
Naruto: My Ninja Way

TURKISH_WOMAN · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

4. Uzumaki Kushina

Sweat ran down Shouta's and Minato's backs as Mito looked at both children with a serious expression. Even Mito's simple look made them feel like She was looking into them. It wasn't a good feeling at all and it made both of their bodies tremble. Mito, on the other hand, examined both children with her gaze. A few minutes later she answered with a serious expression.

"If you pass the exam I gave you, I will teach you Fuinjutsu."

Shouta and Minato solemnly approved of Mito while Minato spoke up.

"We are ready for any test, Mito-sama, we knew that it would not be easy to learn from a person like you."

Mito smiled slightly as Shouta nodded to Minato. Then she put on a serious face again and went on speaking.

"Well, your first test will be the chakra control. If you want to be good at Fuinjutsu, you must have very good chakra control. So your first test is to walk on water, you have to have at least that good chakra control."

Shouta and Minato nodded as they immediately jumped onto the water and started walking like they would normally do on the ground. Mito was a little surprised by this. It was surprising to see that two clanless children could already do this. She nodded approvingly as she nodded.

"Well, you obviously already know that. Then my second test will be your calligraphy. It should be good enough to please me."

After Mito got out three more papers and two more brushes, she wrote the kanji of fire perfectly on one of the papers. Shouta and Minato began writing after being given their own paper and brushes. Minatos wasn't perfect, but he was pretty good for his age. It was at a level that would be perfect if he just worked a little bit harder, so it was enough for Mito to overtake it. Shoutas, on the other hand, was excellent, that is, too good and beautiful to be better. Mito was quite impressed by this as Shouta had already appeared as a very talented person in her eyes.

"Well done, now is your final test. What does fuinjutsu mean to you?"

Shouta and Minato both paused at the question as they began to think for a while. Minato was the first to reply after a few minutes.

"I think fuinjutsu is meant to articulate the writing. So let's turn what's written into reality. I call it a kind of creation art. I think that's fuinjutsu!"

Mito nodded at Minato's answer, satisfied with the answer. It was a very good answer for an uneducated child who was barely eight years old. As she turned her gaze to Shouta, she heard him speak.

"For me, fuinjutsu is similar to life itself. Like life, it has rules. Algorithms, variables and unique codes. We can call it creation out of nothing. At the same time, I agree with what Minato said, it's writing to be articulate."

Mito was impressed with Shouta's answer, where the fuinjutsu grandmasters got to after years of effort and hard work. And this child was able to provide that answer before he even started learning. She saw a future in both of them, but Shouta was an even greater genius in her eyes. After staring at them both for a few minutes, he nodded.

"Okay, from now on I will teach you Fuinjutsu. You come here every day after the academy and I will train you here, understand?!"

"Agreed, Mito-sensei!"

The two children were very happy as they answered with a smile. With a small smile on her face, she spoke in a more sincere and loving voice.

"Then let me introduce you to my nephew who will be joining the academy on Monday. She came here from Uzushiogakure just a few days ago and will be in the same class as you. I hope you will be good friends with her because she has no acquaintances in Konoha."

As the two children turned to smile at the little girl, the little girl smiled too. Then she began to introduce herself in an excited voice.

"Hello, my name is Uzumaki Kushina, I'm eight years old and my dream is to be the first female Kage in history, Dattebane!"

Hearing what Kushina said, he turned to his best friend with a smile.

"It looks like you have a rival for the Hokage title, Minato."

Smiling at what Shouta said, Minato turned back to Kushina and spoke confidently.

"I'm glad to meet you, Kushina-san, but I'll be the future Hokage, so you better be prepared now!"

Kushina felt challenged by Minato's words and was ambitious.

"I accept your challenge, Minato-san, but I will win this challenge, dattebane!"

While the others smiled at the two bickering, Nawaki yelled no I will be the Hokage. Meanwhile, Tsunade, who was standing to Shouta's left, turned to the boy and curiously asked him a question.

"So what's your dream Shouta? Do you want to be the Hokage too?"

At Tsunade's question, everyone fell silent and turned to Shouta. The others had curiosity in their eyes as Minato looked at his friend normally, knowing the answer. Shouta answered while shaking his head at Tsunade's question.

"No, I don't want to be the Hokage. My dream is to be the shadow of the Hokage, in other words, his closest man, his right hand. Let him lighten his burdens. I want to be the person who gives him something of... off his shoulders of his life and responsibilities. So I will be the shadow of Minato!"

