
Naruto the Saiyan

Transmigrate in the world of Naruto as Uzumaki Naruto and unlock the infinite system that gives you everything. . { Well this is translation of KONOHA SAIYAN which is still on Webnovel but this will be free from any chinsese thing (nationalism,chinesem..etc)and will be logical } . Real name - Strongest Saiyan of Konoha by - Rebirth the Infinite Dragon Chinese Title-木叶之超级赛亚人 short title - SSOK shitty translation link - https://www.wuxiabox.com/novel/strongest-saiyan-of-konoha.html Total chapter - 209

THE_GreatRed · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

New system features

"wait doesn't i have 5 drop blood meaning 5% of Goku base strength"thought Naruto 

[Yes, Host, you currently possess 5% of Goku's base power. However, unlike a certain slime, you have a heart, lungs, muscles, and other body parts that need time to adjust to the new power. Please be patient, as your body requires some time to adapt.] Explain Miss system

Back home, Naruto sat on a stool, sketching and preparing to trade for Saiyan blood at the store.

This time, he earned over two hundred experience points—enough to trade for more than 20 drops of Saiyan blood, which would greatly boost his power.

But as he was about to trade, something surprising happened. The store had changed, and new options appeared that he hadn't seen before. Two new features were now visible: the data panel and the lottery panel. Each one required 10 experience points to activate.

Ten experience points didn't seem like much, but since Naruto was still in the early stages and not very strong yet, he wanted to use every point wisely.

"Should I activate it?" Naruto muttered to himself, weighing the decision. After a brief thought, he decided to skip the data panel and activate the lottery panel instead. The lottery panel promised the chance to win abilities from all sorts of worlds. The possibilities were endless, and who knew? He might get something incredible.

So, Naruto used 10 experience points to activate the lottery panel.

Ding! The lottery panel is activated, consuming 10 experience points.

A glowing screen appeared in front of him, with a big red button in the center and countless balls surrounding it, hiding various prizes.

Naruto noticed that each draw only cost 10 experience points, which seemed pretty cheap. But that made him wonder if the chances of winning something good were low. Still, curiosity got the best of him.

"Let's try it once," Naruto thought, and with a mix of hope and caution, he clicked the draw button.

Ding! You've drawn two drops of Saiyan blood.

Naruto blinked in surprise and then broke into a grin. "Wow, I didn't expect that! I just got an extra drop for free!" He was thrilled.

But Naruto didn't let excitement cloud his judgment. He decided to draw again, reasoning that if he got something good again, he'd keep going. Otherwise, he'd stop and focus on trading for Saiyan blood.

He clicked the button again.

Ding! You've gained 1 enhanced clone skill point. Your clone technique has been upgraded to enhanced clone.

Naruto frowned slightly. Sure, the upgraded clone technique sounded useful, but he was more focused on learning the multi-shadow clone technique soon. Still, it was better than nothing.

"Okay, time to play it safe," Naruto decided. He used the rest of his experience points to trade for Saiyan blood.

Ding! You've gained 1 drop of Saiyan blood. Ding! You've gained 1 drop of Saiyan blood. ...

The notifications kept coming as Naruto felt the warm energy spread through his body. His strength increased, and his senses sharpened. A smile crept across his lips.

Now, with a total of 30 drops of Saiyan blood, Naruto felt the power coursing through him. The combination of his Uzumaki clan's strong physique and the Saiyan blood made him much stronger. But he knew he needed to test his new limits.

"Let's see how this enhanced clone technique works," Naruto thought, eager to try it out.

With a few quick hand signs, three clones appeared in a puff of smoke. Naruto's eyes widened in surprise. Unlike before, he could control these clones with just his thoughts, like they were remote-controlled robots. It was much better than the original shadow clone technique, where the clones often acted on their own.

Excited, Naruto thought about how useful this could be in battle. But his main focus remained on the Saiyan blood. Once he fully mastered it, he would have the power to achieve anything.

"Time to work on my energy," Naruto said, sitting cross-legged and beginning his meditation to draw out the hidden energy within him.

Just as he started to focus, he suddenly felt someone watching him. It wasn't the usual Anbu guards outside his home—it was coming from Hokage's office far away.

Naruto realized it was the Third Hokage using his telescope jutsu to spy on him again. This made Naruto feel irritated, like he was some kind of animal in a cage. But he didn't let it bother him too much and continued his training.

Soon, the feeling of being watched disappeared, and Naruto glanced in the direction of the Hokage's office, a sly grin on his face. "When I'm strong enough, I'll make sure to show them what I'm capable of. Maybe I'll even take down Danzo. As for the Third Hokage..."

Naruto's eyes gleamed with determination as he resumed his training.

The next day arrived with the morning sun shining brightly. Naruto left his house, ignoring the Anbu spies, and made his way to school, planning to earn more experience points and further increase his power.

However, after walking a few hundred meters, he saw a big dog running toward him, followed by three men. The man leading them, tall and thin, yelled, "Watch out! The dog's gone crazy! It'll bite anyone it sees!"

The dog charged straight at Naruto, leaping through the air. The tall man looked on in despair, knowing he'd be in big trouble if the dog attacked Naruto.

But just as the dog was about to reach him, it suddenly froze in mid-air, trembling in fear. It quickly changed direction and ran away from Naruto as fast as it could, its tail tucked between its legs. The dog even looked back at Naruto with terror in its eyes, as if he was some kind of monster.

The people chasing the dog were left speechless, their jaws dropping in shock. Even the tall man stood frozen, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

As Naruto walked by calmly, not even glancing at the dog, it shook even more in fear.

The Anbu watching from a distance frowned in confusion. "Is it because of the Nine-Tails? But that doesn't make sense. Dogs used to chase Naruto before, so why now?"

With everyone still stunned, Naruto continued on his way to school, already planning his next steps.

Question-What did dog saw?

