
Nefarious (EVIL) Affairs (On Hold)

He broke free from the shackles that bound him for all these years, let go of all the relations he had, and ran away from the responsibility that had become a burden to him. Boian did not have many expectations other than to live peacefully. What a pleasant dream? It's funny how a monster who should be crushing others dreams started to dream about peaceful life. He knew he couldn't live like normal humans. Living to old age with a loving wife and giving birth to a bunch of children was not possible for him anymore. He couldn't live in isolation either due to the food needed to maintain his Heart. The deeply rooted ideology and training he received in food consumption prevented him from doing so. He knew his very own existence did not allow him to live peacefully, yet he tried. But, everything changed when he met a strange girl in his peaceful way of living. A meeting that changed his expectations and pulled him back to the shackles, relations, and responsibility he tried to escape from but this time with no chance of escape. It was because, she gave him the fiercest stimulant that makes or breaks a man, 'Ambition.' He wanted to go back to where he was kicked out with his head high and beat the people who dared to look down on him. Even if it was the DEVIL himself. ***************************** Author half asleep: Simply put. A poor fellow gets messed up real hard by a chick and gets thrown back into the good vs evil cliche war he tried to escape from. Whether the chick be a blessing to him or a burden to him forms the story. Tags: Adventure, Heavy romance [No cliche harem but there are affairs(pun intended)]. Also a lot of action later on. I am a newbie...So be gentle with me plz.. (@Webnovel.com How do I put a cute pic under this?) (Currently under lot of irl work: On pause)

KingBiBiK · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Rebirth of a Man's Ambition

In Viette's case, calling her an impossible existence would be an understatement. As Boian started thinking about the wide possibilities and effect Viette could have on the three world's, he couldn't stay calm. If known, Viette's existence would stir the world and a war would break out in order to possess her.

She was a ticking bomb.

For the first time, Boian felt respect towards the Aunt of Viette. At the same time, he cursed at her carelessness.

She managed to take care of Viette all these years without greed. If she wanted, she could have consumed Viette to gain a tremendous increase in strength and ability. She didn't do that and protected Viette for all these years. But leaving her alone carelessly today, she opened a chance for Viette to be harmed and exposed. Luckily it was him who met her rather than someone else. More he thought about it, more he felt there was a conspiracy behind all these events. The way he was sent here by Frank, how unsecured the house was, and bringing him at the correct time when Lisa was away from here all showed signs of manipulation.

Boian smiled with killing intent in his eyes. 'To dare manipulate him to test the waters. They don't know what they are playing with.'

But suddenly he genuinely felt thankful towards these people. Because they made it possible for him to meet Viette.

Even though he could not understand the reason for Viette's naivety in trusting him, he felt happy thinking about the time they spent together.

"Viette. Why do you trust me?"

"It's because you are nice and my mind told me so." Viette who was staring at Boian replied with a blush. She moved her head getting Boian's fingers away from her lips.

"Don't be naive. Don't trust strangers at all. Not even me. Do you understand." Boian scolded even though he felt extremely pleased with her reply.

Viette nodded with some displeasure. "Mhmm. Even Aunt Lisa says the same thing. I will do so. I will not trust anyone...except you who could help me with my dream."


"You will know later."

Boian heard Viette talk about her secret dream and how her mind told her that he will help her achieve it before. But his attention was not on it. He was surprised by the amazing recovery ability Viette processed. His prior attack that left her soul in turmoil was not a weak one. He left 20% of his soul in high destructive form inside her. Even if the Thorny Rose world took most of it, some of it should be left behind wrecking havoc in her body. But now she seemed completely fine. If not for the blood stain on her lips and himself being the attacker, he wouldn't believe any such attack or injury happened to her.

A wild thought emerged in Boian. What if he used her?

He soon suppressed his greedy thoughts as Viette's innocent look made him feel guilty. He couldn't help contempt himself for thinking like that. It was his own fault for getting involved in this mess. He could have escaped when he felt the chance of manipulation and keep himself further away from trouble. He felt it could be the play of destiny that made him choose against his normal choices.

Looking at his own weakened condition, Boian felt insecure. His soul was injured, both his physical and soul Energy was nearly depleted, and his heart urgently needs blood to maintain. All these factors made him steel his heart to use Viette to his advantage.

Viette's body could be considered a tonic for all beings. There are multiple ways to use her. Succubus' first target was always unfortunate because all their power will be sucked out. If the target was extremely powerful and had a huge reservoir of power that could not be possibly assimilated by a succubus, there was a rare chance she would conceive a child bearing the rest of the power.

But the succubus' nature would act against the offspring as engaging in sexual activity will reverse the effect making the partner gain all the powers and cause the offspring's death.

Another way the power could be transferred was by simply consuming the child's body. This method was riskier since not consuming the entire body at once will make most of the power go to waste. Killing the child before transferring the power also have the same result. The method of consuming was heavily dependent on the being who did it, because if the being did not live by consuming flesh then the power could not be transferred properly but will cause the death of the consumer.

But he, who was adept at blood-feeding, could try to extract some of these powers through her blood. Even though it sounded cruel, this will not kill her and he could somewhat use her for a long time without bringing harm to her.



"I want to drink your blood."


"I am sorry. But I am also going to imprint my mark on you."

Before waiting for her reply, Boian's fangs sank into her neck. Even though he did it gently, Viette twitched when the fang pierced her skin.

Unlike before, Boian did not face any unexpected obstacle and was able to smoothly invade her bloodstream. He started sucking in the blood and the result was exactly as he expected.

