
Chapter: 16

#Elven Kingdom Albion#

Mujina rides on seafyre and next to her keslon is on a horse of his own, "Have you learned anything about Queen Raelia's Assassin" she asks.

"No.. She chose death" keslon says and the trek falls into silence. Mujina tries to make some kind of small talk but keslon is very taciturn, "Maybe I should've brought Naruto and Driger" she thought. Soon the forest canpoy gives way to a large clearing near a river and on a hill is a tower made stone.

"Is this Allannia's Tower" mujina asks.

"It is.. She does her Research here" keslon says, as they dismount. They move towards the tower itself that has two steel doors but both are blown off their hinges. Mujina and keslon bring out their bows as a figure staggers out of the smoke with loud coughing.

"Too much Nitro" the figure says, coming from the smoke. She look nearly identical to gwilen but her hair is shorter and glasses over her eyes, wearing a white blouse and black skirt with academic robes.

"Allania Lia Nienna!" keslon shouts. Allannia dusts some soot from her face and sees keslon but also mujina, "Oh Keslon Marella Threen" allannia says and sees mujina, "Who are you" she adds.

"I'm Mujina Tessia" mujina says and allannia's eyes widen.

"Did something happen?!" allannia says, her demeanor now serious.

"It's about Gwilen" mujina says, sadly.

"Follow me" allannia says, turning on her heels.

"I'll tend to the horses" keslon says.

"Yes your Highness" allannia says and mujina follows her inside. Several golems were cleaning the mess made by the mage and mujina follows allannia up several flights of stairs to a room having several bookshelves, a table and two chairs with a window.

"Sit" allannia says and mujina does, "What happened to my Sister" she adds. Mujina wastes no time and unseals gwilen's urn from a scroll seal on her wrist with flickering eyes, "Gwilen was killed in Belerion's dungeon" she says. Allannia leans back in her chair as if punched in the gut and covers her mouth while tears form in her eyes. Mujina sits in silence as allannia softly weeps for her sister after she reaches for the urn and holds it to her chest.

"Tell me everything.. Leave Nothing out" allannia says, after several minutes. Mujina leans back in her chair and gathers her thoughts before beginning with gwilen coming to ouroboros with raegel. How they convinced three familias to travel to tristram and deal with belerion the obsidian dread, even adding three worker teams but being seperated in the dungeon.

"When we found her.. She was too far gone.. I wished I could've done something" mujina says, her voice trembling some.

"Did you stop Belerion" allannia says.

"Y-yes.. Naruto defeated Belerion and killed the one who tortured Gwilen" mujina says and brings up naruto's hypothesis that raegel intended to use all of them. Allannia leans forward and digests the information, "Raegel has always wanted prestige" she says.

"Indeed" mujina says, softly.

"Can you give me the room.. I want to be alone for a bit" allannia says and mujina slowly nods, leaving the room but hears the crying coming back. Mujina makes her way down the tower with a few sniffles and outside as keslon sees her, "Where's Allannia Lia Nienna" he says.

"She wanted to be alone for a bit" mujina says and keslon nods. The wind blows some and mujina fixes her hair but suddenly keslon goes on guard as the wind seems to change. Keslon grabs his dragon bow and pulls it taut as several masked people emerge from the trees but one stands out. He has this arrogant look on his face with stringy hair and this hourglass figure, in his hands were a pair of hand sickles that were dripping a liquid.

"Hehehe Lucky... The Queen's son" the arrogant man says.

"Who are you?!" keslon says, in a threatening tone.

"Since.. You two will die.. Call me Kyo" the arrogant man says.

"Well Kyo.. We'll see" keslon says and looks to mujina, "Prepare yourself" he says. Mujina brings out her daggers as keslon sends the horses off while kyo's men charge them and a fierce fight begins. Kyo watches with a smirk as keslon fights fiercely but his eyes narrow as golems join the fray and sees allannia coming from her tower.

"Seems I'll need to get involved" kyo thought and inhales deep as he expands like balloon, "Dokunoiki" he thought, spewing a thick but noxious cloud of gas.

"Look out!" allannia shouts. Mujina and keslon avoid the noxious cloud but his men don't as kyo grins, "Tobi Chigama" kyo howls, swinging his sickles.

"Dodge" keslon shouts, seeing multiple sharp and durable sickle-shape blades of solidified poison coming. Allannia makes a barrier in front of them as the blades slam into it and explodes into more poison but suddenly kyo appears in her periphery, kicking her hard and sending her crashing a few feet away.

"Allannia?!" mujina shouts and keslon fires several arrows but kyo avoids him.

"Allannia!" mujina says, reaching her and her eyes widen as allannia has a cut turning purple.

"W-watch out.. Don't L-let him cut you" allannia whispers. Mujina looks to keslon as he is holding off kyo but the poison user is gaining ground and she looks down to allannia, "G-go.. I'll work on a cure" allannia says and mujina quickly tells her what ingredients were used on naruto, as a golem takes allannia inside her tower. Mujina switches from her daggers to her bow and charges a shot for kyo, "Move Keslon!" she shouts in elvish, firing her charged arrow. Keslon leaps away as kyo sees the arrow but grins, "Bakko Chōryō" kyo shouts, creating a dome as her arrow reaches him. Mujina and keslon have their bows trained on where kyo is but this mocking laugh echoes as kyo launches out towards mujina with blinding seed.

