ginjo observed the unfolding battle with a sense of anticipation, his own powers ready to aid his Quincy king should the need arise.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Looks like things are heating up, huh? Time to show them what you're made of, Yhwach.

Yhwach's lips curved into a confident smile as he retrieved a blade from the folds of his cloak, the fiery sword gleaming in the light of the battlefield. With a swift motion, he deactivated Blut Vene, allowing his Reiatsu to surge freely throughout his body.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Indeed, Ginjo. Let's make this interesting.

With a focused intensity, Yhwach activated Blut Arterie, channeling the full extent of his Quincy powers into his attack. The offensive form of Blut granted him inhuman attack power.

But just as Yhwach prepared to use Blut Arterie against Admiral Akainu, a sudden disruption shattered the tension. Just as Ace was about to die, Luffy released a burst of Conquerer's Haki powerful enough to knock out all of the marines near him, and the executioners on stage.

Yhwach could feel that burst of energy. He could tell it was similar to Reiatsu judging by Mihawk's explanation of haki, but he could also tell that it was strong. A lot stronger than he had expected it to be.

He could see all of the Admirals being shocked by it. Even Akainu turned his head around slightly, which made him receive a punch that sent him flying into the distance.

Kizaru was quick to try and shoot a laser towards Luffy, which Ivankov blocked, as he positioned himself in front of it and released a Hell Wink.

As the chaos unfolded around him, Yhwach remained focused on his objective, ignoring the events surrounding Luffy's burst of Conqueror's Haki. he continued to stride forward, his gaze fixed on Zaegar, who seemed to be in a state of deep slumber, oblivious to the mayhem around him.

Zaegar's loud snores echoed across the battlefield, drawing puzzled looks from both Marines and pirates alike. But Yhwach paid them no mind, his attention solely on the peculiar red button that Zaegar clutched in his hand.

Within Yhwach's consciousness, Ginjo's voice rang out with urgency, breaking through his focused state.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Yhwach, stop! That button... Zaegar's planning to use a nuke!

Yhwach's eyes widened in realization as Ginjo's words reverberated in his mind. A flashback flooded his thoughts, taking him back to a moment when he and Zaegar were walking towards a location that Gojo Satoru had told them about. At that moment, Zaegar had explained the purpose of the strange red button he now held.

In the flashback, Zaegar had gleefully described the button as a nuke, but with a twist. Instead of causing explosions, it held a surprise. When Yhwach had pressed him for details, Zaegar had simply responded with a mischievous grin, saying it was a surprise.

The memory snapped Yhwach back to the present, his mind racing with the implications of Zaegar's plan. If that button was indeed what Ginjo suggested, then the consequences could be catastrophic.

As Yhwach's gaze suddenly shifted toward the execution platform, he observed the unfolding chaos with a sense of apprehension. The sudden transformation of Sengoku into a giant golden human sent shockwaves through the battlefield, further escalating the already volatile situation.

Sengoku: Do you really think I'd just let you do that?!

Sengoku said to the side as he completely turned into a giant golden human.

Sengoku's palm released a shockwave, one that Luffy was miraculously able to block with a balloon. Well, he didn't really block it, he just resisted it for long enough for their footing to collapse completely.

Meanwhile, Whitebeard rallied his forces with a commanding order.


The old pirate hadn't received anywhere near as many injuries as he had in the original.

Akainu hadn't been able to take him by surprise much, without the Squard's betrayal which would've severely injured Whitebeard, the situation was really stacked against the magma-spitting admiral...

Though Kizaru attempted to assist Akainu, Marco effectively countered his efforts. While Whitebeard endured several injuries, he managed to deliver a devastating blow to Akainu, pinning the magma-spitting admiral to the ground.

Aokiji was also assisting, but he wasn't a great team fighter for Akainu, as the other Admiral's magma was constantly getting in the way of his ice. And his ice was also being crushed by Whitebeard's tremors.

Aokiji was quick to try and stop Ace and Luffy, but Ace's fire seemed to overwhelm his ice, which meant he was unable to do much to stop their retreat...

So, he quickly switched roles with Akainu, Aokiji quickly taking to fighting Whitebeard, as Akainu chased after the last remaining blood relative of Gol D. Roger...

The two of them clashed, which led to Ace being quickly overwhelmed. 

Akainu: My magma can easily burn your fire!

Yhwach could hear Akainu gloat a bit as he managed to slightly injure and push back the fire-creating pirate.

Yhwach could hear all of the captains in Whitebeard's crew shouting in desperation for Ace to run. Marco had been trapped with seastone cuffs, so he was unable to rush there and stop Akainu.

