

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


"Please stop, I really don't want to go anywhere with you, I am just an ordinary girl," she cried as she was being taken away but what was killing her the most was the fact that while, she was being kidnapped, she wasn't even carried by anyone.

Just a snap of the figure got her in the air and she was following the group of strangers to where they were going being above their heads in space of two feet length. "I'm not related to any of the Darker shit you mentioned, oh my God neither am I a freaking alpha. Please do let this stupid ordinary girl go her way, look I will do anything you want." They ignored her and they kept walking out of the city with their feet while Natara was still being carried in the space following them.


On the side of the family of the Queens, things were not calmed as they were a few a hours earlier because now the house was surrounded with policemen, taking reports on what just happened only the thing they didn't know at that moment was that. There was nothing to report about.

Mr&Mrs. Queens, were filling a report about their missing girl, whom they adopted in 2006 but now who was registered and known as their own called; Natara Linda Queens but when the police officer went down to search down information about the girl, they found her unregistered or anywhere in the records of the living nor worse in the family registration of the Queens.

When Timothy and Clara heard of what just happened, they were thrown in a state of confusion and they argued back a case that it was not understandable and they almost accused the present cops that they were working with the group of strangers that kidnapped their daughter.

The lady of the family; Clara Queens, put on a big fight for her missing girl and started threatening the police officers that she was going to open a case on the police officer and the office of where they came from if they kept on pretending like they do not know about her daughter's existence.

The officer around thought quickly and when he looked around to realize the house had cameras, he kindly requested to be shown the footages of when the girl was taken away that they were reporting about.

Mr. Queens was glad to fulfill the suggestions and asked himself, why he hadn't thought of that earlier. "With pleasure officer, follow me." The two officers and Mr&Mrs. Queens walked to the control room that was located in their house.

Timonthy was eager to reach the computers to rewind back the footages of the time they were having dinner, and it was in that moment that he was thankful of the camera that he decided to install in his house. He knew when he had them installed that they were going to come in hand but he never knew in what situations nor when?

He started at the moment they closed a family thanksgiving prayer before they started eating, to the camera that is located in the dining room, the other ones that are located outside and in other rooms were also playing what they caught in that moment.

They were all busy to catch the time that the strangers attacked them at, that they didn't even realize that Natara was not in that footage of them having dinner together in the first place.

They kept looking at the footage that showcased them talking and laughing with no problem till it was in the middle of the dinner when Xavier and Chanel had a hit on argument that lead to Timothy and Clara to stand up to call for the police to report for the kidnapped child that was not there in the first place.

"Impossible?" Timothy exclaimed once he realized what just happened, he played the other footage of the outside but none caught on the strangers coming in or when they took Natara.

Clara started crying and sneezing while the two officers just shared a worried look among themselves because to them everything that was happening seemed absurd and so ironically crazy.

"Timothy," called Clara while she was crying her eyes out. "Ouurr.. ba-aby, s-hhe was not there eating dinner with us." She finished saying the words out chocking at them repeatedly.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Asked Timothy, which Clara just raised her index finger at pointed to an empty chair between the one of Ludar and Chanel. "Natara's chair is empty like she was never there in the first place."

"Impossible." Timothy shook his head to his wife, not wanting to take what she was saying but it was what was there and when he rewinded back to past footages of the morning, Natara was not also there.

During the footage of the morning, while Keitha and keilla were heading to school; it shows one of the security bodyguard that was taking guard at the gate of the house leaving his post and walking to the parking spot of the house and getting in the car before driving it and stopping it at the porch of the house, just in the position of where Natara had parked right in, in the morning except it was not her in the footage.

The bodyguard is there till Clara walks out of the house to stand just at the edge of the porch to talk to the bodyguard, they converse a little before keilla and Keitha walks out of the house following one another as they did in the morning, going to sit in the back seats of the car like they exactly did in the morning except the driver in the footage is a bodyguard and not Natara.

Clara couldn't take it no more, she stormed out of there and went in her room and tugged herself to the side of her bed that stared at the curtains and cried herself out.

The officers just said nothing else they just said they would be in touch but they were just finding an excuse to excuse themselves politely before heading out.

In the living room the rest of the family gathered there watching as the policemen that were around drove away with a look of disappointment on their faces, their father didn't even walk them out. Timothy just stayed in the control room going through every footage that were taken in the past but none considered of a single evidence of Natara.

He sat there confusedly because never in his 52 years has he witnessed something like this or ever heard of something like that happening.

"Dad?" Xander and Xavier came to him in the control room just after the officers left and found their old man sitting their with tears peeking in his eyes.

He turned to look at them and the tears started flowing down on his cheeks even more to a point he started crying out like a baby.

The boys turned to share a worried look among themselves before moving to their father. "Dad are you alright?" The old man just moved his elbows and rested them on the table in front of him and held his face in his palms as he shaked not wanting to let tears out.

The boys were confused but they still surrounded him on each side and took the old man in their arms as he cried.

The time went by with just the sniffles of the old man but when he did compose himself, Xavier took out a handkerchief in his suite and handed it to his father who took it with a nod of appreciation and cleaned himself away of tears.

He finished and not being able to stand the footage he reached forward and switched the computer off, the others were left confused to what was going on. But just in the moment there came a knock on the door of the control room and Xander went to take it.