"Die" kyo howls, swinging his hand sickle towards her face but a tennis shoe slams into kyo's face. He flies back and crashes into the forest as a golden figure lands in front of mujina in cargo shorts with a fitted tank top.

"N-naruto?!" mujina says, as the redhead looks back with a smile.

シーンブレイク- Earlier - シーンブレイク

Naruto sighs as he sits seiza in front of his bed with his eyes the new glove on his left hand, being black and secures at his wrist.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing nothing but resting Boya" musashi says.

"I can't sit around doing nothing.. I get all fidgety" naruto says, having managed to sneak three clones out to do his dailies.

"Shuna will spank you" musashi says and naruto blushes.

"Who's going to tell her.. Driger" naruto says and closes his eyes, before drawing in some natural energy. Driger comes and places her front paws on his right leg as naruto rubs her head, "She'll be ok" he says, almost knowing the tiger was worried.

Emergency Quest Received!

Save Mujina from a Poisonous Fate and the Queen of Albion from a Ruinous Fate.


1) 750000 EXP

2) 1000 Rep Raelia

3) 1000 Rep Citizens

"Or not" naruto says, as an explosion goes off not far away. Naruto scrambles to get some shoes on and grabs driger as they see some smoke, from his left he sees two masked people garbed in black.

"I hope Shuna won't get upset" naruto thought, hitting the first with a big boot and driger launches at the second. He removes the mask and sees it is a human as he opens his eyes, "Why are you attacking" naruto says.

"For the Glory of Humanity!" the man says and grins but naruto grabs him, tossing him into the air as he explodes like a bomb. The second tries the same but driger rips out her throat, "Glory of Humanity" naruto says and grabs driger, "We need to find the Queen and save Mujina" he adds, flying off. Elven warriors were holding their own and seem to realize the attackers would use suicidal tendencies.

"There" naruto says, seeing raelia fighting and outclassing them but their numbers give them a slight advantage. He flies down and driger squirms out of his arms to grow in size, pouncing on a few of them.

"Doton: Yomi Numa!" naruto shouts, weaving signs to tiger and the ground under them turns to mud as they sink.

"Ration: Jibashi" naruto adds, as he lands and the invader scream while they are electrified.

"Naruto Uzumaki.. You should be resting.. However your aid is appreciated" raelia says but gasps as a large man behind him.

"Zan'ei Ken" naruto shouts, slamming a charged elbow into the man. He crashes to his knees as vines ensnare him from raelia, "Why do you attack my people" she says.

"For the Glory of Humanity.. Elves will become our Cocksleeves.. Especially you and your son's corpse will watch" the man says but veins pierce his head.

"Keslon" raelia says.

"I'll find them Queen Raelia.. Driger stay with the Queen" naruto says and flies off, "Now to save Mujina... And Keslon" he thought, going SSJ.

シーンブレイク- Present Time - シーンブレイク

"Looks like I made it in time" naruto says, turning back to kyo getting his to feet. He sees naruto and rage fills him, "I'll kill him" kyo says over and over, while scratching his head violently.

"Well.. Here I go!" naruto shouts and shoots forward.

"He uses poison!" mujina shouts, as keslon falls to his knees.

"Tobi Chigama" kyo shouts, swings his sickles but naruto is already weaving signs.

"Fūton: Shinkūgyoku" naruto thought, firing several vacuum spheres and sending the solidified poison cutting into trees. He brings out uzumaku ten'notsurugi and swings as kyo swings his sickles into a lightning-fast clash of weapons. Naruto has the upper hand as he pushes kyo from mujina, "His Dex and Spd are good but.." naruto thoght, breaking open kyo guard and slashing his chest. Kyo leaps back as blood sprays but inhales deeply, "Dokunoiki" he thought, spewing the thick but noxious cloud of gas. Naruto makes a show of holding his breath as he passes into the cloud while kyo laughs wildly.

"Uzumaki-ryu: Crescent Wave!" naruto shouts, cutting through the cloud and kyo narrowly avoids the wave of energy.

"What?!.. He should be dying" kyo hisses. Naruto blitzes forward and kyo is on the backfoot with gashes forming in trees as the result of misses or kyo's solidifying poison. They reach a clearing and kyo is breathing hard while blood drips from several wounds as naruto enters the clearing with a serious look in his blue-green eyes.

"I'll ask this question a third time.. Why are you attacking the people of Albion" naruto says and kyo instead grits his sharp teeth.

"You'll get nothing from me Race Traitor" kyo says. Naruto grips his sword as he mixes lightning, wind and fire sword qi before shooting forward with his sword in a battojutsu stance while kyo rushes him.

"Sword Qi: Star Platinum!" naruto shouts, swinging forward. Kyo loses his arms, legs and head in five slashes resembling a star and each wound is seared closed as they crash to the ground.

Emergency Quest Complete!


1) 750000 EXP

2) 1000 Rep Raelia

3) 1000 Rep Citizens

Naruto leaves kyo's corpse and races back to allannia's tower as he powers down but suddenly an explosion goes off behind him, "He had Deadman seal?!" he says, skidding to a halt and sees a thick cloud dissipating.