And, unfortunately, the young and courageous Ace was being riled on by Akainu's insults. It wouldn't have mattered much if Akainu had just insulted Ace, but he had also insulted Whitebeard...

Ace ignored his crewmates, he also ignored his father's words to retreat. He respected him far too much to allow him to be insulted by anyone.

But the question still remains how exactly was Ace supposed to be able to win against Akainu? Spoiler alert: he can't

He was once again pushed back, this time Luffy also got involved, trying to punch the Admiral and make him back off a bit.

 At that point, Luffy also got slightly burnt, which sent him tumbling towards the ground in pain, as he clutched his burnt arm.

Akainu then towered over him, his fist cocked backward, trying to kill the young fledgling pirate.

That was when Ace got in front of him, Yhwach could basically hear the scared shouts of Ace's crewmates.

Ace was determined, he wasn't about to let his young brother die right in front of him, not while he could still do something to stop it... Even if that something meant giving his life away.

Time seemed to slow as Akainu's fist collided with Ace's body, the force behind the blow tearing through his flesh with devastating precision. A deafening silence fell over the battlefield as Ace's body was pierced by Akainu's magma-coated fist, the intense heat searing through his flesh and soul.

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Luffy's eyes widened in horror as he watched his brother's sacrifice unfold before him, his heart pounding with a mixture of grief and rage. Tears welled up in his eyes as he reached out, desperately trying to reach Ace, but it was too late. as Ace looked at Luffy, a faint smile gracing his lips as he whispered his final words.

Ace: Thank you... for loving me...

With those words, Ace's body went limp, his life slipping away as he collapsed to the ground.

Yhwach watched in silence, his expression unreadable as he observed the tragic scene unfolding before him. The loss of Ace sent shockwaves through the battlefield, the cries of grief and anguish echoing in the air.

But amidst the chaos and sorrow, Yhwach's attention was drawn to Zaegar, who stood on the sidelines, laughing maniacally as he clutched the red button in his hand.

Zaegar: (Laughing) Did you see that, Yhwach? Ace just got donuted! 

Yhwach's attention shifted from Zaegar to the unfolding events on the battlefield. As Whitebeard appeared behind Akainu, slamming him to the ground just as he had in the original timeline, Yhwach felt a surge of power emanating from the old pirate. The intensity of the clash between Whitebeard and Akainu sent shockwaves through the air, causing the ground to tremble beneath Yhwach's feet.

Despite the chaos surrounding him, Yhwach's gaze remained fixed on Zaegar, who continued to laugh maniacally as he held the red button in his hand. The Quincy king's mind raced with possibilities, his keen intellect analyzing the situation with calculated precision. He needed answers, and he needed them now.

Yhwach: Zaegar, what are you planning? What is the purpose of that button you hold in your hand?

Zaegar's laughter echoed across the battlefield, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he regarded Yhwach with a playful grin.

Zaegar: (Laughing) Oh, Yhwach, big man, where's the fun in spoiling the surprise? You'll just have to wait and see. Besides, it's not every day you get to witness a nuke go off, am I right?

Yhwach's eyes narrowed as he assessed Zaegar's response, his mind racing with the implications of the situation. He knew that he couldn't allow Zaegar to proceed with his reckless plan, but he also knew that he couldn't afford to let his guard down, not with the chaos of battle raging around them.

Yhwach's expression remained impassive as he extended his hand towards Zaegar.

Yhwach: This is not a game, Zaegar. Lives are at stake. Hand over the button, or face the consequences.

Zaegar's grin widened at Yhwach's response, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Zaegar: You just don't get it, do you, Yhwach? Chaos is what makes life interesting! It's what separates the weak from the strong, the heroes from the villains. Embrace the chaos, Yhwach. Embrace the madness!

Yhwach's gaze narrowed at Zaegar's words, his resolve strengthening with each passing moment. He knew that he couldn't allow Zaegar to carry out his reckless plan, no matter the cost.

Yhwach: You leave me no choice, Zaegar. If you don't hand over the button willingly, then I'll have to take it by force.

Just as Yhwach said that Doflamingo slowly approached Yhwach, his gaze fixated on the Quincy king with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. With a flick of his wrist, strings began to dance around Yhwach, weaving a web of intricate patterns designed to ensnare him.

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Doflamingo: My, my, what do we have here? It seems we have a little game of cat and mouse on our hands. How delightful! I must say, I'm rather curious to see what you plan to do, Dragon Slayer.

With a swift motion, Yhwach activated Burner Finger 3, channeling the power of the schrift H - The Heat into three fingers pointed directly at the ground beneath him. As he unleashed the full force of his technique, the solid surface began to melt and liquefy, transforming into a searing pool of molten lava that surged toward Doflamingo.

