
Chapter: 17

#Country of Yukikaze#

Melfy leaps from roof to roof in search of mujina, "Where could she have gone.. She's some drunk slut" melfy thought but this flicker of light catches her sight, as she avoids several glowing arrows. Melfy lands on a roof and sees mujina with her bow in hand, "What?!" melfy says and mujina fires a few more times but melfy avoids them, drawing two curved daggers as she launches at her. Meanwhile naruto rests his boot on yammy's head and smacks his hands before pointing to the nonexistent watch on his left wrist, "Tick-Tock" naruto says, to shocked silence.

"Was that for real?!" vikar says.

"Seems so.. Yammy underestimated him and paid for it" gemma says.

"Let the Black Spiders wear him out for a Day or Two.. Then he'll fall" duncan says, looking coldly at naruto. Back with mujina and melfy as the pair have weapons out while both have a few wounds bleeding from several spots.

"Seems you are skilled" a voice says and both freeze but melfy whips around to the glowing red eyes of alicia, causing her own to dim some.

"Alicia" mujina says.

"Where's Naruto Uzumaki" alicia says, closing in on melfy.

"He was taken to the Decasius" mujina says and alicia grabs melfy by the throat.

"Then we need help him" alicia says, preparing to bite melfy's jugular.

"Wait.. I have some information" a voice says and both see naruto.

"You're a clone" mujina says and he nods, "Is he alright" she adds, as the clone nods once again and begins explaining duncan's plan.

"120 Hours?!.. Has he lost it" alicia says.

"But he can handle it" the clone says. Alicia rubs her forehead with sigh but thoughts were forming, "Well.. These five days.. I can possibly rally the Lin-kuei and Shirai-ryu to assist us" she says and looks to the dazed melfy, before pricking her finger to drip her blood into the dark elf's mouth.

"What are you doing" mujina says, as melfy leaps away.

"I've made her my thrall.. She'll be our eyes inside until we move in" alicia says.

"Won't the Decasius notice that" mujina asks, as they make their way back to the faustian compound after the clone pops.

"Duncan may be close to me in age but not in power.. Before he notices.. Things will be well underway" alicia replies and mujina slowly nods. Three days pass, three agonizing days for duncan decasius as naruto has been tearing through his black spiders and his nine swords. Tessai was the next to fall from a punch so fast not many could see, another of his swords Benisato a poison user fell next as naruto was immune to her snakes' poisons.

"How is he not exhausted?!.. He seems as chipper as three Days ago" duncan thought.

"He must have stamina to burn" gemma comments with a similar sentiment to duncan, looking out at naruto sitting cross-legged.

"So it would seem.. Start using the mutants from the Lab" duncan says.

"I'll make the call.. I'll send Zaccheroni in the meantime" gemma says. Duncan lifts his wine glass and looks at naruto with a slight growl, "See to it" he says. Outside naruto slowly opens his eyes as natural energy courses through his body which has been supplanting his chakra but his reserves were not taking a hit, through duncan's fighters during the night and not letting him sleep.

"The Girls will be quite thrilled you can for Hours on end" musashi says and naruto sighs, covering his face as she giggles.

"So you're the one the Boss has entertaining him" a voice says and naruto see zaccheroni. He has black hair with bangs and an undercut and his hair is pulled back in a ponytail with two braids gathered in it. He wears a black long sleeve shirt with blue jeans, dark boots and a tan high-collar half length cloak. Naruto vanishes from his spots and six spider like legs burst from zaccheroni's cloak to keep up with the redhead's strikes.

"These legs can keep up with even the fastest strikes" zaccheroni says, as naruto vanishes and lands with a skid but quickly brings out his katana to slice through several light green quadrupedal creatures.

"They can huh" naruto says and moves faster, "Sword Qi: Storm of Torment" he declares, shattering zaccheroni's spiders legs with slicing wind.

"Huh?!" zaccheroni thought, before a fist of jupiter sends him flying back and knocked out. Naruto drives his sword in the ground and sits back down as zaccheroni lays motionless but his chest rises slowly. Naruto closes and awaits his next opponent but drops of rain begin to fall, "Expected this" he thought.

"Two more days" musashi says. Two more hours pass as the rain pours but finally another foe appears or foes, causing naruto to once again open his observe sees their names of Nikki, Ginger and Sancho. He rises to his feet as all three toss off their cloak to reveal their humanoid forms mutated by decasius scientists.

"Gingerbread.. Tutti Frutti.. Pepperoni" all three roar and naruto's breath hitches as all three double in sizes with large muscles.

"Their stats have doubled if not tripled" naruto thought, slipping into a loose stance. The three charge naruto with ginger leading them and reaches the redhead first into a barrage of punches while nikki and sancho attack from the sides in a rapidly speeding up circle. Naruto catches ginger's fist with his left fist and blocks nikki's high kick but sancho slams a weighted shoulder block, sending naruto flying forward before he catches himself into skid into a leap. The three begin their assualt with leaps of the own but naruto goes on the offensive with back elbow to nikki's face, a chopping right to ginger's face and a pele kick to sancho. Naruto lands as all three crash to the ground unmoving but he sees about three dozen more rushing towards him.