"Whoever trained these people sent them on a suicide mssion" musashi says. Far away from albion a group of six discuss several missions in several countries like yukikaze, trsitram, azerlisia and most recently albion. These are Six Holy Cardinals of the holy kingdom of kalinsha being the cardinals of earth, wind, water, fire, light and dark. There maybe an imperial family but it is the cardinals who hold the real power and kalinsha's bigotry comes from them as they believe humanity is superior to all other races. Their goal is to unite all of humanity and wage a holy war against the other races.

"Have our Emissaries returned from the Elemental Countries" asks cardinal of earth Zarg Lauransan.

"No.. However I see reaching out to them will end in failure.. They are more concerned with wars between themselves.. Then there are their Demon Hosts.. They can rival our Sternritter" the cardinal of dark Maximilian Oreio says.

"Putting aside the Elemental Countries.. What will be done about these Rebels" asks the cardinal of fire Berenice Santaniki.

"Send the Sternritter and Crush them!.. Kalinsha has no need for rebels" says the cardinal of light Dominic Parto.

"Calm yourself.. The Rebels do not have the power to upset the established order" says the cardinal of wind Yvon Jasna.

"I agree.. However we can't be blind" says the cardinal of water Delan Zine. Suddenly the door opens as a knight rushes and kneels, "Forgive me Cardinals but the force sent to Albion has gone silent" he says.

"What about the Whore Queen?!" dominic says.

"We do not know" the knight says.

"Kyo was an acceptable lost.. His poisons should kill many" berenice says.

"I agree" delan says.

"That still leaves the Whore alive" dominic says and the cardinals converse or argue on several matters for hours with no resolution on things.


Back in albion naruto is sitting before allannia with mujina and keslon as all of them have taken allannia's antidote, "So... You avenged Gwilen" allannia says. Naruto slowly picks up a tea cup with a small sip and a nod, "Yes.. I'm sorry I couldn't do more" he says.

"You killed Belerion and her killer.. That's the best you could" allannia says and naruto slowly nods.

"Is the Queen safe" keslon says.

"She is.. Though the invaders were human and used suicide tactics" naruto says and keslon's eyes widen.

"We should return immediately" keslon says. Mujina looks to allannia says and she waves her hand softly, "Go.. He's worried for his Mother" allannia says. The three bid allannia goodbye with a promise by mujina to visit her before leaving for yukikaze. Before reaching the barrier leading inside the group sees an elven woman with long silver hair and golden eyes filled with arrogance, wearing a blouse and leather pants with a whip.

"Go on ahead Keslon.. See to the Queen.. I'll handle this" mujina says. The elf has three animals with her and all of them are white consisting of a large polar bear, a large wolf having a lightning mark on its forehead and snowy owl on her shoulder. Keslon looks to the pair and rides off as the girl smugly looks at them, "Hello Sister" the girl says, disgust dripping from sister.

"Melian Callor Elrand" mujina says, simply and remains on seafyre as naruto holds her waist from behind. Melian or Bitch in naruto's head folds her arms with a snide look to her half sister, "Daddy told me what you and your Human did.. How Dare you talk to him like that" melian says.

"Naruto is not my Human but my partner.. He saved me in Darkest hour from a Life of servitude.. He gave me back my life when He decided I was too much of an eyesore... However now that I useful to him.. Only because we saved Queen Raelia" mujina says and melian clutches her whip tighter.

"How Dare You!" melian screeches.

"Does that remind you of someone" musashi says and naruto snorts. Melian cracks her whip on the ground and the animals flinch, "Kill them!" she screeches. Both the wolf and bear head for them as the owl flies forward, while mujina holds the back of her hand over her right eye.

"Instant Domination!" mujina shouts, opening her hand like a V and her eyes glow red. All three animals crash to the ground to melian's shock and she cracks her whip again but the animals begin to move with the snowy owl going to land mujina's raised arm, being careful not to harm her.

"What is going on?!" melian shouts, as the wolf and bear were now growling at her.

"I've freed them from your cruel control... I'm sure He tried to emulate my Tamer skill" mujina says.

"You Bitch!.. Daddy will make you pay for this!" melian shouts, as mujina slides off seafyre. She runs her hands over the wolf and bear's heads as the owl moves to her shoulder, "Your words are as empty as your head.. He won't risk his reputation for three animals.. Even if they are yours.. Queen Raelia has seen his true nature" mujina says but gasps as the bear moves between her legs and moves her onto its back. Without another word the group moves pass melian as she begins stomping her feet like a toddler with screaming and crying.

"Our group as grown.. Driger will be upset" naruto says.

"She won't" mujina says.

"So... Can they shrink to carry size" naruto asks, looking at the wolf and bear.

"That was Driger only" mujina replies and nuzzles the owl with her finger, "We'll need out figure out a way to take them with us without causing a commotion" she adds.

"Maybe a seal or perhaps Shuna can help" naruto says.

"Are you sure you wish to summon Shuna" mujina says and naruto lightly scoffs. Several minutes later naruto is on his knees and wilting under shuna's pink aura as she has her eyes closed and sickening sweet smile on her face.

"So.., You disregarded my medical orders to rest" shuna says and naruto nods but keeps his eyes off hers, "Though it was to save Mujina and the Queen's son... I will overlook this but I want you to rest for the next four days" she adds.

"I will... Now do you think you can help.. Would it be possible for those animals.. Even Driger to be sent to your summon realm" naruto says.

"I will speak to brother.. Now let me check you over" shuna says. A week passes and things return to relative normacly with the queen sending feelers out to see who attacked not only her but her people. Benimaru and shuna found a way to have mujina's companions be transported to their summon realm with a little fuinjutsu help by designing a special seal to summon or unsummon them if needed.

