
Naruto: My Relationship Book

An accident involving a truck brought about the end of humanity. This unexpected event provided Aizen with the opportunity to start a new life in another world. Interestingly, his destiny led him to the world of Naruto, where he was reborn while retaining all his previous memories. Until the age of seven, Aizen felt fortunate, although he still did not fully understand the benefits that the mysterious golden roulette would provide him, other than preserving his memories. However, his life was about to take a surprising turn. A book appeared before him, and upon touching it, a connection was formed. From that moment on, the book became known as [Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]! ━━━━ discord.gg/ABpMcMAzGC My Patreon: patreon.com/WizardKiki

WizardKiki · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
44 Chs

Chapter 34: Aizen's Ascension

"Fuuah… I did it!" Sakura exclaimed excitedly.

She could hardly believe that she had achieved a small success. Although she had only managed to form chakra in her hand and create a small crater in the ground with her strike, to her, it was already a huge breakthrough that deserved praise.

On the other hand, if she knew that Aizen had performed this same strike for the first time and was still teaching her, would she still feel this way?

Obviously, Aizen wasn't going to tell her that. Smiling, he said, "Congratulations, Sakura. Now, you just need to remember the feeling you had now and keep training every day until you perfect the technique."

"Yes, thank you, Aizen!" She smiled sweetly, excited.

With his eyes half-closed, Aizen continued to smile as he said, "It's getting late, let's head back now." He warned, "But, Sakura, remember, do not practice this technique in areas with people around. It will be dangerous if you lose control. Preferably, take it easy, there's no need to rush, okay?"

Aizen reached out and tousled her bright pink hair a bit.

Smiling shyly, she said, "Yes, I will listen to you."


[POV - Aizen]

After leaving Sakura at home, I began to walk back home.

On the way, the book opened and the page saying that the mission was successfully completed appeared before me.

When I clicked to receive the reward, I was speechless when I saw the page of the book that opened.


[Equipment: Asauchi] – It's Available

[12 Weekly Coins Were Credited]


Clicking to expand the information, I was even more shocked by what I read.


[Equipment: The Asauchi is a nameless Zanpakutō. To use it, simply pierce your chest with the blade, merging your soul with the Asauchi. Gradually, you will imprint the essence of your soul on it, allowing you to guide and shape your own Zanpakutō].

[Note: If you hand over the Asauchi to someone else and they accept, you will gain at least 50% additional loyalty from that person. If it is forcibly handed over, the maximum loyalty you will obtain is 50%].


After finishing reading this information, I couldn't help but gasp in surprise. It was clear that this was something I had seen in the Bleach anime. However, it didn't seem exactly the same process, and the information from the 'note' intrigued me a bit.

The cost was lower than I expected, costing only 125 weekly coins. A low value, in my opinion.

Well, I'm not complaining...

Although I'm not very anxious, there was no way I could stand still now. So, I started jumping from roof to roof, running very fast towards my house.

When I arrived, I passed by quickly while waving to some people in the clan on the way to the Dojo.

Upon arrival, I unlocked the door and saw that my clones were still training.

When they saw me arrive, they all stopped what they were doing. When they saw my face, they seemed to understand something. They showed that there was still a nutritious pill left from each, so half of them disappeared.

In an instant, information began to appear. The whole training process became part of me.

After digesting this, I said, "Wait a minute, I have something to test."

Saying this, I didn't even have to wait for a response. I opened the book and went to the sales page, then clicked on the Asauchi and spent the 125 coins to buy it. I realized that, at the moment I bought it, the initial cost of 125 coins became 250.

Soon a sword appeared in the air and fell into my hands.

'Does each purchase double the cost?' I thought as I now held the Asauchi with my left hand: 'So it's only the initial cost that's cheap...'

Anyway, I don't need to think about that now. Even if later I wanted to give an Asauchi to someone, I won't do it now.

When the Asauchi appeared in my hand, I took a deep breath before handing it to one of my clones and saying, "Take this and pierce my chest with it."

Without a doubt, my clone took the Asauchi from my hand, then positioned itself and pierced my chest with it.

The expected sound of flesh tearing and blood flowing did not come, nor did the pain I expected when being pierced by the sword. Only a slight tingling sensation took over me before a new strange sensation began to appear.

The sensation was peculiar, leaving me in a state of ecstasy. My whole being seemed to be massaged by this peculiar and pleasant sensation.

'Usually, shouldn't it be something painful?' I thought.

However, unlike what I imagined and expected, it was not painful at all, but incredibly comfortable and pleasant to the point where I was afraid of getting addicted to this peculiar and pleasant sensation.

As I began to get used to this sensation, which slowly faded away, I sighed.

Honestly, I don't even know if it was a sigh of relief for finally ending or disappointment for not being able to experience such a peculiar and pleasant sensation anymore.

I retrieved all the nutritious pills from the clones, dispelled them, and began to digest their training process. Shortly after, I opened the book again, going to my page.


Name: Aizen Kurama

Weekly Coin: 16


Talent: Elite

Strength: 131/198 -> 150/210

Agility: 133/186 -> 137/199

Speed: 134/186 -> 138/199

Endurance: 159/211 -> 176/232

Mental Strength: 101/157 -> 111/169

Skill: 92/179 -> 95/188

Aura: 77/139 -> 99/169

Chakra: 122/188 -> 125/199

Bones: 35/91 -> 41/101


Chakra Nature: [Yin Style: 80%], [Yang Style: 80%], [Lightning Style: 95%], [Wind Style: 97%].

Special Features: [Speed Style: 55%], [Kurama Clan's Kekkei Genkai: 68%], [Yin-Yang Wind Clone: 14%], [Yin-Yang Lightning Clone: 14%].

Jutsus: [Advanced Mental Illusions (Kurama Clan Genjutsu): 46%], [Transformation: 99%], [Clone: 99.4%], [Body Replacement: 99%], [Cloak of Invisibility Technique: 99%], [Chakra Release: 99.1%], [Water Walking: 99%], [Tree Climbing: 99%], [Wind Cutting: 86%], [Lightning Ball: 85%], [Instantaneous Displacement: 68%], [Adamantine Fist: 12%].

Equipment: [Asauchi: 10%]


'This isn't right...' I thought: 'Although using the clones would increase my attributes faster, this is ridiculous... It can't be because of the Asauchi, can it?'

Examining the attributes that received the most increase in detail, I began to consider that it was indeed linked to the fact that I had obtained the Asauchi.

'This is even better than I expected.' I thought.

Not that I was underestimating or anything, but I simply did not expect that right from the start it would already help increase my attributes so much, and, that's not all, I also noticed that even the limit of my attributes increased slightly.

Taking the Asauchi out of my body, I held the sword's hilt and began to plan what to do to increase my bond with it.

First, I will create several clones while holding the Asauchi, then I will train as much as possible to see if there will be any progress.

With that in mind, I began to act.


Please, don't forget to drop at least 1 Power Stone, it motivates me a lot!

Chapter 43 is already released on Pa treon!

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