
Naruto Sitri (A multiverse Journey)

A Naruto who in his reality lost the war, thought he died but lady fate, had plans prepared for him, from being born into a being that should not have existed, to becoming the guardian of something he was never prepared for. ... (multiversal travel)

Luu_Slost · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Chapter 2: My luck is op?

Naruto POV

Entering with some fear into the portal, first of all, I stick my head out, already holding my breath, lest I end up in the dimensional gap or something like that.

Turning my head from one side to the other at full speed, quickly mapping the destination... realizing that well it's actually just a normal room.

...which leads to the question: Why does one of the most powerful beings in existence live in a normal room?, more importantly, where the hell were we?, and continuing with those questions: Why did a being like Ophis take the appearance of a girl? ...And even more seriously, why did said girl only wear such revealing clothes? ...and why did she only cover her modesty with a couple of x-shaped band-aids?

I was immersed in those thoughts without logic, that I did not realize the look that Ophis was giving me, only when I get to that point where you feel that they are staring at your soul is that I just realized, with dread I quickly asked for the respective apologies

"S-sorry?" I couldn't help but stutter as fear filled me. At that point I was already kneeling on the floor, waiting for my usual death threats, but they never came..., well Ophis will be an interesting boss.

"Here". She says, pointing to the floor. So this is the place where you want your silence? Perfect, it seems like a comfortable place to put a place to rest... but before that I put a finger to my chin thoughtfully..., several things have just occurred to me. ideas... normally I would wait for the right moment to stab my patrons in the back, after all I never liked taking orders.

As for ideas, let's start with the fact that she really is gullible... but she is immensely powerful so maybe she doesn't care, after all she trusted my word to be able to give her the silence without checking anything, and that brings me to the point. conclusion of said in simple terms would you mind anything if you can just delete it if you don't like it?, exactly.

That said, my smile slowly widens, I have a wonderful idea to fulfill your wish and in turn benefit greatly from it, my original idea was to basically seal this room in total vacuum, relatively easy considering I more or less had the idea in my head. head of how to do it, after all Obito's Kamui was what he wanted to replicate.

But now the opportunity to have a great power in my hands has been presented to me on a platter, how could I not take advantage of it... well there is also a great possibility that it won't work and I will die, would that stop me? Of course not. , the higher the bet the bigger the winnings, and know it... Naruto Uzumaki has never lost a bet.

"Lady Ophis, to begin with, could you please undress?" I ask happily, if this is the exact moment where the future of the world became so chaotic, that it may not survive the next decades.


Serafall POV.

"Naru-tan, why? How? What happened?" were the questions that plagued his mind now, everything happened so fast, without any sense.

At one point he was hoping to be able to find out the whereabouts of his little brother by torturing Katerea or one of the devils who supported the old satans, since literally the mansions of the descendants of the old satans, at this time They were colonies full of like-minded idiots, and with the barrier around it falling, he could easily kidnap one of said idiots.

With those ideas in mind, he never expected what he saw, as soon as he arrived at the place he couldn't help but shudder, something inside his senses felt so wrong..., so dark, it was as if hatred itself made material had gathered in that place.

Checking her surroundings, she realized what was happening, more specifically that such an accumulation of hatred was coming from, a strange being, which according to her senses was perhaps a Youkai, a strange one at that... that not even she with her vast knowledge of said race He was able to identify the one in front of him.

That led to the question, what was a youkai doing here? And following that line of questioning, how did one of the most powerful barriers come down? It was assumed that said barrier had been created by a Dantalion, a pillar family specialized in such things. barriers, whose creations in the wars that had happened were never penetrated.

He only knew that at a certain point in the war the same Biblical God had been the cause of the death of the original Dantalion, the one who murdered a couple of Archangels, and that only because the devil had Gabriel locked within one of his barriers, with certainly not holy intentions, so in his libido to have the most beautiful Angel in heaven in his power, he did not realize when God crossed the barriers with pure power reaching him.

But that was a story for another time, because suddenly he felt another power that he had not noticed at first, more concentrated on the hatred of the Youkai, this power unlike the other one he had felt before, swallowing audibly he saw the figure that was approached said youkai, he had changed his appearance, but the nature of the more than oppressive power of the Uroboros Dragon could not be denied.