"Bring it on" naruto thought. Midday on the fourth day did an interesting opponent appears in the form of vikar sauntering towards him with a cocky smile on his face, "I'm amazed you lasted four days" vikar says.

"Are You going to put me down" naruto says, grabbing his sword.

"Of course.. My Magic will make you submit.. Plus you must be tired.. No food or water for four days" vikar says, pointing his short sword.

"I guess I can see how his Full-Counter measures up" naruto thought and shoots forward, swinging as vikar grins.

"Full-Counter!" vikar shouts, as naruto's chest sprays blood and he staggers back. Blood falls on the ground as naruto glares at vikar, "See... My Full-Counter takes your attack and sends it right at with double the strength" vikar says, a lopsided grin on his face. Naruto shoots forward for a punch but like before takes the power of his punch to his face as he crashes to his knees while his eyes flicker but vikar rests his boot on the redhead's head.

"Finished seeing" musashi says. Vikar removes his boot with a laugh but something flashes in front of him and he looks to see sword arm on the ground, "H-huh?!" he says.

"If you can't perceive it Full-Counter doesn't work" naruto says, rising to his feet as blood runs down his face from his broken nose.

"W-what?!" vikar says, before a lightning breaker connects with enough force to shatter vikar's jaw as he crashes near the balcony. Duncan shatters his glass as gemma has his eyes on naruto, "He overcame Vikar's magic with ease it seems" gemma says.

"Everything is beginning to fall apart" duncan says.

"There is still your Magic and I'm still haven't faced him" gemma says.

"Maybe but it should not have gotten this far.. How has he survived this long" duncan says and calls for a maid to clean up his wine glass, "Where's Murai and Melfy" he adds.

"Murai seems more concerned with Ryu Hayabusa and Melfy is concerned with Vikar but she seems off" gemma says.

"Useless.. Deal with him tomorrow.. If it comes to it.. I'll use my Magic" duncan says and gemma nods.

[Music: Broken Picture Frames - Mindslip]

"Final day Boya" musashi says. Naruto opens his eyes with a roll of his neck as he sees gemma standing about fifteen to twenty-five feet away from him, "I'm amazed you've reached the Fifth day" gemma says, rubbing his wrists.

"Will Duncan honor his word and forget about the Key" naruto says, grabbing his sword with his right hand. Gemma says nothing and sprints forward as naruto shifts into a battojutsu like stance while the former picks up his speed, blocking naruto's swing with his metal bracer. Naruto goes for several rapid swings but gemma either avoids or blocks with his bracer and manages to push a right through, forcing enough of a gap to send a forward kick that has enough force to send the redhead back several steps.

"That's some nice power behind that kick" naruto thought, adding wind sword qi to his sword and shooting forward. Gemma avoids naruto's swings but feels the slices in his skin from the enhanced sword as he manages to get naruto to overextend and trap his sword arm. Naruto grunts as gemma snaps his arm and make him drop his sword while he staggers back but the redhead somersaults over gemma's roundhouse. Gemma turns as naruto snaps his arm back into place, "You have good pain tolerance" gemma says, as both shoot forward into a flurry of punches that are unseen by the naked eye. Neither man is blocking as blood flies but suddenly break apart with gust of wind and naruto duck under gemma's full-power right, spearing the right hand of duncan and pushing him back with a skid.

"That won't work" gemma declares, slamming several hammer blows. Naruto lifts them off the ground with a leap and drives gemma into the ground, "Hyakuretsuken!" naruto shouts, firing off one hundred punches to gemma's upper body. Naruto finishes and gemma looks like blood mess with his face nearly destroyed but gemma kicks naruto in the gut, sending him flying a few feet and kips up as his body heals itself before the redhead's eyes.

"Surprised.. It took Duncan and I Two Centuries to perfect this body of mine" gemma says. Naruto summons his sword and seals it away with a tilt of his head, "Well let's see how perfect" he says and both shoot forward into simultaneous knees into a flurry of punches but adding kicks.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" naruto thought, unleashing a blue fireball and pushes gemma back. The flames sear his flesh nearly to the bone but to gemma's shock his wounds are not healing, "What?!" he thought.

"Seems your body is That perfect" naruto says, as half of gemma's face is burned heavily. Gemma grits and rushes toward as naruto catches his fists into a headbutt but falls back to kick gemma skyward with enough force to send him about twenty feet while a clone grabs gemma from behind, ensnaring them in his chains to keep him in place.

"Final.. Flash!" naruto shouts, bringing his wrists together and the crackling yellow blast erupts towards the struggling gemma. The nigh immortal gemma is erased from the world as naruto lays on his back and he kips up to see duncan across from him. The once confident vampire now has this look of anger and mania marking his face, "I have to concede something to you Uzumaki.. Not many can last Five straight days" duncan says.

"It hasn't been easy but here we're are.. Will you concede and forget attaining the Key of Ashina's Library" naruto says. Duncan raises his left hand as naruto sees a scale forming, "No I won't.. In fact I have way to make sure of it this Ends in my favor" duncan says and naruto narrows his eyes, "My Magic" he adds.

"Is your Magic similar to Vikar's magic" naruto says but duncan shakes his head.