Everyone but Minato looked at Shouta in surprise. Nobody said anything, so there was silence for a few minutes. It was Tsunade who broke the silence.

"Are you so sure that Minato will be the Hokage?"

"Yes, I believe in him and I support him. We're both working on our dreams together, and if I want to be his shadow, I have to help him achieve his dream. So, about twenty years from now, Minato will be the Yondaime Hokage, I'm 100 percent sure."

This time even Minato looked at his best friend in surprise. But he also had a happy smile on his face. He felt so lucky to be friends with Shouta. Others regarded Shouta with some admiration and some curiosity. They really began to wonder what kind of person he was. Mito looked at Shouta with serious eyes for a while and asked with a small smile.

"Shouta, I want to ask you something, can you answer me as honestly as possible?"

Shouta, intrigued by what Mito was saying, responded again with the curiosity in his voice.

"If it's something I can answer, of course Mito-sama!"

"I've only just met you, but through my observations I've more or less understood what kind of person you are. And I've come to the conclusion that you're someone who thinks in all possible directions before you do anything. So why write a novel? You don't need money and I know you don't do it just because it's your hobby. What is your real purpose?"

Again, with surprise on everyone's faces, they turned curiously back to Shouta. Minato had never realized that his best friend had a different purpose in drawing manga. Looking at his friend curiously, he noticed that Shouta was also smiling slightly. Shouta stared at Mito's face for a while before responding with a deep sigh and a smile.

"You don't miss anything, Mito-sama, you noticed it in such a short time. Yes, there is another reason why I draw manga or write novels."

While everyone was looking at him curiously, Shouta stepped forward and sat down in one of the empty seats. Seeing this, Tsunade and Minato also moved and settled in an empty place. After a few minutes of silence, Shouta spoke up again.

"You know, death and war have become normal in this world we live in. Shodaime-sama founded Konaha so that children could not go to the battlefield and be children. But we all know that from time immemorial children still cannot be children. For example, the only thing children our age should think about is what to play with their friends or what to eat at home. But we learn how to kill people instead of playing with friends. Yes, we have a better childhood than Shodaime-sama's childhood, but that's it. With every novel or manga, I create a new world, new ideas, new thoughts. I let them imagine that there is another life, that other choices can be made. That's what I want to give the children of this generation, a more fulfilling childhood and maybe even a little change in their mindset. If the new generation has a slightly different mindset, maybe there will be less war in the future, less blood will be spilled, fewer people will die. If there's even a 1% chance, wouldn't it be worth a try?"

Mito didn't know what to say as her eyes widened at what he said. It shocked her that an eight-year-old could think so far ahead. Tsunade was no less surprised than Mito, and she felt a surge of respect and admiration for this little boy. She thought only of himself in his old age while he thought of the development and change of the next generation. Nawaki looked at Shouta with even more admiration than before, while Kushina smiled and respected him looked at. Minato, on the other hand, looked at his friend with respect, admiration and a slightly unhappy expression. He was unhappy because Shouta hadn't told him that, which upset him a bit, but he understood. After all, he knew that Minato couldn't help him in this matter. So he quickly shook that thought out of his head and looked at his friend with a smile.

"Shouta, you really are doing more amazing things every day."

Shouta just shrugged and smiled as he turned to his friend. When he turned back to Mito, the old woman smiled genuinely as well.

"Well, starting tomorrow right after the academy you come here and I'll train you. You're the first students I've ever had, so don't forget to act accordingly. Go now see you tomorrow. "

After saying goodbye to them, Minato and Shouta left. But both had a smile on their face. When they reached the exit of the Senju area, the guards at the gate were quite surprised to see the smiles on both of their faces. The guard who had spoken to the two earlier looked at them questioningly.

"Did Mito-sama accept you as his student?"

Shouta and Minato both nodded, their smiles widening.

"Yes, she accepted us!"

While the guards didn't know what to say, both sides said goodbye after congratulating both of them. Shouta and Minato silently walked to Shouta's house. After a few minutes, Shouta, who felt he was being watched, seriously scanned his surroundings, even if he couldn't tell from his movements. He tensed a little when he noticed two people in the space he could perceive. He knew these two men were either Anbu or Root. If they were from Anbu it's not a problem, but if they were from Root it was indeed a big problem. Coming home with thoughts on their minds, they both headed to the training area. Shouta sat on the floor and continued thinking while Minato immediately went to his own practice.

'Kage, isn't there something I can use to kill Danzo instantly? I mean anything, a talent, a tool or a poison or something?'

