
Naruto Sitri (A multiverse Journey)

A Naruto who in his reality lost the war, thought he died but lady fate, had plans prepared for him, from being born into a being that should not have existed, to becoming the guardian of something he was never prepared for. ... (multiversal travel)

Luu_Slost · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Chapter 6: End of the tournament.

3 doritos later >>>>

Pyrrha looked surprised at the arena, just Naruto was not bragging when he said that he would be the one who would fight her for the title, everything happened so fast that she herself did not see well the last attack, one second Naruto's challenger was mocking him, the next he was struggling to stand before the direct attack of Naruto.

She almost didn't give her opponent time to respond, a few more quick steps dodging the opponent's desperate attacks, and with an extremely fast and precise move, she managed to bring the opponent's aura to red, thus winning the match.

She was happy for her newly made friend that she couldn't help but frown at the bitches in the crowd who were basically trying to get her attention by screeching Naruto's name, to which the boy only seemed to direct a smile at them, a smile that should have been for her, not those just any ... wait what?

Well stupid Naruto with his perfect smile, it didn't help that the long messy black hair suited him so well.... or that her outfit was a spectacle in itself, seriously who fought in a kimono and looked so cool doing it?

When he returned to the box again there was her smile, her stupid smile, a smile she didn't avoid returning, she definitely wanted Naruto as a friend. 

And so without realizing it, the pair spent the day, talking and commenting on the upcoming fights, themselves challenging each other to see who would win faster than the other, eating ice cream at the break, joking a little here and there, Pyrrha had never enjoyed her day as much as she did today. 

The two were the center of attention entirely, two people who had so far swept past each other with no apparent competition, and now the two were facing each other, weapons ready for combat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, everyone ready for the final fight of the day?" the announcer asked, causing the crowd to roar, all eagerly awaiting the fight.

"Can Naruto dethrone our champion, will Pyrrha Nikos rise with a new championship to her name, it's time to find out, fighters ready?" Naruto and Pyrrha nodded with smiles on their faces.

"Then GO FOR IT!" 

Immediately the two lunged at each other, Naruto spun and tried to hit him in the neck, Pyrrha blocked the attack with the shield up, already his spear in shotgun mode slashing at Naruto in retaliation. 

Naruto using the shield block as a lever to avoid Dust's bullets that were directed at him, after the first contact the two continued with attacks as beautiful as lethal, it seemed that they had rehearsed everything rhythmically. 

The two were so focused on their attacks that they forgot about their surroundings, concentrating on the battle, obviously Naruto was not using any technique or anything like that, this was in itself only his full-fledged natural ability added to his acute senses.

Pyrrha for her part was giving it her all, she hadn't completely let loose in a while, and this was so liberating, putting into practice everything she was taught, everything including her semblance which seemed to take Naruto by surprise at first, but was quickly countered.

Fixing slightly on the board where the aura was watched he smiled placidly as he saw that she was winning, but was it wise, if she won wouldn't push him away? .... She wanted a friend more desperately than her stupid title, of course she did.

Immersed in her thoughts that distracted her for a second she didn't see the direct hit that sent her backwards, making their auras even with each other. 

Naruto noticed it immediately, you didn't have to be a genius to know what the girl was thinking and why she received punishment from an attack so easy to dodge so, without further ado he shouted, "Silly girl, we will remain friends whatever happens, so, give it your all!"

She pounced with her sword ready, Pyrrha immediately registered his words and smiling in the same way, ready her spear, of course Naruto was not like the others, he was her friend, friend for a few hours, but friendships did not depend on time or those blowjobs, everything was simply that you could comment with the other. 

With that confirmed she went all in, it was time to win and show off a little.


Walking home down a path a little away from the crowd, Naruto was smiling happily as he ate his extra large pot of Ice Cream.

Next to him a dejected Pyrrha was eating her small portion, giving the boy next to her a dirty look. 

"That wasn't fair you know that don't you?" she said looking at him accusingly.

"I have no idea what you mean Pyrrha, I'm the champion now and that's that." He replied with a shit eating grin ruining his handsome face.

Naruto had won, Pyrrha didn't know about Naruto's "semblance", for towards the end of their fight, Naruto decided to end the show with his signature attack, a technique he stole early in his life, one that was said to have been created by his father, and that he improved so much that it became an s-class technique, Futon: Rasen Shuriken. 

Pyrrha barely escaped the blast radius of the technique only to be ambushed from above with a final cut that nearly destroyed her aura. Naruto thus winning, and as they had agreed before their fight, the loser would buy the winner a super-sized premium ice cream.

"so, what will you do now 'champion'?" asked the girl already accepting her defeat, happy for once that she couldn't win, her fame of invincibility would disappear, but to her, she really didn't care anymore, she had gained something more valuable by being defeated, a friend, a rival, a really wonderful person.

"Well I don't know, I was just passing through town when I heard about the tournament." Naruto said thoughtfully, he was really just waiting for the super developed lizard idiot to return him home, but that didn't look like it was going to happen anytime soon so, he was kind of stuck around here.

"So do you want to come to my house?" the redhead asked innocently not knowing that could be misinterpreted in so many ways.

"Ara ... Pyrrha I didn't think you were that kind of girl." Naruto joked a little, giving her a sidelong glance.

"I... wait what, not like that pervert, my mom and I were going to celebrate my new championship, but now that I didn't win it.... I guess we could celebrate you instead.... I mean if you want." Said shyly the girl who was now accompanying me nearby to these seedy places.

It's not I'm not going to accept, a free meal? Sign me up please. The point is, in all this running around, I noticed some strange looking guys following a Faunos girl who was looking for something in some trash cans, food probably, and that have my mind occupied ... 

If this is what I think it is, tonight several people are going to regret being born. 