The sudden eruption of lava caught Doflamingo off guard, his eyes widening in surprise as he found himself faced with Yhwach's devastating attack. With quick reflexes, he leaped back, narrowly avoiding being engulfed by the molten tide.

Doflamingo: (Chuckling) Well, well, it seems you're not one to be trifled with. How intriguing.

Before Yhwach or anyone else could react, a boisterous voice echoed from behind the ruined Marine Headquarters building.

???: It seems we are a bit late to the party!

The voice belonged to none other than Marshall D. Teach, also known as Blackbeard. His presence sent a chill down the spines of both Marines and pirates alike.

As Teach stepped forward, his gaze locked onto Whitebeard with an arrogant grin plastered on his face.

Blackbeard: Old man!

The Marines were all shocked when they saw so many criminals gathered around Blackbeard. He had truly gathered an all-star crew of criminals so feared that their names had been erased from history.

Sengoku: Shiryu!?! What is the meaning of this? What happened to Magellan? Why are all of you here?!

Sengoku slowly got up in the distance, the anger in his voice was rather obvious.

Shiryu: ...You'll find out what happened to him soon. Anyway... I've decided to team up with these guys.

Shiryu said as he smoked his cigar and looked around the battlefield, his hand was already on his blade as he prepared for the worst.

Sengoku kept questioning them about how they had passed through the gates of justice and whatnot, but Yhwach was no longer paying attention to that. He didn't care all that much for Blackbeard's crew currently.

But that wasn't the case for Whitebeard. As he was the first one to walk up towards his former son.

Whitebeard: Teach...

The older man said as he looked down at his disowned son.

Blackbeard was speaking haughtily about the way he had overcome the Gates of Justice, about how magnificent his plan was. At least until he ate a shockwave from Whitebeard's naginata.

All of his crewmembers who were nearby were sent flying into rubble, but all of them got up rather quickly.

Marco was quick to turn into a blue phoenix and was about to rush and assist his father. 

Whitebeard: MARCO! Stand back!

Whitebeard stopped him instantly though.

Whitebeard then continued to make his way toward the newcomers. 

Whitebeard: You broke the one iron rule on my ship... Let's settle this, Teach!

Just as Whitebeard said this Doflamingo was slammed toward the ground by Yhwach's sudden attack, he struggled to regain his composure, his strings flailing wildly in an attempt to counter the Quincy king's assault. However, before he could mount a defense, Yhwach seized the opportunity to grab him and send him hurtling through the air with a powerful strike.

The unexpected turn of events left Doflamingo reeling, his mind racing as he struggled to make sense of the situation. Meanwhile, Yhwach's attention shifted toward Zaegar, who stood on the sidelines with a mischievous grin, clutching the red button in his hand.

However, before Yhwach could make a move toward Zaegar, Crocodile suddenly emerged from the ground, unleashing his Desert Grande Espada technique with lethal precision. The towering sand blade erupted from the ground with incredible speed, aiming directly at Yhwach.

However, Yhwach was not caught off guard. With a swift activation of Blut Vene, he reinforced his skin with Quincy spiritual particles, forming a protective barrier that allowed him to withstand Crocodile's attack without sustaining any serious injuries.

Within Yhwach's consciousness, Ginjo couldn't help but comment on the situation unfolding before them.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Looks like everyone's itching for a fight today. Can't say I blame them. This is shaping up to be quite the showdown.

Yhwach's expression remained focused as he deftly evaded Crocodile's follow-up attacks, his mind calculating his next move.

As Yhwach unleashed his Burner Finger 1 technique, a narrow beam of intense fire shot forth from his fingertip with incredible speed and precision. The scorching blaze tore through the air, aiming directly at Crocodile with deadly accuracy.

The searing heat of Yhwach's attack engulfed Crocodile's arm and much of his upper torso, causing severe damage to his sandy form. The force of the impact sent Crocodile reeling backward, his body dissipating into grains of sand as he struggled to reform himself.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed slightly as he observed Crocodile's regeneration, his mind racing with possibilities. Although his Burner Finger 1 had inflicted significant damage, it was clear that Crocodile's logia body posed a formidable challenge.

As the gunfire from the Blackbeard Pirates echoed across the battlefield, Yhwach and Crocodile paused, their attention drawn to the chaotic scene unfolding before them. The relentless onslaught of bullets slicing through the air seemed to freeze time momentarily, as both combatants assessed the situation.

