
Naruto: The Timeless Hokage

The last thing Hiroshi Takahashi remembered was the sudden, blinding glare of headlights and the screeching of tires. There was no time to react, no time to even comprehend what was happening before everything went black. When he next opened his eyes, he was met with the unfamiliar sight of a wooden ceiling and the sound of distant voices speaking in a language he barely recognized. Panic surged through him, but as he tried to sit up, he realized his body felt different—smaller, weaker. His hands, when he looked at them, were tiny and delicate. This wasn't his body. This wasn't his world.

godsfavperson · อื่นๆ
11 Chs

TanpChapter 3: Testing the Limit

Chapter 3: Testing the Limits

Kuroda Uchiha had been pondering the nature of his chakra affinities for a while. Remembering how shinobi in the stories tested their affinities using chakra paper, he decided it was time to try it himself. With a bit of saved-up ryo, he headed to the ninja supply store in Konoha.

The bell above the door chimed as Kuroda entered the store. Shelves were lined with various ninja tools and supplies, but he went straight to the counter where a middle-aged shinobi stood.

"I need some chakra paper," Kuroda said.

The shinobi behind the counter raised an eyebrow. "A young one like you testing for affinities already? Impressive. That'll be 5000 ryo for four sheets."

Kuroda handed over the money and received the precious paper in return. With the chakra paper safely in his pocket, he headed to the training ground, excitement bubbling within him.

Later that day, Kuroda gathered his friends: Shisui, Itachi, and Shinari.

"Let's test our chakra affinities," Kuroda announced, holding up the chakra paper.

Shisui and Itachi were first. They both received the same result: fire, the traditional Uchiha element. It was expected but still thrilling to witness.

Next was Shinari. She concentrated, and the paper split into two parts: one ignited in flames, the other crumpled, indicating fire and lightning. Kuroda nodded approvingly.

Finally, it was his turn. He held the paper, channeling his chakra into it. To his surprise and delight, the paper first ignited, then crumpled, and finally sliced cleanly in two. Fire, lightning, and wind.

"Looks like we have quite the mix," Shisui said with a grin.

Kuroda couldn't help but smile. This was just the confirmation he needed.

That night, Kuroda lay in bed, his mind racing with possibilities. If he could combine his affinities into a single jutsu, it would be incredibly powerful. He thought about the Rasengan, a jutsu he knew from his past life. If he could incorporate wind and fire within a sphere of lightning chakra, the result could be devastating.

"The wind will increase the area of effect, the fire will add a burning effect, and the lightning will enhance penetration," he muttered to himself. The concept was exciting but complex. Still, he resolved to try.

The next morning, Kuroda was back at the training ground. He started attempting to combine his chakras, but it proved difficult. His young body wasn't yet capable of holding enough chakra, and the process drained him rapidly. Each attempt left him exhausted, but he persisted.

"Losing chakra will eventually increase my chakra volume," Kuroda reminded himself, recalling Orochimaru's theories about chakra and cellular connection.

Every day, he pushed himself to the limit, depleting his chakra reserves. The process was painful, and he often found himself on the verge of collapse. Yet, he knew this was the path to becoming stronger.

Shinari often watched him with concern. "Kuroda, you need to be careful. Overworking yourself can be dangerous."

Kuroda smiled at her concern. "I know, Shinari. But I have to push myself if I want to achieve my goals. This is the only way."

Shinari sighed but didn't argue further. Instead, she joined him in his training, often helping him refine his techniques and offering support when he needed it. Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, and Kuroda found himself relying on her more than he expected.

Weeks turned into months, and Kuroda's chakra capacity steadily increased. He could feel the difference, his chakra reserves growing larger and his control improving. He also took the time to learn several new jutsu with his friends. They practiced the Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu, Shadow Clone Jutsu, Transformation Jutsu, and the Body Flicker Technique. Kuroda also delved into wind style jutsu, mastering techniques such as Gale Palm, Great Breakthrough, and Wind Clone.

One evening, after another grueling training session, Kuroda finally felt ready to attempt his new jutsu. He stood in the middle of the training ground, his friends watching with anticipation.

"Alright, everyone. I think I'm ready to show you something I've been working on," Kuroda said, taking a deep breath.

He concentrated, gathering his chakra and focusing on combining his three affinities. Lightning chakra formed the core of the sphere, swirling violently. He then added wind chakra, which expanded the sphere's reach, and finally, he infused it with fire chakra, giving it a dark, magenta hue.

The sphere crackled with energy, and Kuroda could feel the immense power contained within it. He aimed at a distant boulder and released the jutsu.

"Dark Sphere!" he shouted, launching the sphere forward.

The sphere flew through the air, leaving a trail of dark energy in its wake. It collided with the boulder, creating a massive explosion. The ground shook, and a wave of heat washed over them. When the dust settled, the boulder was gone, reduced to rubble and scorched earth.

Shisui, Itachi, and Shinari stared in awe at the destruction.

"That... was incredible," Shisui said, his voice filled with admiration.

Itachi nodded. "I've never seen anything like it. The combination of elements is truly unique."

