
Naruto : Pure Blood

This is the story of a boy who gets transmigrated into the body of Naruto when he is on the trip with Jiraiya, the boy gets the chance to meet the god and get some wishes. after meeting the god the boy wishes to be bloodline purification and Gojo's six eyes what to expect -Smart MC -Check -mastering all elements -check -creating flashy jutsus- check -creating kekkei genkai -check -no hiding his true strength -check -lovable characters -check -yandere girlfriend(Hinata)-check -small harem (4-5 members)- check -incest -check -time travel -check -R18 scenes(after 100 chapters) -check - bullying the weak -check -not evil not so good MC -check -killing Danzo in cold blood- check -- -naive mc- not check -trying to help everyone -not check -pushover-not check ----------- the story is slightly slow-paced at the beginning, but after chapter 70 it picks up the pace this will be fun just read it. I know you have read many MLT stories on this site, so just shut off some of your brain cells and read the story, there may be some grammatical mistakes so turn your mind on autocorrect mode and enjoy the story. and no one is allowed to call the romance cringe, I know some of you will find it cringe so bear with it. the story will not be as canon there will be major changes in the story and characters.

Devils_hand · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
148 Chs

chapter 78


Chapter 78~ Time strings.


This chapter can go over your head so read it carefully because there are Maths, Physics, and the concept of space involved.



Naruto and Hinata exited the portal and entered a separate dimension. This was one of the pocket dimensions aligned with the original dimension.


This dimension was strange, very strange. When Naruto entered, he felt something unusual in his body. His eyes flickered for a second, and he couldn't pinpoint what this feeling was.


He looked around in this dimension, taking in his surroundings.

Endless stretches of white sand formed a sprawling desert that seemed to extend into infinity.

Despite its appearance, there was no oppressive heat radiating from the desert floor.

Turning his gaze upward, Naruto observed the peculiar sky.

Devoid of a scorching sun or twinkling stars, it presented an eerie sight. Instead, a solitary red moon hung in the vast expanse of the grayish sky, casting a pallid, otherworldly glow upon the desolate landscape.


"So, this is the dimension you were talking about," he called out to Hinata.

"Yes, I discovered this dimension some time ago," she replied to him.


"This is strange... the time difference is 1:0.01 compared to the original dimension," he said while looking around.

He squatted down and picked up some sand in his palm, examining it closely. "There is an abundance of natural energy here," he said as he scanned the sand in his palm.


"Yep, and this is not the only thing…" Hinata said, her Jougan activated. With her eyes, she could perceive the world around her in a very strange and bizarre way.

"The space and time around this dimension move in parallel and intertwine with each other... you can see it with your eyes," she explained to him, while Naruto continued to scan the surroundings.


"Hmm," he nodded. "Now that we don't have the limitation of time, we can train as much as we want. This is going to go a long way," Naruto said to her.

"We have all the time we want," she replied, crossing her fingers. An army of shadow clones appeared.

If she wanted to stand beside Naruto, she had to be powerful—powerful enough to protect him—so she could not be left behind. It was her simple yet extreme thinking.


"So what are you going to train?" Naruto asked her.

"First of all, all the remaining elements. And then, create some kekkei tota. You know I have a liking for the powers of that blue-haired girl, and I know it was her genetic kekkei tota. Now I have a liking for that power; I want it for myself," she explained to him.


'The blue-haired girl, she meant Konan,' Naruto thought. "So that's how it is; you want to combine wind, earth, and water to create the paper release,'" Naruto said to her. He knew she could do it; her Jougan was broken, and she had enough power to create it.


She nodded to him. If she liked something, she would get it, no matter how.

"Hehe, you know, now that you mentioned it, I was also thinking of creating a kekkei tota," he said to her.


"Which one?" she asked him.

"The Dust Release," he said, a big grin on his face.


"The Tsuchikage's infamous Dust Release, the mixture of fire, earth, and wind," she said.

"You're right, my darling. But that man didn't have enough chakra to use it to its full potential. I have enough chakra; you couldn't even imagine how much more powerful it will become in my hands. Mixing it with my Rasengan... I don't even want to think about how much destruction it will cause," Naruto mused aloud.

"Hehe… I like it…" Hinata giggled.

Naruto also created an army of shadow clones.

"You guys, figure out the ratio," he ordered half of them.

And the other half find a place for themselves they know what to do.

Hinata also ordered her clones to start. They all nodded to her and moved slightly away from her.

Her clones first had to practice with fire, earth, and wind chakra. With her Jougan, it wasn't difficult; after all, it was called the most broken dojutsu for nothing.


Naruto and Hinata parted ways to practice on their own. They didn't want to hinder each other.


Now that Hinata was away from him, he sat on the sand. "Now that my clones are creating Dust Release, it's time for me to create something even more destructive... hehe... I really love destruction," Naruto thought out loud.


Naruto activated his eyes, and they emitted a subtle glow. His eyes were not like other dojutsu with attack and defense abilities, such as the Rinnegan or Sharingan.

His eyes possessed a passive ability; they could perceive virtually everything.

They granted him the power to create anything; with enough chakra control, he could alter the structure of any molecules.


