
Naruto: the gamer system

When Naruto became 6 years old a mysterious system called the gamer system integrated with his soul, now, Naruto has all the chances to become an OP ninja, let's see how this goes. *Warning* some things will be AU since this is a fanfic.

Washuru · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
100 Chs

Chapter 6: preparation (3)

Now that Naruto's main problems were resolved all that was left was training, a lot of training.

He had to first raise his physical stats, from the few genin he had seen and observed their stats ranged between 30 to 50 since most genin were at the most 1 or 2 years out the academy it would be safe to assume that most academy students stats ranged between 10 and 30, while Naruto did have the advantage in vitality his other stats, even compared to normal civilian children were kind of disappointing, his dexterity was very low, strength was average and intelligence and wisdom were average.

Now that was not to say that a normal civilian child was stronger than Naruto but stat-wise they were better, and clan children were most likely even better since they received training from their parents or other ninjas from their clan.

Basically, Naruto had a very hard 4 months ahead of him.

For now, Naruto headed home to make a training plan, he couldn't just do random training without a plan.

He raced back home again and his skills leveled up again, now sprint, observe, and parkour was level 3.

Each level up for sprint and parkour gave them +5% and Observe still had no changes.

Once he reached home he was actually surprised to see someone waiting for him in front of his door.

The Anbu, Dog, was waiting for him in front of his door with another scroll, this one a bit larger than last time.

"Hello Naruto-kun" Dog greeted Naruto casually with a wave.

"Hi! Dog!" Naruto greeted Dog back happily.

"I came to deliver the things that you asked the Hokage for, also the Hokage has instructed me to show you the basics of calligraphy so I will be staying with you for today."

Naruto was elated at the fact that one of the people he liked were going to be spending time with him, whether they were orders or not, so they quickly entered Naruto's apartment.

Dog once again unsealed a stack of books, a lot of groceries which consisted of vegetables, fruits, meats and bread, there were also two bags with clothing mostly identical in looks only differing in color most of which were a dark blue or black.

The last thing that Dog unsealed was a large amount of weights, and a bunch of equipment for training, while their world's technology was not yet advanced they had a large amount of training equipment available for their ninjas since it was important for them to always be in top shape.

Sadly that couldn't be said about Dog as after his sensei's death he had all but given up on training only preforming missions with his Anbu team.

Now though? with the change in Naruto Dog was once again inspired to start training and was quickly regaining the strength he had, even the Hokage was glad that Dog was motivated again and knew that it was because of Naruto which was why he decided that Dog was the best person to look after Naruto.

Naruto was also glad that Dog was looking after him since he knew that Dog had protected him in the past, although he had no idea who Dog was.

"Now lets go put these away and we'll get started with calligraphy." Dog said

Naruto nodded and set out to put away all the new clothes in his closet while he threw away his old ones.

While Naruto did that Dog put away all the food and took out a few scrolls worth of paper which he also stashed away in a closet, calligraphy training took up a lot of paper and ink so it was best to stack up on it.

After half an hour Naruto finished putting away the clothes and went to sit next to Dog who had sat down at the kitchen table.

Dog looked at Naruto, he wondered if this is how his sensei felt when he taught Dog calligraphy, Dog started speaking "First I will explain to you what calligraphy is and then we will read the books we have on it, and only then will we start to practice, after you master calligraphy to an acceptable level I will start teaching you basic seals."

Dog then started explaining things to Naruto who took in all the information like a sponge, even Dog was surprised at how good Naruto was at retaining information and after they spent half a day on reading through the books and explaining various things Dog decided that it was time to practice.

Naruto who still hadn't received the calligraphy skill could barely wait, while the books had given him the option to learn the skill he couldn't just blatantly make a book disappear into nothingness in front of Dog since it would raise a lot of suspicion so he decided that he would learn it the hard way instead.

Naruto attempted to write neatly but failed horribly, after some repeated tries the notification that he had been waiting for had finally appeared.

[The skill Calligraphy has been created.]

