
Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me) Dying at age 16 is just bad just because I saved a girl, I kinda regret doing that but at the same time I managed to reincarnated to Naruto World just from saving a girl and got thrown off the reincarnation cycle pretty cliche huh? But, that doesn't matter I wanted to explore Naruto world and become stronger so no one will stand in my way.

Nechrom · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

The eye of an Uchiha

"Ughh this is so boring," I grumbled.

"Quit complaining the faster we do this the faster we complete this" Haruka exclaimed

Yosuke started to complain as well "this is just a chore how is this ninja related stuff"

"Shut up all of you just do your job and then we are done for the day," Yuto yelled at us.

Currently, our team is cutting some grass in someone's backyard.

"Are we done yet?" I said annoyed, "yes we're done here your payment also good job today team," said Yuto sensei. Ever since this morning, all we do is just doing someone chore and it's getting boring. Time passes and it's already afternoon I immediately said my goodbye and went back to my house.

-Hisato house-

Alright now I can start up my plan before evening, I wear my blank mask and start to infiltrate the Uchiha police force, I buy myself a new skill for this one

[Invisibility Lv.1]

Description: Allow yourself to be invisible for 30 minutes, the cooldown is 1 hour


I will save the free skill token to buy a better skill later. I use my [Invisibility] and I walk into the Uchiha Police force building 'there a lot of people here' I thought and slowly I navigate my way into the office and I take all of their member files and I quickly get out of here.

Back at my home, I started searching for all of the members who were shown to have a potential sharingan and not just someone who only has 1 tomoe or something, I found my two targets Ryuu Uchiha and Yakuni Uchiha they are brothers and they should be patrolling the outskirts of Konoha not too far from here so I quickly rushed there.

I arrived at the forest and saw two people I check the file to make sure it's them "yup that's them alright" I scouted the area and no one is around here I check their status.

Ryuu Uchiha




Yakuni Uchiha




"I gotta do this as quickly as I can" I create a clone to distract them. "Did you see that?" Ryuu asked Yakuni, "No, what did you see?" Yakuni said, they went to investigate t

As they got closer I recreate a small steel prison around them trapping them inside, "What the hell?" they can't get out of the prison"hey let us out" they started to yell.

I appeared in front of them and I recreate water to make the prison wet so I can electrocute them, "what the hell are you doing" Ryuu said, one of them uses genjutsu on me, my gamer mind is active so I'm immune to them. They can't break it easily unless they have Tsunade strength

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu," said Yakuni out of nowhere a powerful flame came out of his mouth and it starts melting the prison but because the prison is small it's starting to affect them too. "Oh no you don't," I said, and I use my Jutsu "Lightning Style: Calamity Discharge" purple lightning came out of my hand and it's spreading so fast they screamed but I ignored it and I keep using it until I hear a notification.

[You killed 2x enemy]

[Ding you gained 2290 XP]

[Lvl up]

Hayato Arashi

Title: Loner

Lv.[55]/ next level 12%



STR. : [160]

INT : [183]

DEX : [244]

DEF : [132]

WIS : [104]

CHA : [83]

Skill:[Gamer Mind On/Off Lv.Max] [Gamer Body Lv.Max] [Chakra Camoflauge Lv.Max] [Absolute Chakra Tenketsu Lv.Max] [Chakra reserve Increased Lv.Max] [Afterimage Lv.Max] [Observe Lv.10] [Killing Intent Lv.2]

[Lightning Body Lv.4] [Electrokenesis Lv.2] [Burst Lv.2] [Invisibility Lv.1]{New}

Jutsu: [Lightning Beast Tracking Fang Lv.4] [Lightning Oppression Horizontal Chop Lv.2]

[Bunshin no Jutsu Lv. Max] [Henge Lv. Max]

[Kawamiri Lv.Max] [Lightning Style: Calamity Discharge Lv.1]{New}


"Nice" time to take my loot I take their body from the half-melted prison, killing people now doesn't affect me much.

"Now here comes the hard part" I gouged their eyes quickly "this is so disgusting" I said disgustedly and I place them into my inventory

'now I just need to burn their body" I don't have fire style ninjutsu on me so I recreate some lava and dump it on the corpse and I buried them. I thought 'when I get home I can start the eye transplant'. I started to think about the massacre that's about to happen, I wonder how the Uchiha clan would have been if Itachi didn't slaughter them.

I heard a notification sound then checked my system.

[Quest cleared]

[The rewards will be sent to your inventory]

"Sweet" suddenly another quest appeared

[Quest Alert]

Prevent the Uchiha Massacre

Punishment: Dead

Reward: [2 S rank Jutsu], [Mangekyo Sharingan], [Free skills token], [DNA of-

"No," I said to the system before it even finished talking "There no way I'm fighting Itachi nor Obito this is a suicide mission so I decline"

[Quest Denied]

"I'm going home, tonight will be a bloodbath," said Hisato.