[Actually there's Masters, there's the Death Note, but it's also disposable, for a single name, and once purchased, it disappears from the system store so you can't use it again. If you want to use it on Danzo, I can buy it for you, you have enough points now, but you can use it on stronger people, such as Isshiki]

Shouta was stunned by what he had heard as he began to think about what to do. It was indeed a difficult decision. Should it destroy the greatest threat of the future or the present? After a few moments of thought, Shouta made up his mind and responded with seriousness and determination.

"I'll leave the future to the future, it's more than 50 years away and by then I may be the strongest person in the world. Let me deal with the current threat and we'll see later. Also if Danzo dies now many things will change no matter like it's not mentioned in the manga or anime, I'm pretty sure Danzo is in everything. Firstly, maybe we can help the Uzumaki, hopefully Danzo hasn't told the other villages how to enter Uzumaki Village yet. Since Kushina just arrived, Uzushiogakure will disappear after 3-4 months at the latest. But if I kill Danzo now, even if he told the others how to get to the village, we can go to support, because the men who came to call for help will not be killed. And if he didn't already tell them how to get to the village, there would be no attack. On the other hand, the Senju will not die out either, after all it is because of him. He leaked information to the enemy, exposed the Senju and caused their deaths. So no new Hokage candidate would emerge from them. Also, Hatake Sakumo will not die as he will not be given false information and no false rumors will be spread about him. Then Orochimaru is still very young and hasn't taken a bad turn yet, without Danzo he might not be such a bad person after all. After all, the Uchihas would not perish. Now I think this guy is officially Konoha's tumor if I cut it out now it will be great for Konoha. All right, Kage, please buy me a Death Note and put it in my inventory and I'll write his name on it before I go to bed.'

[Thing! Purchased Death Note for 100,000 points. The Death Note has been removed from your inventory.]

[Thing! You have a secretme Quest completed by spending 100,000 points instantly!

Secret Mission: Spend 100,000 points or more at once!

Mission Reward:

1. All about sword arts

2. An Asauchi

3. Shunpo technique

Do you accept the rewards?]

Shouta's eyes lit up as he looked at the awards he had received in shock. As he accepted the rewards without thinking, a lot of information suddenly flooded into his head. A few moments later, after the information transmission stopped, Shouta suddenly felt heat in his body. He felt a slight pang in his body, but he didn't mind it much. As soon as the stinging was over, a warm feeling filled his body. After that feeling passed, he took a deep breath. But he also had a big grin on his face. Now he knew everything about swordsmanship and Shunpo. In theory, he knew that he was the supreme being that could exist in the sword at that time. After that, all he had to do was train himself. And the best part was that he had an asauchi, which meant he would have a zampakutō of his own. But what he had to think about here was that he should strengthen his Spiritual Energy. After all, everything in Bleach depended on spiritual power.

'Kage, is there a technique to increase my spiritual strength, my spiritual strength must be very strong if I want to release the full potential of my zanpakutō.'

[Master, the moment Asauchi was actually yours, you also got Reiryoku. The stinging and warm feeling you just felt was because of the system and your Reiryoku that was formed for your Reiryok. Your Reiryoku system is a separate system from your chakra system and cannot even be seen with Byakugan. We just need to teach you techniques to develop and control your Reiryoku.]

Shouta had a smile on his face as he was even more shocked by what he had heard. He closed his eyes for a while and focused on his body as he began to meditate. He felt the reiryoku he had as he contemplated the new energy system in his body. His Reiryoku corresponded to the amount of chakra. So he was just at Chunin level. That's pretty good for a start. it was ethereal.

'Well, get me everything I need to level up my Reiryok and control it.'

[Thing! Everything about Reiryoku was bought for 15,000 points!]

It took a few minutes for Shouta's mind to be filled with lots of information again. Shouta shook his head with a smile after finishing every bit of knowledge he had acquired.

'Kage, how many points do I have left?'

[You still have 285,000 points, master.]

'Well, unless it's something very important, I'll collect my points from now on. The sooner I can get 100,000,000 points the better so I can have my own bloodline.'

While Shouta got up from his seat, he entered the house and collected the balloons and plastic balls he bought earlier and went back to the garden. When Minato saw his friend coming into the garden with lots of water balloons and plastic balls in hand, Minato stopped his training and started walking towards Shouta. As Shouta dropped everything in his hands to the ground, Minato asked his friend with curiosity reflected on his face.

"What are these for Shouta, do you want a water balloon fight or something?"