Whitebeard stood stoically amidst the barrage of bullets, his towering figure a testament to his indomitable spirit. The memories of his past conversations with Gol D. Roger resurfaced in his mind, reminding him of the true meaning of the "D." that both he and Ace carried.

Whitebeard's voice rang out with conviction, cutting through the chaos of battle as he addressed Blackbeard with unwavering resolve.

Whitebeard: It's not you, Teach... The man that Gol D. Roger was waiting for... It's not you. Not a damn chance.

In that moment of reflection, Whitebeard felt a surge of determination coursing through his veins, his resolve strengthened as he looked at Yhwach remembering Roger's words.

Whitebeard: (In thought) Roger... Your words have never rung truer than they do now. The will of "D." lives on, and I will carry it with me until my dying breath.

Whitebeard: Just as there are people out there who inherited Roger's will, soon enough, someone will carry on in Ace's name as well. You may try to destroy their spirit, but you will never extinguish their flame. So it has been and so it shall continue to be from now till the very end of time.

The profound truth in Whitebeard's words resonated with those who bore witness to his declaration. The inevitability of a new era, one shaped by the legacies of those who came before, hung heavy in the air.

Whitebeard: And one day in the future, when we're all dead and gone... Someone will arise carrying generations upon generations of our history on his shoulders, and he'll throw down the gauntlet in front of the entire world.

As Whitebeard spoke, his voice carried the weight of prophecy, a harbinger of the tumultuous times yet to come. His words echoed across the battlefield, stirring the hearts of both allies and enemies alike.

Whitebeard: Sengoku!! You and the government know what's coming. A war that will embroil the seas far and wide. That's why you're so afraid.

The mention of Sengoku and the government sent a shiver down the spine of many, their fears and uncertainties laid bare by Whitebeard's proclamation. Whitebeard turned his attention back to Blackbeard.

Whitebeard: Though nothing you do will stop it. I've no interest in it myself, but someday that treasure will turn this world upside down. You know what I'm talking about… And I'm sure someone will find it. Whether you like it or not that day will come soon… THE ONE PIECE!!! THE ONE PIECE IS REAL!!!!

The sheer force of Whitebeard's proclamation sent shockwaves through the battlefield, his voice ringing with the certainty of a man who had seen the world's deepest secrets.

Whitebeard's mind briefly wandered back to his younger days, to the time when one of his crewmates had asked him what it was that he truly desired if not treasure. His answer had been simple yet profound: "family." In that moment, Whitebeard realized that his true treasure lay not in riches or power, but in the bonds forged with those he held dear.

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As Yhwach gazed upon the fallen Whitebeard, his mind swirled with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Despite the chaos of battle and the clash of powers around him, there was a moment of profound stillness as he regarded the legendary pirate.

Yhwach: In the short time of our meeting, or during all my travels through different worlds...

His voice, though calm, carried the weight of countless experiences, each shaping his perception of strength and resilience.

Yhwach: Know this, Whitebeard... Your legacy will endure long after your physical form has faded into memory. Your impact on the world, on those who follow in your wake, is immeasurable. Your spirit will live on in the hearts of those who dare to dream, who dare to defy the limits imposed upon them by society. You have earned my respect, and for that, I am grateful.

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As Yhwach surveyed the chaos unfolding on the battlefield, his eyes fell upon Blackbeard, who continued to laugh with an air of arrogance and malice. 

Yhwach's gaze shifted to Buggy, who soared through the air in a panic, narrowly avoiding Kizaru's laser beams. With a flicker of concern, he watched as Buggy hurled Jinbe and Luffy towards Law's submarine, a desperate attempt to save them from the escalating violence.

However, just as Kizaru prepared to unleash another volley of laser beams, a scream rang out, causing everyone to pause.

???: That's enough!

The voice belonged to none other than Koby, whose impassioned plea for peace echoed across the battlefield.

Kizaru, hearing the command, stops charging up his light beam and turns around, his expression curious as he gazes upon the source of the interruption. Marco, still hovering nearby, looks at Kizaru with a perplexed expression, uttering a single word: "Marine?"

Law, who was observing the scene with shock and disbelief, couldn't comprehend what was happening. The sudden appearance of a Marine amidst the chaos of battle was unexpected, to say the least.

Akainu's eyes, filled with a mixture of surprise and disdain, look down to see Koby, tears streaming down his face, his voice trembling with emotion as he pleads for an end to the fighting.

Koby: Stop, already! All this fighting, just end it!

His words echoed across the battlefield, cutting through the noise and chaos like a knife. The sincerity in his voice struck a chord with many, including some of the Marines who paused to listen.