When she raised her hand, accumulating power in it, Serafall was ready to get out of there, she did not want to die from the aftermath of her attack, she, like the beings who had seen the dragon in action, knew that the most preferable thing was to get out quickly. from wherever she is seen, after all the last time she was seen... she caused an incident that ended with the elimination of nearly 100,000 humans, and that was just a sequel to completely eliminating an idiotic evil dragon that He thought he could be stronger than Ophis, a fact that of course the entire supernatural race had to cover up by giving excuses like the explosion of a nuclear bomb.

With that clear in his mind he was about to escape and come back later to look for something he can use, but halfway there he froze instantly, the hatred... the raw power suddenly vanished leaving behind it, again a known power, She turned slowly, afraid of what she would see, and when she turned fully...her fear was confirmed.

"Naru-tan?" ...she whispered to herself, seeing the scene in front of her, a surreal scene from any point, her little brother that a few months ago she used to bother, she used to pamper, here he was, about to be executed by one of the most powerful beings in the world. world.

She...literally lost him, her mind went blank, she couldn't react, she knew that she had to get in the way of this, that she had to protect him, but all the traumas of the war came back to her like an explosion, this trigger paralyzed.

Even so, with his mind so paralyzed by his feelings, he could still vaguely register how Naruto fell to one knee in front of Ophis, no, no, no, he shouldn't, he shouldn't, he was his brother, he couldn't beg. For his life...he should...

Her thoughts ended abruptly with the next thing that happened, Ophis opened a portal, and her little brother was willingly accompanying her, "No, Naru-tan, don't go." That's what she tried to say, but she couldn't even open her mouth.

Her words, although inaudible, seemed to reach him, because he turned... staring at her for a moment and then saying goodbye raising his hand, an instant in which she was able to recover a little, enough to shoot out with her maximum speed to stop him, only to fail again, when he arrived the portal had already closed, leaving his outstretched hand only to catch the wind.

She stayed there for a few seconds with her eyes wide open from not having been able to get there, the guilt quickly accumulating, she immediately fell to the ground, almost immersed in madness she tried to dig at the ground, trying to reach it, she cried, she... .. he couldn't believe it, he had failed again, again his little brother had gone far from his reach, that day, the cheerful magical girl Levi-tan had literally died.

When the supposed reinforcements arrived accompanied by another satan in the form of Ajuka Beelzebub, who quickly analyzed the situation, like a close friend he tried to help or do something for his companion, but being the idiot with almost no social skills that he was, the only thing he achievement was that Serafall locked herself in her room practically lifeless.


Later with Naruto.

Looking at the landscape before me, a vast expanse of lifeless countryside... land not at all fertile, just rocky and full of dust, dust from which I feel a slight sting in my nose, I began to breathe rapidly in anticipation of possibly sneezing, I tried to stop it with my finger, but unfortunately... the momentum got the better of me.

"Ha chuuu." I sneezed loudly, only for the power of said sneeze to literally obliterate everything in front of me within a 500 meter radius.

"Whew." I couldn't help my surprise, this was power and not nonsense like Kurama's chakra, in retrospect I shouldn't expect less from the dragon of infinity, looking at my hand I squeeze it a couple of times, feeling the power that floods me... it's so intoxicating, so oppressive and at the same time so warm, like a soft blanket... in a moment of euphoria I hit the floor almost without applying any force.

Soon a huge crater spreads quickly leaving me in a huge hole, well I guess my plan to get the boy's skinny body in shape has just gone down the toilet, sighing with satisfaction I see my stomach, massaging it gently with my fingers I leave a faint glow at his touch, there still shining the Hakke no Fūin Shiki, the beautiful seal created to contain the Kyuubi Chakra, and now being used to seal an infinity dragon.

Well not really, trying to seal Ophis would probably have ended in my death, this seal is totally modified, So yeah, I'm just welcoming Ophis' consciousness inside me, it took me a little while to convince her to do this.. Well, not really, it was simply asking and she easily accepted, the one who said that being polite is all he needed to convince someone, this idiot, but at least here it worked.