Shouta smiled at his friend as he picked up a water balloon and replied.

"Of course not, we will use them for training. I have also devised a super training for a new jutsu and form manipulation. Also, with this training, even our chakra control will increase."

Minato was intrigued when he heard about the new jutsu. As he picked up one of the water balloons, he turned curiously to his friend.

"And what are we going to do with these water balloons?"

Minato looked at the balloon in his hand and at Shouta. Shouta had a smile on his face and explained it to his best friend.

"Minato, you've heard of Biju-Dama before, right?"

Minato nodded as he began to wonder more and more where his friend was going.

"I've theorized this new jutsu with biju-dama thinking. In short, I want to create a chakra ball in my hand. For nimble and fast shinobi like us, jutsus without a seal suit us very well. And if everything works like this, as i imagined it should be at least an a level jutsu and the point is this jutsu is just pure and it can evolve i think will be able to add elements to this jutsu to make it a S rank jutsu can be I have soeven thought of a name, I'm thinking of naming it Rasengan. What do you think, do you think it's beautiful?"

Minato stared wide-eyed at Shouta, holding a water balloon, and looked at his friend. They really had very similar mindsets with Shouta. Minato had also been thinking about a jutsu without a seal for a while. A full jutsu had not formed yet, but it was a fact that he also tried to do a jutsu in that direction.

"Shouta wonders if we are soul mates or something, I've been thinking about sealless jutsu for a few weeks too, and now you say you've created a sealless jutsu. It's starting to get a little spooky!"

Shouta also looked at Minato in surprise, not knowing that Minato had started thinking about Rasengan at such an early age. The sooner Minato learned this jutsu the better it would be for her, even though he knew Minato's work was put on her, Shouta replied with a smile on his face.

"It's good that we're so compatible as the Future Hokage and Shadow. I can already imagine that we are known as the Yellow Lightning and Shadows of Konoha. And everyone is afraid of us and also respects us, can you imagine that?"

A smile formed on his lips as he looked at Shouta. Shaking his head, he asked again.

"Now what are we going to do with these balloons?"

"We blow it up!"

Minato stared at his friend with an expression of disbelief as Shouta's smile widened.

"Are we going to blow it up?"

"Yes, we will pop it, but with our chakra. It's easier to show than to explain."

Shouta raised his hand and held the water balloon in his hand while Minato looked at Shouta curiously. After a few seconds the water in the balloon started to move, and after a while the water in the balloon moved in all directions and the balloon burst in his hand. Minato thought about what he had seen for a while, then realized what his friend had done and turned to him, eyes shining.

"Rotation! You used the chakra to move the water in all directions, bursting the balloon. The real theme here was rotation, which means chakra control. That's awesome Shouta!"

As Shouta looked at Minato with a smile, he realized again that Minato was indeed a genius. After seeing it once he was able to understand it immediately and the fact that he could do this at the age of 8 was a testament to how great a genius he was.

"As I expected from you, Minato, you could tell at a glance. It is precisely at this stage that the point is to add rotation to the water and thus inflate it. Give it a try, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it quickly."

Minato nodded at what Shouta said, then focused on the water balloon in his own hand and activated his chakra. After a few tries, he had a smile on his face when the balloon burst in his hand.

"I did it! So what's the second step?"

After taking one of the gummy balls, Shouta poured his chakra into it again. Since this stage was harder than the first, he had to fight for a few minutes. But 15 minutes later the rubber ball in his hand exploded with a loud bang and he had a smile on his face.

"The most important thing in this phase is to intensify and strengthen the chakra. Since the rubber ball is harder, it is necessary to give the chakra a lot of power, which makes the second phase much more difficult than the first."

Minato said while thinking with his hand on his chin, grabbed a rubber ball in his hand and started trying. He also had a smile on his face as he popped the rubber ball in his hand after about 15 minutes. He looked at him curiously as he turned back to his friend.

"The final stage is to combine the two stages. So I'm going to gather and compress my chakra and add rotation."

Shouta activates his chakra while stretching his hand forward. This time, when Minato, who hadn't expected it, also moved, they both began to combine both phases. This time it took them hours to reach it. As darkness fell, the two children lay on the floor with big smiles on their faces and took deep breaths. Although both of their right hands were sore and aching and even scarred, the smiles on their faces never faded.

"Shouta, we finally did it! We now have an unsigned jutsu that is an A-rank jutsu."

"Yes we have got that! From now on, once we have fully grasped our elements, we can try adding it to Rasengan."

Shouta spoke again as they both lay on the floor for a while and dwatching the sky.

