
Necromancer June *REWRITING*

Notice: This is a Girl's Love book though as much as I'd like it to be GL focused, the fantasy aspect overshadows it. When Earth suddenly turns into one like those seen in Mangas with gates and mana, June seeks to navigate this new world with her knowledge gained from reading said Manga. With June gaining the powers of a necromancer, trials and tribulations comes her way and she quickly realizes that maybe life won't be as easy to live like the OP Mc she reads about. Follow June as she hones her powers and faces all challenges coming her way. Oh yeah they all die in the end. . . . . . Just kidding.

Satchet · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 7

Sneaking into the room successfully- or at least they thought so, June and Tanya stared at each other in silence with both having the same thoughts running through their heads. 'WTF WAS THAT!?!'

June was the first to break the silence. "Well, I think we both know that the thing out there is very dangerous. I really don't want to face it but I have to." Tanya looked at her with a blank face. "Dangerous would be an understatement. And I don't want you fighting that thing, that's just suicidal!" she whisper-shouted the last part. 

June then sighed knowing in her mind that all said was true and that they still had to pass it to reach their destination. Looking away from Tanya, June observed the room they were in. it looked like a storage room of some sort. Getting up and snooping around I found some items that would be of use later. There was some rope, 2 lighters, a box cutter and a folding shovel. I'm glad we have enough space in the bags to hold these.

"So what are we gonna do?" I asked Tanya. "We can't just sit here and wish that it'll magically disappear. Somewhere, somehow, we'll end up meeting it again." 

"Ok let's think about it right. Your class has something to do with the dead, that nec word right?" Tanya said. "Well, we killed a lot of goblins on the way so why don't we try to sneak back and you do your little magic thing and get them like Dave?" 

June gave a little nod then pulled up her status.

Name: June Herah   Level 4   100/400

Health: 25/25  Mana: 35/35

Class: Necromancer

Strength: 4(+5)      Agility: 5

Mana: 4           Dexterity: 6

Skills: Call of the dead- 1 (active)

It takes 10 mana to summon one skeleton and my mana regenerates at 1 mana per minute. So if I called three skeletons then I'd have to wait another thirty minutes till I'm able to call three more. I also have unused stat points from levelling up. I'll get 40 total mana if a stat point goes into it...the maths is killing me. I'll just leave it to the system since I have the most important parts down.

As the weight of the impending danger pressed upon them, June couldn't help but feel a surge of uncertainty. The air in the storage room seemed to thicken with the reality of the situation. Tanya's eyes held a mix of concern and determination, and June could sense the unspoken bond forming between them as they faced this unknown threat together. The flickering light from the lone bulb overhead cast shadows on the makeshift strategy session, accentuating the gravity of their circumstances.

Tanya leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "We need a plan, June. Sneaking past it might buy us some time, but sooner or later, we'll have to confront whatever's out there. And I don't want to lose you to this... this thing." Her words lingered in the dimly lit room, echoing the fear and resolve that gripped them both. June, appreciating Tanya's honesty, nodded in agreement. They couldn't afford to underestimate the danger, and a well-thought-out plan seemed like their best chance at survival.

With a shared understanding, June and Tanya began to sift through the items they had discovered in the storage room. The rope, lighters, box cutter, and folding shovel became potential tools for their escape or defence. Meanwhile, Dave, the trusty skeleton companion, stood silently in the corner, a reminder of the supernatural aspects of their new reality. The trio huddled, discussing the intricacies of their impending strategy, the air thick with anticipation and the unknown awaiting them beyond the confines of the storage room.

you didn't wait so long for a little 600 words so i'm writing the next chapter right now. Did I lose electricity and motivation while writing chapter 8….yes

Is my english not englishing and making it even harder for me to write…..yes

Satchetcreators' thoughts