"No.. However it will guarantee my victory... Auserlese" duncan says, as two glowing orbs appear in the scales. One is purple and one is red with the the former lower than the latter, "The purple orb represents me and the red you.. As you can see.. I hold more power than you do.. Five days of constant fighting has exhausted you.. Even as Uzumaki" duncan says.

"You seem confident" naruto says and duncan scoffs.

"I am and Auserlese proves it.. I can kill you with ease despite sacrificing so much.. The scales strip away your freedom.. I could have you simply kill yourself but I want to Personally do it" duncan says, turning his right hand into clawed fingers.

"What if I was holding back" naruto says and duncan lets a laugh escape his lips.

"Then you would foolish.. You may be able to increase your strength by double or triple but why do something So foolish" duncan says, closing in but stops as the scale begin to move and even out. Naruto clenches his fists as the wind picks up some before roaring to the sky and flexing inward, blue bio-electricity surges from his body as his red lifts and turns blond.

"What?!" duncan says, as naruto roars to the heavens once again and golden light explodes from him. It dies down to reveal naruto as a SSJ2 surrounded by a golden and flame-like aura with blue bio-electricity crackling.

"I restrained most my power in case you were to get involved or had some powerful weapons in your group" naruto says, as the scales are now in his favor.

"This is Ridiculous!.. I am Vampire who has lived close to 300 hundred years.. No human should exist with such power!.. Not even the Elves or even Alicia von Lalatina could surpass me!" duncan shouts.

"Perhaps but I hold the Strongest Biju and I have a power beyond your understanding" naruto says and bellows a third mighty roar, as the ground spiderwebs under his boots and duncan's eyes widen in shock. Naruto's golden hair now reaches pass his butt with some streaks of red like flames, his eyebrows are gone giving him a more prominent brow and eye ridges and his aura sparks with blue bioelectricity but also buzzes like static.

"Just as you suggested.. Duncan Decasius.. Kill Yourself" naruto says. Duncan's body shakes as his right hand almost mechanically raises and he tries to stop it with his left, "N-no.. Impossible..." he starts, before it rams into his chest and destroys his heart. He falls to his knees with his hand still lodged in his chest and falls forward while naruto powers down [song ends]

Quest Complete!


1) 1000000 EXP

2) Identity of Keeper of Secrets(Urashiki Otsutsuki)

3) Location of Percival's Dungeon

Naruto clenches his fist as his aura vanishes, "Urashiki Otsutsuki" he thought.

"A dangerous foe" musashi says.

"Seems we weren't need" a voice says, shaking naruto from thoughts. He looks back to see alicia, melfy and mujina with driger as the tiger comes up to rub her head against him.

"We sensed you all the way here" mujina says.

"I'm sure the Whole city felt your power" alicia states.

"He used his magic and the scales were not in his favor by using my Real power" naruto says.

"Are you ok" mujina says, as naruto powers down and leans on driger.

"I need an All-you can eat buffet.. A shower and three days of sleep" naruto says, beginning to look weary.

"Ryu and I will handle things.. Head back to the Faustian compound" alicia says and sees naruto staring at melfy, "She's my kitten now" she adds. Naruto climbs on driger's back with a small yawn, "Good for her" he says, before he and mujina leave them to clean up things. Naruto lays in bed after a moderate meal but once he woke up, every all-you can eat buffet will pay to prove him wrong. Before heading to the nocturnal haven where most can't follow, brings up the third prize for surviving five days of battle.

Percival Dungeon, Tomb of the Dragon Knight, Hero of Gaelion

Quest Received!

Explore Percival's Dungeon.


1) 750000 EXP

2) ?

"According to the Map.. It's on the way through the Gaelion Desert" naruto thought, entering the nocturnal haven. A month passes since the decasius bust up and duncan's death with other factions carving some of their territory but it still left ryu's uncle murai, who sequestered himself in duncan's lab in the mountains.

"I hope the payment of an Adamantite Job will be enough for this Naruto" ryu says, as he and the redhead were moving through the trees outside of yukikaze towards duncan's lab.

"More than enough" naruto says. He is wearing fitted dark camo cargo pants and combat boots, a black but fitted long-sleeve shirt with a form-fitting, high-collar, lightweight tactical vest.

"Good thing you didn't bring Mujina.. Who knows what things Duncan left behind" musashi says.

"Right.. Plus she can continue learning from Kasumi and the others" naruto thought, as the trees thin and the pair see a large complex having several buildings.

"Do you know what we can expect" naruto asks.

"I do not know but Duncan and Uncle were working on various projects" ryu says. The pair make their towards the entrance lined by high chain-link fences but suddenly the ground rumbles as a hulking man of impressive height who possesses a muscular and fat build, a bald head with a fu manchu mustache rises from the ground. He wears no shirt, a pair of suspenders with spikes near the top, a pair of leather vambraces with spikes and a pair of boots with armored plates on the front.

"Master Murai knew you would come.. I am 9" the giant man says.

"Then you should stand aside" ryu says, reaching for his sword but naruto raises his arm to block him.