As an example, he could observe the molecular arrangement of carbon in the surrounding environment.

With his exceptional chakra control and all-seeing eyes, he had the capability to alter the structure of carbon, transforming it from a gaseous form to a solid, like graphite.

If He aimed to push the boundaries further, contemplated changing the molecular structure of carbon to turn it into a diamond. This was just an example of what he could do.


"In fact, I have the most broken eyes if they are used correctly," Naruto thought to himself.

"Now... first, create the things I've wanted for both long and short-range attacks."


Naruto crossed his fingers, and six clones appeared, arranging themselves in a circle around him.

Naruto and his six clones locked eyes with each other as they sat in a circle.

Their eyes all glowed, and together, they extended their hands, carefully releasing elemental chakra in a controlled manner.


The first one was lightning chakra, followed by fire, wind, earth, water, yin, and lastly yang chakra.

They released an equal amount of chakra, ensuring not even a single atom less or more.

The yin chakra was invisible to the naked eye, but they could perceive it.

As soon as all the elements collided with each other in the middle of their circle,

A tiny black sphere began to materialize, initially so minuscule that it eluded the naked eye.


However, as they infused more chakra into it, the sphere expanded, its blackness absorbing the chakra like a sponge. It grew larger, not by centimeters but millimeters.


The toll of creating the Truth-Seeking Ball was tremendous.


Nevertheless, there was no shortage of chakra, considering Naruto was a jinchuriki without a bijuu.


Naruto and his clones, with their perfect chakra control, carefully infused the elemental chakra into the ball. Any mistake could lead to the ball's explosion, leaving no room for errors.

Soon, the Truth-Seeking Ball was ready. It measured about 7 to 8 centimeters in diameter. However, the power it contained was terrifying, costing Naruto approximately 5 to 6 tails' worth of chakra.

They stopped pouring chakra into the ball.


Naruto gazed at the black ball in front of him. He extended his hand, and the ball flew toward him.

It hovered just above his palm, and Naruto wore a grin on his face. It felt so natural, as though it were an extra limb.


Naruto scanned the ball with his eyes. The density of the atoms was remarkably high, with hardly any space between them. If he were to calculate its weight, it would be above 6-7 tons.

However, the ball was connected to his mind at a subconscious level, becoming like second nature to him.


Naruto flicked his hand, and the ball above his hand began to rotate around his body.

Although he didn't need to command the ball by using his hand, he could direct it with his thoughts.


With a sigh of concentration, the ball changed into a staff, and then into a shield. Naruto altered its form repeatedly to get a better feel for it.

Once he was done experimenting, the ball started to hover behind his back.

"Boys, we can't stop with just one, can we?" Naruto said to his clones, all of them wearing grins on their faces.

"Of course not," they called out in unison.

And so, the drill began.


Naruto didn't know how much time had passed in this dimension.

The moon was a constant presence, offering no indication of the passing hours. Nonetheless, in reality, he was growing more powerful.

He had depleted nearly all of his chakra, only to find it fully replenished again. His reserves were increasing day by day.

However, there was no time for celebration; he had more tasks to attend to.

Naruto stood in the center of the white desert, gazing at the moon.

In the distance, his and Hinata's clones were engaged in their practice.


Nine Truth-Seeking Balls were hovering behind his back in a circular pattern.

"It's time to test one of my theories; I hope it works," Naruto said to himself.

With his thoughts, one of the Truth-Seeking Balls materialized in front of him. It began to expand.

In just a few seconds, it transformed into a hollow sphere, completely empty inside, containing nothing.

Naruto examined the massive black hollow sphere before him.


Naruto had his eyes activated as he bypassed the barrier and peered inside the sphere.

Initially, it appeared empty, but this was not the case. With his eyes, he could see the particles of all elements.

"It's time..." Naruto murmured in a low voice, a pure excitement gleaming in his eyes.


He placed his hand on the sphere, connecting with the energies inside it.

At first, his hand began to emit a light green glow.

With his mastery over the wind element, he could feel the particles of wind chakra within the sphere.

Naruto started to guide these particles, gradually removing all the wind chakra from the mix.


As he looked inside the sphere, Naruto could see that there were no wind particles left within it.

It had become a vacuum devoid of air.

The black ball surrounding the vacuum prevented any particles from entering from the outside.

However, it couldn't be referred to as a "true vacuum." While there was no air inside, any living being with a weak body that entered this domain would be boiled alive and eventually burst open.

But, as Naruto pondered, it couldn't be considered a "true vacuum."

Other elements, such as nature energy, lightning, water, earth, and fire chakra particles, were still present. Naruto had only removed the wind chakra from the mix.


These five elements, along with nature energy, made it possible for living beings to exist.


However, what these elements concealed was the essence of "space-time."


Naruto once again placed his hand on the sphere, and this time his hand turned blue.

He connected with all the water particles and, using his mastery over the water element guided them out of the sphere.


Now, only fire, earth, lightning, and nature energy remained within the sphere.


One by one, he began to extract all the remaining elements from the sphere.

Finally, only nature energy remained inside it.