Koby: We're throwing people's lives away! Even though every single soldier has a family waiting for them to return! Even though we've already accomplished our goal! We keep chasing pirates who don't want to fight, drawing out a battle that should already be over... And abandoning soldiers who could be saved if we treat their wounds now!

Sengoku, his expression grave, listens to Koby's impassioned plea, his eyes reflecting the weight of his words. Garp, standing nearby, looks at Koby in shock, disbelief evident in his features.

Koby's voice rises, filled with righteous indignation, as he continues to speak out against the senseless violence unfolding before him.

Koby: And still, we're sacrificing even more people! What about the soldiers who will fall after this?! We're making them look like idiots!

Akainu, his brows furrowing in anger, demands to know Koby's identity, his voice laced with irritation and impatience.

Akainu: What..? who the hell are you...?!!

Koby, his breath quickening and heart pounding, trembles with emotion as he stands before Akainu.

As Akainu's hand swirled with magma, he strode menacingly towards Koby, his expression filled with anger. Koby, trembling with fear, braced himself for the impending attack, his heart pounding in his chest.

Akainu: You've cost me precious seconds... A soldier who doesn't serve justice has no place in the Marines...!!!

Koby's mind raced with panic as he heard Akainu's words, the threat of imminent death looming over him. Just as Akainu raised his magma-swirling hand against Koby, the young Marine couldn't help but blurt out in a mixture of shock and fear.

Koby: Huh?!

In that split second of confusion, Koby's thoughts raced with dread, fearing the worst as Akainu prepared to strike. But before the blow could land, a sudden disruption shattered the tension. With a thunderous impact, Akainu's head was slammed into the ground, his Marine hat tumbling off his head in the process.

The shocked onlookers watched in disbelief as Koby was sent flying through the air, while Akainu lay dazed and bleeding on the ground. Amidst the chaos, a familiar laughter rang out, sending a chill down the spines of both Marines and pirates alike.


The unmistakable laugh of Kaido reverberated across the battlefield, his imposing figure towering over the stunned combatants. Doflamingo's voice was filled with disbelief as he uttered a single word.

Doflamingo: You're kidding me...

Moria's expression mirrored his confusion as he muttered a bewildered "Huh?!"

Sengoku, his features grave, watched the scene unfold with a mixture of surprise and anticipation.

Sengoku: I never anticipated this...

The soldiers stood frozen in fear, their eyes wide with shock as they witnessed the unexpected turn of events. Kaido's voice boomed across the battlefield, his words dripping with disdain for the chaos that had unfolded.

???: What the hell are you talking about? This is a battlefield!!

With those words, Koby was knocked unconscious, and Akainu lay battered and defeated, his head throbbing with pain. The sudden appearance of the large imposing figure had turned the tide of battle once again, sending shockwaves through the ranks of both Marines and pirates.

The sight of Kaido's intervention sent shockwaves through the battlefield, leaving both Marines and pirates alike stunned and speechless. The sudden appearance of one of the most powerful figures in the world was enough to bring even the fiercest combatants to a standstill.

???: This is no playground... for brats like you!!

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As Kizaru charged up his light beam, preparing to unleash his devastating attack, a sudden interruption came from above. A massive, bird-like figure descended from the sky, hurtling towards Kizaru with alarming speed.

Marine Soldier #14: What's that?! It's colossal!

The silhouette of the colossal bird figure, identified as King, clashed with Kizaru's head, causing a powerful explosion that rocked the battlefield. Marine soldiers scrambled in panic, shouting to abandon ship as chaos ensued.

As the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, Kizaru's form was engulfed in a blinding explosion, scattering debris in all directions. The marine soldiers, recognizing the danger, began shouting orders to abandon ship, their voices filled with urgency and panic.

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Kizaru, momentarily stunned by the impact, quickly regained his composure and reformed himself. Meanwhile, King's commanding presence loomed over the battlefield, his words cutting through the chaos like a blade.

King: Don't get in Kaido-san's way, Kizaru.

Kizaru's gaze met King's as he responded with a nonchalant tone.

Kizaru: Hooo... King.

His calm demeanor contrasted sharply with the tension and chaos surrounding them. Meanwhile, the pirates on the battlefield expressed surprise and disbelief at the sudden appearance of another one of the Emperors of the Sea.

Pirate #1: What's another one of the Emperors of the Sea doing here?!

The Marine soldiers, their voices tinged with fear and awe, shouted out in realization as they identified the colossal figure that had emerged on the battlefield.

Marine Soldier #15: It's Kaido of the Beasts!!!

The revelation sent shockwaves through the ranks of both Marines and pirates alike, as the presence of one of the most formidable figures in the world tipped the scales of the battle in a direction no one could have predicted.

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