"You three need names" naruto says, sitting with driger, seafyre and the newbies. They were outside allannia's tower as she and mujina were catching up properly. He's wearing blue jeans with red high-tops, a fitted tank top and a bomber jacket.

"How about Shiro for our Snowy Owl friend.. Fen for our Wolf and Bjorn for our bear" naruto says and each animal nods in approval. He falls on his back and the grass feel cool on his hands and buys some more skills, "I see why Shikamaru like Cloud Watching but I'm getting bored... Maybe I can take a Dungeon while waiting" naruto says and kips up, making a reinforced clone.

"I'll be back.. Tell Mujina if she asks" naruto adds and the clone nods, laying back on the ground as naruto enters the dungeon.

Welcome to Demonic Dungeon Level Forty!

Enemies will be Fifty Levels higher and Dungeon Boss Sixty levels higher. Checkpoints now Twice per Dungeon Level.

Quest Received!

1) Defeat the Cyber Ninja ranked D,C,B,A,S. (0/250)

Optional Quest!

2) Defeat Cyber Generals (0/5)


1) 750000EXP

2) 500000EXP

[Music: MechanizeD Trinity, MechanizeD 2.0, MechanizeD - Nick Tzios]

Naruto looks around and finds himself in the middle of a destroyed city similar republic city with the skies filled by dark cloud and on the verge of raining. He slips out of his bomber jacket and ties it around his waist tight, "So.. 250 Cyber Ninja ranked D.. C.. B.. A.. and S.. Plus 5 Generals" naruto says and looks around. Fires leak from buildings as carnage is all around the redhead but his danger senses go off as naruto leaps back while explosions go off. Naruto skids to a halt and he sees his foes, each were bulky cyborg ninja with wire hair extensions emerging from the back of their skulls.

"Cyborg Ninja" musashi says. Naruto shifts his eyes from right to left and notes some have a D or C while rumbles of thunder echo, before rain drops begin to fall as he raises his fists. Several charge naruto and he tenses with right jab as he goes SSJ, blowing out the chest of one into a palm strike to another. One of cyber ninja launches from above but naruto connects with rising dragon and phases around to destroy several more cyber ninja.

"Machine Gun Blows" naruto shouts, firing numerous energy blasts. Cyber ninja explode and more arrive but naruto fires a concentrated energy blast, carving a long trench along the road. Several metallic bouncing noises echo behind naruto and they explode, sending naruto flying but he catches himself and sees a lone cyber ninja. However this one's armor is stained yellow as naruto narrows his eyes, "Must be one of the Generals" he says. The cyber ninja raises its hands forward and thin but tight net flies towards naruto as one normal cyber ninja grabs him from behind. Naruto grabs the ninja by the head and flips it forward to crash into the net, which slices it to pieces but the yellow cyber ninja suddenly appears to grab naruto by face.

"Cyrax huh" naruto thought, being dragged along the road but the redhead flares his SSJ aura and frees himself. Cyrax is flung skyward but naruto reaches it into flurry of punches and grabs its leg, launching down like missile and sending cyrax crashing into the street. Cyrax short circuits with sparks but its chest opens as numerous yellows bombs comes out and naruto jerks, vanishing as a violent explosion erupts and takes out two blocks.

"Self-destruction" musashi says.

"Yeah and dangerous" naruto says, as rain washes over him and lightning dances across the sky. He lands at the edge of the smoking crater but turns and rushes several arriving cyber ninja as the numbers increase.

"Let's Clear the area... Hao!" naruto roars, going SSJ2 and explodes his aura in a wave of destruction to obliterate all the cyber ninja in his vicinity. Naruto steadies his breath and avoids a wave of flames from a red cyber ninja, "Sektor this time" he thought. Sektor raises its arms and they mass shift into gatling guns to fire numerous miniature rockets. Naruto quickly weaves signs to snake and slams his hands down, "Kuchiyose: Rashōmon" he shouts, as the demon face gate rises from the ground and the rockets collide into it. Naruto uses the dust kicked up by the explosions to scale the gate and fire his machine gun blows but sektor changes the trajectory of its rockets.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" naruto thought, weaving signs to tiger and inhaling to spews a wave of flames but also bringing out one of his hiraishin knives. The blue flames and rocket meet with bright explosions as a knife streaks through the smoke, landing behind sektor as naruto appears and winding up for a whirlwind kick. It connects with enough force to send sektor through the lobby of an office building. Naruto rushes inside to see sektor on the escalator and riding up it on its back. It reaches the top and rigidly sits up, only to be punt kicked and sent skidding across the floor. Naruto closes in but has to avoid sektor's flamethrowers, allowing the cyber ninja to get to its feet. It quickly catches naruto's left straight and blocks the redhead's high kick with its forearm, before snaking its arm around the leg and grabs naruto by the throat for a spinebuster chokeslam. Sektor points its hands to unleash its flamethrowers but naruto uses kawarimi at the last second.

"Obliterating Last Bullet!" naruto shouts, punching sektor into the back with enough concussive force to blow out a block size hole through the building. Loud groaning echoes as the building is beginning to list and crashes down as naruto flies out the large debris cloud.