Naruto didn't care about this small amount of nature energy and effortlessly absorbed it into his body.

It was much easier when you could see it, and this minimal energy couldn't turn him into stone.

At last, everything was done, and there was nothing left inside the sphere.


Naruto couldn't see anything inside it, because there was nothing.

The sphere had blocked all the light, leaving only darkness—a profound emptiness.

Initially, he could perceive the atoms of different natures, but now there was absolutely nothing, just an abyss of darkness.


He squinted his eyes even further, straining to see anything in the absolute darkness.

But his efforts were in vain; there was nothing to see.

However, at that moment, something truly miraculous occurred.

Amidst the nothingness, he started to perceive something.

With each passing moment, his vision became clearer and clearer.




[Achievement Unlocked: Your mastery over your eyes has reached its pinnacle. There is nothing you cannot see.

Final Stage - Watch 'Space-Time' (Complete)]


Naruto heard a message in his head, and he realized he had forgotten about the system. After a long time, he heard the sound of his system.


But this was not the time for this. He focused on what he was seeing.

He struggled to describe it, but he was witnessing space-time, appearing like a complex graph.

One thing remained constant—it was space.

Space was everywhere, yet it remained still, unchanging from its position.


The other element resembled threads or strings, flowing in straight lines.

These strings were omnipresent, moving uniformly in a straight trajectory.

It was as if space remained stationary while time flowed in a straight line above it, these two were parallel to each other.


Space had no end; it was infinite.

Time, on the other hand, flowed endlessly into eternity.


He was witnessing both infinity and eternity simultaneously.


He didn't know how much time had passed, and he didn't care. He was observing, comprehending, and getting the hang of space-time.

"So, if I create a curve in space, the flow of time will attempt to maintain a parallel relationship with space, making it seem like time has slowed down for us.

In reality, due to the bending of space, the flow of time maintains its parallel connection with space, creating the sensation of time slowing down.

This is one simple practical theory, not the advanced applications of space," Naruto thought while becoming more acquainted with the elements of time and space.


"Now, let me think about how 'limitless' works.

The first application is called 'infinity,' and infinity is everywhere.

Where I am standing, it's also infinity.

If I create a two-inch layer of space around my body, anyone trying to reach me would have to travel an additional two inches to reach me.


Let's say I am at point "zero," and you want to reach me. To do that, you have to pass through points 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and then 0 to reach me.

If I divide the space every time by 2, initially 2 inches thick, into halves successively, you would reach point 1, and then you would continue to divide it by 2, reaching 0.5, then 0.25, and so on. However, you'll never quite reach zero. In this case, it's me.

This scenario illustrates the concept of approaching a limit but never quite reaching it through repeated divisions by 2.


This is the concept of a technique called 'infinity,' which will provide me with ultimate defense. Now, no one can reach me."

"But," Naruto couldn't help but think,

"Will there actually be an infinite distance between me and my target? If that's the case, how can light reach me? Wouldn't I appear as a black, humanoid figure, unseen because the light never reaches me and doesn't reflect?

And what about sound? Sound can't travel infinitely. Wouldn't that mean I won't be able to hear anything if there's an infinite distance between me and my target?"

The more Naruto thought about it, the more confused he became. "Fuck it, my head hurts just thinking about it."


This is one of the advanced techniques of space manipulation.

"And similarly, there are techniques called 'blue' and 'red,' representing attraction and repulsion using space manipulation.

In fact, it's simpler to explain. Let's just consider that everyone lives on the number line at zero. That's why space remains still.

If someone were to introduce negative numbers into reality, space itself would attempt to fill the gap, creating a suction or attraction force that pulls everything around the negative number towards it.

Conversely, if someone brings out the positive numbers in reality, space will repel everything, striving to return to zero. In this process, it generates a repulsion force," Naruto thought to himself.


"And what about the element of time? It is even more mysterious and challenging than space manipulation."

Naruto observed the never-ending flow of time strings. He didn't know how much time had passed, but by now, he had a good grasp of both elements.

He began to experiment with the time strings, attempting to stretch them. As he did, everything within the stretched area slowed down.


Then, he attempted to squeeze the time strings, causing time to speed up within that compressed area.

"Hehehe... it's really getting fun. Time and space are incredibly profound elements. Let me try this... and that..." Naruto continued to experiment with them, manipulating time and space.

To manipulate time strings and space, he required energy, and this energy came from his chakra. His eyes also operated using chakra.

The chakra consumption was high, very high, to perform these feats.

However, chakra was never his problem.

And so, his training and practice continued for some time, perhaps days, weeks, months, or even years.

After all, the time ratio in this dimension was 1:0.01, meaning that 100 days here equated to one day outside.



AN~ End of the chapter, how do you like the chapter?

If there is something you don't understand you can ask me in the comments.

--Today's question,

---Which jutsu was most suitable for Naruto

1. Truth-seeking balls

2. The concept of infinity and the force of attraction and repulsion

3. Or manipulating the Time strings.

I think to go with the truth-seeking balls and man I love to play with time strings, You can travel in time using time stings.

If you like the chapter please do your genuine comment and give me your power stones…