Shinari smiled proudly. "You did it, Kuroda."

Kuroda grinned, but the effort had taken a toll on him. He could feel his chakra reserves nearly depleted, and his body trembled from the strain. Before he could say anything, his vision blurred, and he collapsed to the ground.

"Kuroda!" Shinari shouted, rushing to his side. She caught him just in time, supporting his weight.

Shisui and Itachi quickly joined her, their expressions filled with concern.

"He's exhausted," Shisui said, checking Kuroda's pulse. "We need to get him home."

With their help, Shinari managed to get Kuroda back on his feet. They supported him as they made their way back to the Uchiha compound. Kuroda's mind was foggy, and he drifted in and out of consciousness, but he could feel the warmth of his friends' support.

When they finally reached his home, Shinari helped him to his bed. She stayed by his side, watching over him as he slept. The strain of his training had pushed him to his limits, but it had also brought them closer together.

Kuroda's dreams were filled with images of the Dark Sphere, the power it held, and the potential it represented. He knew that mastering such a jutsu was only the beginning. There were still many challenges ahead, and he would need to be even stronger to face them.

As he lay there, recovering, Kuroda reflected on everything he had learned. The Dark Sphere was a powerful weapon, but it drained too much of his chakra. He would need to find a way to make it more efficient, to use it without exhausting himself completely.

He also thought about his friends. Shisui, Itachi, and Shinari were more than just training partners. They were his allies, his support system. Together, they could achieve great things, and he was determined to protect them, no matter what.

When Kuroda finally woke up, he felt a renewed sense of determination. Shinari was still there, sitting by his bed, her eyes filled with relief when she saw him awake.

"How are you feeling?" she asked softly.

"Tired, but better," Kuroda replied, sitting up slowly. "Thank you for staying with me."

Shinari smiled. "Of course. We're a team, remember? We look out for each other."

Kuroda nodded, feeling grateful for her friendship. "I couldn't have done this without you all. And I still have a lot to learn."

"We all do," Shinari said. "But we'll get there together."

With that, Kuroda felt a surge of hope. The road ahead was long and filled with obstacles, but he was ready to face them. He had his friends, his skills, and his determination. Together, they would overcome any challenge and achieve their dreams.

As Kuroda resumed his training, he focused on refining his Dark Sphere technique. He experimented with different ratios of chakra, trying to find a balance that would make the jutsu powerful but less draining. It was a slow process, but he made steady progress.

He also continued to train with Shisui, Itachi, and Shinari, learning from each other and growing stronger as a team. They shared their techniques, offered advice, and supported each other through every challenge.

In the midst of their training, Kuroda never forgot the underlying tensions within the village. He knew that the Uchiha clan's future was uncertain, and he was determined to do everything he could to protect his family and change their fate.

Kuroda also kept an eye on Itachi. He saw the conflict within his friend, the struggle to balance loyalty to the clan and the village. Kuroda tried to guide Itachi, to show him that it was possible to find a path that honored both.

One evening, after a particularly intense training session, Kuroda and Itachi sat together, watching the sunset.

"Itachi," Kuroda began, "I've been thinking a lot about what you asked me before, about choosing between the clan and the village."

Itachi turned to him, his expression serious. "And what have you concluded?"

Kuroda smiled faintly. "I still believe that we can honor both. The village was created

for a reason, to bring peace and protect our loved ones. But it has lost its way. We need to remind everyone of the true purpose of Konoha, to restore the vision of Madara and Hashirama."

Itachi nodded slowly. "It's a difficult path, but I see your point. We must find a way to bridge the gap, to bring the clan and the village together."

Kuroda placed a hand on Itachi's shoulder. "We will, Itachi. Together, we can make a difference. We have the power to change things."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the village in a warm, golden light, Kuroda felt a sense of hope and determination. The future was uncertain, but with his friends by his side, he knew they could overcome any challenge.

The days turned into weeks, and Kuroda continued to refine his Dark Sphere technique. He also worked on increasing his chakra reserves, pushing himself to the limit every day. The training was grueling, but it paid off. His control over his chakra improved, and he found ways to make his jutsu more efficient.

He also spent time with Shinari, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. They trained together, talked about their dreams and fears, and supported each other through every challenge. Kuroda found himself relying on her more than he ever thought possible, and he was grateful for her presence in his life.

One evening, as they sat by the river, watching the stars, Kuroda turned to Shinari.

"Thank you," he said softly.

Shinari looked at him, her eyes filled with warmth. "For what?"

"For everything," Kuroda replied. "For being here, for supporting me, for believing in me. I couldn't have come this far without you."

Shinari smiled, her hand finding his. "We're a team, Kuroda. We'll always be here for each other."

As Kuroda looked up at the stars, he felt a renewed sense of hope and determination. The future was uncertain, and the road ahead was filled with challenges, but he was ready to face them. With his friends by his side, he knew they could achieve anything.

Together, they would change the fate of the Uchiha clan and bring peace to the village. And Kuroda was ready to do whatever it took to make that dream a reality.