"It's quite late, stay with us today and we're pretty tired already."

Minato stared at the sky for a while and then answered with a tired smile.

"Sure, I'm really not in the mood to go home."

After Shouta got up, he reached out to Minato and lifted him to his feet, and they both decided to go home and take a bath. Minato was the first to enter the bathroom while Shouta went to his room and scattered two of his manga drawing clones. While her knowledge filled his mind, his new manga had already completed 10 volumes. So there was only 1 volume left. That meant it would end tomorrow. After thinking for a while, he decided that his next manga would be Kimetsu no Yaiba. One clone could finish Shingeki no Kyojini while the other could start Kimetsu no Yaibaya. And as of Monday, they could also start broadcasting Shingeki no Kyojin. He even had to speak to his father. Now they could make and sell models of Bleach, clothing, posters, toys, and even Bleach's swords. That would be something that would bring in a lot of money. While contemplating the manga, he sat down at his desk and took the Death Note from his inventory and placed it on the table. While his appearance was exactly like in the anime, he exuded quite a scary aura. When opening the cover, all the rules were written on the first page like in the anime. After reading everything, he picked up a pen and began to write.

"Shimura Danzo

The anniversary of his death is July 23, year 32, which means he will kill himself a week later. But before he dies, he will gather with him all the Root agents, remove the seals from all their tongues and tell them that Root has scattered. After all the Root Agents leave, he will turn over all the information and jutsu he has gathered so far to Hiruzen, then write down all the mess he has made so far and give it to all the Clan Chiefs in Konoha, Hiruzen and Mito send and after that he will kill himself in his house.'

After glowing for a moment, the notebook began to disappear and fall apart. Shouta had a big smile on his face, but he still had a slight uneasy feeling inside. This would be his first murder in his life, although he didn't personally kill him, he was still the one who killed him. He felt like throwing up for a moment, but it didn't take long for him to gather himself. It would be much better for the whole world if Danzō died, not just Konoha. After sitting there for a few minutes, he took a deep breath and stood up. After arranging clothes for Minato and himself, he went to the kitchen and started cooking. While quickly preparing a pasta and some appetizers, Minato came out of the bathroom and went to Shouta's room and put on the clothes he had prepared. When the meal was ready, he quickly went to the bathroom and took a nice bath. After about 10 minutes he had finished his work and went to his room when he noticed that Minato had set the table in the kitchen. After getting dressed, he went into the kitchen. Since both were starving, they both sat down at the table and started eating without a word. Exactly at that moment the door of the house opened and Ayako and Daiki entered. When they saw the children eating, they both smiled and walked over to them. While looking at the food on the table, they both felt hungry and poured themselves a bowl of noodles and went to the table.

"Welcome, Kaa-san, tou-san. How was your day, I couldn't see you today."

When Minato greeted the two, Ayako smiled and patted their heads in response.

"We were full as usual, so we didn't have any free time. We'll have to hire more staff soon or we won't be able to handle this load. Everyone gets very tired."

"Yes, our restaurant has spread to the whole Fire Nation and we have even started to expand to other nations. In a few years we will spread to all nations. Your manga has become very popular in a way, Shouta, your manga has already spread to other nations and more issues are being ordered every day."

Shouta smiled slightly as both Shouta and Minato looked at Daiki in surprise.

"I wanted to talk about that too, Tou-san, I'm drawing a new manga and I'm almost done. We can also start publishing it. And we can make more money with Bleach."

While everyone at the table looked at him curiously, Daiki saw his son with a Ges expressionbusiness man and waited for an answer. Shouta answered without making his father wait too long.

"I thought we could produce and sell more bleach-related stuff. For example toys, clothes, posters and even swords that look like zanpakutō. I'm sure they'll be loved and bought quite a bit."

Daiki thought about what his son had said for a few seconds, then a smile appeared on his face.

"It will definitely work. This will make your manga even more popular and popular. And if we make and sell special and limited edition products, it will be a separate promotion and our revenue will increase. You just have to make the posters and then we can multiply them."

Daiki was indeed a great businessman, he immediately came up with an idea to sell and made the best of the situation. The reputation of being the Fire Nation's greatest businessman has not been in vain. Daiki asked curiously as he turned to his son.

"So what's the deal with the new manga, is it like Bleach?"

"No, it's different, it's about the fight of people who had to hide behind giant walls to fight against giants..."

After that, a nice conversation started around the table, and after dinner everyone went to their rooms and let their tired bodies sleep.