
Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

This is my first novel so don't expect too much and english is not my first language. (Also Book cover is not mine if you are the owner and want to take it down please tell me) Dying at age 16 is just bad just because I saved a girl, I kinda regret doing that but at the same time I managed to reincarnated to Naruto World just from saving a girl and got thrown off the reincarnation cycle pretty cliche huh? But, that doesn't matter I wanted to explore Naruto world and become stronger so no one will stand in my way.

Nechrom · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Teamwork And Sharingan

Hisato woke up in the morning taking a bath and get clothed, eating breakfast while watching the TV, and left the house after eating he walked until he reached training ground he saw his friend and talk to them

"Hey, guys what going on?" I said to them,

Yosuke said "hey, Hisato we're waiting for Yuto sensei to come".

Haruka said with a serious expression 'did you guys hear what happens to the Uchiha clan?". "No, what happen to them,?" I asked faking my confusion, "last night I heard a shinobi in front of my house and they talked to my parent to come to the Hokage tower with the other jounin, apparently Itachi Uchiha massacre the whole clan" she explained to us

"What? No way how can he do such a thing" said Yosuke with an angry expression.

After that Yuto sensei come and says "sorry I'm late the Hokage wants all of jounin to gather for a meeting anyway, we can start training today" he wanted us to spar against him to test our teamwork.

"What jutsu do you guys have? ," Haruka asked, "well I only have of lightning style jutsu," I said to her. Yosuke said "well my father recently taught me a water style jutsu"

We discussed our plan to defeat Yuto sensei

"you guys ready," I said, they nodded and we hide in the forest. Yuto sensei is there just standing I jumped from the tree and I throw a

paper bomb kunai at him the paper exploded but he used kawarimi no jutsu and replace himself with a log he appeared behind me attempted to knock me out. I dodge him midair and take a step back.

Haruka throw two kunai aimed for Yuto, he jumped high, and Yosuke use water style: raging wave a current of water come out of his mouth and hit Yuto. I follow up with Lightning style: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang. He got hit by it and escape by using shunshin.

"Good work all of you, not only you guys hit me twice but your teamwork is good I guess that's it for today, I need to go to Hokage office. he then left

We high five each other and hang out for a bit just talking and joking after we finished talking we went on our separate way. On my way home I noticed a lot of people talking about the Uchiha clan 'guess the news spread fast'.

-Hisato House-

"Alright, I never got the chance to test my rasengan out" I created my rasengan and I'm surprised my rasengan has a dark purple color and has a ring rotating around it

"Isn't this menma rasengan? I guess the dark chakra affecting it but who would have thought I got myself a Rasenringu". I smiled at that.

I wanted to transplant my eye now but I don't know how so I just asked the system "System can you transplant these eyes to me?"

[Yes host I can but your eye socket must be empty to transplant it]

I gulped at that "so you want me to take out my eyes? alright... I can do that" I said hesitantly "turn on the gamer mind". I put both of my hand on my eyes and take them out quickly " GAAHH SYSTEM DO IT NOW" I yell

System:[Transplanting eyes]

I hold out my pain and wait until my eye feels normal [Transplant was done please wait for an hour before opening your eyes]. "How the fuck Shisui take out his eye like a lightbulb"

I have to wait for an hour so I just slept.

I woke up and ask the system "how long was I asleep"

System[you have slept for one and a half hours]

I open my eyes and I went to check the mirror it's a normal eye 'so if I just put chakra on my eye the sharingan should be activated'

I channel chakra into my eye, my eyes started to change into a 3 tomoe sharingan "So this is the feeling of having a sharingan" I said amazed.

' I never checked my reward for saving Shisui'

I check my inventory for the rewards I use my 1 A rank jutsu and I picked

[Lightning Release: Shadow Clone Technique]

I will use the random Epic Weapon later when I got myself a teacher.

-Tomorrow-, -Training Ground 5-

"Hey, Yuto sensei do you know any kenjutsu?" I asked. "No, why are you asking this," he replied, my teammate got curious and listen to our conversation as well, "I wanted to learn how to use a sword," I said to him. Yuto says "Well I can recommend you to another guy he is a Tokubetsu jounin but he has a student so it's up to him to accept you or not".

" cool who is the jounin teacher?" I asked.

Yuto said "his name is Hayate Gekko"

[A/N: You guys are probably wondering why don't I just use the random epic weapon, well

I don't want him to use the random weapon and not use it. it's kinda hard because he already had the Shoosuva armor (i and he rarely uses it. I planned to use it more for the future,]

PS: Should I add Naruto so he can treat him like a brother or not?

also, is my chapter short?

Thank you to all of you who read this I appreciate it and sorry if some of my grammars are wrong, english is my second language.

Nechromcreators' thoughts