
Naruto: Time control

Kakashi's older brother with the ability to control the flow of time. "Speed is power. " " Uchiha Madara, have you ever been hit at the speed of light?" Original author: https://my.qidian.com/author/8011607 I translator https://www.patreon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

Gunitlo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
474 Chs

Chapter 339

"Hey, are you sure you saw the Devil's Child?!»

"No, I'm not...not really, but it's really similar and the age is the same, even if it turns out that I was wrong, it's still worth it, because it's a chance to get 79 million belli!»

A few people were walking down a dark alley, heading in the direction of where Yeruashi lived.

One of them was very excited.

Another hesitated, " That's certainly good, but as they say, the Devil's Child alone sank six warships, we definitely can't handle it...»


The agitated man said contemptuously: "Do you really believe that an eight-year-old girl is capable of destroying six warships? I think this little girl may have some information that the World Government cares about...»

As he said that, he touched the gun on his belt and grinned: "This time, we'll hit the big jackpot if it really is the Devil's Child!»

79 million belli!

People who have such a high reward on the first half of the Grand Line are usually evil pirates or leaders of shadow forces.

Even well-known pirate hunters act with extreme caution against such individuals.

It's definitely not something that ordinary bandits like them can deal with.

But the Devil's Child is different!

Even if this eleven-year-old girl has some power, they have weapons!

"It makes sense, let's find her.»

A few people agreed with him and began to wander down the street, opening the doors of the houses one by one.

At this time, not far from them, on the wall, a human ear turned into petals, disappearing without a trace.

In the kitchen.

Robin, who was carefully chopping vegetables, stopped abruptly.

She turned her head, looking at Yeruashi in the living room with undisguised tension, and continued to prepare the food as if nothing had happened.

At that moment, many thoughts raced through Robin's mind.

She was already thinking about how best to escape if her identity was really revealed.

At the same time.

Yeruashi, who was sitting on the sofa, looked towards the kitchen and smiled slightly as he continued to calmly drink his tea.

In about half an hour.

Several bandits looking for Robin have reached the house where Yeruashi lives.

Piquet went to the door and knocked loudly.

Yeruashi continued to calmly read the book without even raising his head, but the door latch slid back soundlessly.


Pique knocked again, but this time, the door, previously closed from the inside, was suddenly pushed back by his fist.

There was no one in the hallway outside the door, only Yeruashi sitting on the couch in the spacious living room, calmly reading a book.

"I apologize for the trouble.»

Pique immediately noticed that the room was very clean and tidy, and the owner clearly seemed an unusual person, so he politely addressed Yeruashi, without showing the slightest arrogance and cruelty: "I want to ask you something, have you seen a girl of eleven years old? It looks something like this...»

He took out Robin's flyer.

At this moment.

Robin, who was preparing food in the kitchen, abruptly stopped moving and bit her lip.

This day has come again?!

Once her true identity is revealed, Yeruashi will most likely behave like the rest of the people before him, trying to get a bounty on her head, so she must be ready to run so as not to end up in a difficult situation.

She opened the window in the kitchen using the devil fruit's ability and jumped onto the kitchen table, intending to climb through the small window with her ability.

At the same time.

Yeruashi's calm voice rang out in the living room.

"Yes, I recently picked up this girl, did something happen?»

"Picked it up?!»

Pique and the others were very surprised to hear Yeruashi's words, and some of them couldn't help but exclaim excitedly: "Boss! This is indeed the Devil's Child! 79 million belli!!»

The similarity to the leaflet and the match in age, in addition, was matched. Now he's more than ninety percent sure it's Nico Robin, the Devil's Child!

"Shut up!»

Pique shouted at his subordinate, at the same time drawing his gun, and looked at Yeruashi, " Where is she? Speak!!!»

Robin bit her lip as she heard voices coming from the living room, and she was about to climb out the small window.


Just then, she heard Yeruashi's voice.

"Why should I tell you?»

Yeruashi put the book down on the table, picked up the cup and took a sip of tea, and then said calmly, as if he hadn't seen the gun in Pique's hands.

Piquet raised his gun and said: "The World Government is looking for her! Concealment is considered a crime! Her head is worth 79 million belli!!»

"Oh, really?»

Yeruashi took a sip of tea and said calmly: "The day I picked up this girl, she became my person, so...I must refuse you.»

Pique chuckled coldly, " Ha, it looks like you're going to get 79 million alone, but now it's impossible! Give it to us, quick!!»

After saying that, he pointed the gun at Yeruashi.

At the same time, Yeruashi raised his head.

It was the first time he had looked at them since Pique and his men had entered the house.

Just a glance from Yeruashi shocked Pique and the others greatly.

Looking at those blue pupils like beautiful stars, they felt as if they were looking at a raging and boundless ocean.


In a panic, Pique accidentally pulled the trigger with a trembling finger.

The bullet aimed at Yeruashi, but stopped in midair about half a meter away from him.

He looked at Pique and the others indifferently, and then waved his hand in their direction, as if clearing away some insignificant dust.

Poof! Poof! Poof!!!

The bandits were enveloped and lifted into the air by an invisible force, and then began to quickly compress their bodies at one point, with the sound of bursting tomatoes, until they were all squeezed into a small black ball, the diameter of a finger.


When Yeruashi lowered his hand, this ball fell down with a crash, shattering the floor.

In the kitchen.

Robin, who was half-leaning out of the window and observing the situation in the living room with the devil fruit's ability, froze in place, stunned.

"Ability...the devil's fruit...»

This picture clearly showed that Yeruashi definitely had the ability of the devil fruit, just like her!

Under Robin's shocked gaze, Yeruashi calmly placed the cup of tea on the table and picked up the book, then said without looking up, " It's not good to stop cooking halfway, Robin.»

"I'm still hungry.»