"Let me handle him" naruto says and 9 laughs, patting his belly but the redhead sends a leaping superman punch. Naruto gasps as his fist sinks into 9's stomach, "My flesh is like rubber.. So unless you can get pass my blubber.. Punches are useless" 9 declares, bringing his left hand down and naruto brings his free arm up. He is dislodged from 9's stomach and slams into the ground with a human size crater while 9 laughs but naruto quickly rises.

"Should I assist you" ryu says. Naruto rolls his neck with an expel of air from his nose, "I appreciate the offer but I can handle him" he says. 9 goes to grab naruto but the redhead grins, "Hyakuretsuken!" naruto shouts, unleashing one hundred punches and focusing them to move his blubber away.

"Vigorous Left Fist: Fukuryu" naruto declares and connects with the concussive punch into the center to blow the back out of 9, as the large man crashes with a fracture of the ground. Naruto and ryu leap over 9's corpse with complex having several multi-floor buildings, "Nephew" a voice says and both halt in their tracks.

"Uncle" ryu says, as naruto sees murai. He has a tall and large muscular build with long white hair, a tattoo on his left bicep and a scar under his right eye. His outfit consist of a gi, tabi boots, armbands, a belt, knee pads and a head band.

"Give up Murai.. Duncan is dead and the Decasius have fallen" naruto says, his eyes shifting from right to left. He and ryu could see numerous humanoid figures beginning to appear as murai smirks, "The loss of Duncan is a blow but as long as this lab exist.. The Decasius can be reborn" murai says. Ryu draws his sword as naruto cracks his knuckles, "Then we'll defeat you here and now" ryu says.

"Hahaha.. We shall see" murai declares. Naruto and ryu ready themselves but suddenly naruto finds himself being pushed, before he collides with one of the buildings in a large dustup.

"Naruto?!" ryu shouts and his breath hitches, seeing something standing before the rubble as murai laughs.

"Nephew.. Meet Mahanaga.. Decades of work brought to fruition" murai declares. Mahanaga is a towering, muscular humanoid figure with four wings protruding from its eye sockets and a tail-like appendage extending from the back of its head, black hakama bottoms and a white sash around its waist to cover most of its lower body.

"With Mahanaga I can overthrow the Shogun and rule Yukikaze" murai says, as mahanaga turns and launches itself at the ryu. It closes in but finds itself slammed into the ground with a medium sized crater and naruto on its head.

"This creature is maybe as strong as Shukaku" musashi comments.

"You can handle your Uncle" naruto says, as mahanaga rises and the redhead leaps off.

"I will" ryu says, setting his attention fully on murai.

"You will both fail" murai says, revealing a segmented staff. Mahanaga makes the first move and brings its right forearm down on naruto but the redhead block, fracturing the ground underneath his boots while ryu launches himself at murai and they vanish. Naruto vanishes and slams a spinning heel kick to mahanaga's head into several energy blasts as lands but mahanaga swings its right arm with enough concussive force to blow both of them back.

"Is it getter stronger" naruto thought. Mahanaga rushes in and naruto meets it in a clash of fists that were getting faster by the moment, before a sonic roar sends naruto flying across the complex. The redhead halts as mahanaga is on him with its punches coming more precise with each, "Is it getting better at fighting" naruto thought, firing a garyu and shatter its arm.

"Raiton: Jibashi" naruto shouts, electrifying mahanaga and it staggers back but it recovers quickly. It brings its fists down like a hammer-blow and naruto quickly blocks as it seems stronger than before. Naruto breaks this into a hyakuretsuken as the punches tear into mahanaga's body but it heals before a lightning breaker destroys its jaw and flies back with three hops. It slowly sits up as its jaw is repair itself and vanishes, forcing naruto to put up a side block to his right as he skids several feet.

"This Mahanaga is indeed evolving and growing stronger" musashi says, as naruto whips his right arm.

[Music: Gangsta's Paradise - 2WEI]

"Seems so.. I'll need to bring heavier artillery" naruto says, going SSJ with a gust of wind and two clones appear but vanish. Mahanaga closes and swings a left that naruto catches then a right but the redhead catches that, before leaping with double-stomp to mahanaga's face and chains that into a ten-piece punch combo to its chest. It tanks them and unleashes a furious barrage of punches but naruto matches it that become faster to point of being unseen by naked eye. Naruto could feel the enfusion of natural energy as he enters sage mode with punches coming faster and harder, pushing mahanaga back but driving it towards the ground as naruto lifts himself off the ground.

"Senpō: Hyakuretsuken!" naruto shouts, unleashing the lightning-fast punches and driving mahanaga further into the ground. Two clones pop to life in sage mode and begin charging the Rasenova and Rasenshuriken but slowly they merge the enhanced Rasengan into the Prominence Rasengan, further growing in size to about twenty feet in circumference. Naruto vanishes as the clones bringing the Promince Rasengan down, "Senpō: Big Bang Prominence Rasengan!" both roar, as the screeching nova crashes into mahanaga but naruto wasn't down as he above them. Naruto focuses as his wrists are touches while he charges his final flash, "Final Flash!" he roars, firing the large yellow energy blast. It hits the combined Rasengan and assimilates with the screeching orb as it explodes like miniature tactical nuke, destroying nearly three quarters of the complex. [song ends]


Naruto stares at the rising debris cloud and flies off to search out ryu, finding him in a destroyed clearing with a transformed murai dead and a wounded ryu on one knee. Naruto lands and rushes to ryu's side, "Are you Alright" naruto says and ryu nods.

