
Naruto: My Relationship Book

An accident involving a truck brought about the end of humanity. This unexpected event provided Aizen with the opportunity to start a new life in another world. Interestingly, his destiny led him to the world of Naruto, where he was reborn while retaining all his previous memories. Until the age of seven, Aizen felt fortunate, although he still did not fully understand the benefits that the mysterious golden roulette would provide him, other than preserving his memories. However, his life was about to take a surprising turn. A book appeared before him, and upon touching it, a connection was formed. From that moment on, the book became known as [Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]! ━━━━ discord.gg/ABpMcMAzGC My Patreon: patreon.com/WizardKiki

WizardKiki · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
44 Chs

Chapter 27: Clash of Strategies!

The various ninja stars thrown by Hinata in my direction were easily neutralized when I threw my own ninja stars.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! ..."

Metallic sounds and sparks were produced the instant her ninja stars and mine clashed.

However, I realized from the beginning that it was not Hinata's intention to hit me with these obvious attacks, but rather to take advantage of the opportunity to create distance so she could have time to form hand seals and then activate her Byakugan.

When she finished channeling her chakra and activated her eyes, she said, "Byakugan," creating visible veins that spread out from the sides and below her eyes.

Pulling an arrow from her quiver, I saw her infuse and concentrate chakra into the arrow before placing it on the bow, then she pulled the cord with the arrow surrounded by a blue aura.

Although I could see that she was not yet very skilled at this, as there was a lot of chakra fluctuation in the aura around the arrow, I noticed the shock on the faces of many, especially Iruka, who had his mouth wide open.


When she released the arrow from the cord, the sound resembling that of a horned beetle echoed.

I acted quickly by using substitution, so the arrow that was supposed to hit me hit the replaced trunk instead, and the impact was so strong that it shattered the trunk in the air, not losing momentum, heading towards the tree a few meters away, then hitting, piercing, and passing through, creating a hole, but losing its strength and falling to the ground shortly after.



The sounds of surprise echoed, which was understandable. The "Swallow Flight" technique, which consisted of infusing chakra into a blade to increase its destructive power, was an advanced B-rank ability. Even without knowing this technique, witnessing the havoc it caused was enough for them to understand its effectiveness and difficulty to learn.

However, I did not let myself be distracted by this. I saw Hinata pull another arrow, repeating the previous actions and firing it in my direction.


A truly thunderous speed. If my senses were slower, even for me it would be difficult to defend or dodge in time.

To my left, a lightning sphere appeared. The crackling sounds were loud, producing a symphony of sounds of electrical currents very similar to the sounds of a thousand bees together.

With a command from me, the lightning sphere clashed with the arrow with a repulsive force.

If Hinata's wind-cutting arrow looked like a blue bird gliding in free fall at full speed, my lightning sphere looked like a mini sun, being even a little difficult to look directly at.

I was confident in my own attack, so I ran forward towards Hinata.

It seemed that Hinata felt the same confidence, but not in her own attack itself. She placed the bow on the other side of her shoulder, with the arched part backwards and the cord between her breasts, and activated her technique by bending in the unique position that creates a domain around her.

'As expected, she thought well about how to take advantage of her strengths,' I thought.

With the bow, she could attack from a distance, however, the techniques of her clan still had enormous power at close range, especially with her Byakugan activated, which gave her a field that granted her a huge advantage capable of taking advantage of any mistake of her opponent, attacking their chakra networks.

Creating hand seals, I stopped at the seal where I whispered softly, "Yin-Yang Wind Clones."

Next, the wind picks up momentum, stirring the surroundings as exclamations of surprise resound around me.


"What's happening, why is there such annoying wind, heavens!"

"Why did this wind come out of nowhere?!"


In the blink of an eye, the scene unfolds before me: clones begin to take shape, replicating my own image. Within seconds, five exact replicas of me emerge, each detail meticulously reproduced.

"Shadow Clone?" Iruka murmured.

'A good guess, but you're wrong, Professor Iruka.' I thought.

Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't reveal it. It wasn't necessary to explain; any observant person would perceive that it wasn't the Shadow Clone Jutsu. It was a technique unique to me, a creation of mine through the relationship book.

In that sense, not even the Hokage has the authority to compel me to teach this technique. Similarly, he cannot compel clans to reveal their secret techniques, just as ninjas who have developed their own exclusive techniques cannot be forced to share them.

At the same time that one of my clones advances towards Hinata, our attacks collide, coming into conflict.


A roar echoes as one attack nullifies the other, creating an explosion that, in turn, causes shockwaves to start advancing in all directions in the form of wind.

Again, screams echo, mainly from the girls.

"Heavens, again?"

"Wow! This power... Your attacks wouldn't be able to kill someone?"

"That's scary..."

It was understandable to feel fear, it was a real concern, after all, both my attack and Hinata's were capable of killing many of them with a direct hit.

"A friendly warning, Hinata." I say. "Be careful when destroying my clone."

Hinata looks in the direction where I was, of course, even with the Byakugan, I believed that she wouldn't be able to know which one was the real me.

And, at this point, she has already discovered that it wasn't a simple clone learned at school, but rather, something more advanced.

"Okay." Hinata said with her soft but firm voice.

Then, she attacked my clone when it invaded the space of her domain, then she attacks!


At the moment she attacked, it was as fast as the Body Flicker Technique, with her palm open, she struck the chest of my clone, then my clone exploded into wind blades, but she seemed to be prepared by using clone substitution, obviously having taken my warning seriously.


Another wave of exclamations echoes.

Hinata's substitution trunk was sent flying, full of cuts from the wind blades.

"What the hell are these clones?"

I could see a doubt growing in their hearts.

However, I wasn't obligated to satisfy their curiosities.

At the same time, Hinata's domain was broken. She lost her hold of her technique the moment she used the substitution jutsu.

However, instead of creating a new domain, she made me a little proud to see that she took even more distance and picked up her bow again, then taking an arrow from her quiver.

'Yes, your best option is to use your bow and arrow against my clones.' I thought with a gentle smile.


Please, don't forget to drop at least 1 Power Stone, it motivates me a lot!

Chapter 35 is already released on Pa treon!

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