"Two Generals down" musashi says, while naruto slowly lands on a street having numerous light poles. Naruto sees numerous cyber ninja coming and the redhead rushes to wrap his arms around a light pole, before grunting almost like a bull as he rips the light pole out of the ground. The cyber ninja charge naruto and he swings his light like bat, destroying several in one swing but suddenly his side opens up from what looks like spear.

"What the?!" naruto thought and whips around with the light pole but hits nothing. Danger senses go off and naruto goes prone with the pole as a spear whizzes over him. Naruto rises and immediately avoids a right fist made of smoke as he sees another cyber ninja named Smoke. It avoids naruto one-two combo and leaps back to fire several smoke spears that the redhead avoids. Smoke closes in with several punches and kicks that naruto parries, picking up in speed as the road begins to buckle from the force of misses or the parries.

"Boya!" musashi shouts and naruto avoids a spear of ice, as smoke becomes smoke to avoid it. Naruto sees another cyber ninja named Subzero next to smoke but sees A and B on their chests of silver-gray and light blue respectively. The rain begins to lighten up but lightning dances in the sky as naruto remains in guarded stance. Subzero and smoke rocket forward in sync as naruto readies himself but smoke kicks him from into a one-two from subzero. The cyber ninja chain that into smoke grabbing naruto's arm and spins him into a weighted kick from subzero, sending naruto crashing through a rising wall of ice.

"Ice powers.. I guess Subzero wasn't Ironic" naruto thought, springing to his feet and rushing both into a flurry of punches.

"Iron Annihilation!" naruto shouts, punching through the smoke and hitting smoke. He chains that into a pele kick to subzero as smoke bounces off the street. Subzero recovers quickly and fires a wave of frozen wind as naruto throws up a cross-arm block, causing the rain on his body to freeze and spread. Smoke recovers and prepares several spears, firing them enmasse but naruto begins to glow red before he explodes super kaioken. Naruto avoids the spears with kawarimi as they crash into the ground, "Rapid Kill Final Bullet" he shouts, appearing above smoke and generating a whirlwind of energy around his body as he crashes into smoke with a large area of damage. He rockets from the debris cloud towards subzero and clenches his right fist.

"Martial Qi: Lightning Breaker!" naruto shouts, connecting the mach speed punch to subzero's chest and driving the cyber ninja into the street. Subzero shocks naruto by raising its left and points to the west, "T-t-o the W-west... Triborg" it says, in a synthesized voice.

"Could Triborg be the S-class General" musashi says, as naruto looks down at subzero.

"Possible" naruto thought, seeing a dozen cyber ninja coming and he flares his SSJ aura before rocketing towards them. To the west and standing on the top is a lone cyber ninja but this one is smoother and streamlined compared to the others with a glowing S on its upper left chest. The cyber ninja known as triborg watches several explosions but soon sees a golden missile coming before slamming into it and sending them through several buildings, then towards the streets below to dig a long rut. Naruto leaps and coming down for a shocking first bullet but triborg vanishes as the redhead's fist collides with the street.

"Impressive Player" triborg says with a synthesized voice, while several propulsion jets allow him to hover. Naruto was about to retort but triborg vanishes before a punch slams into his face and indents the redhead into a wrecked wall.

"Hao!" naruto shouts, flaring his golden aura and breaking the wall. He launches himself at triborg with a barrage of punches but the s-class cyber ninja dodges them as they move the deserted city. Triborg mass shifts his arms like sektor to fire numerous mininature rockets, forcing naruto to uses his machine gun blows to detonate them but two find the mark and sends naruto plummeting to the streets below. He catches himself as his boots slam into the asphalt and quickly launches himself, leaving a rut in the street. This time triborg fires a wave of flames but naruto phases out of its path but the cyber ninja catches him from behind to slam three heavy punches to naruto's face. Triborg quickly grabs the front of naruto's shirt flings him towards the windows of a building. The glass shatters as naruto bounces along the floor but finally hits a far wall.

"This one is indeed on another level" musashi says. Triborg flies through the broken window and spears naruto into the wall but the redhead slams a double sledge to its back, then lifts triborg into a powerbomb that cracks the floor. He keeps a firm grip on its legs and lets gravity take hold to slam triborg into the floor as a clone pops to life with a double foot stomp, sending the cyber ninja to the floor below. The real naruto kips up and points his hands as the hole with his aura flaring, his hands beginning to glow as well. Outside the windows explode as the building groans from the explosion ripping through it. Naruto flies out the debris cloud and scans for triborg but the cyber ninja crashes into him, sending them to the street below and digging a long rut.

"Not good enough" triborg says, flying up and using sektor's flames with subzero's ice. Naruto narrowly avoids the combined attack and charges his final shine as the green blast erupts and sends triborg into a building, engulfing naruto in a gust of heavy wind and smoke. Building debris clangs to the ground as the smoke starts to dissipate but triborg stands at the edge of the created hole.

"Is that All Player... I'm only using 50% of my power" triborg declares and naruto's breath hitches, "Now I'll use 80%" triborg adds, as the building groans from the increase in power from the cyber ninja. Naruto flares his aura and launches at triborg but the cyber ninja meets the redhead as he swings a corkscrew blow into a rapid one-two combo. Triborg avoids the combo and grabs naruto's wrist, wrenching his arm behind the redhead's back but quickly dodges naruto's spinnnig roundhouse. Naruto jerks with a wide-eyed expression as a cold metallic fist softly touches his cheek, "That would've been your head" triborg says, a hint of maliciousness despite the synthesized voice.