"Mom just passed out." The three men jumped in action as they walked to her room with hurried footsteps and true to keitha's words the woman was laying on her daughter's lap Chantal, while Chanel was doing a first aid job. Timothy raised her wife's head off of Chantal's lap and put it on his lap while looking up at his children.

"Did you call for the ambulance?" Ludar nodded. "They are getting here." As he said that the sirens of it started sounding across their house, Ludar and Lucas went to direct them there.

The doctors rushed in the room and laid Clara on a wheeled stretcher bed and took her in the ambulance which they only allowed her husband in.

The rest of family followed them in their own cars, leaving behind Octavio, Chantal's husband with their baby boy Matthew and the others to be left were Ariana, Xander's wife, keilla and keitha.

The rest rushed to the hospital and waited in the waiting area as the doctors rushed to run tests on Clara.

Timothy was running in circles in his head that he wanted to rip something apart more like someone.

Lucas joined his father and sat beside him and rested his elbow on his knees like his father had done. "Dad what happened with Natara? With Mom? With the officers that walked out of the house offering us pitied looks?"

He asked slowly and quietly as he can but what he didn't know was that mentioning just Natara's name at the moment to his father, was like telling him, he was a coward straightly to his face because he failed her and he knew he deserved every single pain that he was feeling in every inch of his body.

He wondered how he could let something like that happen to his family?

He suddenly raised his head and leaned behind on the wall, looking at his children that surrounded him for answers and he nodded his head defeatedly ready to give them what they wanted. "Your sister Natara has been erased from the faces of the earth by the freaking tricksters that won't be found anywhere in this world."

"What?" Asked Xavier not understanding a word that his father just said. "What does that mean?!" Followed by Lucas who had his face frowned at the information he just received.

"There is no evidence left of your sister's existence anywhere to be used in finding her or reporting her missing, it's as if she was never with us in the first place." As if the man was using his last breathe, he said each and every word weakly and each word he said to them was like a needle in his broken heart, but to his children it sounded like their father just went insane.

Xavier switched on his phone getting ready to go through his chats of him and his baby sister Natara and the memories they had together but he got surprised when he found no contact registered under the name of Natara Queens in his phone nor was there any picture of her and to each picture that he was sure as hell that they were together were replaced by him being with someone else. "No fucking way, this can not be happening." He exclaimed and the other got intrigued to what he found out except for his father who hardly guessed what his son figured out.

"I can't find anything in here that mentions Natara, it's insanely impossible." The others frowned and crunched their faces in confusion.

They reached for their phones and every one found no contact of Natara, not even her social media accounts she had that was followed with a lot of people were still there and they all knew they were supposed to be there, not even any one of them was left with a single picture of hers to tell a single thing about her anywhere.

And they suddenly got their father's words when he said; 'they erased Natara's existence from the faces of the earth.'

Everyone was still in shock of dealing and processing with what just happened, the same second that the doctor came to update them on their mother's condition.

"Mr. Queens?" Timothy stood up eagerly to talk to the doctor.

"Yes doctor, how is my wife?"

"I'm sorry to announce that your wife just underwent an emotional traumatic session and if you allow me, I would like for you to come with me in my office to discuss it more further."

"A what?" Everyone said together in a theme of chorus. "She is still under the influence of medication but she will wake up soon and after the nurses in there clears for you to visit her, keep waiting patiently here, Mr. Queens this way please,"

No one who was understanding what was going on in the moment, not even Timothy who was ushered to follow the doctor to his office because everything at the moment felt numb to him and to his children that he just left in the waiting area, everything was starting to be irrationally chaotic instead of being understandable.


Natara was being kidnapped without being touched by anyone because as the others were still walking on their feet she was still moving ahead of them in space. It was like she was tied and being pulled by the ropes but they weren't there also.

They walked the whole night till dawn started breaking on them still moving, they reached an isolated area and out of nowhere she started seeing an appearance of a plane ship form itself slowly by slowly till it was full standing there on the ground.

The strangers who kidnapped her, did something that she didn't see and she was dropped back down except she didn't fall on the ground because she landed in the arms of the stranger man, her arms fall on his shoulder bringing her face right down close to his.

She stared in his blue eyes that looked quite familiar but she just thought they was because they looked like those of hers, except the man's eyes were a little darker than hers and she found herself being a prisoner of them because the man was too beautiful for her to ignore the sight of him.

She looked at him and she started thinking on how the word handsome was a shame to him because it wouldn't fit his beautify and staring in his eyes felt like she was looking right in the mirror at the moment.

But when her senses kicked right back in her mind to realize this man just kidnapped her. She started yelling and kicking him with her legs, fist and anything she would think of.

She was about to bite him hard on his ear but the stranger man was quicker than she thought because he held her back as he touched his palm on her forehead and she passed out unconsciously.

He took her bridal style in his arms as they headed in the ship's direction that was waiting for them there. "Embrace the desire of redemption because the most lighter in the lighters and the most blessed Darker of all has arrived." He said that aloud while pushing Natara back in the air.

She flew once again in space this time unconsciously, head held low, arms falling downward with legs straightened.

She was upwards moving in slow motion.

The stranger man was replied by the women beside him, who closed in like soldiers receiving an order. "Greatness be shown to our kind."

The man pulled Natara back down in his arms still in bridal style from where he was holding her, he raised his hand from her leg and brought it to her face and pushed back the hairs that fell in her face away and looked down at her as the man pulled a silky knowing smile on his lips. "Welcome to where you belong, love of my life."