"Lady Ophis, to begin with, could you please undress?" Naruto asked with a 10% chance of survival, but with 90% faith.

Ophis, for her part, looked at him for a second... but with the temptation? Oh, whatever the feeling was, waiting for his beloved silence, with a thought the so-called clothes disappeared, if it was necessary to recover his perfect silence.

Until now it had been... who knows how long, she never took any importance to those things after all the concept of time was only used for mortal beings, anyway, in all this "Time", she had traveled everywhere. of this so-called world, looking for someone who could help her defeat the Baka Red..., but unfortunately they were all weak, so weak that she herself had mistakenly killed many by waving her hands.

With people like that there was no possibility of being able to fulfill her wish, well until this feathered bird that she did not remember his name had given her an idea, if she alone with someone else could not have eliminated the big idiot, what would happen if thousands of Did these weaklings get together? Maybe there could be a possibility.

With the idea that had not been given at all by said bird, she embarked on a new mission, to recruit as many as she could to help, "Recruit" being the key word, these miserable beings were such idiots, how could they not just help her when Did she tell them? Did they not know that she would not be pleased and would kill them for that? Apparently not, many tried to escape and ignore her, effectively ending in their bloody deaths.

More "time" passed and she met some who, if they listened to her and joined, that pleased her to a lesser extent since everyone she had gathered would die with a single movement of the Great Airhead Lizard, it was not until she met the Bat of gray hair that her Big Idea began to fill with decent people, she was that great, she just needed the bat to do its job and she could get her silence back.

With that already over she wanted to sleep until the right time, but again everything was so noisy, there was no place where she could rest peacefully, as she could... after all her home was the only place where she would find the comforting emptiness.

So she could just lay there waiting... oh, that's what she should be doing, but again someone decided to bother her apparently, because where she was lying she was planning to maybe kill this Cronos guy so that this "time" of waiting would be over. , a horrible sound shook her causing her in her non-complacency to destroy the place completely.

When he saw the source of the noise he didn't hesitate, he immediately walked over and slapped him... that would usually silence whoever was being loud, he was slightly shocked to see that the red rabbit survived his slap... he could help, but it had also been noisy...

She had that little dilemma in her mind, a dilemma that was solved when she began to open her mouth... "I apologize my lady, I did not know that she had offended a being of her power, I... "

She without thinking charged her power, she didn't need noisy beings, "Silence, you are too noisy, you must die." I declare ready to silence him forever.

But the next thing she said paralyzed her, "My lady, I can give you silence... at least for a while." She said the...little bat?, at first it looked like a rabbit and now it was a bat...strange.

But more importantly, could he? She needed to ask immediately. She had looked for ways to recreate her silence with her power, but so far nothing had worked. If he could do it, maybe she wouldn't kill him, and she would forgive him. for disturbing her rest.

"can?" she then asked.

"Of course my lady, just tell me the area where you want to feel yourself in the void again, my power should be able to do it immediately." She responded without hesitation, that... was certainly something that would please her, she quickly looked for a place where she would like to be able to rest, what better place than where her pawns were gathering for the big day.

Turning she opened a portal to said place, just a little more and she could sleep... she had wanted this for a while, already inside her so-called room she was here naked waiting for what more was needed to have some silence in this noisy world. .

What happened in the next couple of hours, she didn't understand, in fact, she didn't care, why would she? She had recovered something she had searched for so long, although it wasn't home, the feeling inside where she was. Whatever it was, it was so similar... that she immediately rested, this feeling... would it only improve in her home? If so, she just needed to kill the big idiot... but for now, just... Zzz .


Yes, she decided to try it for herself, and judging by what I feel she is completely knocked out, perfect... everything went so perfectly that I almost forgot that when I entered my devil body, it almost exploded from such an amount of power.

Luckily my reflexes from a life full of ultra-fast assassins around every corner kept me alert, without hesitation I shot out of the room towards some free place, followed by releasing all of Kurama's power, transforming my body into that of the stupid fox, the seal adapted to my form in a few moments, after about fifteen minutes of suffering adapting to Ophis's power, everything calmed down.

Once my body was used to contain the Kyuubi, now Kurama in physical state was being used to contain Ophis, ironic right?