"Don't let it rattle you" musashi says, as naruto makes a move but triborg sends a spinning roundhouse with enough force to create a crater with the redhead. Naruto staggers to his feet and spits some blood away, "Right" he thought, as blue bio-electricity surge around as his SSJ aura begins to swirl as the wind picks up. The asphalt under naruto's boots cracks as his aura flares more and more while it becomes like static before he's engulfed by golden light. Naruto launches from the ground as a SSJ3 and triborg launches to meet him, before rippling shockwaves erupt through the pseudo city. A flash of light erupts in the sky and triborg slams through a building, colliding with the street and creating a long rut.

"Thunder Geyser!" naruto shouts, coming down with punch and creating a geyser of dirt. Triborg short-circuits a bit but fires sektor's flamethrowers and naruto avoids it and raises his left arm while coating it in martial qi, "Martial Qi: Fist of Heaven.. Sekiha Tenkyouken!" naruto shouts, punching down and glowing fist of energy erupts. Triborg raises it arms to block the energy punch as its legs buckle and cracking the asphalt, while driving it further into the crater while naruto raises his right with martial qi coating his arm.

"Sekiha Tenkyouken: Burning Fist!" naruto shouts, punching down and joining the fist of heaven. The energy fist doubles in size and drives triborg but the hand grips it as it body short-circuit more until it explodes to take out nearly two blocks. [song ends]

Quest Complete!

1) Defeat the Defeat the Cyber Ninja ranked D,C,B,A,S. (250/250)

Optional Quest!

2) Defeat Cyber Generals (5/5)


1) 750000EXP

2) 500000EXP

"You always buy strange skills that compliment others" musashi says. Naruto opens his eyes to see mujina staring down at him with her arms folded, "You couldn't sit still" she says and he hears a giggle in his head.

"Yeah" naruto says, sitting up and looks around to see it is near sunset.

"Finished speaking to Allannia" naruto adds and mujina slowly nods, rubbing her left arm.

"We did.. We cried.. We hugged and said our goodbyes" mujina says. Naruto gets to his feet and dusts his torn jeans, "Well.. Let's head back and prepare to head for Yukikaze" he says. Mujina hops on bjorn while naruto climbs on seafyre and making their way back to the village. The next day naruto and mujina were kneeling before raelia with keslon off to her side.

"Mujina Tessia.. Naruto Uzumaki.. Words can not expression how grateful I am for not only saving my life but the lives of my people" raelia says.

"We did what was Right" naruto says.

"Noble Qualities to have" raelia says and rises from her throne to approach them, "Rise.. Both of you" she adds and both do so, before she takes naruto's gloved hand.

"For you Naruto.. I will give you use of the Darkness Element" raelia says and her hands glow, before a purple symbol adheres to the glove in the form of two diamonds, one overlapping the other.

Darkness Release Unlocked

A combined Nature Transformation that can be used to absorb, manipulate and release chakra.

"Meiton.. That is interesting Boya.. Though you can only used it when the glove is equipped" musashi says.

"Thank you Queen Raelia" naruto says and raelia moves to mujina.

"I will unlock the Wind Element" raelia says and mujina's left arm glows as a tattoo of blowing wind forms.

"Thank you Queen Raelia" mujina says and both bow to her.

"I wish you safe travels in journeys" raelia says and both bow again, before excusing themselves. Naruto and mujina leave the village on good terms compared to when they entered, "How Long before we reach Yukikaze" she asks.

"About a Month" naruto replies but that month tragedy would strike.


Naruto stares blankly at the outline of a body with dried blood near the head, "How did happen Alegra" he says. Alegra clutches the stump of her right arm, "They came in the Night.. We stood no chance.. I was lucky to have survived" she explains, as tears run down her face.

"The ones who killed everyone.. Could they be part of the reason Ingrid dissolved the Maelstrom Familia and returned" mujina says.

"I do not know but they seemed to searching for something" alegra says.

"Perhaps I can offer some information" a voice says and all of them turn to see a young man with a familiar face accompanying him.

"Alicia" naruto says.

"We meet again Naruto Uzumaki.. Shinobi of the East... Meet Ryu Hayabusa.. Shinobi of the Northern Continent" alicia says. She has calf-length light pink hair and red eyes, wearing a short black, frilly style dress with a layer of white ruffles over black ruffles of the skirt and a military-esque black jacket on her shoulders that trails to her mid-calf.

"Greeting Naruto Uzumaki" ryu says, bowing. He is about naruto's height with a muscular build and vibrant green coloration having a slight golden hue. He wears a tight-fitting black sleeveless jumpsuit with minor padding and straps toward the sides. Black and silver arm and shin guards, fingerless black elbow-length gloves, a black balaclava obscuring the entirety of his face. A long flowing black scarf tied behind the neck, a metallic silver forehead protector bearing the design of a dragon/peregrine falcon and black knee-high split-toed boots.

"He's strong but not your level Boya" musashi comments.

"Greetings Ryu Hayabusa" naruto says and bows as well.

"Why don't we sit down and we'll share some information" alicia says. Alegra brings them to a meeting room with a cicular table, "I'll have some Tea brought" alegra says and excuses herself.

"What sort of information do you have" naruto asks.

"I'm sure Ingrid told you about things with the Shogun and Noble families" alicia replies and naruto nods, "Well most keep to themselves but one does not.. Namely The Decasius Family" she adds.