"I am.. I did also see the large expolsion" ryu says.

"Yeah.. I need to use some heavy artillery to destroy Mahanaga.. Though I'll need to be sure.. Can you move" naruto says.

"I can" ryu says and his eyes linger on his deceased uncle but his transformed body breaks down into ashes. Naruto and ryu head back for the complex or what was left, finding nothing at the center of the crater and confirm mahanaga was dead. They continue to check the remains of the complex for any other dark secrets of the decasius but only find the remains of a destroyed lab. Naruto sets some explosive notes to completely destroy everything to make sure no one continued their wretched work. A month would pass as naruto and mujina prepare to head for kalinsha but before that they needed passports due to the country's strict laws.

Alicia told she would handle it as she had some connections in kalinsha but also revealed several things about the country. The country has a royal family lead by King Marcus Victorion and his family but the church lead by the cardinals held the reins. Their were several major cities of note like their capital city or Holy City of Isengard, the prison city Kaon, the city of Iacon, Weise, Vorig and the fortress city of Waal. Alicia also told the pair that a rebellion is growing to overthrow the king and cardinals due their actions such as slavery, heavy taxes on commoners but also rumors of experimentation on people. Naruto would take this information to note and once their papers were ready, they head out kalinsha and the next leg of his journey through the continent.


"I wonder if that wall stretches around the entire country" mujina says, riding seafyre with naruto. He looks over her shoulder to see a wall in the distance and the closer they get see it is a stone wall that looks about fifty to ninety feet high. It has fortlets every mile it seems as they see wagons trains waiting to enter, similar to what naruto saw in kingsland.

"Do you think with your Luck will allow you to encounter Kaleb" musashi says and naruto frowns. Alicia told them one last thing before they left that swords of light had disbanded after aemon, hillig, cris and bjorn were killed by some bastard named Driscoll Berci that calls himself the Overkill. She, eris and kaleb survived the encounter in azerlisia but he decided to follow driscoll into kalinsha.

"I hope I do... Though this may confirm Kalinsha was the one who sent those people to Albion" naruto thought, guiding seafyre into the line with the wagons.

"Perhaps Boya" musashi comments.

"How Long will we stay in Kalinsha" mujina asks.

"A few months.. I would rather not involved in things" naruto replies.

"Knowing your Luck.. We will get involved" mujina comments, as naruto sweatdrops. It takes about a hour to pass through the wall and enter the fortess city of waal, reminding them of ourboros to an extent but there were things that disgusted them. Slaves were prevalent in the forms of demihumans and elves, some being visibly assualted, put on display to be sold, they even witness a few people openly executed.

"Thank the Night Mother I can pass for a normal human" mujina whispers, as they were searching for the adventurers' guild.

"Yeah.. Kalinsha is a Human-centric country and views Anyone not humans as second-class people" naruto says. They see a few knights patrolling on horseback and ask them about the adventurer's guild but learn that waal's has none, however they can head to the Granz Domain for one. They thank the knights and spend about two hours buying supplies before heading out of waal post-haste. The terrain outside of waal is similar to azerlisia but has low hills and plains having small towns dotting the area. A week passes before they reach granz after encountering some monsters or wild beasts.

"Seems like a good town" mujina says, riding driger. The domain has many shops, houses, inns and is overall a prosperous town.

"Seems so" naruto says, walking next to her after dropping seafyre at a stable as he notices numerous guards. They find the adventurer's guild which is a single story building, "Doesn't look like they get many adventurers" naruto says.

"Seem so" mujina says, as driger shrinks and jumps into her arms while they enter. A few people were inside but mainly behind a desk with the job board fairly bare.

"Can I help you" a man says, almost annoyed by their presence.

"We're Adventurers passing through.. We're looking to register but also look for work.. I'm Naruto.. They are Mujina and Driger" naruto says, showing his adamantite tags and mujina showing her orichalcum tags as this shocks the man.

"A-adamantite and Orichalcum" the man says and both nod, before the man rushes to the board and pulls a paper.

"We have no Orichalcum Adventurers or even Adamantite.. This came a few weeks ago" the man says, his tune a complete 180. Naruto takes the paper and reads it over of a rock eater nest that need to be exterminated, "Rock Eaters" he says.

"They are large monsters inhabiting underground areas that consume rocks.. Gems and occasionally people.. A nest of them inhabit a mine to the west of here" the man explains. Naruto glances to mujina and driger with both nodding as he sighs, "Well.. We'll take it" he says and the man nods, stamping the paper. Naruto and mujina leave the adventurer's guild, "We're not staying long.. I could use a bath" she says.

"I can go on ahead" naruto says and mujina tilts her head, "You spend the night and I'll head for the town" he adds.

"Are you sure" mujina says and naruto nods.

"Yeah.. Hopefully it won't end up like the last but I'll be ok" naruto says and kisses her cheek, "See you tomorrow" he says and mujina bids him goodbye with a good luck. He heads for the stable and grabs seafyre before leaving granz, soon reaching the crossroads and travels west towards the town of vigra. He reaches the town about two hours before sunset and meets the mayor. The town is a moderatly sized mining town near some mountains with a population of nearly a thousand people having several inns, shops, home and nearly all the adults work in the mines but the rock eaters have the town on the brink of collapse.