[Calligraphy: lvl 1

Description: Callighraphy is the basis of Fuinjutsu, the higher level of you calligraphy the higher the chance of successfully creating a seal, increases fluidity of movements and helps even in taijutsu.

Increases chance of successfully creating a seal by 1%.

Increases DEX by 10% when active.]

'Finnaly!' Naruto exclaimed in his mind, now he could advance even quicker.

While the skill at level one didn't do much there was definitely an increase in his skills, Dog just chalked it up to Naruto getting used to the position he had to hold his brush in.

Naruto had actually managed to write something readable which impressed Dog as many children had irreadable handwriting, especially if they were talking about calligraphy.

[Calligraphy skill has leveled up.]

'Huh?' Naruto was confused, why had it already leveled up? It had barely been 5 minutes since he had gained the skill and it had already leveled it up.

Naruto's eyes widened, he had completely forgotten about something!

His perk, Uzumaki descendant increased the EXP gain of any skill related to Fuinjutsu by 500%, Naruto grinned on the inside, he was determined to level up his calligraphy skill as much as possible.

Naruto once again started writing, and this time it was yet again slightly better, not by a lot but enough for it to be noticeable, compared to the horrible writing at the start what Naruto was doing right now was 10 times better, and this had shocked Dog.

Another ten minutes passed and Naruto's calligraphy skill leveled up once again.

[Your calligraphy skill has leveled up.]

Naruto's skill once again got slightly better and after an hour his calligraphy skill had leveled up all the way to level 5.

Naruto's skill was now comparable to someone who had been practicing calligraphy for a month.

Dog was speechless, he knew that Naruto was an Uzumaki but he never expected Naruto to learn this quickly, if this kept up then in a couple of months he could start teaching Naruto about seals, it seemed that Naruto had inherited both Kushina's and Minato's talent for seals.

Dog was glad that he could help his sensei's son especially in something that both his sensei and his wife were good in.

"I think this is enough for now Naruto-kun, it is already starting to get late, I will come back next week Monday and check up on your calligraphy, also you are quite talented at calligraphy so I recommend that you focus on sealing for the time being."

Naruto smiled at the compliment but shook his head, "Sadly that wont be possible, I have promised Hokage-Jiji that I will achieve first place in the Academy, I wanted to ask for your help to set up a training plan for me." Dog tilted hs head in interest "A training plan?" Naruto nodded "Yes, I realized that while compared to civilian kids I could easily catch up but compared to the clan kids I am definitely weaker so I wanted to set up a training plan that would let me catch up with them."

Dog put a hand on his chin and seemed to be in deep thought, "What you are saying is definitely true I don't think we have enough time for you to catch up with the ones that have already been receiving training for at least two years, so while I can help you set up a plan that could help you achieve the same level as them it would destroy your body and only hinder your growth in the long run so I recommend only doing the basic training described in the books you received." Dog explained what he thought.

Naruto took a deep breath, "What if we take the Kyuubi into account?" he asked Dog.

While Naruto couldn't see Dog's eyes behind the mask they were wide in shock, Dog didn't know that Naruto was aware of the Bijuu and was shocked to the core.

After a minute of awkward silence Dog replied "If we take the regenerative factor in as well then you could definitely do much more training but even then... I don't think its possible." Dog gave his honest opinion, he knew that Jinchuriki had crazy healing factors the training that Naruto had to do in order to catch up to the likes of Uchiha Sasuke and the other clan kids wasn't something that could be done in 4 months, Naruto's body was not used to training so only for it to get used to training it required at least 2 months and then it needed to slowly build up strength which the other kids had already been doing for at least a year.

In conclusion it would not be possible for Naruto to catch up to them.

Naruto deadpanned at Dog "I could heal myself from half-death a bit of training won't do much harm, and either way if I feel like it is too much then I would stop by myself." Naruto said.

Dog sighed, he knew he couldn't convince Naruto to give up so he wrote down the training plan he thought up and gave it to Naruto.

Naruto who read it was already dreading the amount of pain that he would go through.