He began to burn up. From his mouth onwards, his body started to get burn up as the hidden Holy Energy in her body reacted against his Evil Energy. It was similar to his previous experiences. It was only due to his accumulated resistance to Holy Power that made him withstand it and most others would end up weakened or dead if they tried to gain this power.

His breathing quickened and he felt his head spinning. Smoke started to rise from his body. His mouth got defigured that it looked grotesque. Fortunately, Viette had her eyes closed thus she did not notice this occurrence or she would get scared.

His weakened healing ability slowly made the burned area regenerate.

'I got to do this. I had done this many times. I will persevere through.' Boian whispered to himself encouraging him to endure through the pain.

"Sss..aaah," Viette moaned in pain.

Boian realized Viette had a low tolerance for physical pain. Since he could not talk to her at this stage, he started the process to put his imprint on her.

He injected a small portion of his blood essence from his heart and attempted to put an imprint on her body using his Energy. But the conflicting force of Holy Power drove the imprint away making his first attempt a failure. He tried again multiple times only to end in failures. Boian got a headache thinking a way to succeed.


His main strength was not his physical body but rather his complex and well-developed soul. Viette's soul was recently turbulent and could be considered in a weak stage. But this kind of soul imprint was usually an enslaving imprint and he did not want to use it on Viette.

'Sorry, Viette. I will release it when the conflict with your Aunt is over.'

A portion of his powerful soul signed with his soul Energy tore through the resistances of her soul and made an imprint on the heart portion of her soul. Her soul which tried to attack the imprint was forced to submit by Boian's strong soul strength. After the imprint was complete, he could command her to do his bidding.

He felt like he became extremely cruel today because he enslaved a little girl and even thought of raising her to farm her blood. He was definitely EVIL. This was indeed a Nefarious Affair.

[Viette.] He spoke to her through their connection.

[Hey, are you talking in my mind? How can you talk to my mind? This is awesome.] Viette was excited.

[Is it painful?]


[Don't worry, let me do a trick. It always works.] Boian said as he moved his hands towards her side and underbelly. Then he started tickling.

"Ahhhh...STOOPPP...Hahaha...NOOO." Viette cried it out loud with tears coming out of her eyes and a cute laugh in her lips.

[Stop shaking or it will hurt you.] He scolded but did not stop his tickling.

Within a minute of intaking the blood, he felt a difference. The pain that should be increasing due to its cumulative effect was actually decreasing slowly. He was able to recognize the minute changes in pain due to his long years of experience.

He realized it was not the pain that was decreasing but he was gaining immunity to Holy Power.

His resistance to Holy Power was increasing at a slow but steady rate.

This was it. This was what he wanted all these years. The years of torture and pain he had to endure to develop resistance to Holy Power was outachieved in efficiency by drinking some blood of Viette.

His weakened heart was refreshed to the max. His current heart was made in a way that only a mixed blood would completely enable its functionality. A girl's blood made it work, but it was specifically made by the cruel maker to work the best under a mix of Holy and Evil blood. Since the other impossible existence cannot be used for this purpose, Viette was perfect in aiding him to sustain this heart. A lucky coincidence the maker of the heart never thought of.

Not only that, he felt his injured soul was healing up. His physical strength which rarely increased also showed signs of improvement. He felt his soul was in joy ready to awaken and gain new power.

'Is this the Viette's transferable power?' He did not know for sure what exact ability it will give him, but he could feel his constitution was improving.


'Was that a sound of a beast?' Boian felt like he heard a beast roar from his soul.

He laughed it off soon as he too felt like roaring like a beast in joy. So how can he blame his body which is brimming with new Power for doing so?

He stopped tickling Viette, who now was crying due to excessive laughter than pain. Her breathing was ragged and her cheeks were blushed.

[Viette, Will you let me drink your blood occasionally?]


[I will help you accomplish your dream in exchange.] He wanted to say 'I will protect you.' but he doubted his ability to do so. His bluffing skills and power gained from self-destruction were not ideal in protecting anyone.

[Yes. sob. sob...] Viette nodded with tears rushing out. She had a beautiful smile full of happiness as she wrapped her hands around Boian's neck and nodded again.

When he got kicked out to Earth, Boian decided to live silently. He hid his dreams and ambitions for the future and tried to live without having anyone notice him. But today, in this weak world, he found a way to have a Rebirth.

His lost ambition once again started to unearth.

He wanted to gain strength unlike before and become a strong person like others.

He wanted to gain respect for his OWN strength rather than his surroundings.

He wanted to claim his right on what he loved without feeling inferior and unworthy.

He wanted to go back to Nefarion with his head high full of dignity.

He wanted to kick that old bastard for what he did to him and take revenge on all who mocked him.

After all these years, he finally had a way to enjoy spending time with who he loves rather than suffering in pain.

The moment his long stretched ambition was reawakened, Viette's longtime dream became intertwined with him.

It was that night a man's near impossible ambition had a rebirth through the help of an 'impossible existence.' A night in which an adventure that would change the three worlds began.

A Rebirth of a Man's Ambition and a Girl's Dream.

{END of Intro Arc}

(Last of the repetitions. No more such sentences for a long long time. Comment if you like/dislike it)

*A lot of allusion and foreshadowing everywhere. Try to guess them.*

Power and Energy are different. Power is a generalized form while Energy is a specific type of Power.

The first intro arc ends with this chapter. From next one onwards things will be less complicated. Hopefully.

Hiatus for a couple of months. Sorry.

KingBiBiKcreators' thoughts