"Decasius" mujina says.

"Yes.. The Head of the Decasius is vampire like me named Duncan.. He has several children who are Half Vampires.. Who age at half rate of a normal vampire and Grandchildren who are Quarter Vampires.. Who age like normal humans with some enchancements.. Similar to your Uzumaki clan who can reach 150 in age" alicia explains.

"Why would the Decasius kill Ingrid" naruto says. Alicia leans back in her chair as the door opens with someone bringing a tray of tea cups, setting them out and excusing herself quickly.

"This is a theory mind you.. But I believe the Dacasius may want what is inside the Library of Ashina" alicia says and naruto's breath hitches with his eyes widening.

"That would be Impossible.. It's sealed" naruto says.

"Maybe but Duncan has lived as long as I have.. His thirst for knowledge rivals his hunger for blood.. The Uzumaki are revered even here" alicia explains.

"Perhaps Duncan wanted the Key in your possession and Ingrid got caught in the crossfire" musashi says and naruto clenches his thigh.

"The Library is a relic of your clan.. Once Duncan learns you are here.. He'll send his Nine Swords" ryu says.

"Nine Swords" mujina says, after sipping her tea.

"They are Duncan's Hunting Dogs lead by his son Vikar.. They are ruthless and are the ones who more than likely killed Ingrid and her people" alicia says.

"My Uncle is a member as well" ryu says, sadly.

"So.. The Nine Swords will come after me once word spreads I'm an Uzumaki.. If so will the Shogun intervene" naruto says.

"He won't" alicia says.

"Ingrid once told me Greed infects the Shogun and Nobles" naruto says, drinking his tea.

"And she was correct... Ryu.. His Allies and I will help during your time here" alicia says and naruto slowly nods. It would take two weeks to catch the attention of the decasius family, namely casting a wide net around the area. His carpet matched his drapes to prove he was natural redhead, which caught the eyes of a few decasius spies. Naruto even learned the entirely of yukikaze and it is about the same size as ouroboros with certain areas for certain group, thanks to ryu's allies Momiji, Ayane and Kasumi. He learns there are few shinobi clans as well like Shirai-ryu lead by Satoshi Hasashi, the Lin Kuei lead Takeda Han and both were jockeying for power with each other but were shaky allies. The Black Spider Ninja Clan which supports the decasius and is the bulk of their forces but being more yakuza than ninja.

"Is it wise to go to this Club" musashi says. Naruto and mujina were heading to club frequented by vikar decasius in a neutral area of yukikaze where the shogun's forces patrol vigorously.

"Duncan has been nose open for me for the last two days.. Going to this club.. I'm going to provoke a response" naruto thought. He is wearing loose blue jeans with a black belt having a skull buckle and harness boots, a long sleeve white dress shirt with a black vest.

"I've never been to a club before" mujina says. She is wearing dark blue and gray off the shoulder top with tight jeans and knee high boots.

"Me niether" naruto says, slipping a black cigarette into his mouth.

"I've never seen you smoke" mujina says.

"It's from the store.. It's fake really and flavored" naruto says, as they club comes into view. They get in line and some whisper about them but especially mujina as many look away due to naruto looking or glaring at them. Naruto uses his silver tongue skill to get them VIP bracelets, even sure to throw his surname around like some arrogant noble or a certain dog boy.

[Music: Unholy - Sam Smith]

Music is thumping heavily as they move down a long hall to a large room with medium size dance floor, raised area for the VIPs, long bars and raised DJ booth while black light illuminate clothes.

"It looks neutral but one can see factions" musashi says, as naruto looks around while heading for one of the VIP sections The dance floor is packed with guys, girls and everyone in between dancing close or even making out. Mujina squeezes naruto's hand as her cheek are a little pink from the PDA going on. The VIP section is less crowded with several sofas and a seperate bar, even having waiters at the beck and call of those there.

"Maybe.. I can sense some unease" naruto thought, taking a seat on a sofa with mujina as a waiter comes for their orders. He orders a beer while mujina orders champagne before naruto sees a few checking out mujina, causing him to pull her closer to him with his left around her.

"We'll need to make this believeable.. After a few.. We'll need to play our part" naruto whispers in her ear and covering his mouth while doing so. Their drinks come and mujina nods as she sips her champagne, not tasting anything off with it as naruto scans the club with his beer in his right hand. Across the club in another VIP section a pair of green eyes are zeroed in on naruto, their owner is vikar dacasius and hanging off him are a few drunken girls. He has messy silver-blue hair and is very handsome face, wearing the lastest fashion from kalinsha.

"So that is the mystery Uzumaki" vikar thought. His father sent him and his fellow nine swords to find the key to ashina's library at the faustian compound, "That stupid Bitch Ingrid Faustian should've told us where the Key was.. Instead she fucking dead.. Well at least she said an Uzumaki still lives" vikar thought. Some time ago a mysterious man offered them their weight times 100,000 in gold for some key held by the faustian.

"Greed won my old man over" vikar thought, as his fellow member of the nine swords named Melfy Novnae is currently sucking on his neck.

"I found the Uzumaki" vikar says.

"Have you" melfy says. She has mocha skin with long black hair that have knife like ears poking from it and orange eyes, wearing a scandolous black dress.

