
Chapter 25: Back to Hogwarts, and something that is not cannon

(Sorry my uploads haven't been as much, it's just I have been addicted to this show, but I am almost done, so i will continue uploading regularly)

( I also know this is a short chapter, but the day before yesterday I had spammed all of my stock, so today, I will restock and in another 12 hours 1 long chapter will be out, thanks love you guys)

Right now I am going back to Hogwarts on December 26. A few days earlier, but I don't exactly now why.

Fawkes came in and said that he will bring me there, so I have to get my stuff ready.

"What, why? Your leaving already?" My sister started to tear up again, but was trying to keep it in.

"It's fine son, if the headmaster is calling you in early, prior to the start of Hogwarts, it must be something important." My mother said, even though I could tell from her aura she is sad.

My dad wasn't there, he went out to try the new Quidditch set I had given him.

After talking to my parents for a while, I went back to my room to leave, when I saw Fawkes, staring at Helia.

'No,' I thought in my mind instantly. I don't know why, the word no just appeared.

Helia however wasn't even looking at Fawkes. She was just sleeping peacefully.

"Fawkes, I am ready to leave," I said to the Phoenix as it looked towards me.

"Okay, let's leave right now," Fawkes chirped.

I went and took the sleeping Helia into my arms, and Fawkes flames us into the headmasters office.

What shocked me was Harry, and Hermoine were there waiting for me.

"Ah, Shawn you have finally arrived." Dumbledore said.

"Yes headmaster, now may I know why you have called us back to Hogwarts early?" I asked.

Dumbledore then took out a letter, and passed it to me. Harry and Hermoine were looking to it curiously, while I read the contents of the letter.

'Duelling completions for wizards who are first years.

This is to the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus, for the past few centuries Hogwarts has not participated in the regular tournament which most top Wizarding schools participate in, and now I am happy to know that you have finally decided to send students to participate. It is a shame that you are only sending them for the first years, but it is a start none the less, we look forward to seeing Hogwarts wonderful wizards in action

-Duelling comity'

Wow, a competition, this was 100% not in cannon, seems like the old man is doing this for me.

"Now as mentioned in my letter, Shawn I am planning to send you three for the competition." He said to us as I passed the letter to the pair.

What the, why not send someone better then Harry. Oh right I forgot you would award Harry for wearing the right underwear, so of course you will give him the opportunity he definitely doesn't deserve.

"But headmaster, won't we be missing classes," asked Hermoine shocked at the prospect to miss classes.

"Miss Granger, you know must of your years topics already, and do not worry about classes, you Teachers will catch you up once you return"

Dumbledore said.

"But, Headmaster, I don't know anything about duelling," Harry voiced his concerns out.

"Not to worry we will have an ex duelling champition teach you the ropes," Dumbledore said.

"And also I will be sending you three into categories. Shawn you will be participating in the single, and group competition, while Miss Granger and Harry will only participate in the group completions," said Dumbledore.

Wow, I really don't think there is anyone in my year that can take me though.

(Lol, Mc I am sorry but as the author I will have to disagree)

"Now all of you go off, and come back tomorrow."


(This part is short)

Right now, I am standing in front of the Mirror of Erised, 'I show not your face, but your hearts desire.'

As I am looking in front of the mirror I am REALLY curious. Like I don't know what I want.

The mirror then showed me what I wanted and I was shocked.

It showed me, sitting on a throne, with 11 thrones beside me. It showed 11 other figures with godly auras, and whenever I have to fight an enemy, I send my army of vampires, and skeletons to do it for me.

And the scene changed to what I assumed was my home, and I saw a few beauties lying near my bed.

And the scene repeats.

Wow, my dealers darkest desire wants me to sit on the throne of Olympus, command the gods, and have an army of the undead do my battles for me while I chill with a few of my girls.

That's sweet, if I am not a bit against having a harem.

Sigh, ,my minds telling me no, but my body, my body is telling me yes,' and while humming this, I walked back to my common room to prepare for tomorrow."