"According to the Mayor.. The nest should near the center" naruto thought, looking over the map at the entrance while the sun has gone down. He makes a clone to keep an eye on seafyre as he heads through the entrance of the mine.

"Keep your senses trained" musashi comments, as the redhead sees darkness ahead. Naruto makes a torch and begins moving through the mine after seeing some broken light bulbs.

"How about going SSJ.. You can be one big Light bulb" musashi says, after about fifteen minutes of travel but he ignores her. The path is linear with a sloping grade the further he goes in but soon finds the lower half of a body with a fetted stench wafting off of it.

"So they are eating people" naruto says, squatting down as above him is a large hole. A few wet drops falls on naruto's shoulders and he looks to see a single eye located above a large mouth that sports numerous rows of massive teeth. It crashes down but naruto avoids it as is comparable to a large many-legged insect, similar to a giant centipede.

"I guess this the Rock Eater" naruto says. It skitters forward with decent speed as naruto raises his right and fires an energy blast through its large eye, before avoiding it as it crashes into the and unmoving.

"Makes you wonder how large of a nest is here" musashi says and naruto tries to guess the length, which seems to him to be about seven feet long.

"Who knows" naruto says and continues to traverse the mine, killing a more rock eater that are ranging from five feet to as small as three feet. He soon finds a large chamber with three other tunnels, "This must be the staging area" naruto says and makes three clones to send them down the tunnels, before looking over the several carts filled with rock. He decides to take musashi's advice and transforms to illuminate the chamber but sees several bodies, before the chamber begins to rumble and the ground cracks. Naruto back flies as a very large rock eater bursts from the ground, "This must be the Boss" he says, judging its size to close to thirty to forty feet.

"Something this large would not go unnoticed.. Especially if this was posted three weeks ago" musashi says, as naruto brings out jaeger zweihänder.

"Maybe.. It was here and was woke up by going deeper" naruto thought, coating his sword in wind sword qi. The rock eater launches it at naruto but the redhead avoid and cuts into one of its mandible nears its mouth as he passes. It roars in pain and crashes into the ground but recovers as naruto drives his sword into its side but it launches itself away as if to retreat to ambush him.

"No you don't.. Doton: Yomi Numa" naruto shouts, weaving signs and slamming his hands. The rock eater screeches as it gets trapped into the now muddy ground but naruto isn't done as he forms his scythe of sorrow and races across its back into leap, ramming it into its eyes but changing it to pierce it brain. The rock eater releases some final screeches and slumps to the ground as naruto leaps down to survey the hole it came from.

"Why takes a risk" naruto thought, weaving signs to bird and slamming his hands at the edge.

"Doton: Doryūsō" naruto shouts, as spears form thorughout the hole with some faint screeches but the redhead wasn't done, "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" he adds, after weaving to tiger and inhale to spews a continuous jet of blue flames down the hole.

"What will you do with this Rock Eater" musashi asks.

"I'll keep the Big one.. The town can deal with the rest" naruto replies, going to pull jaeger from its corpse. He breaks out a large scroll from a seal and seals the large rock eater away, before making his way out of the mine to grab seafyre to make the half hour ride back to the village. Naruto soon sees smoke coming from the town as he gets closer, "A Fire?!" he thought, picking up his speed on seafyre. He sees several bodies on the road leading into the town while others were dressed in a long, white, double-breasted trench coats with shoulder straps and a white, button-down bib. This coat is bound at the waist with a black belt, which is further adorned by a decorative buckle and is worn over both white trousers, and trench boots.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" naruto declares and a clone pops above him, before he uses kawarimi as the clone pulls the reigns to head back to the mine. Naruto lands as the military-esque soldiers draw long swords, "Who are these people" he thought, shattering swords with his fists or kicks. Some create weapons made of chakra or magic but naruto makes short work to disarm them and weaves signs to ram. A Genjutsu takes effect and all of them quickly spill they are apart of Jagdarmee and Soldat lead by Jerome Guizbatt to acquire the mine after releasing rock eaters inside.

"Why would someone do this" musashi says as naruto releases the Genjutsu and rushes into town, ignoring the now dead soldiers. He encounters more bodies but also the soldat, which are dressed similar to the jagdarmee but wear a military beret, black goggles with white lenses, a gas mask which obscures their entire face, and a short, collared cloak.

"I don't know" naruto thought, cutting down the soldiers with his violent god slicer. A very loud roar echoes through the street that shatters window as naruto covers his ears to prevent them rupturing like once before.

"What the Hell was That?!.. It was like them" naruto thought, following the destruction and sees a feral, ape-like man reaching nearly ten feet with brown skin and white hair arranged into cornrows and abundant body hair. He has pronounced upper-canines, sharpened fingernails, and patches of dark hair along his forearms and fingers. He wears hooded-cloak and a trench coat as well as pants with a pair of trench boots.

"Jerome Guizbatt.. Sternritter of Kalinsha" musashi says, as naruto has his eyes on him.

