
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
36 Chs

Chapter 10 Chakra Control/ Kurokos Thoughts

Yes I love it when a plan comes together

With the added strength of the Chinoike Clan, the security of the village will rise. This is good but still, not enough. My true goal is to make Uzushiogakure strong enough the survive the 4th shinobi war and the invasion of the Ōtsutsuki.

Hopefully, all the preparations I'll make in the future will be enough. I honestly don't know what to expect when the Ōtsutsuki clan arrives since I never watched Boruto and only know some information about it.


Better not to worry about things years in the future and instead, focus on surviving the 3rd war that will be coming soon.

"Also fellow elders my grandson Akashi has agreed with becoming the Jinchuriki of the 7 tails. We will hold the ceremony once he reaches the age of 5, in the meantime the 7 tails will be kept In the stomach of the Shinigami.

So basically in two years huh I can wait that long. Maybe I can be friends with Chomei the same way Naruto was with Kuruma.

"With that, the meeting is over!"

– Time Skip Jutsu 2 Weeks -

2 weeks had passed since the meeting was held and during this entire time, I've been learning chakra exercises.

"Damnit! Why won't the leaf stick"

"You need to concentrate better Akashi. We Uzumaki are gifted with large amounts of chakra. This is a blessing but it also hinders our training causing us to focus on control early on. You are more affected by this than most due to having much higher chakra than even most Uzumaki your age."

What Gramps said is true. Apparently, Kami left me one more gift or maybe it's because of my reincarnated soul that my chakra is higher than most. Either way, I got tons of chakra and it's really annoying to control.

"I know Gramps it's just that whenever I try to create a steady stream of chakra it instead feels like a river" No wonder Naruto sucked at chakra control I can only imagine him trying to learn this stuff while Kuruma would get in his way.

"I'll give you a tip since we've been at this for 2 weeks. Chakra control relies a lot on visualization, you have to imagine your chakra and what you want to do while also controlling it."

Visualization huh isn't that the same thing Ichigo did in Bleach when he tried to control his reatsu? If it really is the same or at least similar then I should try to imagine a faucet like Ichigo did.

Alright, let's do this! My Chakra is water I'm the faucet controlling how much water is leaving and pointing it in the right direction.

"Hoho looks like you succeeded Akashi the leaf stuck."

Opening my eyes but not letting go of control. I saw the leaf in between my eyes.

Haha, let's go! It wasn't that hard

"I know that face Akashi don't get cocky now that's something everyone in the clan can do you still have a far ways to go when it comes to control."

eh, he has a point I'm still far from tree walking, water walking, and shape transformation.

"Yes, I know Gramps I'm just excited to see some progress."

"Hm it's good to be excited but remember Akashi never become arrogant for arrogance is the killer of prodigies"

Damn, why'd he have to make that sound ominous but he does make a good point. So many so-called geniuses and prodigies die in this world because of arrogance.

"Thank you Gramps I'll remember this lesson."

"Good, well let's continue with your training I want you to be able to hold that leaf for 30 minutes by the end of today and to be capable of holding 3 leaves by the end of the week"

"Don't worry Gramps I'll get it done but I also wanted to ask when am I going to get a teacher? Not that your not a good teacher Gramps but I know you're really busy and you already mentioned getting me one the other day."

"No worries Akashi you'll be seeing him soon."

– Kurokos Thoughts -

When we discovered that the nations were going to invade us, most had lost hope. We Uzumaki prided ourselves on our strength in Fuinjutsu and our chakra, but even we knew it would be impossible to fight off so many enemies. It was then that I received a mission to head to Konohagakure and request reinforcements.

At first, I had great faith in the success of the mission. The ties we had with Konoha ran deep, it was a bond that many of us thought would never break. Sadly we were all wrong! When I arrived and told the Hokage of our plight he refused and said that they were also hard pressed. I would've believed them too if it hadn't been for my eye of Kagura instead, I saw the true emotions of not only the Hokage but of his fellow elders they were happy. No, they were overjoyed to hear of our struggle but not just that I also felt greed coming from them.

immediately I set off and returned to Uzushio. Once Ashina and the Elders heard my testimony they were livid but what could we do? Fight Konoha and add one more enemy to the list. Some even suggested we try asking Mito and the Senju for help. That idea was quickly denied we had all heard of the Senjus situation it could be said that they were in a worse position than us with only a few members left in the clan.

In the coming days, everyone became more tense with no hope in sight till he arrived... the Kages grandson. Merely a 3-year-old with no life experience but he proposed war ideas and a way of fighting we hadn't even thought of. Following his instruction we were able to not only survive the battle but win!

The village had great celebrations for many days but this win wasn't without cost. Our Uzumaki clan has lost more than half its shinobi.

Luckily the elders decided we would no longer produce solely for Konoha but would instead expand our trade to the other nations even teach some foreigners seals that weren't a threat to the clan for a price of course.

Konoha apparently didn't receive this well and sent Lady Tsunade as a representative of the leaf to re-establish an alliance. Tsunade even looked quite confident we would accept them just because she was a Senju. Little does she know we hold little importance about her and a dying clan.

Being rejected surely crushed her ego she even started destroying things once she left the village. This did bring a smile to my face especially when I felt her arrogance turn to embarrassment


Hey everyone hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter it was a bit different than the previous ones. I may try to do some more chapters similar to this by showing other characters POVs and maybe even how other villages react to the on goings of Uzushio.

Also question I know that the land of waves doesn't have a village but does it have a Damiyo? definitely not a spoiler by the way.