

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
32 Chs


"Let's first pray before anything else." Said the mother of nine kids who were all present at the big table with two more in-laws and one more sweet five year old boy.

They all held hands and Prayed a thanksgiving prayer to God of heaven together.

They opened their eyes after the prayer and started enjoying the night in the company of everyone while catching up with one another for the mean time they spend without seeing each other.

"Xavier you are now a twenty seven years old man, you need to stop eating before the end of the prayer." The big man with brown eyes and short brunette hair nodded his head respectful to his mother, but the problem was that he always did like that and fooled his mother like he understood but he never intended on stopping his behavior.

"But the problem is that you guys take long and I can't stand the smell of what is being served for me to be patient enough to wait for the prayer to end." Her mother narrowed her eyes while the others just laughed.

But to make things worse, Natara interjected. "Aunty stop harassing the poor thing because he must still be single because of it." That comment caused every one to laugh out at it, including Xavier himself.

"You figured that one right sweetheart." Answered back Xavier to Natara with a grin on his face.

Everyone laughed and after sometime they cooled back down and the dining room was filled with silence as everyone was enjoying the taste of what was served, but Xavier took it up to himself to mess up with his sister who started the verbal war with him first. "Keitha, how is Gabriel doing at school?" He asked his other young sister sounding so nonchalantly but he knew what he was doing and Keitha knew, so did Natara and many other who understood where his intention laid by him asking her that.

"Dad I heard you are now in partnership with the Sanchez in your upcoming project?" The old man nodded his head not knowing where this came from or where it was heading. But Keitha being her wiser self caught up on what was happening not like his father.

"Gabriel is fine Xav, except for the fact that someone still freezes in his presence like they always did."

"Oh yeah?" Asked back Xavier with a tone of disbelief in his question.

"Yup, someone still does." Keitha said to her big brother, who were taking so much pleasure in witnessing her sister's white skin turn a shade of deep red.

"Maybe dad should consider talking with Gabriel's father about Natara, he could tell him to tell his son to make things easier for our girl here before someone gets suffocated because of crushing on an innocent boy."

"Stop there Xav, I think you've payed her back enough." Chanel the elder sister of Natara, the twin of Chantal and also the younger sister to Xavier and Xander, joined the conversation saving Natara out of the mess she were put into by her big brother and the younger sister to her, that was still pissed at Natara because she stood her up with keilla when it was time to head home from school.

"Yeah maybe next time she will know not to mess with the bad man again."

"Oh my God Xavier Queens please I've had enough of this already stop it." The mother of the big family whined bringing a stop to the teasing between Natara and Xavier but just like every family dinner, everyone started engaging with each other again in small talks because it was not everyday that a family of nine children, two in laws, and a one grandchild with both grandparents came together everyday.

Everyone was busy, asking or answering questions being asked about their daily lives but also like every family dinner, their can't miss one person who was out of the box of any conversations being carried out across the table

"Mommy, who are those people?" With keilla's big hazel eyes, she witnessed it with her eyes; like a speed of lightning so were the speed of one man and three women dressed in dark blue to almost black robe dresses standing right there in their living room out of nowhere.

The family table being located in the area at the end of living room, almost attached to the kitchen, keilla was able to catch what was happening at the moment than the rest of the family.

Keilla's question caught her mother's and her sister Chantal's attention and when they turned back, the group of strangers were making their way to the dinning room.

"Who the fuck are you? And how did you get in this house?" Everyone stood up out of instincts and Xander, the elder child of the family, walked in front of the strangers and shielded everyone behind him. His actions were also copied by his father as he walked and stood beside his son.

"We are here in a peaceful commotion Mr. Queens, we just require for Ms. Darker and we will leave as peaceful as we came." Xander snorted angrily at the strangers thinking they were tricksters and it angered him so much to think that people out there were sharp enough to have guts to consider deceiving his family like this. "Wrong place body, we don't have no Darker here." After answering his father stepped forward and slowly raised his arm to Xander's chest pulling him slowly backwards.

"Let me handle this son." The man shared a worried look with his wife before walking to the strangers.

"Can we talk about this somewhere else?" The man who stood in front of the other three women, averted his eyes through the family members who all looked scared before being stuck on one person.

He looked into the girl's blue eyes and the girl looked into the man's bluish-to-grayish eyes with fear peeking in her eyes that run deep to her heart too. She was screaming and begging for God's mercy.

Suddenly the man turned his gaze away nodding his head, he turned to one girl in the middle and he whispered something in her ear before gesturing for the old man to follow him.

The woman they just whispered too, closed her eyes and raised her hands in the air in a slow motion and made a cross sign with her arms at the top of her head before pulling them down on her side and kept them fisted.

Everyone in the room shared a worried and panicked look, not knowing how to act in the current situation they were in. Ludar, the twin of Lucas and the youngest to Chanel and Chantal, a boy who is a sophomore in a college tried to act wisely by calling the police in a so highly secrecy only that when he reached for his phone he found it switched off, he inwardly groaned at his clumsiness of going around with a turned off phone. Little did he know that it was not his fault.

He was sitting beside Keitha, trying to be quiet and to look steady like he was not making any move to alert the women that he was up to something as possible as he can, he pretended to be standing up and through the process of standing up he whispered in her little sister, Keitha's ear to pass him, her phone.

"Can I use the restroom?" The rest of the family sitting on the dinning table stared at the boy warily before they glanced back to the women.

On the side of Keitha, she frowned not getting why Ludar would ask for her phone while wanting to go to the restroom and not use his, but she still did as she was told. She sneaked her hand on the chair where Ludar was sitting and put it down there and Ludar as he was still standing, he stared through the woman'eyes who shook her head to him as she still had her hands fisted on both of her side.