"His stats are high.. Like Half of mine with some close" naruto thought, his eyes moving to the mutilated bodies in front jerome. He stomps forward and crushes a few bodies underfoot into a full-power corkscrew right but naruto blocks it with his left hand, causing a minor shockwave, cracking the ground underfoot and a gust of wind buffeting his red hair.

"I was hoping to avoid getting tangled up with Kalinsha but I can't stand by and let innocent people be harm" naruto says and clenches his right fist, "Martial Qi: Fist of Pluto" he adds, punching forward. Jerome's eyes bulges as he belches up a fountain of blood but naruto is weaving signs to tiger into inhale.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" naruto thought, a flame-thrower like burst of blue flames. Jerome's throat is scalded to keep him from screaming as he crashes on his back while the flames burn his upperbody to ashes. Naruto sets his gaze on the remains of his forces but unleashes his KI to forces them to retreat out of fear and sets the redhead on a collision course with kalinsha.


Mujina sees the town of vigra coming into view on the back of driger but sees the last vestiges of smoke from destroyed building and grieving people clean up. She asks several people about naruto and what happened, learning kalinsha forces attacked them for the mine but naruto saved them. People point her to the northern edge of town and finds naruto with the mayor in front of nearly two dozen fresh graves. The redhead is wearing a black, sleeveless collared shirt with white fastenings, baggy black pants, black lace-up boots to his knees, a white sash around his waist and a black coat having silver lapels and cuffs.

"Naruto" mujina calls out. Naruto and the mayor turns as mujina climbs off of driger in her adventurer clothes, "I heard about what happened" she says, once she reaches them.

"Yeah.. A simple job turned into this" naruto says, sweeping his hand to the makeshift graveyard.

"Why would Kalinsha do this" mujina says but the mayor defends the royal family and says it may have been rouges.

"Even with evidence.. He still defends them" musashi says, as naruto bids the mayor goddbye.

"Maybe Yggmillenia has broken from the Royal Family" naruto thought. He on seafyre and mujina on driger leave the town of vigra to rebuild, making their way back granz to complete the job concerning the rock eaters. The people at the adventurer guild were shocked by the size of the boss rock eater and upgraded the job to adamantite, giving the pair an upgraded payday. About two week pass before they begin to notice wanted posters for naruto or a rendering of him, declaring him an enemy to the royal family with a sizeable reward for information on him. They leave granz before suspicion falls him as the guild may piece together that the job in vigra may have caused the bounty. The pair head for vorig but like granz posters of him were scattered about with bounty hunters or soldiers looking for him, so they travel to smaller towns to avoid them as two months pass.

"I wonder if Naruto should dye his hair for the time being or a Henge" mujina thought, heading their inn in the town of Lankenshire. They've been here for nearly three weeks but she's noticed kalinsha soldiers beginning to crop up, so she has been doing their shopping and naruto doing his dailies before dawn.

"I hope Driger is having fun in Tempest with the others" mujina thought, nearly reaching their inn but someone pulls her into the alley before. She's immediately injected with a heavy sedative but before passing out, sees someone very familiar in the form of kaleb in a white military uniform having light-blue trim.

"Seeing you here confirms.. He's here" kaleb says, as other soldiers tie up mujina.

"She should die with him as a loved one" kaleb's superior Cang Du says. He is a fairly slim man with narrow pale-blue eyes and short black hair having pointed bangs hanging between his eyes. He has a small, vertical scar over the left side of his mouth. His attire is a hooded cloak, a trench coat-like gi ending just past his waist with a black sash, and a pair of black fingerless gloves.

"I disagree.. Though seeing her dead my provide decent data" an almost synthesized voice says.

"You may say that BG9 but those who have existed together.. Should die together" cang du says. BG9 is a tall individual who wears a white helmet which conceals its entire head and its single, glowing eye. At its front, the helmet has a peak at the center with slits on both sides. They wear a white, high collar cloak under which is a broad upper torso and wears armor plating on their shoulders, upper back and torso, forearms, and hips.

"Perhaps we can decide later.. The owner should have slipped him the sedative" kaleb says. Meanwhile naruto is downing some water from a pitcher provided by the owner of the inn, "Mujina should be back soon" he thought, laying on the bed to read a book but he rather quickly falls to sleep.

"The water is laced with sedatives" musashi says and floods him with her chakra, causing naruto to snap awake as the door explodes. Time seems to slow as naruto jumps through the large window but a trap seems to be lying in wait as his eyes widen. Cang du is heading for him and naruto shifts to avoid him but cang du's kick slams into right shoulder as he feels a snap. Kaleb appears on his left and lands a sweeping spear strike to the ribs as naruto lands hard in a crouch with his right arm dangling. Kaleb and cang du land opposite naruto as bg9 emerges from the hole that was his room.

"Looks like you dislocated his shoulder with your Iron" bg9 says, looking to cang du. Naruto grabs his right wrist and yanks hard to pop his shoulder back into place, "When Alicia told us what happened.. I didn't think you were Weak enough to follow the same man who killed your comrades" he says.

"I don't need to explain myself to You" kaleb says and quickly launches himself at naruto but the redhead dodges going for bg9. Cang du sends a thick chain to grab naruto by the legs and yank him back but naruto uses kawarimi with a log.

