
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 11 Kuroko

- Kurokos Thoughts -

Once our bonds were finally free of Konoha many nations requested trade deals. This proved to be a great benefit for the village. Many merchants began to travel to Uzushiogakure when this was announced bringing new life to the village.

These new funds allowed us to reinforce our island and add many more watchtowers and defenses. During this period many spies tried to infiltrate the village but with our mind's eye none can escape us and every single one was caught. We even discovered a strange white creature trying to sneak into the country, the most surprising thing about it was how hard it is to detect and we almost missed it but In the end, it was captured all the same and sent to the labs for study.

After a month of reconstruction and reinforcement, it was announced that the clan elders would have another meeting concerning the future of the village. I was also invited due to me being the Commander of Anbu for the village.

When the time of the meeting happened many of the topics were what I expected to hear. Mostly trade deals and discussions on where we should invest the excess funds. Once all topics were touched on I was prepared for the meeting to end but surprisingly the little hero of our village had something to say.

Having a child in a meeting concerning the clan's future would usually be considered highly inappropriate but when this child is the hero of the clan many decided to stay silent and at least hear him out. Not even I expected much from him thinking that maybe he was just lucky, instead he amazed us all with his vision of building an academy similar to the ones in other villages but with greater specialization. This academy would allow all civilians to register with Uzumaki children to close the gap between village and clan while also making our future shinobi flexible and harder to predict.

Akashis proposal was quickly passed without much resistance. I myself am quite excited about this academy maybe with this the Anbu will have new talents with different fields of mastery. While I was lost I thought the boy spoke up once more with a final proposal that truly shocked many of us and made some uncomfortable.

The inclusion of new clans in the village. This was a sensitive topic for us as we have been the sole clan of Uzushiogakure for many years. The Uzumaki clan has the highest authority here as well since we have no Daimyo and would never accept one.

The discussions that came up from this were heated, to say the least. Many of us could see the benefits of adding new clans but we could also see the complications if there were to be conflicts. If this were the pass the seat of Uzushikage would no longer solely belong to the Uzumaki and would instead be something to be earned like the seats of other Kage.

None of us had confidence in this new development. We would at least need to experiment with one clan before inviting others but who could we invite? Surprisingly the young master had a solution for this as well. The Chinoike clan, many of us knew of them especially because it hasn't been many years since their banishment.

Once we thought on the subject of the Chinoike we began to realize they would make a great fit for the village. They had been falsely accused and had to suffer banishment so they were in no way bad. It also helped that they lived nearby in the land of water merely a 2-week journey if we sneak in while trying to avoid shinobi. The clan specialized in Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and even had a Kekkai Genkai the Ketsuryūgan. Which allowed them great mastery of blood. Their strengths covered points our clan didn't focus on.

Eventually, we agreed to a trial run with the Chinoike if they proved to be amicable we would be glad to have them stay even if we didn't invite any other clans.

Ashina ended up choosing me for the task of finding and offering the Chinoike a home. I was proud to accept such a mission especially when I knew what it meant to the village.

We also learned that the young master would become the Jinchuriki when he reached 5 years old. Almost all the elders approved especially when he had shown such wisdom beyond his years. He would surely make a good leader with some more training.

After the meeting, Ashina pulled me aside and informed me that I would become the boy's teacher after completing my mission. It is a great honor knowing that I was chosen to teach the future clan leader. Being given this opportunity would probably pull me away from my duties but in the end, I felt It was a sacrifice I was willing to make especially when it was a request done personally by Ashina.

With that done I set out with my team to the land of hot water. Our journey would have been much faster but we were slowed down because of Yugakures patrols. The tensions between nations have been rising making everyone wary of each other. Time for war is near many of us can feel it. This is also the reason for such high patrols and it isn't uncommon to find in other countries with similar patrols.

After 2-weeks of travel, we eventually reached the land that truly looked like hell. All the water was red like blood as if the land itself was cursed. There were hardly any animals as well. Making this already bleak place even harsher.

We were eventually able to find the Chinoike and we were surprised but their state. The Chinoike were once a proud people that had numbers reaching almost a thousand but now they numbered around 300 if this continued they would probably lose more members until the clan was completely extinct. Could it be young master knew of their situation and wanted to help them? Impossible the boy is smart but this sort of genius just isn't possible.

- Kurokos POV -

"Men hold here I believe we have found the Chinoike" I said while trying to survey our surroundings

"Sir that can't be right, where's the rest of them?"

"Look at the land Wolf what do you think happened to the rest?"

hearing this my men began to look around and realized the horrible situation of the Chinoike clan

"But for them to lose so many..."

"I know wolf but if you truly want to help them then we should introduce ourselves. The faster we get them out of here the faster they'll recover." Hearing this statement I noticed my men become serious as this was no longer a matter concerning the strength of our village but the survival of a clan. Once we were ready we body flickered a distance away from the Chinoike, close enough for them to see and far enough for them to not feel threatened.

"Who are you! What do you want from us!"

seeing that they were on edge I chose to remove my mask which is highly against protocol but this was a situation that I believe required trust.

"I am Kuroko Uzumaki of Uzushiogakure and I have come as the representative of my village to make your clan an offer. Is it possible for us to meet your Clan leader?" Hearing my question the Chinoike broke out in discussions on what I could want while some left to get whoever was in charge

Not long after they returned with an older man who appeared to be in his sixties.

"Hello there I am Tomo Chinoike I apologize if our welcome wasn't warm but our situation has t been good for a long while now. I hope you can forgive us on that part. Besides that, some of my clan members told me you had a proposal for us from Uzushiogakure?"

"Indeed that's true, allow me to introduce myself once more I am Kuroko Uzumaki representative of Uzushiogakure. The village has decided to invite the Chinoike clan to join us. If the Chinoike accepts then you will be given a plot of land within the village that can easily hold 5,000 people. The Chinoike will also be given elder positions for village meetings and your children will also be able to study at the academy with our Uzumaki clan and the Civilian children. Buildings inside the village will also be given so that you may start businesses. Your clan will be free from taxes for the next 5 years to help your recuperation."

All the Clan members couldn't express how they were feeling when they heard such a great offer but many knew what this meant, Hope. Some even collapsed on the floor crying knowing their time of suffering was now over.

"Kuroko are you speaking the truth? You do know it's a sin to lie to the elderly so please tell me you speak the truth." Tomo was also crying. He had seen over half his clan die here and now they have a way out, a place that will not only accept them but will help their clan thrive.

"I speak no lies Respected Clan leader. This proposal was brought up by the grandson of the current patriarch and he mentioned your clan by name. Do you accept?"

"Yes! We accept we will leave right away."

Kuroko couldn't help but smile seeing so many faces filled with joy and all this was thanks to his future student. Now he was truly eager to meet him.

"I wonder what other surprises you'll show me Akashi."

- Uzushiogakure -


Wait a minute why am I sneezing? Is someone talking about me like those anime scenes? Creepy