Then I had to make changes to the seal to adapt myself in a better way and without disturbing the beast that slept inside me, but since she was inside me voluntarily, it was easier for me to apply the same thing to her that I did with Kurama, and now I was here playing with Ophis's powers, powers that of course were influencing my body, changes that I probably should have noticed before.

Of course she could wake up at any moment and come out with all her power outside of me, after all to steal all her power like Kurama I would need to defeat her, and that at this moment is so far out of my reach that it may never happen.

But let's not think about that, on the contrary, let's take advantage of the fact that I have so much power to cause chaos, I mean... I still haven't gotten revenge on the bitch that murdered the little boy, with that in mind I should start by tracking her down, how complicated is it? This world is so vast, and my starting point was destroyed by Ophis.

I was thinking about those ideas until a voice interrupted me, "Lady ophis, did something happen?" the voice asked, making me turn towards its direction.

"Lady Ophis?" was the first thing that came to mind, seconds later, the realization, shit... I guess externally I literally feel like Ophis, but that wouldn't explain why I came to that conclusion unless.

Feeling my magic, a film of water immediately forms as a mirror, it is at that point that I really notice how deep my connection with Ophis was, because apparently by taking some of Ophis's power I also borrowed his appearance and strangely ...his clothes, although with all those changes I was missing one eye, which fortunately was being hidden by my long hair, well...it wasn't the first time I looked like a girl, since the sexy Jutsu I developed It was perfect for eliminating male targets, I was a little used to that.

With that said, I quickly turned towards the one who addressed me who was beginning to look strange, judging by his aura... a demon, but where have I seen him before? He looks familiar... maybe one? What did the little boy study? Damn, I should have paid more attention in those moments, well, well, I was always good at improvising, that being said...


Rizevim Livan Lucifer POV

Looking a little strange at his "supposed" boss, he wondered what had happened in the Leviathan mansion, his spies who were close to the Gremory boy who had taken care of the domestic things of the underworld had not yet told him anything, they were probably expecting a death. painful or something, but hey, I'd let Euclid take care of this.

Turning his attention to the dragon of infinity he saw her... looking at herself in a mirror? That was strange, since he met her he never thought she would care about something so trivial, in fact the form she was taking now was at the request of someone who recruit, Aži Dahāka, a strange evil dragon, who requested that Ophis change her appearance from the old man she used to be to this girlish form in exchange for joining, which the infinity dragon did not even hesitate to do.

A quirk of Ophis that was in fact the reason he was using her to take the Kaos Brigade for himself, an interesting organization that was initially in the hands of Satanael who later became Ophis's, Rizevim really wouldn't have been interested. in the least in the new groups, but when he discovered what type of beings they formed it amused him enough for him to decide to take it over, seeing how this would help in his future plans.

"No, it's nothing." He replied, that... was certainly stranger, normally he would just give her that blank look he used to give her and go on his way if there was nothing more to talk about.

"Lady Ophis... are you sure?" He asked again tentatively, waiting for her response, but when she only saw her with a blank stare, she assumed that she had imagined the above, here was still the dragon from which she would eventually steal her power to use in the benefit from it.

With that settled, he was about to walk away from her and leave the dragon alone, but he was surprised when she reached for her sleeve, "Tell me how the plans are going?" she asked in her usual monotone voice.

Huh? This day was getting strange, Ophis asking for a report? Leaving aside the strangeness in that, he began to inform her more or less of what he wanted her to do to gather more individuals to his faction, yes, well she could use this to continue guiding her towards her goals.

After all now he wanted her to convince a couple of dragons that had caught her attention, and even better now that the dragon factions were in their little cold war, he wanted to get his hands on the power of Crom Cruach and Grendel.

2 more of the so-called evil Dragons, easy to convince once Ophis took care of erasing the barrier that kept them held, a barrier certainly problematic because it had been put up by Quetzalcoatl, the ancient dragon goddess..., who was now... ., was nothing more than one of the leaders of the spectator faction, so unfortunate that a powerful dragon had ended up like this, but well...eventually in his ideal world he would come to have a purpose.

Now it was only a matter of time before her plans began to take direction, while she rambled with her ideas she did not notice Naruto's face when he heard these things...