"Yeah.. He's drinking with some girl" vikar says, glancing to his fellow nine sword Yammy. He is pushing near seven feet with tan skin, a powerful build and a ridge-lined cranium. He has brown eyes, black hair, long, bushy sideburns and a thin ponytail reaching his upper-back in a suit.

"How do you want to proceed" melfy says.

"We'll let him get drunk and make our move" vikar says. Back across the way naruto is using observe across the club but no one is on his radar as he soon catches vikar, melfy and yammy.

"Not a challenge to you Boya.. The Dark Elf is well below Mujina" musashi says, as a waiter him a few bottles courtesy of someone. Naruto asks about who sent these bottles but the waiter seems nervous about before the redhead stealthily slips his some money and reveals it is vikar decasius. Naruto whispers in mujina's ear once again and they begin drinking more to set a trap for vikar, while about three hours pass and soon begin to make their way out which catches vikar's attention.

"Alright.. Let's go" vikar says and his fellow nine swords follow him. [song ends]


"Hoh man.. I'm going to make you scream my name tonight" naruto crows, drunkingly and mujina drunkingly giggling as well. They make their way away from the club and back towards the faustian compound but suddenly vikar and comrades arrive.

"Hic.. Who are you" naruto says, slurring his words some. Vikar has his hands on his hips with a smirk on his face, "Well.. I'm the guy who funded your drinking" he says and naruto's eyes light up.

"Really!.. Man you're good people" naruto says and makes his way towards vikar but yammy punches him square in the face, sending him crashing to the ground. Mujina screams and runs off into the night towards the faustian area while vikar turns to her running form.

"W-what are you d-doing" naruto sputters, turning on his side to sit up but yammy kicks him square in the stomach. Yammy grabs his head as he comes up from his kick and slams naruto's head down. Vikar squats down and grabs naruto by the head with a malicious smile on his face, "Well Uzumaki.. I want the Key to the Ashina Library" vikar says.

"A-ashina Library" naruto says, one of his eyes closed in pain.

"Yes.. You're one the Uzumaki.. Your red hair is a Dead giveway.. We checked" vikar says.

"I'm sure you saw people checking you out" melfy says, smirking.

"Now you have a choice Uzumaki.. Come with us to my father and reveal the location the key" vikar says and grins darkly, "Or your little girlfriend Dies" he adds and naruto's breath hitches.

"A-alright" naruto says and yammy slams his boot into his head, knocking him out as he rises.

"Melfy.. Kill her.. No need for witnesses" vikar says and melfy rips off her dress to reveal a scandolous bikini with a silver scarf.

"On it" melfy says and vanishes, while yammy hefts naruto on his shoulder and they make their way to the decasius compound. Naruto soon awake with start as water is splashed on him and finds his hands cuffed but also outside in a very large backyard of a home.

"Nice of you to awaken Uzumaki" a voice says, akin to some high noblemen. Naruto sees said noblemen looking down on him with several others, his green-blue eyes looking at him as if he is a bug.

"W-who are you" naruto says, fear in his tone.

"My name is Duncan Lucian Decasius" the noblemen says and lifts his wine glass, "And I want the Key to Ashina's Library" he adds.

"Why do you want the Key" naruto says.

"You don't need to know Uzumaki" a man to duncan's right says. He is muscular, lean and having black hair with a scar around his neck, dressed in traditional ninja metal armor on his functioning left arm.

"Gemma is right.. You don't need to know... Yurimaru" duncan says and naruto suddenly screams as he's being electrified by something. A handsome but effeminate man, dressed in japanese noble attire stands behind naruto with thin string in his mouth leading to around the redhead's neck. Yurimaru stops and naruto falls forward with his eyes flickering in pain as duncan drinks his blood red wine.

"Can you still hear me Uzumaki" duncan says and slowly naruto lifts his head, "Good... Now I could easily torture you for the location of the Key but perhaps you can entertain me" he adds, drinking more wine.

"If you can entertain me" duncan says and a callous smile forms on his face, "I'll let you go and forget the Key" he adds but a demented one soon replaces it.

"Dad?!..." vikar says but duncan raises his hand to shut him up.

"H-how can I entertain you" naruto says and duncan begins laughing.

"Last 120 straight hours.. Facing All the fighters working for me" duncan says, spreading his arms wide and naruto's eyes widen.

Quest Received!

Survive One Hundred and Twenty Hours against the Decasius Family.


1) 1000000 EXP

2) Identity of Keeper of Secrets

3) Location of ? Dungeon

"1-120 straight h-hours.. I'll need to sleep.. Eat" naruto says, wavering in his tone.

"Then forfiet the Key and your life" duncan says.

"O-ok.. I-I'll do it" naruto says and duncan grins, before nodding to yurimaru and he cuts the thin wire then to yammy.

"Yammy will go first" duncan says and his eyes narrow, as naruto stands with no issue.

"A boost of adrenaline" yammy declares, cracking his knuckles with wide grin. Naruto says as yammy swings but breaks his cuffs to catch his fist with ease and gust of wind, "No" naruto says, brushing his fist aside and cracking him with six lightning-fast punches. Yammy's eyes white-out as he begins to fall to his knees but naruto is winding up a shocking first bullet before snapping yammy's neck with it as he crashes forward with a dustup. Naruto rests his boot on yammy's head and smacks his hands before pointing to the nonexistent watch on his left wrist, "Tick-Tock" naruto says, to shocked silence.