But still doing things quietly, Ludar took Keitha's phone that she put on his chair and brought it in front of him under the table, he again tried to call for help but he also found it switched off. He found it too weird for it to be a coincidence but he just sat there hopelessly like anyone else.

However, he was not the only one that thought of calling the police, because Chanel also tried to sneak a call to the police, only to find her phone shut down.

On the side of those who stepped aside to converse, they walked in the living room and walked at the edge to stand near the floor to the ceiling window, starring through it at the road and the other houses in front of that of the Queens'.

The man turned to the stranger. "Who are you?" The stranger didn't change his position, he just answered smoothly. "The servant of the lighter." The man frowned.

"What do you want here in my house so I can give it to you for you to leave without hurting any of my family members? Money?" The stranger didn't again change his composure as he answered. "We are here for Natara Darker, the alpha of the lightness." He said to Mr. Queens and this time he turned to say the next words looking back in his eyes. "It's time for her to come back home to where she belongs."

Mr. Queens was slowly and surely starting to lose it. "I'm not giving you my daughter, young man and please get those women and yourself out of my fucking house and stop this bullshit before I call the police?" The stranger man did nothing, except to turn his attention back to the streets.

He was so composed and his gaze held strangeness in them but as the man of the house, Mr. Queens knew that if he got scared to back down, a thought of who was going to look over his family if he was afraid held him back to stand on his ground for his wife, for Natara and in general for his whole family.

"I'm sorry Timothy, but this won't be requiring your intervention, but a word of wisdom if you do love your family like you are telling yourself in your heart then hand over Natara to us before the Darkers gets involved in this." Mr. Queens furrowed his forehead in confusion as to how the stranger man knew of his name but he realized he could have done some research so he let that pass but he still stood strong on his ground.

"I'm calling the police." He said threateningly to the man, who just turned to look at him and gave him a go ahead and call the police.

Timothy Queens, Is an American businessman who deals a million dollar deals through his company of Heit Tech inc in China where he lives with his family. His wife Clara Queens is a lawyer, who owns her own law firm in Beijing.

During a one cold night in November 2006, Timothy and his wife Clara, were heading home from a business awarding ceremony where at that night Timothy was awarded an award of the most successful and influential businessman in the business world across the world and while they were heading home, that night they found a baby girl whose left cheek were bleeding, crying there beside their car tire in only a baby's night clothes with no stockings or a blanket covering it and without hesitation they took it to the hospital and had the baby run some test by the doctor before they cleared it fine and healthy.

They took it home and the next morning they announced it missing and when no one came for it for almost a week, they decided to take her in and raised it like their own.

A written fate of someone never changes no matter how many roads that one can go through because with a little research, they decided to name the baby girl NATARA Linda Queens.

Now that a group of strangers are here requesting for Natara, Timothy only knew that no one was taking his brave girl just like that, if no one did in the one week she was announced missing then no one was taking her after all those years she had been living with them and he surely knew that if she was going to be taken by someone if it came to that, it was not going to be the bunch of tricksters who were standing in his house.

Realizing his cellphone was off, he turned around and went to the Telephone of the house and clicked the emergency number before raising the phone to his ear only to find it not working either.

He glared at the man standing beside the window staring outside as if everything was normal for him as he was enjoying another normal night in his house.

"Why the fuck are the phones not working." He yelled throwing the telephone on the floor.

"Every phone in here is not operating dad." Yelled Ludar back, who was still in the kitchen and the women let him yell.

"Neither is mine working Ludar, I was about to call the police but it's switched off." Everyone got alerted by it and when they did pull their phone out to call for help, everyone gasped finding it not switching on.

The stranger man standing on the window turned around and walked back to the dinning table followed by Timothy.

"You can not call anyone because the forces upgraded in this house can not allow it but anyway this is taking so long for no reason," he turned his head to look at Natara. "You are coming with us Alpha of the lightness." Natara blinked away out of scary and confusion to what they just called her as. "What? Me?" She asked looking at the man confusedly not understanding a word he just said.

The man looked at her and said nothing and neither did anyone as they all processed that.

But suddenly Natara being her usual fearless self, she stood up freeing herself away from the hold Lucas had on her in his arms. "What do you want from me? I'm just an ordinary girl please stop that bullshit of calling me the whatever alpha shit you are making up to yourself, I am a nobody and also I'm a human being, I am not a freaking alpha of any kind." She spilled the word angrily out of her mouth with tears peeking in her blue wide eyes that if anyone was to take time to look at them carefully they would be drowned in them because as the tears start spilling out of them, they looked like an ocean spilling off water.

She turned to the man that raised her, who was standing behind the stranger man. "Please, I don't want to go anywhere with them. Please don't let them take me anywhere." Timothy stepped forward and walked to his daughter and took her in his arms. Hugging her tightly close to his chest. "Stop crying Naty, they are not taking you anywhere."

He turned his head to the stranger man. "This is going to have to stop, get the fuck out of my property because you are not taking anyone away from here, not now nor ever." The man said nothing else, he just closed his eyes and the house got filled with a total darkness that they have never experienced before that the only ones that were able to make out of anything was the man and his three women followers.

Everyone else' eyes got covered with a cloud of darkness over their eyes that they wouldn't see anything and the last thing they got to hear was the screaming of Natara as she was being carried away through the darkness.

"Noooooooo, I don't want to go. Please helpppppppppppp!" She yelled but it was for nothing because as the darkness disappeared and everyone got to see again.

They opened their eyes with a one realization that lead them confirming. "Natara was gone."
