
Naruto: The Timeless Hokage

The last thing Hiroshi Takahashi remembered was the sudden, blinding glare of headlights and the screeching of tires. There was no time to react, no time to even comprehend what was happening before everything went black. When he next opened his eyes, he was met with the unfamiliar sight of a wooden ceiling and the sound of distant voices speaking in a language he barely recognized. Panic surged through him, but as he tried to sit up, he realized his body felt different—smaller, weaker. His hands, when he looked at them, were tiny and delicate. This wasn't his body. This wasn't his world.

godsfavperson · Others
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: The Calm Before the Storm

Its my first time writing seriously so please let me know if there war something i miss or you guys think it didn't make sense. Also sorry for my bad English.

Kuroda's recovery had been swift, thanks to his rigorous training and the unwavering support of his friends. Itachi, ever the observant one, had invited Kuroda to his home for an important family event. Mikoto, Itachi's mother, was due to give birth to her second child, Sasuke.

"Next month, my mother is expecting," Itachi had said with a rare smile. "You should come by. It will be a big day for our family."

Kuroda, knowing the timeline of events, realized that the birth of Sasuke signaled the impending attack on Konoha by Obito and the release of the Nine-Tails. He calculated that the Kyubi attack would happen roughly five months from now, and he needed to be prepared.

The days following were filled with intense training. Kuroda decided it was time to expand his skills beyond ninjutsu and genjutsu. He sought out his uncle, Uchiha Shira, who was an expert swordsman and the father of Shinari. Shira agreed to train Kuroda in the art of the sword.

Kuroda spent hours each day under Shira's tutelage, learning the intricacies of kenjutsu. He practiced tirelessly, his body moving with increasing fluidity and precision. Shira was a tough but patient teacher, and Kuroda absorbed every lesson, driven by the looming threat of the future.

A month passed quickly. Kuroda made his way to the Uchiha clan head's house, feeling a mix of anticipation and joy. Itachi greeted him at the door, holding a newborn Sasuke in his arms. Mikoto and Fugaku were there as well, their faces glowing with pride and happiness.

"Welcome, Kuroda," Fugaku said with a nod. "Meet Sasuke, our new addition."

Kuroda smiled and greeted them warmly, his mind momentarily free of the heavy thoughts of what was to come. The peace and joy of the Uchiha household were a stark contrast to the chaos he knew would soon descend upon Konoha.

Soon after, Kuroda, Shisui, Itachi, and Shinari registered at the ninja academy. Given their advanced skills, they easily passed the initial tests and were placed in the senior class, Class 11. The academy was a formality for them; their real training continued outside its walls.

Kuroda utilized his Shadow Clones to attend classes while he trained rigorously in the forest with Itachi, Shisui, and Shinari. Each day was a blend of physical conditioning, jutsu practice, and strategic discussions. The bond between them grew stronger as they pushed each other to new heights.

Four months flew by, and the dreaded date was upon them. It was October 9th, the eve of the Kyubi attack. Kuroda had been preparing meticulously, and the sense of urgency in his actions grew sharper with each passing day.

The evening before the attack, Kuroda decided to gather his friends under the guise of a casual outing. He visited Fugaku's house and asked Itachi to accompany him for a shopping trip. Shisui and Shinari were also invited to join them.

As they strolled through the village streets, there was an air of normalcy that felt almost surreal to Kuroda. He had awakened his Sharingan at the age of four when the memories of his past life surfaced, and since then, it had evolved to two tomoe after the grueling Darksphere training. He knew what was coming, and he needed his friends to be prepared, even if they didn't fully understand the gravity of the situation.

On the night of October 10th, Kuroda, Itachi, Shisui, and Shinari were at Ichiraku Ramen, chatting and enjoying their meal. The calm atmosphere was abruptly shattered by a massive explosion nearby. The ground trembled, and panic spread like wildfire through the village.