"These two are no Joke.. Their stats are near mine" naruto thought, summoning two kunai as he lands. BG9 points their left hand as it spins like a gatling gun to fire energy bolts but naruto blocks rapidly and instinctively ducks under cang gu's tiger claws. Naruto leaps over cang du into a spinning roundhouse to his head but cang du's head turns to iron, "It's like kicking reinforced steel" naruto thought, shunshining back a skid and avoiding bg9's bolts. Kaleb joins the fray once again with numerous rapid thrusts but naruto avoids them at a faster and faster pace. BG9 links their hands to seemingly create a cannon while cang du creates a energy bow to create a medium sized but wide arrow.

"Now!" kaleb shouts, jumping away as both fire with each coalescing. Naruto throws his hands forward as the combined blasts slams into him with his meiton glove absorbing some but the blast causes him to dig a rut, before sending him crashing into a building and an explosion causes it to collapse as people flee in terror.

"We should collect the corpse" bg9 says, moving towards the rubble as this chill goes up kaleb and cang du's spines.

"BG9 wait!" cang du says, before the rubble glows with golden light. It explodes out as kaleb and cang du shield their eyes but bg9 simply stares as naruto is on his feet having golden flame-like hair, blue-green eyes and a golden aura pulsing with blue bio-electricity.

"Retreat with the Girl Kaleb Whinestein.. This is above your Paygrade" bg9 says, tossing off their cloak as metal plates begin to emerge from the armor to alter their body and triple their size.

"I agree" cang du says, tossing off his cloak as his skin becomes like iron with spikes emerging as well. Kaleb looks to naruto with a dark look but flees, "Die here and I'll take Mujina as mine to replace Cris" kaleb thought.

"Girl?!.. You have Mujina!.. Where is she?!" naruto says, flaring his SSJ aura.

"You will never find out" bg9 says and appears before naruto with a hammer blow. Naruto blocks as the ground spiderwebs under him while cang du comes from the side with a corkscrew blow avoids it into a leg sweep and shunshin to appears behind him. Cang du kips up and looks to bg9 as both rush naruto with furious barrage of strikes that the redhead blocks or avoid with speed not many can keep up with by naked eye. A punch sends cang du flying into a building as naruto's right knuckles bleed, "Die" bg9 says, firing from their right hand but naruto avoids the blast of energy. Naruto brings down an axe-kick to bg9's left side to damage its left arm as it short-circuit.

"On your left" musashi says, cang du spears naruto to the ground. He rains down numerous blows but naruto cross-arm blocks and locks his legs around cang du to send him over him with a toss. Naruto quickly rolls from right to left avoiding bg9's punches and pushes off his arm to mule kick them in the chest, knocking them off balance and crashing to the ground. Naruto grabs bg9's leg and tosses them into charging cang du, "Where is Kaleb taking Mujina" naruto says.

"It would be Illogical to tell you.. Beacause you will die here" bg9 says, linking their arm and firing the condensed blast. Naruto raises his left and braces with his right as the meiton glove absorbs the blast to bg9 and cang du's shock, "You can have it back... Meiton: Hollow Flash" naruto declares, vanishing and firing a condensed dark purple blast into bg9. It tears through bg9's body as cang du swings a heavy right but naruto back leaps as bg9 crashes to the ground.

"Have you changed your mind yet" naruto says. Cang du blitzes forward with flurry of punches but naruto avoids and catches them into a test of strength. The ground buckles slightly as naruto pushes cang du, "I'll ask again.. Where is Mujina" naruto says.

"It matter not where she is" cang du says, forcing his words out. Naruto wrenches his right hand from can du's grip and clenches it while keep a grip on cang du's right, "Then I'm done with you... Martial Qi: Iron Annihilation" naruto declares, punching and caving in cang du's face as he drives him into the ground. He removes his fist from cang du's twitching body as he powers down before heading for the inn with a scowl. Naruto reaches the inn and people are gathering with looks of fear, anger and even concern but he ignores them as he leaps up to destroyed room. The owner is there trying to rob him but the portly man scampers back, "Go" naruto hisses, leaking his KI and the man runs off.

"They couldn't have gone far" musashi says, as naruto slips on his boots and ties. He grabs his things as well mujina's things to seal them away before leaping back down and the people quickly part. Naruto makes his way for the stable to pick up seafyre but about two horses were arriving but one stands. She is young girl of about fourteen with chest-length blue hair that is tied in two wavy pigtails by two blue ribbons and blue eyes, wearing light armor over a dark blue blouse, black pants and matching boots.

"Good Sir.. We are searching for group associated with Yggmillenia.. A pair of Sternritter named Cang Du and BG9" the girl says.

"Why" naruto says, edge to his tone.

"We intend to stop them" the girl says.

"Too Late.. I'll killed them" naruto says, shocking many of the group.

"You have" the girl says.

"Yes.. Now I need to find someone kidnaped by them" naruto says, about to walk off.

"If someone was taken.. They would be heading for Kaon" the girl says and naruto halts, "My brother is preparing to assualt Kaon" she adds.

"Who are you" naruto says, about to use observe.

"My name is Melty Sanders.. Disgraced Princess of Kalinsha" the girl says.